DSXMachina |
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Drejk wrote:When Saturday Comesmourge40k wrote:Artemis Entreri - ... If Entreri wasn't so damned hard to kill, I'd say Sean Bean. Just fits my mental picture of him.*cough* Sharpe
Bravo Two Zero, thought to be fair he was behind enemy lines in Iraq rather than upfront for The Blades :P

Tacticslion |
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Masterwork knife
Never knife while naked!
Also: huh. That's really impressive.

captain yesterday |
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So, today and tomorrow, the wind is shifting so it'll blow from the south, and tomorrow especially Will be windy as s!+$, but the temp will be close to forty. Friday tho, Friday the winds die down and the really warm air moves in, with highs over 50, and then (and this is the best part) it'll last thru the weekend! And, and, after that, we're still above freezing for the foreseeable future (albeit, not by much, still, it's progress!)

captain yesterday |
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Dull knives make you feel safe when handling them. Maybe you could do something while you chop the veggies? A very sharp knife, you need all your focus on it. Besides, dull knives slip and end up doing awful things to your hands.
Now, hold on here, I spent 10 years busting my ass in kitchens, I've spent the 15 years since working with diamond tipped saws cutting highly detailed stone projects.
I have cut my thumb once.
It's all good, I'm not trying to be huffy, but I take cutting very seriously, just because we purposely use dull knives at home doesn't mean we do it because we're afraid or intimidated, or because we lack focus. :-)

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I don't understand the point of the rule forums (outside of PFS).
If you're a player, ask your GM. It doesn't matter what the strangers on the internet's opinions are - if he disagrees you can show him the rule and present your case to him
I completely agree, though I would tweak it slightly to the bolded part
If you're the GM, just make a ruling. It's entirely up to you anyway - just got with what seems right and fair to you, because if the official answer doesn't seem fair, you'll houserule or tweak anyway.
This is especially true in non life or death situations. I would advise you to close the entire rules section, it makes for a much more pleasant experience

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Freehold DM |
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Nope, it was at a restaurant I worked at, twas a very sharp knife, I didn't even feel it.
same here,except I was replacing my disposable blade for my straight razor.
Didn't feel a blessed thing. Didn't even start bleeding for a bit. Then there was blood all over the place, but that's another story.

captain yesterday |
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The best part, my boss at the time, was super casual about everything, looked over, said "huh, cut yourself there, eh" "uh, yeah, it's pretty bad" "well, go get it cleaned up, I'm sure you'll be fine, you, uh, need a doctor then" "no, I think I'll be cool, just gonna go bleed out in back for awhile" "well, you know where the first aid kit is"
Man, I loved that chef, best boss ever, nothing phased him. :-)

Limeylongears |
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That is a dangerous knife... I should get one like that. Mine is not sharp enough to do that to even one bottle.
This is something I intend to do come summer, when a) the neighbours are out and b) I have successfully sharpened my tulwar, though I do intend to start off with one and work my way up.
That will be really fun when I'm in a position to do it.
Really, really fun.

NobodysHome |
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The bunk beds arrived, in four boxes, the Fedex driver was pretty put out by that, even though I carried the last three to my house, and he had a dolly he could've easily used, but whatever, I have bunk beds I gotta put together. :-)
Which, everyone knows, is the best part of bunk beds. :-)
What a weenie! The guy who delivered my 250-pound ping-pong table (in 2 boxes) did it all HIMSELF, and refused all my offers of help. He just very carefully wheeled the dolly, spent 10-15 minutes, and put it squarely and gingerly right on the spot I requested.
Yeah, I wrote a letter to his company on his behalf. Awesome guy!

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome's Middle-Age Moments
So I've been working on my garage, hence getting all the little nicks, scrapes, scratches, bumps, and general soreness that goes along with that. So when I got a strange brown growth on my toe a month ago, I figured, "Ah, well, probably just a blood blister. Better measure it to be sure."
A month passed, and the growth showed no signs of changing at all. No healing. No growing. It just sat there on my toe, mocking me, like a small brown mute immobile goblin that doesn't speak Common.
So I finally bit the bullet and went in to the doctor's office this morning to get my new friend checked out.
Cute But Very Proper Indian Nurse: Does it hurt?
NobodysHome: Nope. Not a bit. See? Pokes growth.
<...growth falls off onto floor. Obviously a now-healed blood blister>
<...NobodysHome looks sheepish and shocked...>
<...nurse loses all propriety and breaks into laughter...>
CBVPIN: <Composing herself.> Do you still want to see the doctor?
On the bright side, my official weight at the doctor's office is 173, and my doctor forbade me from going under 165. She'd like to see me remain steady at 165 for a year before trying to lose any more.
Almost there!

Freehold DM |
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NobodysHome's Middle-Age Moments
So I've been working on my garage, hence getting all the little nicks, scrapes, scratches, bumps, and general soreness that goes along with that. So when I got a strange brown growth on my toe a month ago, I figured, "Ah, well, probably just a blood blister. Better measure it to be sure."A month passed, and the growth showed no signs of changing at all. No healing. No growing. It just sat there on my toe, mocking me, like a small brown mute immobile goblin that doesn't speak Common.
So I finally bit the bullet and went in to the doctor's office this morning to get my new friend checked out.
Cute But Very Proper Indian Nurse: Does it hurt?
NobodysHome: Nope. Not a bit. See? Pokes growth.
<...growth falls off onto floor. Obviously a now-healed blood blister>
<...NobodysHome looks sheepish and shocked...>
<...nurse loses all propriety and breaks into laughter...>
CBVPIN: <Composing herself.> Do you still want to see the doctor?=====
On the bright side, my official weight at the doctor's office is 173, and my doctor forbade me from going under 165. She'd like to see me remain steady at 165 for a year before trying to lose any more.Almost there!

Tequila Sunrise |
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Tequila Sunrise wrote:Yes, on occasion.Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:Sometimes the interweb has better rulings than I do.I don't understand the point of the rule forums (outside of PFS).
If you're a player, ask your GM. It doesn't matter what the strangers on the internet's opinions are - if he disagrees you can't show him the thread and overrule him!
If you're the GM, just make a ruling. It's entirely up to you anyway - just got with what seems right and fair to you, because if the official answer doesn't seem fair, you'll houserule or tweak anyway.
Indeed. I am of course the Tony Stark of ttrpgs, but every once in a greeeeeeeeeeat while, someone else thinks of something that I have not.

captain yesterday |
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Damn Yankees?
It was this one, I liked them a lot as a youngster, but hair metal did not age well.
But they aren't too bad. :-)

Rosita the Riveter |
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We currently sell carrot cake flavored coffee at work. Not sure how I feel about this. Carrot cake coffee doesn't sound right. A slice of carrot cake with a cup of coffee on the side? That sounds awesome. Carrot cake in the coffee? That's off putting.
Then again, flavored coffees really need sugar to bring the flavor out, and I typically take my coffee black. Black flavored coffee just has a weird aftertaste I don't like, and I'm not swotching back to sweetened coffee.