captain yesterday |
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We have a guy that comes in every couple months, asks some poor cashier to use a screwdriver to "change his tire" and never returns. Until a couple months later.
There most hilarious part? They HAVE to get the screwdriver from me or a manager, and i'm not stupid enough to hand out tools, especially for obviously non-existent problems. So that means one of the managers actually believes you need a screw driver to change a tire.
*I am more then willing to take the tools out myself to help people out, or to use my own, such as my jumper cables in my car.

John Napier 698 |
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We're getting a "swamp deposit" here in SW TN. Weather rolls in --> makes its deposit --> turns everything into a swamp.
mounts Puxsutawney Phil's head on pike, charges northward to war
I keep telling everyone, that's just his stand-in! The real Punxsutawney Phil winters in the Bahamas.

Terrigan of the Frostfell |
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Even symbolic stand-ins have power, John. Just ask Harry Dresden.
Besides -- I offed this guy a couple weeks back, and I need to get some use out of him. And I can off the "real deal" once he gets back from vacation.
stupid, lyin' groundhogs

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Ah, Paizo! I know I've found a good AP when you make my players sob!
** spoiler omitted **
Well done, Paizo! Well done!
Who is the ROTR?
Is she an anniversary addition-only? Or did I just somehow miss it in my read-throughs of book 3?
Considering when I was Googling for her, the original Hook Mountain Massacre cover showed up, I believe she's an original. Part Four: The Haunted Heart.
My players DO love tragedies!

Tacticslion |

I was trimming tabs, and came across this, so I figured I'd re-link it, in case anyone found it useful. :)

Freehold DM |
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Okay, folks, answer a question for me, because I've just had to deal with a school parent who is pissing me off.
I work in a private school, 3 months through elementary.
Most of the parents are rich. They pay in tuition more than I make in a year.
Our policy for the 3-6 year olds and clothing changes is this:
Everyone keeps 2 changes (3 if they have frequent accidents) in their individual labeled clothing box in the bathroom. If for some reason they run out, we keep a few spares of *everything*, including underpants, in a separate box.
We have a new child who is potty-shy, so he wets a lot. And because his mother insists on sending him to school in a diaper (he's 3), sometimes he runs out of his own extra underpants, and we have to put him in spares because we take him into the bathroom and change him into real undies as soon as he gets to school.
Twice in the last month, the mom has sent a foam-at-the-mouth email to the head-of-school because her son is uncircumcised, she doesn't know how anyone else does their laundry, and she's certain he will catch some horrible disease from wearing (laundered) spare pants.Am I wrong to think she's a loony?

NobodysHome |
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Sometimes, I really do wonder about things...
On xxx at yyy School, a group of students were playing and overheard a young man swearing outside the gate because he had dropped his food on the sidewalk. The students began giggling, and he became angry. He then directed his swearing at them, made some threatening comments, and also shook the newly installed safety gate from the outside. The students remained inside the school property during the entire incident and were safe at all times.
In other words, a guy dropped his lunch, was swearing, a bunch of kids laughed at him, and he got mad at them.
Er... maybe speaking to the kids about not being jerks might also be in order?
Yeah, the guy was out of line, but acting like the little "angels" were perfectly innocent isn't going to teach them to navigate situations where there isn't a safety gate between them and the person they're laughing at.
Just a simple, "So, he was obviously upset and you laughed at him. Do you think this made him feel better or worse? So maybe, even if you think it's funny, you should walk away and leave him be... or ask a teacher to speak to him about swearing right outside the school..."

NobodysHome |
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I can't believe they sent something out for that.
Oh, we get some doozies. I'll keep an eye out for them.
We get an alarming number of, "A man in a van tried to lure an xxth grader into his vehicle" messages. But then we get stuff that's barely beyond, "A man with mismatched socks strolled by the school this afternoon, offending the students' fashion sense..."
Y'know, I appreciate an alert system. But can we keep is clear for, y'know, alerts?

gran rey de los mono |
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And now, some gaming news. In my group, I (and my character) am known to be a dick. I admit this freely, and embrace the title. Tonight, we encountered a creature called a bhole. The DM wasn't sure how to pronounce bhole, so she called it a "bee-hole". It then swallowed my character. This prompted a round of laughter as "the dick is now inside the bee-hole".

![]() |
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captain yesterday wrote:Behold! A dog picture so adorable it'll make cats vomit in jealousy!Ahh, the old love story of a dog and his bear. Better than Romeo and Juliet.
That bar is really, really low.

captain yesterday |
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Well, Thegreenbeltgamer came back, Tacticslion had a shitty month (literally), NobodysHome brought a hop on, John is making sure our parking ramps are safe for various shady doings or a nice healthy superhero chase scene, FREEHOLD GOT A PROMOTION!!!, Drejk is apparently way ahead of Bulgaria in hand transplanting, Limeylongears got a Kukri, and Rysky apparently has something against Leonardo DiCaprio.

John Napier 698 |
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Well, Thegreenbeltgamer came back, Tacticslion had a s#*$ty month (literally), NobodysHome brought a hop on, John is making sure our parking ramps are safe for various shady doings or a nice healthy superhero chase scene, FREEHOLD GOT A PROMOTION!!!, Drejk is apparently way ahead of Bulgaria in hand transplanting, Limeylongears got a Kukri, and Rysky apparently has something against Leonardo DiCaprio.
That, and watching a construction crew build what is to be a hotel (I think). Also, reading through the manuals for Campaign Cartographer 3.

lisamarlene |
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Lisamarlene! There's nothing wrong with being a hop on, I followed Orthos here myself. :-)
Whoa, whoa, whoa, that was about me?
I resent the implication; I am nobody's hop-on. Just good friends.[crickets chirping]

lisamarlene |
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I saw it. It was cute. Attention divided between forums and getting my old Acer netbook working. Just after booting, I get a BSOD with a VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE in Windows 10. I can't get to a point where I can do anything useful with it. I may end up tossing it.
That's what happened to my old Acer notebook. Right after I lost all functionality in the tab, left shift, and A. It went to e-waste long ago.

NobodysHome |
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I saw it. It was cute. Attention divided between forums and getting my old Acer netbook working. Just after booting, I get a BSOD with a VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE in Windows 10. I can't get to a point where I can do anything useful with it. I may end up tossing it.
Found your problem for you.
Seriously. I'm not kidding. Trying to run Windows 10 on any machine that came out prior to 2010 is just an invitation to pain. Trying to run Windows 10 on any machine that came out after 2010 just deserves pity.
The moment my company tries to "upgrade" me to Windows 10, I'm going to file a request to perform a full Linux migration because I will somehow "need" it for the work I do.
Did I mention I don't care for Windows 10?
EDIT: Even for my son's brand-spanking-new, custom-built $1800 machine-o-doom, I went through my brother so that he could be on Windows 7. Anything that came out post-7 is unusable, in my opinion.

John Napier 698 |
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John Napier 698 wrote:I saw it. It was cute. Attention divided between forums and getting my old Acer netbook working. Just after booting, I get a BSOD with a VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE in Windows 10. I can't get to a point where I can do anything useful with it. I may end up tossing it.That's what happened to my old Acer notebook. Right after I lost all functionality in the tab, left shift, and A. It went to e-waste long ago.
It was the free upgrade to 10 after running Windows 7. I know a couple of places that may help. If they can do nothing, I'll see if they could install Linux on it. Otherwise it's a waste of a good machine.