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Off-Topic Discussions

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Also, mongrelfolk exist, so there has to be a dilution somewhere. You can't have 1/16th dwarf without 1/2.

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Of course James Jacobs has as much invested in dwarves as I do in the stock market.

If you want a straight answer, Crystal Frasier is the developer to ask about it. She is way more a fan of dwarves then James Jacobs is. :-)

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"... the wonders of wearing Victorian fashions, whilst trying to escape a Hippo trap."

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I'm more than a little annoyed.

I live in one of the top 20 metropolitan cities in America.

I have gone to the various game stores in town. I've gone to PFS events. I've seen there's a few hundred people that play tabletop here. I see the Meetup site with over 500 members, and yet...

Nobody seems to ever be looking for players. Like, ever. Type in "Jacksonville, Florida" on Gamer Connection and there's like 7 posts, any of them after 2010 are likely to be posted by me, and replied to by nobody. The Meetup I mentioned? Not a reply to anyone looking for a group for - months. Not just for me, for anyone.

PFS events are absolutely packed, but nobody seems to want to meet on the regular outside of that. It's so weird. Those who do? Everyone already knows everyone and it's incredibly cliquey. Seriously, I've bounced in and out of about four groups in the last six years, and 80% of the players were friends of mine I've played with and been in and out of groups of before.

Anyone else experience something similar to that in their neck of the woods?

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

I'm more than a little annoyed.

I live in one of the top 20 metropolitan cities in America.

I have gone to the various game stores in town. I've gone to PFS events. I've seen there's a few hundred people that play tabletop here. I see the Meetup site with over 500 members, and yet...

Nobody seems to ever be looking for players. Like, ever. Type in "Jacksonville, Florida" on Gamer Connection and there's like 7 posts, any of them after 2010 are likely to be posted by me, and replied to by nobody. The Meetup I mentioned? Not a reply to anyone looking for a group for - months. Not just for me, for anyone.

PFS events are absolutely packed, but nobody seems to want to meet on the regular outside of that. It's so weird. Those who do? Everyone already knows everyone and it's incredibly cliquey. Seriously, I've bounced in and out of about four groups in the last six years, and 80% of the players were friends of mine I've played with and been in and out of groups of before.

Anyone else experience something similar to that in their neck of the woods?

If I were a little bit closer, I would join you for some games. Sadly, Savannah is just a bit too far away from Jacksonville.

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The Green Tea Gamer wrote:

I'm specifically referring to Golarion. I'm aware of Muls, etc.

I asked JJ about why no half dwarves and he said no DNA mix, and when I pointed out all the other considerably more ridiculous DNA blends, he gave a game design answer but no story legitimacy as to why human DNA blends with, say, almost pure fire of a genie to make an Ifrit, but heaven forbid it mixes with a short person who is rather hairy.

You are approaching it from the wrong angle. It's not human blood that mixes with everything. It's the other side's (dragons, fey, outsiders) ability to breed with anything because they are so inherently magical that they can transfer their traits to the offspring in ways expanding beyond the simple DNA.

The same might apply to orcs for some reason (because there exist Orc sorcerer bloodline in addition to half-orcs).

This leaves human/elf hybrid as a mystery of sorts. While stated to come from another world, is there some sort of ancient connection between the two?

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Drejk wrote:
The Green Tea Gamer wrote:

I'm specifically referring to Golarion. I'm aware of Muls, etc.

I asked JJ about why no half dwarves and he said no DNA mix, and when I pointed out all the other considerably more ridiculous DNA blends, he gave a game design answer but no story legitimacy as to why human DNA blends with, say, almost pure fire of a genie to make an Ifrit, but heaven forbid it mixes with a short person who is rather hairy.

You are approaching it from the wrong angle. It's not human blood that mixes with everything. It's the other side's (dragons, fey, outsiders) ability to breed with anything because they are so inherently magical that they can transfer their traits to the offspring in ways expanding beyond the simple DNA.

The same might apply to orcs for some reason (because there exist Orc sorcerer bloodline in addition to half-orcs).

This leaves human/elf hybrid as a mystery of sorts. While stated to come from another world, is there some sort of ancient connection between the two?

OR it could be some form of innate Draconic retroviral engineering that allows the dragon to breed with other species.

Sharoth wrote:
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

I'm more than a little annoyed.

I live in one of the top 20 metropolitan cities in America.

I have gone to the various game stores in town. I've gone to PFS events. I've seen there's a few hundred people that play tabletop here. I see the Meetup site with over 500 members, and yet...

Nobody seems to ever be looking for players. Like, ever. Type in "Jacksonville, Florida" on Gamer Connection and there's like 7 posts, any of them after 2010 are likely to be posted by me, and replied to by nobody. The Meetup I mentioned? Not a reply to anyone looking for a group for - months. Not just for me, for anyone.

PFS events are absolutely packed, but nobody seems to want to meet on the regular outside of that. It's so weird. Those who do? Everyone already knows everyone and it's incredibly cliquey. Seriously, I've bounced in and out of about four groups in the last six years, and 80% of the players were friends of mine I've played with and been in and out of groups of before.

Anyone else experience something similar to that in their neck of the woods?

If I were a little bit closer, I would join you for some games. Sadly, Savannah is just a bit too far away from Jacksonville.

Yes, it is, but you have a good home. Savannah is one of my favorite cities to spend a short trip at. I love the Sentient Bean Cafe (excellent vegetarian fare and the best black coffee I've ever had), or to walk around the historic district. It's the only city in Georgia that ever really captured my interest, aside from my vacation in Blue Ridge, which was wonderfully relaxing.

Atlanta remains a hole.

Yeah, but what about fetchlings, ifrits, undines, and all the other kooks that only seem to breed true from humanity? Dragons and demons can mate with anything, but genies and other elemental beings only seem to pop kids out of humanity.

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Fetchlings come from Shae and humans. The rest from Genies which to be honest, aren't prudish by any means.

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The Green Tea Gamer wrote:
Yeah, but what about fetchlings, ifrits, undines, and all the other kooks that only seem to breed true from humanity? Dragons and demons can mate with anything, but genies and other elemental beings only seem to pop kids out of humanity.

You forgot aasimar: which are also not human-exclusive (though it may seem like they are due to players' human-like preference; its worth noting that non-human aasimar, whether kobolds or lizard folk or whatever, have the same stats as human aasimar).

As noted about fetchlings, their pretty explicitly shae/human hybrids, but that's because of the nature of how the two creatures interact (shae have a tendency to gather "harems of worshipful humans" or some such).

With genie-spawn, it's less clear: my guess is either that they aren't exclusively human-hybrids (like aasimar and tie flings) and we only ever see the art due to either humans enteric image preference or a minor "overide" effect that makes the spawn look more like the genies themselves; or they can only breed with humans due to a quirk of their nature or preferences - so, for example, maybe the genies either descended from humankind or were the progenitors of humankind; or maybe they find most other races less appealing due to aesthetic reasons (like body shapes or the way their biology mingles with genie magic to genie senses).

Also, though I intended to, it look like I forgot to mention hags: while again most often depicted as human or half-elf children, there are alternate racial trait things they can choose from to be races other than human as their father.

That was a very good point about the orcs, Drejk!

As far as elves being alien, they hail from Castrovel, where a race called the lashunta dwell... a race that is (according to fluff) also compatible with humans. It might be a thing about Castrovel biologies. Beyond that, we know that humans had empires with star ships in the past. Humans, explicitly. It's how and why androids were created as they were. It's quite possible that human-base DNA is much further spread into the universe at large, to the point that it might even be the "source code" or be based on a "source code" of sorts for a plethora of human-like races, such as elves and lashuntans.

Or, it could be a quirk of the elohim (PF race, not Hebraic God) or lantern of civilization of the anuki (again, the PF race) interacts with stuff, if they had anything to do with the creation of humanity. And even if they didn't have a hand in the original, it's possible that they had a hand in subsequent replicas, which could be quirk-laden.

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I like Halflings and Dwarves.

But after 32 years, I feel I should branch out a bit.

Heh. I see what you did there...

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Oreads can be of dwarven stock: Dwarf Blood feat. I wouldn't be surprised if other planetouched races could also have offshots that are non-human.

Aasimars and tieflings can be of any race, it might change their size category but doesn't involve other major differences.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, the fact that hybrid race wasn't written yet does not mean there can not be crossbreeding. It's just hasn't been properly researched yet...

Now I recall "succubus in grapple" research thread...

The Green Tea Gamer wrote:

I'm specifically referring to Golarion. I'm aware of Muls, etc.

I asked JJ about why no half dwarves and he said no DNA mix, and when I pointed out all the other considerably more ridiculous DNA blends, he gave a game design answer but no story legitimacy as to why human DNA blends with, say, almost pure fire of a genie to make an Ifrit, but heaven forbid it mixes with a short person who is rather hairy.

Yet another reason I love my idea of making dwarves and elves human and making Earth people a race of humanity (magni) with a specific niche (We evolved to kill prey by jogging after it in the African heat until it drops from exhaustion, we heal quicker than most animals, and we can figure out a way to survive and thrive in almost any environment. And we eat capsaicin because we like it. So magni have +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis, and a +2 Will save bonus, and a few other features [They be stubborn and impulsive enough to merit a Wis penalty, but at the same time do have better mental fortitude than a Wis penalty normally suggests]. And magni are the most numerous of all human races because of their ability to survive any climate and eat almost anything, combined with their Int bonus.). Since dwarves and elves and magni are all the same species, it is a matter of course that they can all reproduce with each other. Which is why there is a race called the mutt, which has the +2 any stat and bonus feat and skill point humans get in vanilla Pathfinder, and which represents all hybrids, be they half X and half Y or a complicated mix of a bunch of different races. It makes sense that they'd be the catch all do anything race, and they cover dwarf/magni, dwarf/elf, elf/magni, and any other relationships you want to do.

Actually, the more I think about this, the more I want to erase magni and write orc. Almost everything I just wrote screams orc to me.

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I have a bunch of cleaning that has to be done.

It's also raining.

Which only makes it harder.

Oh my all this talk of breeding makes me think of my mother and her nagging me to give her grand children...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

Oh my all this talk of breeding makes me think of my mother and her nagging me to give her grand children...

Next time she visits, make sure to have borrowed eight cats.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Force Awakens characters in regency costumes.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Kinda cool there, boaty mcboatface.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm Swedish, so that's Båt Båtsson, please.

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Professor Jones in the Doctor Who serial The Green Death wrote:
You'll contaminate my spores!

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Kajehase wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Oh my all this talk of breeding makes me think of my mother and her nagging me to give her grand children...

Next time she visits, make sure to have borrowed eight cats.

Yes that would definitely make me the crazy aunt to my niece and nephew.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kind of quiet in here today. Did everyone get taken by Candlejack or something. That would real-

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Oh my all this talk of breeding makes me think of my mother and her nagging me to give her grand children...

Next time she visits, make sure to have borrowed eight cats.
Yes that would definitely make me the crazy aunt to my niece and nephew.

And everyone knows the crazy aunt/uncle is the best one!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Obviously, a dwarf/elf hybrid is: a human. All the height and femininity and mystery of the elves, and the height, raging masculinity and groundedness of the dwarves.

Dark Archive

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Today I had an epiphany.

I am not ancient, but as of today, I realize I am older than any loyal hound or gentleman's dog (and any wretched feline) living in today's world.

R.I.P. Maggie the world's oldest dog.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, dear. I do seem to have most vigorously oversweetened my tea.

Zoe Oakeshott wrote:
Oh, dear. I do seem to have most vigorously oversweetened my tea.


(Though if it's really too much, I recommend making more tea and blending the two; the amount of the second tea depends on "how" over-sweetened it is - whether a third to half as much as you've currently made - an oft-decent amount - to as much as you've currently made, if your tea is saturated; in any event, it shouldn't be more than that, because, unless you've sugar-or-other-product crystals literally falling out of your tea, you shouldn't be able to have that much. Hope that helps!)

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Happy April 20th everyone! :-)

It's a beautiful day here, which is a huge bonus, because yesterday the forecast said it was supposed to rain all day. :-)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Today is NobodysWife's birthday, which has been ruined in recent years by 420 festivals (nothing like a bunch of potheads getting together to celebrate peace, love, and coexistence and then leaving tons of garbage and human waste all over your local park) and, in the more distant past, Columbine.

On the bright side yesterday I managed to score a coup and get us a "low"-price room for Disneyland for Bats in the Sun at the end of the month, so she's going to have a very special birthday anyway.

And we're still arguing: In the biggest Goth Fest in southern California, I figure I should wear Birkenstocks, khaki shorts, and a Hawaiian shirt. She says she'll shun me all day. I think that's absolutely perfect!

She feels the humor angle would be less fun because of the shunning angle. And it's her birthday, so she's going to win.

But... Hawaiian shirts... and Goths! What could go wrong?

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I have a no littering and no niche festivals policy. For me it's more of an observational holiday and to reflect (and try to remember) on days long passed.

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I live in ny.

The temperature is above 60 degrees.

Eventually, a party is going to happen somewhere.

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TL: "What is April 20th? I've never heard of it being special? Hippies? Wah?"

* looks up Wikipedia *

TL: "Uh... that's a lot of historical events. Aren't there, like, holidays listed?"

* scrolls down to the bottom of the page *

TL: "Ah! Holidays! Okay, so, what do we have here...?"

Wikipedia wrote:

Holidays and observances[edit]

Christian feast day:
- Agnes of Montepulciano Hippies celebrate a 13th-century miracle working nun?

- Blessed Oda of Brabant Hippies revere someone who disfigured herself to become a nun?

- Johannes Bugenhagen (Lutheran) Hippies revere a prominent figure of the protestant reformation?

- Theotimos Hippies revere a Catholic bishop of Scythia?

- April 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Hippies venerate Eastern Orthodox saints via calendar of differing time?

UN Chinese Language Day (United Nations) Hippies celebrate the Chinese Language?

4/20 (International cannabis culture holiday) Hippies celebrate cannabis culture? Oh, wait, this one actually makes sense. Wait, there's a "cannabis culture"?

I got it, everyone. No worries. It took me a while, but I've finally caught up to the conversation. I'm good. Well educated. Toooootally worldly-wise. I know about all sorts of stuff. Shut it. >.>

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

TL: "What is April 20th? I've never heard of it being special? Hippies? Wah?"

* looks up Wikipedia *

TL: "Uh... that's a lot of historical events. Aren't there, like, holidays listed?"

* scrolls down to the bottom of the page *

TL: "Ah! Holidays! Okay, so, what do we have here...?"

Wikipedia wrote:

Holidays and observances[edit]

Christian feast day:
- Agnes of Montepulciano Hippies celebrate a 13th-century miracle working nun?

- Blessed Oda of Brabant Hippies revere someone who disfigured herself to become a nun?

- Johannes Bugenhagen (Lutheran) Hippies revere a prominent figure of the protestant reformation?

- Theotimos Hippies revere a Catholic bishop of Scythia?

- April 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Hippies venerate Eastern Orthodox saints via calendar of differing time?

UN Chinese Language Day (United Nations) Hippies celebrate the Chinese Language?

4/20 (International cannabis culture holiday) Hippies celebrate cannabis culture? Oh, wait, this one actually makes sense. Wait, there's a "cannabis culture"?

I got it, everyone. No worries. It took me a while, but I've finally caught up to the conversation. I'm good. Well educated. Toooootally worldly-wise. I know about all sorts of stuff. Shut it. >.>


You gotta get out more.

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I know what might help for that....

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Freehold DM wrote:


You gotta get out more.

Look, sir... ahem... just because I knew the gist of most of those except Brabant, the Eastern Orthodox, and cannabis thing without looking them up, does not mean I "gotta get out more."


Besides, it is quite comfortable under my rock in my house, and I like it very much here, thank you.


Related: I wish you guys would send us all the rain that you're not having right now. That'd be cozy!

Cap'n Yesterday, Rastafarian wrote:
I know what might help for that....

Nope. The music's passable, though.

... I know, I know. "Classic" blah. I've just never been an actual fan of Marley, more just going, "Oh, okay, so that's on, again. At least it's not actively unpleasant to hear." or similar. Sorry. :/

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There's more to reggae then Bob Marley.

There's also Barrington Levy

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Also Rancid

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Of course sometimes you want some indigenous music with some bite

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But in the end we all get mauled by oversized Teddy Bears in Nordic Woodlands

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Releases a pair of Smurf into FaWtL, gives them catnip and wine, in hopes they'll draw someone out in the open.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You know how when you were a kid, and sometimes you just had to wear your dad's stuff and it was all big and baggy on you? Well, that's Impus Major's life, except he's not wearing MY stuff, he's wearing the smallest available suit for the high school music program.

He's puttin' on the Ritz all right, but it looks like he could hide a pair of stilts inside those pants!

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I always figured Rancid was ska, since it's kind of a punk/reggae hybrid.

There is more to reggae than Marley, though very little of it is great without lots of weed being involved - any really, anything is great to listen to if you get enough weed involved, so that doesn't say much about reggae.

Dark Archive

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Dark Side humor

Dark Archive

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Freehold DM wrote:
You gotta get out more.

Or stay in and make this. Invite us over.

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I just put that Rancid song up because it was recorded in Jamaica. They aren't actually reggae. :-)

I actually don't have the reggae collection I used to.

Lots of Rancid though. :-)

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Work never changes.

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