captain yesterday |
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<Waves at Urizen>
That's not a drive by, that's what we here in THIS thread call STREAKING!
<Shakes fist, yells in Old Wizard Voice> "Put some clothes on yeh Hippie!"
Wait, I'm not the only hippy, alright, strength in numbers, I knew this day would come!
Alright! Listen up people! We have a list of demands!... what's that?... two does not make a majority?.. are we sure about that.. really!
Never mind, carry on!

Rosita the Riveter |
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The more I think about it, the more I want to see a Star Wars prequel remake. The problem with the prequels is pretty basic when you get down to it. Lucas is very vocal that Star Wars is for children, and did the prequels accordingly. That's why I loved all three as a kid, but dislike them now that I'm older. The Original Trilogy had people telling Lucas to shut it, so it wasn't as childish by far. The storyline of the prequels is, on the face of it, not that bad, it's the execution that ruins it. Get a more competant director looking to make an all ages film, and you can largely salvage the movies. The Phantom Menace? Tone Jar-Jar's clumsiness the hell down (The Clone Wars showed the character himself is surprisingly salvageable), get rid of the pod racing, portray the Invasion of Naboo in greater debth, and link the outcome directly to the later Trade Federation rebellion, and you could have something that's actually pretty good. Same goes with the other two movies. Take a lot of inspiration from The Clone Wars. That was some good stuff. You want it to feel like a war. It's not even really much harder than toning down the kid appeal and putting a bit more effort in portraying Anakin. Also, more savage The Force Awakens style lightsaber fighting instead of all the spinny stuff.

captain yesterday |
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Pea Bear, the one time we tried watching episode one, we got five minutes with Jar-Jar Binks, and she turned to me and asked "is he in the whole movie?" "Yes" I said, "just turn it off then".
Tried watching it with Tiny T-Rex while Pea Bear was away for break. We got five minutes in, and he asked, exasperated "isn't he dead yet!" "No" I said, "will he die?" He asked hopefully, "no" I said, "we're done here then" he said as he got up.

Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad |
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The Inquisition of Coffee on the sales floor has begun!!
Which affects, literally, one person.
Enthusiastic young manager in training, who has made no secret about gunning for the guy's job.
Gotta love toy store politics, so petty.
gets out spanking new soapbox, the ribbons still bright with hope
Makes you wonder who the real children are.

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Pea Bear, the one time we tried watching episode one, we got five minutes with Jar-Jar Binks, and she turned to me and asked "is he in the whole movie?" "Yes" I said, "just turn it off then".
Tried watching it with Tiny T-Rex while Pea Bear was away for break. We got five minutes in, and he asked, exasperated "isn't he dead yet!" "No" I said, "will he die?" He asked hopefully, "no" I said, "we're done here then" he said as he got up.
I like these kids!

Freehold DM |
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24k+ new posts and I haven't posted here since Jul 22, 2014. A lot has happened since and if FHDM was on Facebook, he'd know these things!
C'mon, I won't call you a TR-8R if you succumb to the Dark Side!
And this concludes my drive-by post. :D
P.S. Nice to get the top of the thread!
damn. I missed you as did others. Please update me when you can, as we both know I will never get Facebook.

Tacticslion |

The more I think about it, the more I want to see a Star Wars prequel remake.
I would... but... Ewan MacGregor...
Frankly, I think that (except for some of the clunky or weird the dialogue), Anakin and Padme were actually played very well.
I think the biggest thing that would need to be "redone" would be Phantom Menace - with a little judicious editing (and maybe decent makeup+re-shoots for dialogue changes?) both Attack of the Clones (pfffft, 'dat name) and Revenge of the Sith could be solid films.
Frankly, George isn't a bad director. Even now, and even with the prequels.
What he was, was out of practice, with "yes" men in the important places, and (as a consequence) had no one to tell him "no" - that doesn't make him bad, it makes him in need of better advisers.
(And that's not to say that his advisers were bad people. They might have been great people, and solid friends. They just lacked the broader insight and skill to refuse him when he came up with ideas and directing that were... less than stellar... and who either just didn't understand pacing very well or lacked the confidence to speak against the pacing George set.)
As an example (only one of many), George lacked a Harrison Ford on-set; he had Ewan, but apparently either Ewan didn't have the same relationship with the rest of the cast to sway them to act their own way (or they lacked the self-confidence or rebelliousness of the original trio to just... go with their own take).
And it makes sense. If you're a a newb actor with a Great Actor (even young) telling you to relax and put your own spin on things and a newb director (even really good) giving you one of many different takes, you're more likely to be looser around the production and maybe even put your own spin on things.
If you're a a newb actor with a Great Director, on the other hand, and you've a bunch of other people on-staff who're saying "Yes, sir, and please yes, more." you're going to listen to everything he has to say. 'Cause that dude could end your career at any time.

Freehold DM |
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Rosita the Riveter wrote:The more I think about it, the more I want to see a Star Wars prequel remake.I would... but... Ewan MacGregor...
Frankly, I think that (except for some of the clunky or weird the dialogue), Anakin and Padme were actually played very well.
I think the biggest thing that would need to be "redone" would be Phantom Menace - with a little judicious editing (and maybe decent makeup+re-shoots for dialogue changes?) both Attack of the Clones (pfffft, 'dat name) and Revenge of the Sith could be solid films.
Frankly, George isn't a bad director. Even now, and even with the prequels.
What he was, was out of practice, with "yes" men in the important places, and (as a consequence) had no one to tell him "no" - that doesn't make him bad, it makes him in need of better advisers.
(And that's not to say that his advisers were bad people. They might have been great people, and solid friends. They just lacked the broader insight and skill to refuse him when he came up with ideas and directing that were... less than stellar... and who either just didn't understand pacing very well or lacked the confidence to speak against the pacing George set.)
As an example (only one of many), George lacked a Harrison Ford on-set; he had Ewan, but apparently either Ewan didn't have the same relationship with the rest of the cast to sway them to act their own way (or they lacked the self-confidence or rebelliousness of the original trio to just... go with their own take).
And it makes sense. If you're a a newb actor with a Great Actor (even young) telling you to relax and put your own spin on things and a newb director (even really good) giving you one of many different takes, you're more likely to be looser around the production and maybe even put your own spin on things.
If you're a a newb actor with a Great Director, on the other hand, and you've a bunch of other people on-staff who're saying "Yes, sir, and please yes, more." you're going to...
pah! You are too gentle, tactics.

![]() |
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They're just pissed off that women get all the good roles.
Why should Scarlett Johansson get to make out with Captain America (I assume) and not them.
Sometimes, life just isn't fair Reddit, best just move on.
Understandable. I too want to know why I don't get to make out with Captain America.

AdmiralAckbar |
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The more I think about it, the more I want to see a Star Wars prequel remake. The problem with the prequels is pretty basic when you get down to it. Lucas is very vocal that Star Wars is for children, and did the prequels accordingly. That's why I loved all three as a kid, but dislike them now that I'm older. The Original Trilogy had people telling Lucas to shut it, so it wasn't as childish by far. The storyline of the prequels is, on the face of it, not that bad, it's the execution that ruins it. Get a more competant director looking to make an all ages film, and you can largely salvage the movies. The Phantom Menace? Tone Jar-Jar's clumsiness the hell down (The Clone Wars showed the character himself is surprisingly salvageable), get rid of the pod racing, portray the Invasion of Naboo in greater debth, and link the outcome directly to the later Trade Federation rebellion, and you could have something that's actually pretty good. Same goes with the other two movies. Take a lot of inspiration from The Clone Wars. That was some good stuff. You want it to feel like a war. It's not even really much harder than toning down the kid appeal and putting a bit more effort in portraying Anakin. Also, more savage The Force Awakens style lightsaber fighting instead of all the spinny stuff.
The Escapist: "Is It Possible? 'A Phantom Edit' Makes Star Wars Prequels Surprisingly Good"

Rosita the Riveter |
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Roommate: This sucks. Uber eats up most of my paycheck.
Rosita: Why do you even use Uber so much? It's San Francisco, you can get anywhere on public transportation within an hour and a half for cheap.
Roommate: Ugh! I'm not going to take public transportation!
Rosita: That is literally why you don't have any money. (No, seriously. Public transportation is $2.25 one way to basically anywhere in the city, or $70 a month for an unlimited pass. Uber almost never charges under $12 for a ride Downtown.)
I feel smugly superior now.