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NobodysHome's Related Story Time:
One of the "standard" questions when you're being interviewed for a teaching job is something along the lines of, "How do you believe you can reach out to minority students to ensure they are getting an adequate education?"

I've lost many a job with a response I feel is my naive idealism showing.

I was teaching a basic algebra class at a community college. Two African American women were taking the same course for the SIXTH time. Yet they were not dumb. They were hard workers. No one had ever actually cared about them as people before. Everyone wanted to pigeonhole them. I just taught them. As people. When they finally, honestly, fair-and-square passed my course, one of them was moved to tears. The other put her hand on my shoulder and asked, "Mr. NobodysHome, do you know why you're such a good teacher?"
"Because to you, I'm just another student."

I thought it was the greatest compliment a student had ever given me. Apparently hiring committees feel very differently.

EDIT: And apparently now I'm telling stories while naked. I am indeed turning into my own grandpa.

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So you're saying, if I put some clothes on, they'll stop throwing up...

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Glares at clock, and hipster douche bags.

Dammit, why isn't it nine yet!

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Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:

Glares at clock, and hipster douche bags.

Dammit, why isn't it nine yet!

~Uses an Infinity Stone to turn back time at Captain Yesterday's work~ There. It is now 30 minutes after he had arrived. I know just how much he enjoys work so he should have more time at work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah ha! I already found a work around. :-)

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Both stores on our side of town are participating in free rpg day.

Anyone without a free rpg day near them. :-)

I think I found something...

Dark Archive

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What did Grand Admiral Thrawn say 4 years after Endor?

"Rejoice Captain, I have returned."

Dark Archive

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SO GOOD to see you last week my friend. I wish you came earlier so we could have hang. You looked marvelous!

@John Napier

I just got your messages! Thank you I will take a look at all of them shortly. Many thanks.


Why are you up?

Everyone else, bonus points if you noticed I was gone.

Tacticslion wrote:
I think I found something...

You have indeed, Good sir. Rather than posting links to all the cool AMVs I find in several different threads. I created my own thread to act as a repository for everyone to enjoy. I also take requests. Post an anime or a song/artist, and I'll try to find some AMVs.

Eh. Who knows, really?

(My sleep schedule was pretty messed up last night with my Eldest son's leg cramps. Also, I'm still blowing steam after a whole long day of runny diapers and difficult stuff. Also, also, I'm finishing laundry. So. XD)

Dark Archive

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Two words

Chamomile Tea



wait that's 4 words

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As many of you already know, I work for an Anime convention in Pittsburgh. Rather than posting links to the cool AMVs that I find on Youtube in several different threads, I created my own thread in Gamer Life/ Music-Audio to act as a public repository for everyone to enjoy. I also take requests. Post an anime and/or a song/artist, and I'll try to find something. You can also post the links for your own favorites, but I ask that you keep things PG-13. After all, children may be watching. Thank You all.

Hah! I beat you, both to mentioning that thread (linked above, check it!), and to posting there before you mentioned it (though, I didn't realize at the time that you weren't done for the night, yet)~!

W00t~! Thanks, John!

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Two words

Chamomile Tea



wait that's 4 words

Thank you for the suggestions!

Either would be lovely, but, unfortunately, at this exact moment, neither are available, for two very, very different reasons. XD

But I'm getting more laundry done, hanging on the forums, and watchin' my shows, so it's time well used.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Hah! I beat you, both to mentioning that thread (linked above, check it!), and to posting there before you mentioned it (though, I didn't realize at the time that you weren't done for the night, yet)~!

W00t~! Thanks, John!

Trust me! There will be more to come. It seems that I found a cure for my messageboard boredom. :)

Dark Archive

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Believe it or not, I was the first person to use the term, The Infernal Empire for Cheliax.

After seeing John's posts I can say it was Chelish in efficiency.

Can we make 'Chelish in efficiency' a thing?

Dark Archive

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Tacticslion wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Two words

Chamomile Tea



wait that's 4 words

Thank you for the suggestions!

Either would be lovely, but, unfortunately, at this exact moment, neither are available, for two very, very different reasons. XD

But I'm getting more laundry done, hanging on the forums, and watchin' my shows, so it's time well used.

Ok two more words.

West World

Dark Archive

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Down the rabbit hole.

Dark Archive

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Dr. Mercy Cos play, just cus.

Dark Archive

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Well to be fair they dated.

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~laughter~ Enjoying these is a sign that you have played way too many Fallout games.

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Sharoth wrote:

I'm conflicted part of me wants to say hail to the god emperor of Mankind but then the other part of me knows he hates that and further the other part of me is a chaos demon and is terrified.

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Super tired this morning. And sooo many things to do before I have nappy time. :-(>

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Impus Major: Do you think it's a mental disorder that some people won't use their turn signals no matter what?


Yes, I do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:


Both stores on our side of town are participating in free rpg day.

Anyone without a free rpg day near them. :-)

Perhaps I could've been clearer.

If anyone doesn't have a free rpg day near them and want me to pick up and mail them a copy of Starfinder First Contact, just let me know. :-)

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I am is learning.

(1) Politics got re-opened on Paizo.
(2) Posted on thread.
(3) Got misinterpreted, hammered, personally attacked, etc.
(4) Started response, thought better of it, deleted it, hid thread.

And I feel better.

Now all I have to do is avoid #2 entirely, and learn to go straight to "hide the thread" without ever opening it...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just noticed the poly-ticks threads were up and running, myself.

I haven't posted in any of them. Yet.

I haven't even read any of the new ones. Yet.

I think I'm going to preemptively hide them all and keep my thread view "Focused".

That one alias of mine has been pretty quiet the last two months . . . .

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I've found if I don't say anything substantive no one bothers me. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

polishes cannon, adjusts reticle

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Ok two more words.

West World

I'm afraid I don't know what that is. If it's a show, it kind of needs to be on Netflix, and right now I'm totally trying to win Mario Galaxy (as in 100%) with Luigi...


I noticed them, thought to post in them, read through a few posts, thought better of it, and have since hit the little 'x' button to better ignore "new" updates.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Ok two more words.

West World

I'm afraid I don't know what that is. If it's a show, it kind of needs to be on Netflix, and right now I'm totally trying to win Mario Galaxy (as in 100%) with Luigi...

I noticed them, thought to post in them, read through a few posts, thought better of it, and have since hit the little 'x' button to better ignore "new" updates.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Especially in Super Mario Bros 2. :-)

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
polishes cannon, adjusts reticle

So, the Pope, Tom Brady, and Donald Trump walk into Joss Whedon's office to discuss movie options...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And welcome to my fifteenth post! *confetti falls* Sorry, that's just some programmer humor. Fifteen is 1111 in binary. Yes, I'm ashamed of myself. But only slightly. :P

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
polishes cannon, adjusts reticle
So, the Pope, Tom Brady, and Donald Trump walk into Joss Whedon's office to discuss movie options...

I wish them nothing but the best in their cinematography, so long as it does not result in political discourse on this thread.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For Tacticslion, and Orthos, wherever he may be, or anyone that loves Gravity Falls.

Gideon Gleeful, to take the place of Aldern Foxglove, and later, the guy at the end of book 4 (after he levels up of course, this is phase one).


Gideon Gleeful
Male halfling psychic 7 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 60)
NE Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +3; Senses Perception +8
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 44 (7d6+14)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7; +2 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities emotional push (+4, 2/day)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 light mace +3 (1d4-1)
Special Attacks phrenic amplifications (overpowering mind[OA], relentless casting[OA], undercast surge[OA]), phrenic pool (9 points)
Psychic Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +11)
At will—share memory (willing target only)[UM] (DC 16)
1/day—detect thoughts (DC 15)
Psychic Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +11)
3rd (5/day)—coordinated effort[APG], ego whip I[OA] (DC 17), fly
2nd (7/day)—enthrall (DC 16), id insinuation I[OA] (DC 16), mental barrier I[OA], mind thrust II[OA] (DC 16)
1st (7/day)—charm person (DC 15), color spray (DC 15), ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 15), hypnotism (DC 15), mage armor, mind thrust I[OA] (DC 15)
0 (at will)—detect magic, detect psychic significance[OA], ghost sound (DC 14), grave words[OA], haunted fey aspect[UC], prestidigitation, read magic
Psychic Discipline Rapport
Str 7, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +3; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Childlike[APG], Combat Casting, Expanded Phrenic Pool[OA], Precise Strike[APG], Spirit Sense[OA]
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Appraise +6, Bluff +14, Climb +0, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +4 (+6 to pose as a human child (and ignore the penalties for different race and age while doing so)), Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (planes) +14, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +8, Profession (astronomer) +4, Spellcraft +14, Use Magic Device +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Climb, +2 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Azlanti, Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Halfling
SQ emotional bond, gatefinder (perception), gatekeeper (knowledge [planes]), hypnotism (diplomacy), manifestation points, ability scores, phrenology (knowledge [arcana]), psychometry (appraise), read aura (perception)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, potion of cure moderate wounds (3), potion of invisibility, potion of protection from good, potion of shield of faith +2; Other Gear +1 light mace, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of incredible dexterity +2, cloak of resistance +1, headband of mental prowess +2 (Int, Cha), incense of open thoughts[OA], 45 gp
Special Abilities
Childlike +2 Disguise to pose as a human child, take 10 on Bluff checks to appear innocent.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Emotional Bond (Su) Create empathic link with allies, allowing you to monitor their emotional states.
Emotional Push +4 (2/day) (Su) You or bonded ally gains bonus to save, you regain 1 pool if they succeed.
Fearless +2 bonus to save vs. fear (stacks with halfling luck).
Gatefinder (Perception) DC 20 Perception to find soulgates whose alignment is compatable with your own.
Gatekeeper (Knowledge [Planes]) Once you are aware of a soulgate, DC 30 Knowledge (planes) check to open it.
Hypnotism (Diplomacy, 1/day) Use power of suggestion to alter subject's mind or recover memories.
Manifestation Points, Ability Scores ([none], 22/psychic duel) Every combatant begins a psychic duel with a pool of MP equal to the combatant’s HD + the average of her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. As a free action, a combatant can draw from this pool to generate MP. A combatant who draws any numb
Overpowering Mind (Ex) 2 pool: increase Will save DC of linked mind-affecting spell by +1.
Phrenic Pool (9/day) (Su) Pool of points you can use to modify psychic spells as they're cast.
Phrenology (Knowledge [Arcana], 1/day) Examine a creature's skull to learn it's psychological attributes.
Precise Strike +1d6 precision damage for melee attacks if you and an ally with this feat flank the same target.
Psychometry (Appraise, 1/day) Read the psychic impressions left on objects or in places.
Read Aura (Perception, 1/day) Read the psychic impressions left on objects or in places.
Relentless Casting (Su) 1 pool: roll twice and take better result to overcome SR for linked spell.
Spirit Sense +5 bon on chks to notice haunts. When tar inc crea with cor spl or eff, have 75% of aff targ.
Undercast Surge (Su) 2+ pool: Undercast spell counts as higher-level version.


... it's so beautiful~!

^that applies to that last four posts, by the way. Each one in their own way.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to be starting up it's own page in the AP section soon.

I have a little bit more info in spoilers in my Big Hole Where I Put Stuff.

I'm tentatively calling it The Rise Of Bill.

I also plan on putting out Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Wendy, and Soos as pregenerated characters, because otherwise the kids will screw them up. :-D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Ok two more words.

West World

I'm afraid I don't know what that is. If it's a show, it kind of needs to be on Netflix, and right now I'm totally trying to win Mario Galaxy (as in 100%) with Luigi...

I noticed them, thought to post in them, read through a few posts, thought better of it, and have since hit the little 'x' button to better ignore "new" updates.
Freehold DM wrote:

It's true. Actually, it always has been, even since the old cartoon.

You'll notice in the intro to that, when Mario and Luigi are plumbing, it's Luigi that actually is the one doing stuff (Mario is just helping him), and Luigi that is actually responsible for rolling into (and knocking off) all of Bowser's minions (Mario just rolls along behind him).

What's more, throughout the live action portions of the show, repeatedly, Luigi resolves issues with intelligence and wit (and generally expresses accurate concerns about their less-well-developed plans), while Mario solves them mostly through grit, heart, and charisma (and not always a lot of brains).

Of course, the producers of the official film recognized Luigi's superior nature, but they failed to understand that, and sought to turn him into the Hollywood mega-star that he just wasn't: Luigi is too humble and cool for that sort of nonsense.

It's worth noting that Luigi saved not only the mushroom kingdom on several instances, but only he was able to save our own world from invasion by evil forces from the Mushroom Kingdom when Mario was kidnapped! And he did so through his vastly superior intellect, displaying a huge array of facts and information about locations across the globe!

And, of course, it was Luigi who thwarted the vile machinations of King Boo... when Mario was kidnapped again!

And Luigi who is Rosalina's father (with Peach! ... admittedly from an alternate timeline).

And Luigi who saved Princess Eclair! And took the time to watch his brother's performance while doing so (not that Mario could say he did the same)!

And, true, Luigi is nervous, frightened, and younger than Mario. He struggles greatly with fear and uncertainty. But then, when it's time to get down to business, he grits his teeth and gets it done. And it. is. AWESOME~!

captain yesterday wrote:
Especially in Super Mario Bros 2. :-)

Also true!

captain yesterday wrote:

I'm going to be starting up it's own page in the AP section soon.

I have a little bit more info in spoilers in my Big Hole Where I Put Stuff.

I'm tentatively calling it The Rise Of Bill.

I also plan on putting out Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Wendy, and Soos as pregenerated characters, because otherwise the kids will screw them up. :-D


(I'm too lazy to do stuff right now.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Ok two more words.

West World

I'm afraid I don't know what that is. If it's a show, it kind of needs to be on Netflix, and right now I'm totally trying to win Mario Galaxy (as in 100%) with Luigi...

I noticed them, thought to post in them, read through a few posts, thought better of it, and have since hit the little 'x' button to better ignore "new" updates.
Freehold DM wrote:

It's true. Actually, it always has been, even since the old cartoon.

You'll notice in the intro to that, when Mario and Luigi are plumbing, it's Luigi that actually is the one doing stuff (Mario is just helping him), and Luigi that is actually responsible for rolling into (and knocking off) all of Bowser's minions (Mario just rolls along behind him).

What's more, throughout the live action portions of the show, repeatedly, Luigi resolves issues with intelligence and wit (and generally expresses accurate concerns about their less-well-developed plans), while Mario solves them mostly through grit, heart, and charisma (and not always a lot of brains).

Of course, the producers of the official film recognized Luigi's superior nature, but they failed to understand that, and sought to turn him into the Hollywood mega-star that he just wasn't: Luigi is too humble and cool for that sort of nonsense.

It's worth noting that Luigi saved not only the mushroom kingdom on several instances, but only he was able to save our own world from invasion by evil forces from the Mushroom Kingdom when Mario was kidnapped! And he did so through his vastly superior intellect, displaying a huge array of facts and information about locations across the globe!

And, of course, it was Luigi who thwarted the vile machinations of King Boo... when Mario was kidnapped again!

And Luigi who is Rosalina's father (with Peach! ... admittedly from an alternate timeline).

And Luigi...

Does this look like the face of mercy

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I'm going to be starting up it's own page in the AP section soon.

I have a little bit more info in spoilers in my Big Hole Where I Put Stuff.

I'm tentatively calling it The Rise Of Bill.

I also plan on putting out Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Wendy, and Soos as pregenerated characters, because otherwise the kids will screw them up. :-D


(I'm too lazy to do stuff right now.)


I forget i don't have to always use my phone during the day. :-)

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I may not be able to understand a damn word but I think Freehold DM will like this one.

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"Of course there's going to be an explosion! What! Do you think I'm not going to explode!!" - Charlie, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

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It really depresses/disappoints me when companies live up to your lowest expectations.

We canceled my abysmal health care (UHC) in favor of my wife's far-superior (Blue Shield) coverage this year.

So of course UHC processed our final two claims, "sent the checks" on January 11, and BOTH checks have mysteriously vanished in the mail, after 10 years of not a single missing check (once we managed to extract them from UHC by fighting tooth-and-nail on every claim).

I am depressingly unsurprised by this.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Speaking of such nonsense, at least I don't have it as bad as Shiro's player. There seems to be some kind of "Curse of the Incompetent Deliverypersons" on that entire city.

I won't ramble on about it taking him a MONTH to get network access because Comcast kept sending people out, they kept saying, "Oh, I have to climb the pole to do that. I don't have the gear. You'll have to reschedule," and then having the next person say the exact same thing.

I won't go into hideous detail about Door Dash's driver backing into Shiro's player's brand new Alfa Romeo, then Door Dash taking the, "Our drivers are independent contractors! It's on HIS insurance, not ours!" approach.

Yesterday he took the entire day off work AND had Hi's player drive down (a 45-minute drive) to help maneuver a 200-pound butcher block into the back yard. (He claims it's going to be a work bench, but I figure I'm better off not asking its real purpose.)

UPS had his phone number, his address, and an appointment. They never contacted him. Once they were 2 hours late, he called them and they said, "Oh, yeah, sorry. Not gonna make it. We'll be by tomorrow."

He told them he'd gotten help for the day AND taken the day off work, and he would NOT be waiting for them for another solid day. How about the weekend? "We don't deliver on weekends."

How about a manager? "It's late in the day. All our managers are off for the day."

So he told them to go ahead and mark the block as non-deliverable, and he'd discuss with the seller their choice of delivery companies.

I know that logistics is hard. I work for a company that makes software to help manage logistics. But the common courtesy of, "If I'm not going to make it, I'd better call the guy" really seems like a no-brainer.

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