Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Grrr. Can't get to work, for some reason (though "Is It Down Right Now" says that it should). That is... frustrating...

EDIT: so frustrating, I forgot clothes! *gets dressed*

EDIT 2: yeah, it's just my internet service. I took my phone off and I was instantly able to access the site. I... really don't know why that's a thing.

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To 2016,

How I'll miss you. Not! For the anxiety and fear that you have caused in my friends and others here on Paizo that I've come to care about, for the uncounted acts of misery and suffering that occurred on your watch, and for the musical and acting talent that you've taken before their time, you deserve to burn in the darkest corner of the deepest pit in the ninth level of Hell. So enjoy your final moments in history. As you leave, I'll give you a pair of single finger salutes. Then I'll drink a toast from a bottle of Sake that I just bought. May it not be long before you're forgotten. You're no longer welcome here. Now go away.

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Kajehase wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Have a safe trip. The last time I was in Europe was 1988 - 1990 in Germany, with the 11th Armored Cavalry.
We've made some changes since then.


Well, we did changed a few things here and there...

And then someone started erasing traces of my childhood...

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Tacticslion wrote:

Grrr. Can't get to work, for some reason (though "Is It Down Right Now" says that it should). That is... frustrating...

EDIT: so frustrating, I forgot clothes! *gets dressed*

EDIT 2: yeah, it's just my internet service. I took my phone off and I was instantly able to access the site. I... really don't know why that's a thing.

I had problems earlier today too, then I managed to view the information I wanted and then hadn't checked anymore...

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Happy New Year, everyone. :)


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Of course 2016 had to grab one more on it's way out: William Christopher, who played Father Mulcahey on MASH.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Of course 2016 had to grab one more on it's way out: William Christopher, who played Father Mulcahey on MASH.

Yeah, it's sad. All the great ones are leaving us. :(

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

And new great ones continue to grow and take up the torch.

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Saw Rogue One for the second time the other day. Even paid extra to see it in the large format theater (called the Big D, basically an IMAX clone). Still enjoyed it, but don't think I'll go back to the big screen. Didn't seem worth the extra money to me.

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I am drunk.

Happy new year.

That is all.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Grrr. Can't get to work, for some reason (though "Is It Down Right Now" says that it should). That is... frustrating...

EDIT: so frustrating, I forgot clothes! *gets dressed*

EDIT 2: yeah, it's just my internet service. I took my phone off and I was instantly able to access the site. I... really don't know why that's a thing.

I wonder, do you still use a dial-up service. And, if so, do you have the telephone connected to the modem? If the phone is the problem, consider having another (isolated) connection installed.

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It can't possibly be the new year, we just had one last year!

John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Grrr. Can't get to work, for some reason (though "Is It Down Right Now" says that it should). That is... frustrating...

EDIT: so frustrating, I forgot clothes! *gets dressed*

EDIT 2: yeah, it's just my internet service. I took my phone off and I was instantly able to access the site. I... really don't know why that's a thing.

I wonder, do you still use a dial-up service. And, if so, do you have the telephone connected to the modem? If the phone is the problem, consider having another (isolated) connection installed.

Nope. It's the only site on the 'Net that I use that doesn't work. And I use some pretty big sites.

EDIT: it's a good question, but I use (technically) high-speed wifi (dubious as that is at times). I could hypothetically connect my computer to my wall instead, but I won't, because I have a two year old, and even if I didn't, I don't want a six-or-more-foot cord stretching across the house.

(There wasn't a way to set up our energy-heavy computer in a place with easy access to phone stuff, unless we actually put it in the sink or what is now the baby's closet - and the latter would have problems getting power; we opted for a cord a cross our house for a few years before we finally got wifi instead.)

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So hung over.

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Well, this 1st I've rung up several 1sts. I saw the Atlantic Ocean, stepped foot on foreign soil, got my passport stamped, rode The Tube and was reminded to mind the gap, checked into a hostel dorm (a bunk bed, no less), ate a curry, and saw night fall by 4PM.

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You've not had curry before?!

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Short Story: Awakening. Because I just got up.

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What makes for a better global devastation.

1) Super Volcano eruption, or multiple eruptions.

2) Doomsday device

3) Apocalypse and or deity war

4) Alien invasion, failed or otherwise

5) Comet (because it's cliche)

6) All the above.

Shadow Lodge

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Trinam's alive? DIIIIIIIIIVE!

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Definitely 6.

ALSO new year resolution: check this forum more. I like you guys and hell, I have an iron gods game starting on the 14th.

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TOZ wrote:
Trinam's alive? DIIIIIIIIIVE!

...I see I am still panic inducing. Huzzah!

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It's not as evil TOZ!!

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I also have an Iron Gods game going, supposedly.

Assuming I can get everyone together.

Darned holiday distractions!

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I'm super happy since it's four newbies and an experienced player. They have no idea what they're getting into.

Also there's a dwarf galvanic saboteur with robot slayer, and her cousin the android with adopted (dwarves). This party already makes me smile.

Silver Crusade

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I'm getting to play an Iron Gods game soon, and the GM is letting me play a Murder Bunny :3

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Iron Gods has been on our list, but Hell's Rebels has taken precedence.

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Isn't HR the evil campaign in Chelliax? I was looking at it too, since the dark side has cookies.

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Hell's Vengeance is the evil one.

Hell's Rebels is the one with parties.

Although Hell's Vengeance also has parties.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

What makes for a better global devastation.

1) Super Volcano eruption, or multiple eruptions.

2) Doomsday device

3) Apocalypse and or deity war

4) Alien invasion, failed or otherwise

5) Comet (because it's cliche)

6) All the above.

7) Humanities unchecked greed, stupidity, and shortsightedness?

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I resolve to try to be a better friend to those on Paizo's Mesageboards. I resolve to try to tone down my cynicism and sarcasm. I resolve to try to sit and watch all the way through my remaining un-watched anime titles.
And I resolve to try to be a better person throughout the coming year.

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Sharoth wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

What makes for a better global devastation.

1) Super Volcano eruption, or multiple eruptions.

2) Doomsday device

3) Apocalypse and or deity war

4) Alien invasion, failed or otherwise

5) Comet (because it's cliche)

6) All the above.

7) Humanities unchecked greed, stupidity, and shortsightedness?

Never mind. I was wrong.

8) Cats. Cats it is.

~glares at mine for scratching on my chair~

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Isn't that covered under Doomsday Device. :-)

I did forget one though.

46) Kaiju Devastation, possibly due to breeding season.

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...I'd like to change my vote to the kaiju, please.

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I resolve to be resolute.

Or I'll be resolute at resolving.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
You've not had curry before?!

No. It can definately be found easily enough in my hometown of San Jose and where I live in San Francisco, but I dislike particularly spicy foods, so I always presumed I wouldn't like Indian food much. The plane had either chicken curry or tomato ravioli, though, so I went with the curry. It wasn't bad for airplane food (the eggs at breakfast were terrible for airplane food, though). I did like how wine was free on the plane. It was some no name Chilean cab, and it actually wasn't bad so far as cheap wines go.

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I resolve nothing. Major life changes declared to start all on one day aren't realistic compared to working hard at gradual change. It's a big part of why nobody can keep to a bloody diet.

What I intend is to explore.

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What if there was Kaiju worship... Or is that pretty much what the great old one cults are about.

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Gah. Goddamn jet lag. I slept for four hours, and now I'm solidly up and it's 11PM. And I have dormmates I should be trying not to annoy. Ah, weel. If I can fall asleep round 2 or 3 for another four hours, I shojld hopefully be good enough tomorrow.

Saw the most gorgeous sunrise ever, but I couldn't get a photo do to window glare. According to the plane's onboard GPS, this sunrise occured at 10:55AM local time over the southeastern coast of Iceland, but we were at 43,000 feet, so all we could see below was clouds. The sky turned a dark purple and the clouds a pinkish purple, but then the clouds actually darkened as the sunrise commenced and colors shifted from purple to navy blue to back to purple.

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Trinam? Holy shit!

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My only resolution is to continue seeking the best type of revenge. Living well.

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A site where you can legally download absolutely tons of smashing free Lone Wolf stuff

All the books are on there (as epubs)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:

I resolve nothing. Major life changes declared to start all on one day aren't realistic compared to working hard at gradual change. It's a big part of why nobody can keep to a bloody diet.

What I intend is to explore.

That's why I said that I'd resolve to try. I may fail, but that will make me try even harder next year. After all, is it not the destination but the journey that makes us grow?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:

Gah. G%%*@~n jet lag. I slept for four hours, and now I'm solidly up and it's 11PM. And I have dormmates I should be trying not to annoy. Ah, weel. If I can fall asleep round 2 or 3 for another four hours, I shojld hopefully be good enough tomorrow.

Saw the most gorgeous sunrise ever, but I couldn't get a photo do to window glare. According to the plane's onboard GPS, this sunrise occured at 10:55AM local time over the southeastern coast of Iceland, but we were at 43,000 feet, so all we could see below was clouds. The sky turned a dark purple and the clouds a pinkish purple, but then the clouds actually darkened as the sunrise commenced and colors shifted from purple to navy blue to back to purple.

I remember that I slept pretty much the whole flight both to Germany and back home.

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Whoo-Hoo!!! Just broke 750 posts, in just a couple of months.

P.S. And about half were favorited by at least one person. Never before in my life has my opinions been so well respected.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Trinam? Holy s@$*!

Heya freehold! Hope you've been well.

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Does anyone know if British social mores would typically find it acceptable to chuck an empty bottle of Irn Bru at the guy loudly playing American Christmas music on his phone in the hostel common room?

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Does anyone know if British social mores would typically find it acceptable to chuck an empty bottle of Irn Bru at the guy loudly playing American Christmas music on his phone in the hostel common room?

I don't know. Try asking him to turn down the volume first. Remind him that Christmas is over.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
You've not had curry before?!
No. It can definately be found easily enough in my hometown of San Jose and where I live in San Francisco, but I dislike particularly spicy foods, so I always presumed I wouldn't like Indian food much. The plane had either chicken curry or tomato ravioli, though, so I went with the curry. It wasn't bad for airplane food (the eggs at breakfast were terrible for airplane food, though). I did like how wine was free on the plane. It was some no name Chilean cab, and it actually wasn't bad so far as cheap wines go.

If you want Indian, but not too spicy, try to find a restaurant doing Punjabi kitchen.

Liberty's Edge

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captain yesterday wrote:

Hell's Vengeance is the evil one.

Hell's Rebels is the one with parties.

Although Hell's Vengeance also has parties.

I gotta go to a party? That'll be weird.

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