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For you, cap. Good gaming! (Someday!)

EDIT: Whoops! That rocked more than my socks off! *re-equips standard uniforms*

Grand Lodge

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I probably shouldn't mention that we are trying a Twitch stream of this Sunday's session...

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Character rip off time!

Draco Malfoy, LE Chelaxian Sorcerer (Serpentine bloodline) when he gets a snake familiar he'll name it slithering.

adds another layer of pillows to fort, just in case.

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Thank you Crimson Jester for giving me a heads up to Facebook acting up on me. Dratted spammers. Freehold DM is sort of right about Facebook.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

By sort of, you mean completely right, i assume. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
By sort of, you mean completely right, i assume. :-)

No. I found a friend that I had lost touch with for over 20 years through Facebook, so I will always give it the due that it deserves.

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Should I go for a micro gaming convention today (and spend 10 zloty and a ticket almost certainly for nothing) or should I stay at home and prepare session for tomorrow?

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Sharoth wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
By sort of, you mean completely right, i assume. :-)
No. I found a friend that I had lost touch with for over 20 years through Facebook, so I will always give it the due that it deserves.

Thanks to facebook I wrote for Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary (Pathfinder Edition)...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Thank you Crimson Jester for giving me a heads up to Facebook acting up on me. Dratted spammers. Freehold DM is sort of right about Facebook.

sort of? I'll have you know I'm-

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
By sort of, you mean completely right, i assume. :-)

yeah. This.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
By sort of, you mean completely right, i assume. :-)
No. I found a friend that I had lost touch with for over 20 years through Facebook, so I will always give it the due that it deserves.

your friend is probably a robot created by Zuckerberg to inflate the use of Facebook!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
By sort of, you mean completely right, i assume. :-)
No. I found a friend that I had lost touch with for over 20 years through Facebook, so I will always give it the due that it deserves.
Thanks to facebook I wrote for Green Ronin's [i]Advanced Bestiary (Pathfinder Edition)[i]...

All robots!!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

My friends from twenty years ago are NOT the type of people I want tracking me down. :-)

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Although, funny enough, one of the general's high school best friend's brother lurks in the Kingmaker sections occasionally, even got in the top 16 of RPG superstar a couple years ago, but I only met him a few times. :-)

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"These are the cries of the Carrots"

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So, as I had promised, a recap for you guys!

I also had a session today, which I will give a recap of at some point.

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Big revelations about Stabbyface the goblin orphan after work, including an unusual class choice, guesses welcome. :-)

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Yay! Lundberg boss second weekend in a row, and he's been here all day which means he's especially obvious and drawn out with everything. :-)

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Whisky and lime juice

Is that really wrong?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You had me convinced at Whiskey, good sir.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

Whisky and lime juice

Is that really wrong?

Well, you are a limey, so I suppose it's ok. Although personally I would drop the whiskey. And probably the lime juice. Just drink a coke.

Looks like infinite cash wins in other media than Pathfinder...

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Doing taxes...

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I did mine two months ago, best of luck!

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Servants of the big bad evil guy entity in my campaign.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Doing taxes...


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Twitch stream will be starting soonish.

Edit: Is live.

I'm watching you eat piiiiiizzzzzzaaaaaaa~!
EDIT: Not in a creepy way, though.
EDIT 2: Even though it does contain a heavy dose of longing...
EDIT 3: The longing is because I gave up pizza for lent.
EDIT 4: Smeeeeellllliiiiinnnnnnngggggg ssssaaaalllllttttssss...

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh dear, we have some stalkers. :P



While watching TOZ and friends play Scooby Doo (which is awesome)...


First! Some basic concepts.
Second! Some societal issues.
Third! Gods of the drow and some religious concepts.

There are going to be several pieces of overlap here, sooooo...

The World in Brief:
The World

The World is comprised of several places – the Four Kingdoms (or Highlands); the Underworld (or Midlands); the Godclime (or Ringlands); Nirvana (or Huntlands); Hellfire; and the Deep Ice (or Coldlands). There are also secret places like the Root Ice.

The Four Kingdoms are also called the Highlands (by the educated) or Whispering Caverns.

The Underworld is also called Lowlands (by the educated), Midlands (by the highly educated) and Quiet Caverns. In the Jade Empire it is also called Jadefall; in Hellgate, it is also called Hellpit; and in the Gray Wastes, it is called the Deep Waste (these places are generally unknown and presumed unconnected).

The Godclime is the name the natives give it; it is also called the Watery- or Roaring Caverns, or Ringlands by those highly educated enough to know it exists.

Nirvana is also called the Lit Caverns and Huntlands or Deadlands; heretically, it is known as the Path to Enlightenment.

Hellfire is what awaits either on the other side of the Huntlands or Hellgate, or what lies above the Bat Caverns.

The Deep Ice is unknown to those outside of the Great Ice; the Deep Ice is called the Bitter Caverns (by those who are so-inclined) or the Coldlands.

GM-only region:
Root Ice: an entirely unknown realm beneath the Deep Ice sealing primal creatures of cold that (against their will) maintain the Great Ice by their very presence.

EDIT: Seeeeeccreeeeettttsssss...

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TOZ wrote:
Oh dear, we have some stalkers. :P

Senpai noticed meeeeeeee~eeee~! :D

Hah! Treading air! Classic!

And now, for the revelation of the darkest secrets...

... follow at your own risk...

If you want to be a player, generally speaking, you shouldn't read this spoiler. If you wish to anyway, obviously I can't stop you, but would recommend ignoring the areas written in italics, as those are GM-exclusive notes that specifically and pointedly remove some of the mystique from the world and its implications.

Monastery should have been described under gods and religious elements. Ooooooooooooooops.

More Details of the Four Nations of the Highlands:

The Four Nations (Whispering Caverns), The Highland:
- Jade Empire (South Central)
- Hellgate (West)
- The Gray Wastes (North Central)
- The Great Ice (North East)

This vast cavernous space is called the Whispering Caverns due to the semi-constant susurrus caused by the competing airflows of Jade Empire, Hellgate, and the Great Ice. It is also called the Highlands due to the deeper places that are known to exist. These four nations, however, are the only “civilized” lands and the only lands that anyone can come from: the rest are overrun by monsters and barbarism, or are corrupted by wicked forces that may remove sentience and even transform into other monstrous creatures entirely. Fortunately, these beasts can be reclaimed and taught civilization, but it is a hard, difficult road, and time and again, only hard slavery has been successful in doing so.

The Jade Empire is a “Divine Monarchy” with a noble autocratic oligarchy who worship the Divine One as a gift from the god(s). It is the most lush and fertile place, with Beauty as the primary deity (even though Yoth is given preeminence within the pantheon); the Great Ice is neither welcome nor tolerated, and Mystery is acceptable only to the most minor of degrees. The Jade Empress is the crowning glory of the land, and is considered a “daughter” (or descendant) of Beauty itself. The people here are arrogant, beautiful, and strict in their code of honor, though their mercurial temperament and hot passions lend themselves to multitudes of clashes, daring action, shifting allegiances, intense lovers, and heroism; while the luxurious resources of the land mean that the people live in luxury unseen elsewhere in the world. The high resources mean a great monstrous presence to continuously generate heroes.

Hellgate is the most militaristic of the lands, and is devoted to the Lady of Rings, and the defense of the entire world from the depravity of the monsters sent in from above. Mystery replaces Worthlessness (and representation for non-magical males), and the Great Ice is actively hunted as a weakening heresy (though some hidden organizations secretly embrace it as a method of engaging the Hellfire). This is the only place in the world where the ‘empty’ myth of Altiar are a confirmed fact. The people are strict in militarism, duty, religion, and vigilance; but lax in most every other way, choosing, instead, to carouse and party freely as much as possible, as death is swift and ever-present. Despite the lack of Worthlessness, those males who have magical gifts have more opportunity to advance to near-equality than in any other place in the world: if they prove their worth, they are accepted as ‘worthy enough’ to be considered as (almost) equals; males without magical talent, however, are seen as good only for slavery and heavy labor. Ruled by a council (female-only, of course), the council selects new members based off of aptitude; though military service is required as well, exceptional military service is not – only aptitude for rulership. Access to the Hellgate means a great monstrous presence to continuously generate heroes.

The Gray Wastes is a hard, harsh land with little to want over-all, but a still-prominent oligarchy with semi-luxurious lifestyle. The Great Ice is considered an acceptable religion – anything that makes life better is welcome – and replaces Worthlessness as a deity, where worshipped. Mystery is accepted, but only in the most low-key of ways, and either replaces the Great Ice or Worthlessness where worshipped. The people are varied and tumultuous. There is less stability and more turnover in these lands than any other, due as much to the lack of natural resources, natural disasters, and conflicts from all three neighboring states, as much as monstrous creatures creeping through. This is a factious land with no singular ruler or ruling body, but many petty (if powerful) monarchs, and each city-state is vastly different from the last.

The Great Ice is, obviously, the land of the Great Ice, and where that religion is worshipped in place of any other. While Beauty and the Lady of Rings are tolerated – even incorporated in some places –, the Great Ice replaces Yoth entirely, bans Mystery (though some places are more or less likely to do this), and both enforces and severely limits Worthlessness (and males). A theocracy, the place holds tremendous power, and the priestesses are, effectively, invulnerable to all save other priestesses. The priestesses are given to harsh physical training and must thereafter venture abroad from their native regions (whatever those may be) into others – sometimes even into the other nations – as missionaries and activists. Despite Hellgate’s claims, the priestess of the Great Ice know that Hellgate is not the only force keeping great evils at bay. Part of their religion is specifically built around the concept of the Great Ice sealing away ancient evils within the Deep Ice. The priestesses do the rest, with their (cleverly named) City of the Great Ice. The only passage to the Coldlands holds the City of the Great Ice atop it, and many heroes adventure there. While many adventurers plumb the depths under that city for treasure and fame, the secret is generally kept by said adventurer’s relatively short lifespan (rarely, it may even shortened by the priestesses) or devotion to the church of the Great Ice.

Below even the Deep Ice, unknown to all, is (what would probably be called) the Root Ice – the Unknown Caverns. These coldlands are so bitter, that only impossibly cold creatures can survive here; the same impossibly cold creatures that create and maintain the ice in the first place. These are basically unknown.

The Godclime is an exotic set of ringed islands in the middle of the Sea of Darkwater. The source of extremely rare and exotic goods, there are only a few people outside of them that know they exists. The people are arrogant, passionate, and powerful and willing to kill over the slightest of insults. They are also exceptionally religious, and thus they revere the “standard” pantheon, with no place for foolish fancies like the “great ice” or “mystery” – in fact, such things are actively persecuted by the land itself, much less the populous, where terrible things happen to people who do not cleave to the “true” faiths. They also are notoriously uninterested in anything beyond their island. It is also called the Watery- or Roaring Caverns, or Ringlands by those highly educated enough to know it exists, due to the (relatively) loud noises and constant echoes of the sea-waves around the islands.

The Godclime is, unknown to all, the actual home of the various “gods” (other than Mystery and the Great Ice) that are worshiped by the Drow. Yoth is the genus loci of the central island, and has long-possessed a spider grown impossibly enormous under the genus loci’s power. This spider is treated with reverential respect by the natives and is kept well fed and happy. The eight rings are, literally, eight rings worn by a female undead Drow “born” from the poison of the Yoth-goddess injected into a masked priest-mage of the spider in pre-history. Her spirit “lives” in the central ring, though her body (and rings with it) remains within the central island’s web. Beauty is a literal hallucinogenic-cum-illusion that arises from the central water ring, created by the interaction of the genus loci, burned poisons, and the Darkwater of the Undersea. Worthlessness is, much like the Lady of Rings and Masks, a formerly living entity turned undead by the poison of the spider in pre-history; unlike the priest-mage, he was an attempted assassin of the spider, in hopes of becoming the new host of the genus loci – he obviously failed, and was killed, but the spider kept his remains bound to prevent him from trying again. These are the foci of the faith of the drow, and are thus important in their over-all station.

Nirvana is a long, narrow passage with no inhabitants other than monsters. It is also called the Lit Caverns due to the occasional lights that shine through from the Hellfire, and Huntlands or Deadlands due to the high presence of monstrous and unliving, respectively.

It is also called the Huntlands and the Deadlands because the surface dwellers call it those names for similar reasons – and because it is here that they hunt the drow.

Heretically, it is known as the Path to Enlightenment by a few religious esoterics.

It is known as such because a few of the many cultists devoted to the Mystery are aware that deep underneath a Helltemple lies a powerful magical focus or source – a godlike entity who’s arcane power nearly destroyed much of Hellfire. It was sealed to save the people there, and has since become a focus for worship and enlightenment, as it filters much of the information its arcane power flooded its mind with, driving it crazy in the first place.

Hellfire is what awaits either on the “other side” of either the Huntlands or Hellgate, or what lies above the Bat Caverns.

It is secretly merely the surface world. The Bat Caverns are the home to the Feasters – the unliving who continue their existence by feasting on the flesh and blood of others, and who transform into other creatures, ranging from bats and wolves, to rats and raccoons.

Monastery: in the world of the drow, a Monastery is where males go after infancy in order to be trained and educated into their proper place in drow society and how to take care of their peculiar and specific mental, physical, and social health needs. Different regions have different traditions for different monasteries, though in almost all cases, said males are carefully trained to be subservient in all ways toward females, as is proper; this combines with their natural subservience quite well.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

Twitch stream will be starting soonish.

Edit: Is live.

aww man I missed it!

Freehold DM wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Twitch stream will be starting soonish.

Edit: Is live.

aww man I missed it!

Nope! It's going on right now! :D

There is a disturbing lack of "Like,..." and "Scoob~!" in an eternally-cracked voices, however... >:I


Grand Lodge

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Nah man, hit the second link.

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I'm glad the camera is angled in on the beautiful women at the table. ;-)

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As an aside, do I know anyone at the table?

Grand Lodge

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No, unless my wife counts.

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I THOUGHT I recognized her!

Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Twitch stream will be starting soonish.

Edit: Is live.

aww man I missed it!

Nope! It's going on right now! :D

There is a disturbing lack of "Like,..." and "Scoob~!" in an eternally-cracked voices, however... >:I


Also, needs more this, and this, or even this! Or even this!

Hey, GM: have this, and/or this, and/or this! Or this! Heck free music!

I'm helping*!

* For a given and exceedingly eccentric variant of "helping"...

EDIT: several times for links and clarifications!

... and now...

... a visual guide...

... to TOZ (and game)...


Counter-clockwise from TOZ:


Sir not appearing in this movie! Yay!

Did I get it right?

EDIT: for clarification and correction

Grand Lodge

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Not quite. :P

Fred and Delma are flipped.

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Not quite. :P

Fred and Delma are flipped.

Hah! I realized that almost as soon as I posted and she talked about Fred needing his "ghost-busting green..."! Thanks! :D

EDIT: I ain't afraid a no ghosts...

Except the <redacted for spoilers>*!

Flute bad! Flute BAAA~AAAAD~!

* :

EDIT: Fixed

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Our group is doing Carrion Crown: The Scooby-Doo Gang.

Fred is a Paladin, Velma a Cleric, Daphne a Sorceress, Shaggy an Alchemist with a construct familiar, and Scooby is an awakened dog using orc stats.

Bumping this just to remind watchers who can do what.

B.O.B.Johnson wrote:

Yeah I'm playing Shaggy, Alchemist, with the construct rider archetype (which of course that is the Mystery Machine). I also took whatever Alchemist archetype (can't remember off the top of my head) that allows me to share my mutagen at half strength with allies (that's the Scooby Snacks).

I'm using the Shaggy minifigure and Mystery Machine minifigure from the new Lego dimensions game - it has a spot directly on top where I can have Shaggy sit when he's 'mounted'. (fixed link)

Also this! With url'd link! :D

B.O.B.Johnson: would you say, setting the mosquito on fire makes you... the bomb?! Ooooooooooooooooooo-

Senpai (and co.) noticed meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! Again!

EDIT: I really do like peanuts. But, uh, I'm closer to a "chicken" gallery at present, given my current food... :D
(Hm. Maybe I can grab some Peanutbutter M&Ms...)

Hong Kong Phooey: come came out of the closet! With a BANG!

EDIT: Velma, it's okay - I'm sure exploded mosquito guts (and unhealthy bleeding from everywhere) is a good look for you!

Alas! The children have arisen from their naps! Duty calls me away from staring at the seven of you for an inappropriately intense amount of time! I'll check in when I can...

Oh, and give your wife greetings and my regrets that she and my family couldn't meet at Disney that one time!

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