captain yesterday |
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Yay! I start work an hour later then I thought, and not at all on Sunday.
Depending on how the morning goes I should be able to squeeze in the beginning protest and meeting with Rexus tomorrow, then a longer session Sunday, with hopefully getting the rebellion officially started by the end of the day.
I'm hoping with a more urbane campaign there'll be less cannibalization.

captain yesterday |
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Our Hell's Rebels party
Pomeroy Franchot, Elven Medium that tries to channel The Brightness, but mostly gets dead people. Kind of a combination of Mister Fishoeder and Earl's friend that asks his Jesus tattoo advice for stuff on My Name is Earl. He'll call everyone friend, and invite them to his seances, even if they offer no mechanical benefit.
Begonia or "Bee", Half-Elven Treesinger Druid with a floating yippy puffball with combat reflexes.
(A) Spike (Lee) Jionte, Female human Hydrokineticist. I'm not sure exactly what Jionte is supposed to be, but we went over a few teenager type things, just in case. She has pushing infusion and interweave composite blast (the kids wanna steam blast everything) she is 12, I blame Yoon.
Jack Jionte, human 9 year old (again, Yoon is blamed) Pyrokineticist, with extended range, and the teamwork feat.
No I don't know why a rebellion would look to children to lead them, for that I blame The Last Airbender. :-)
All kidding aside, it's a fun looking party. :-)

Rosita the Riveter |
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thegreenteagamer wrote:Pranks are just an excuse to be an a~&$%+! to someone and justify yourself. They're mean spirited when you think about it. If "it's all in good fun" why is the other person mad at you? Oh that's right, because your amusement was at their expense.yeah. Pranks are childish and stupid.
rings thegreenteagamer's doorbell, runs away
My friend and I did that on Halloween when we were 17. It just just about the most juvenile thing ever.

Rosita the Riveter |

I was at work today, and we had a 25% off sale on large format beers (16.9 oz+). And I get my employee discount on alcohol purchases. Shopping was done:
Fuller's London Pride Ale
Parallel 49 Old Boy Classic Ale
Tap It Ale Camino Amber Ale
Indian Wells Orgasmic Orange Lager
Indian Wells Orange Blossom Amber Ale (Label says they wanted to make an orange lambic)
Mother Earth Brewing Company California Creamin' Vanilla Cream Ale
The first is British, the second is Canadian, and the rest are all Californian. All are the kinds of things I like, as opposed to IPAs, which aren't really my thing.
What do you guys think of these? Anything like them to look out for?

Drejk |
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Now this is the kind of prank I just don't appreciate...
...because now I desperately want one (or two)...
...and they DON'T EXIST!!!!(I sent the link to Shiro's player and he promptly decided that his new project is going to be to build one. He's like that. I bought a projector for my roll20. He hand-built a mahogany table with a built-in flat-screen TV and a tiny computer...)
Raspberry Pi or did he used something else?

Freehold DM |
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wonders why it could be so cold out when he wakes up, looks outside to see a layer of snow below iron gray skies. Eyes narrow, thoughts of revenge gripping his mind tightly.
idly scraping together a snowball made from the rimes of frost found on cars this morning

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Raspberry Pi or did he used something else?Now this is the kind of prank I just don't appreciate...
...because now I desperately want one (or two)...
...and they DON'T EXIST!!!!(I sent the link to Shiro's player and he promptly decided that his new project is going to be to build one. He's like that. I bought a projector for my roll20. He hand-built a mahogany table with a built-in flat-screen TV and a tiny computer...)
No; a full-blown computer in an ATX mini form factor. So a little bit bigger than my Mac Mini, but not much, and he build a custom pocket to hold it, and uses a wireless keyboard and mouse to control it...

Freehold DM |
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After a week long search, I finally got the hello kitty stickers I was looking for. One has been affixed to my chromebook, which now has the protective cover I procured upon it. It is a bit questionable as to whether or not the encased chromebook will fit in the case as it was already a snug fit, but I am hoping.

Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad |
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Newbie getting trained, assigned to assemble a crib for the floor somehow. Asks me to help with a part, so I spend five minutes figuring it out, then say "there you go, you can get it from here"
Newb, clearly overwhelmed "yeah, except I think I did it wrong"
I was already half way across the department before he was done "okay, sounds good, tell me how it all shakes down"
A few minutes go by, then he says, weakly to the manager in charge "hey, can you come here for a minute..."

captain yesterday |
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We were having trouble with our internet connection, we had trouble with it a few weeks previously and it was a faulty update for our machine. so no worries i'll take it in. they had no idea either, it worked fine there, so on a hunch i decided i'd try one last resort....
Pays internet bill
.... hey! that worked!

NobodysHome |
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Today should be a genuinely f%*~ed up good day. Yesterday out high might've gotten up to 35, tomorrow we're expecting maybe 39, maybe.
Today tho, today is 63 and sunny.
Yeah, spring in the Midwest can be seriously f$*#ed up.
Yesterday was rough. We went mini-golfing with the kids and had to use hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. And it was a bit warm even in the shade for a troll like me (high 60's/low 70's).

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Highlights post. Should be able to find the full recording if it hasn't been deleted.