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There is a blowey wind blowing.

The section of fence at Perkins that was fixed on Friday is now completely down.

But to be fair to the blowey wind, they did a terrible job "fixing" the fence.

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Is that a... streak. :-D

slaps knee and laughs hysterically.

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*permission to use lethal force, sir*

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I work tonight and Friday.

It's supposed to get wet, windy, and chilly for the next three to five days, so of course I'll sell lots of bikes, "hoverboards", and power wheels.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Sooooo tired... I'll be going to sleep soon.

Good night, people!

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Toodle-pip :)

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So this is the kind of thing that I just fundamentally don't understand about my co-workers.

(1) In the team meeting, NobodysHome is asked to give a 15-minute presentation on issues he encountered with slides and documents returned by the India team. He spends at least 5 minutes on their tendency to group and then skew screenshots, rendering them hideous.

(2) After the team meeting, NobodysHome assigns a set of slides to one of his best teammates to fix.

(3) NobodysHome is now reviewing her work, and all the distorted screenshots are still there!

...what DID my co-worker do during the 2 weeks she had the slides?

She's a good worker -- I really like working with her. But the whole, "Yeah, I totally ignored the #1 thing you asked me to do" is just one of those, "WTF?" things.

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You know when a sentence begins with "Dad, when we have a mansion..." It's going to be fantastic. :-)

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Just me, reporting in. :)

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Good night, Kileanna. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Still around, but going just now.
Good night! I'm glad of seeing you before I leave ^-^

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The great thing about my shift is that I get here before Second Avenue becomes a linear Parking Lot.

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I was going to go on a pretty interesting and exciting school field trip today. Then I skipped it to go to my s~@+ty retail job and make money, because priorities. Pretty much the story of my life these days. I'm really questioning whether I'm even getting anything worthwhile out of school now, because I really don't have time to devote to it.

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I think it's okay to shift priorities around, for a while. Just remember, the retail job is just a means to an end. The end goal of which is, of course, getting a degree. Don't let the retail job distract you from learning what you really want to learn.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I like to think of myself as a man of mystery.

Everything is a mystery to you?

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Creatively Crushing Cosplay

most of those make me drool.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

New manager: Captain Yesterday, you're late again!

Me: Absolutely! I'm a responsible adult, I can't just abandon my kids at home just so I can get to work on time. *big smile*

That should be the end of that silliness. :-)

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They've given me a key to the electronics department. o_O

I hope they don't expect me to know anything about electronics...

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hating my job today.
All preschoolers can be a%!*@+@s sometimes; I don't usually mind because it's usually unintentional.
But the wealthier and more entitled the family, the less discipline and guidance the child gets at home, which means the greater the degree of IDGAF behavior at school.
Which brings me to the lengthy rant I swear I am not going to go into today about how Montessori was never meant to be for the wealthy and entitled, but for children of the working class.
I really, really want a drink tonight.

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Well, if it helps, I'm neither wealthy or entitled, and he usually receives solid (I hope!) discipline at home, and I got an email to meet my Eldest's teacher to figure out how to actually, you know, get him to do his daggum work.


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Three of them were taking turns picking on my son and making him cry for sport. Because apparently he makes them laugh when he cries.

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lisamarlene wrote:
Three of them were taking turns picking on my son and making him cry for sport. Because apparently he makes them laugh when he cries.

So... Future politicians, CEOs, or Mafia Dons?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Three of them were taking turns picking on my son and making him cry for sport. Because apparently he makes them laugh when he cries.

Uh... no. I guarantee that if this was my son that was doing the bullying, there would be very... severe... consequences. This is... unacceptable.

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I agree. Schools are supposed to be safe places. I dislike bullies, regardless of age. If it was my child doing the bullying, he would be grounded until graduation, then right into the Military. Let's see how well his attitude stands up to his DIs. *end rant*

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Gods, don't even get me started on, "Oh, our little angel would NEVER do THAT!" parents.

My childhood was made a living hell by two sets of parents:
- One pair could not believe their child could possibly be a bully, and threatened to sue the school if they ever tried to discipline their little angel. The school always backed down.
- One pair just didn't care, and didn't even show up to the meetings.

If you're not going to parent, you shouldn't be one.

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You said it, NH! I myself have seen too many "parents" of the IDGAF variety. They're the ones, in Pittsburgh at least, that let their little angels run in the streets, hang out with bad elements and get involved with drug or gang activity, then cry out the loudest when their little angels get into trouble.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Billboard logo designers never consider the sight line.

On University Ave between Segoe rd and Whitney Way there's a big hill with a bridge. As you're driving home you can only see the left third of the billboard except for a third of a mile. Most companies account for this by crowding the words on the left and side and putting a picture on the right.

Well, the local internet grocery delivery service didn't do that. So their slogan of "Your Homegrown Food Hooker-Upper" looks like "Your Homegrown Food Hooker" as the "-Upper" and their website are blocked (except for the last third mile).

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So... they have "Food Hookers" now, eh?

A scantily(skankily?)-clad woman who comes to your home and prepares you delicious meals?

Color me intrigued...

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Oh, gods. The veteran chaperones are now officially going nuts on the "official" chaperone channel for the Great America trip next week.

I can't blame us. "Yeah, we did 3 nights in L.A. with 106 high schoolers. Now we're doing 1 night in Santa Clara with 85 middle schoolers and 6 additional chaperones? Where's the challenge in THAT?"

But the newbies are beginning to question our sanity. And I"m afraid rightly so.

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So I count myself as a fan of the old PPG cartoon.

On that note, as an aside, color me disappointed that the original voice actresses were not brought back; that said, it's not a bad thing that new VAs are given an opportunity, and I have not seen the new series, so I can't comment on the new ones. To me, it's just sad that the originals were not offered their jobs, as they did such a solid one, and thus it feels very rude towards them, at best.

So I was just loading up my Beard Bros.' run of Super Mario Galaxy (their seventh installment), and suddenly an advertisement revolving around PPG showed up. Awesome!

... and then the... cringe... began. The entire ad was a two-minute long thing of two young girls in a quasi-talk-show semi-shilling a (*shudder*) glittery-slime-thing sorry, "Chemical X" in beakers that you can purchase.

It was horrifying.

I couldn't believe it. Is this - this - what they were doing to my, Power Puff Girls?!

... and then I remembered that the entire show was about kindergarten-age super-heroines, and is almost certainly considered targeted toward that demographic.

... oh.




EDIT: for a point of clarity

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm afraid to watch new Powerpuff Girls cartoon.

Mostly I'm afraid of what they've done to Mojo Jojo.

Pea Bear still has the "Mojo Jojo breakfast"

"Two eggs. Two toast. And a newspaper!!!" - Mojo Jojo.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You know you're a Midwesterner when you think all the way home in the car, "Beer or Manhattan? Beer or Manhattan?" And then you get home and open the fridge and spend the next ten minutes eating a pint of homemade coleslaw, straight out of the serving bowl.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
So I count myself as a fan of the old PPG cartoon.


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*fistbump!* :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*head noogie*

*smoke bomb!* *backflip!* *somersault!* *jump!*

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My shift's almost done. Going to clock out earlier than normal, so that I can get to a bus stop slightly further away. Why? So this one bus driver doesn't blow by my without even the pretense of stopping. If he sees me and still doesn't stop, I'll know that it's personal. Regardless, I'm going home. Good night everyone.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So... they have "Food Hookers" now, eh?

A scantily(skankily?)-clad woman who comes to your home and prepares you delicious meals?

Color me intrigued...


They have those?!

Where do I sign?!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

So I count myself as a fan of the old PPG cartoon.

On that note, as an aside, color me disappointed that the original voice actresses were not brought back; that said, it's not a bad thing that new VAs are given an opportunity, and I have not seen the new series, so I can't comment on the new ones. To me, it's just sad that the originals were not offered their jobs, as they did such a solid one, and thus it feels very rude towards them, at best.

So I was just loading up my Beard Bros.' run of Super Mario Galaxy (their seventh installment), and suddenly an advertisement revolving around PPG showed up. Awesome!

... and then the... cringe... began. The entire ad was a two-minute long thing of two young girls in a quasi-talk-show semi-shilling a (*shudder*) glittery-slime-thing sorry, "Chemical X" in beakers that you can purchase.

It was horrifying.

I couldn't believe it. Is this - this - what they were doing to my, Power Puff Girls?!

... and then I remembered that the entire show was about kindergarten-age super-heroines, and is almost certainly considered targeted toward that demographic.

... oh.




EDIT: for a point of clarity


You do know they have been selling chemical x for a few years now, right?

Moreover, if you want to shell out princess twilight sparkle level cash to get tara strong (who I met at the famous bronycon fire along with John delancie) back as bubbles, YOU sign that check, chummer.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I'm afraid to watch new Powerpuff Girls cartoon.

Mostly I'm afraid of what they've done to Mojo Jojo.

Pea Bear still has the "Mojo Jojo breakfast"

"Two eggs. Two toast. And a newspaper!!!" - Mojo Jojo.

just watch the cartoon and make up your own mind. It's very different. Don't like it? Relax knowing you have about 6(MOTHERF*~$ING SIX) seasons of the original plus SEVERAL movies and specials.

This is a note of contention in my household.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:


You do know they have been selling chemical x for a few years now, right?

Nope! (See earlier this very page, rock, living under, comfortable, etc.)

But rest assured, your apparent-frustration is (by now) misplaced.

As noted:

1) it was not the product that was the apparent-problem, it was the method with which it was sold, but...

2) as explained in the post that you quoted, I realized mid-advertisement that I am not the target audience, and that's fine.


Freehold DM wrote:
Moreover, if you want to shell out princess twilight sparkle level cash to get tara strong (who I met at the famous bronycon fire along with John delancie) back as bubbles, YOU sign that check, chummer.

Again, you seem to have read motivations, expectations, and intent into a part of my post that was entirely lacking such.

My understanding, as I thought was made clear (though, obviously, I was mistaken, and I apologize) was that they were not offered the job at all, and not that they were offered the job at a reduced rate. If the latter was true, and they chose not to accept it, that's perfectly reasonable - it was a courtesy extended with the budget available.

You know, people often wonder why I make such enormous posts. Pretty much the entire reason is what happened here: when I try to be more concise, people begin reading detailed emotions, opinions, and concepts that are simply not there.

Info in your later spoiler aside, my post was pretty much entirely, "Hey, I had a moment of misplaced emotional discontent at a childish girly advertisement, then realized it was wrong, and I recognized that it's actually pretty alright what they're doing; also, there's a big internet thing that needs to be acknowledged whenever this topic comes up, so I'll acknowledge it, share my brief opinion, and hopefully move on."

Stay frosty, my man, peace, and I hope you enjoy the new show! :D

(But... less aggression, yeah? Your language is... rather strong, my friend. Makes you seem extremely upset, and has no emotional element to counterbalance that, again, spoiler aside*.)

* I could go into great length about this, mostly in attempting to not sound aggressive, but I will leave it at hopefully non-aggressive-sounding: while the spoiler definitely helps explain the emotional reaction, it does not actually convey any form of functional amelioration of the emotional harshness towards others who might have a differing opinion; this, then leaves a kind of not-FaWtL-style sensation of anger directed at your friends, here. Probably not intended, but, to me, at least, that's how it comes off.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
You know, people often wonder why I make such enormous posts. Pretty much the entire reason is what happened here: when I try to be more concise, people begin reading detailed emotions, opinions, and concepts that are simply not there.

And I thought you were unable to abbreviate just like me. I thought you were a twin soul. So disappointed.

Just kidding.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Tacticslion, I think you rent your rock from the same people that I do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So... they have "Food Hookers" now, eh?

A scantily(skankily?)-clad woman who comes to your home and prepares you delicious meals?

Color me intrigued...

What's more, Food Hookers you can grow yourself, by the looks of things.

'Let's see, now. Plant in rows 25cm apart in loose, well drained soil. OK. That's standard.

Shoots should appear after two weeks. After approximately three to four weeks, move outside. Keep moist and water regularly with what?!

O well.' [zzzip!]

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


You do know they have been selling chemical x for a few years now, right?

Nope! (See earlier this very page, rock, living under, comfortable, etc.)

But rest assured, your apparent-frustration is (by now) misplaced.

As noted:

1) it was not the product that was the apparent-problem, it was the method with which it was sold, but...

2) as explained in the post that you quoted, I realized mid-advertisement that I am not the target audience, and that's fine.


Freehold DM wrote:
Moreover, if you want to shell out princess twilight sparkle level cash to get tara strong (who I met at the famous bronycon fire along with John delancie) back as bubbles, YOU sign that check, chummer.

Again, you seem to have read motivations, expectations, and intent into a part of my post that was entirely lacking such.

My understanding, as I thought was made clear (though, obviously, I was mistaken, and I apologize) was that they were not offered the job at all, and not that they were offered the job at a reduced rate. If the latter was true, and they chose not to accept it, that's perfectly reasonable - it was a courtesy extended with the budget available.

You know, people often wonder why I make such enormous posts. Pretty much the entire reason is what happened here: when I try to be more concise, people begin reading detailed emotions, opinions, and concepts that are simply not there.

Info in your later spoiler aside, my post was pretty much entirely, "Hey, I had a moment of misplaced emotional discontent at a childish girly advertisement, then realized it was wrong, and I recognized that it's actually pretty alright what they're doing; also, there's a big internet thing that needs to be acknowledged whenever this topic comes up, so I'll acknowledge it, share my brief opinion, and hopefully move on."

Stay frosty, my man, peace, and I hope you enjoy the new show! :D

(But... less aggression, yeah? Your language is... rather strong, my...

I'm sorry if I came off upset, but this is an argument I had on a daily basis in my household when the show started, as my wife REFUSED to watch the COLLECTORS EDITION Dvd series I got her for the original in favor of complaining that they brought the show back and nitpicking every single change. The show is weird with little resemblance to the original. But if it was a carbon copy, people would complain about THAT. There is no winning sometimes, and it sometimes grates my nerves.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I'm afraid to watch new Powerpuff Girls cartoon.

Mostly I'm afraid of what they've done to Mojo Jojo.

Pea Bear still has the "Mojo Jojo breakfast"

"Two eggs. Two toast. And a newspaper!!!" - Mojo Jojo.

just watch the cartoon and make up your own mind. It's very different. Don't like it? Relax knowing you have about 6(MOTHERF!~#ING SIX) seasons of the original plus SEVERAL movies and specials.

** spoiler omitted **

How dare you tell me to... relax!!!, those sir, are fightin' words!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So... they have "Food Hookers" now, eh?

A scantily(skankily?)-clad woman who comes to your home and prepares you delicious meals?

Color me intrigued...


They have those?!

Where do I sign?!

Here, here, and here. And here in your blood...

And here in the name of your firstborn...

*tugs on devilish goatee*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Looking for a good multiplayer rpg/cooperative game to play with my family with our Wii or PS3. Any recommendations? Doesn't need to be strictly rated-G, but we want to avoid gratuitous nudity, sexy-times, and culturally maladjusted language. Thanks!

The original Trine was quite good, if a bit short. And it's only 3 player.

The four of us enjoyed the Champions of Norrath series, but I'll admit, it's definitely not for everyone.

Follow up question: I'm assuming that four people can play Champions on one PS3, but I haven't found anything that explicitly says so. Am I right?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Hating my job today.

All preschoolers can be a*##!#&s sometimes; I don't usually mind because it's usually unintentional.
But the wealthier and more entitled the family, the less discipline and guidance the child gets at home, which means the greater the degree of IDGAF behavior at school.
Which brings me to the lengthy rant I swear I am not going to go into today about how Montessori was never meant to be for the wealthy and entitled, but for children of the working class.
I really, really want a drink tonight.

My kids also go to a Montessori charter school. The school has policies about bullying, but it still happens. Some kids get detention, but they can not stop all of it. Kids can be, and often are mean. My oldest boy gets picked on sometimes. His older sister often protects others from getting picked on physically, but I have caught her teasing. I had to stop her. Its as if she did not know it was hurtful until I asked her how she would feel if someone said that to her.

I find that many successful parents are driven individuals, but it is towards work not family. So the kids do not get the discipline they need.

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