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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Drejk wrote:
When you complained on him to college staff, have you don that in writing/e-mail? Could you show it at court that you made complains at him before and it was ignored?
I have a couple emails, but I prefer to do my complaining to staff face to face so I can't be ignored.

Sending emails and letters is a CYA move, so when it doesn't work, you have a paper trail/documentation. Face-to-face & phone calls are nice, but when it doesn't work, you're left with a "you-said, they-said" situation.

Always get it in writing. {eye twitches from flashback to previous corporate workplace}

also, this.

No, not that! zips up

Next time you talk to them Rostita be very angry and demand to know what they are going to do to fix the housing issue... If the person seems unhelpful go to their superior. All you really have to do is be in front of someone with the authority to change things and angry enough that they feel compelled to help. Oh and it isn't illegal to record your own residence without permission of anyone who may visit. Many cases have been won on such recordings.

Who hoo!! Spring Break!!!!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Cow tipping is a lot more fun then you think, there's a lot of strategy involved.

Cows ain't dumb!

NobodysHome's Story Time:

My friends didn't tip cows -- they shot them with air rifles. (Sheridans that shot 0.20 steel pellets, so not just BBs.) I refused to participate simply on principle: If I'm not planning to eat it, I'm not going to hurt it.

So one day they found this big open field and started in. Imagine their surprise when no less than EIGHT police cars, a SWAT van, and a police helicopter swooped in on them! Only one of them avoided the initial sweep, and he was soon rounded up.

Turns out they were on the back acres of the mayor of Orinda's property, and in their camouflage and realistic-looking rifles, someone had called in an assassination attempt on the mayor. They were all written up and hauled before the D.A.
He took one look at the gangly group of kids, rolled his eyes, said, "I don't have time for this nonsense," and dismissed the charges on them.

But it's the only time anyone in our group got either a SWAT team or a helicopter called in.

Exciting times!

Silver Crusade

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Drejk wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Next time perhaps you could video the exchange and use that as evidence of his a!&+$&#ishness
Isn't recording someone without his permission illegal?

Walking in with your phone recording them is illegal? Well you learn something new everyday.

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Honestly, it's worth your time to go to court and talk to the judge. Be polite and respectful, don't argue, and tell the truth. It works miracles. Hopefully (s)he'll believe you and dismiss the citation...


More seriously, go to student legal aid, they are well versed in this kind of thing.

I'm sure I've posted my "Story Time" around this at some point in FaWtL.

To each his own. But I've always found that if you go in looking for conflict, you'll get conflict. And going in looking for conflict with a judge isn't productive.

On the other hand, I'm in 100% agreement with Aranna -- the time for "politeness" with the school administration that won't move her is LONG past, and it IS time for conflict there.

On the other hand, going to student legal is a fantastic idea, because this problem is just going to grow...

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Lunch break! Time to work on more Alaznist stuff.

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Walking the dog!

It's actually quite boring to walk a hound dog, they sniff everything!

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Next time perhaps you could video the exchange and use that as evidence of his a!&+$&#ishness
Isn't recording someone without his permission illegal?
Walking in with your phone recording them is illegal? Well you learn something new everyday.

California generally requires all the sides of conversation to consent to recording.

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And yet it's exhilarating when he suddenly stops, his ears perk up, he looks to the right, sniffs a little bit more.... then pounces into the weeds to the left!... then the hunt is on!

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Runelords + Cult of the Dragon = Fun for the whole family!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Next time perhaps you could video the exchange and use that as evidence of his a!&+$&#ishness
Isn't recording someone without his permission illegal?
Walking in with your phone recording them is illegal? Well you learn something new everyday.
California generally requires all the sides of conversation to consent to recording.

Oh I'm not surprised, after all squatters have rights. Yet another reason why I would never have a rental property in this state

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I just talked to an old neighbor. My stepdad called him because he's a lawyer. He can't take me on for the citation, but he says he'll see if a quick call to the housing people gets them in a mood to cooperate. I suppose it's better than fighting them myself.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Glad to hear you won't be alone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ugh. This day has me in a funk that started last night.

Last night I may have inadvertently offended a coworker due to a poor phrasing/misunderstanding of the question on my part with respect to transgender issues. I didn't mean to offend her, and I didn't realize I had mispoken until about 20 minutes past the conversation particle, and I never got the chance to apologize. I chalked it up to tiredness on my part(this was the third shift of the day for me with respect to work, almost midnight) and I was not my normal effervescent self due to training the new guy with us (who didn't need much training) and walking around Chelsea on a full belly since I gave in and got lucky burger before the shift started. Here's hoping I get the chance to apologize or at least take my foot out of my mouth...

Fast forward to today, where I wake up late, rush to work only to realize that I didn't take chicken out to cook for the day and my pushy obnoxious coworker is trying to take over on the kitchen. My head is killing me from atmospheric pressure due to the rain that's constantly threatening but never *happening*, and a lack of sleep overall. Every sound is a thousand timea louder than it needs to be. I am so out of it I go into a combination of calling her the wrong name and getting defensive as she runs roughshod. It would have been better to just step back- I was tired and not myself overall. I apologized afterwards but she is so. F~#%ing. Obnoxious. That my apology came out wooden and was only dimly accepted. Still, she made a cake afterwards to share with me and other coworker. I guess it's something, but I'm still out of it.

Maybe I should have called in today after all like wife suggested.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Ugh. This day has me in a funk that started last night.

Last night I may have inadvertently offended a coworker due to a poor phrasing/misunderstanding of the question on my part with respect to transgender issues. I didn't mean to offend her, and I didn't realize I had mispoken until about 20 minutes past the conversation particle, and I never got the chance to apologize. I chalked it up to tiredness on my part(this was the third shift of the day for me with respect to work, almost midnight) and I was not my normal effervescent self due to training the new guy with us (who didn't need much training) and walking around Chelsea on a full belly since I gave in and got lucky burger before the shift started. Here's hoping I get the chance to apologize or at least take my foot out of my mouth...

Fast forward to today, where I wake up late, rush to work only to realize that I didn't take chicken out to cook for the day and my pushy obnoxious coworker is trying to take over on the kitchen. My head is killing me from atmospheric pressure due to the rain that's constantly threatening but never *happening*, and a lack of sleep overall. Every sound is a thousand timea louder than it needs to be. I am so out of it I go into a combination of calling her the wrong name and getting defensive as she runs roughshod. It would have been better to just step back- I was tired and not myself overall. I apologized afterwards but she is so. F~*@ing. Obnoxious. That my apology came out wooden and was only dimly accepted. Still, she made a cake afterwards to share with me and other coworker. I guess it's something, but I'm still out of it.

Maybe I should have called in today after all like wife suggested.

I consider "sick of work" days to be absolutely essential to mental health. I take 'em on occasion, and if anyone who reports to me takes 'em, I have no issues at all... (assuming no abuse of the privilege, of course).

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I just talked to an old neighbor. My stepdad called him because he's a lawyer. He can't take me on for the citation, but he says he'll see if a quick call to the housing people gets them in a mood to cooperate. I suppose it's better than fighting them myself.

This is good news.

If they can fix your housing woes, I strongly recommend that you stick it out at the school, at least until you have enough credits to transfer. I suspect that the other issues you have may be resolved with time - if a professor is a turd, you hopefully don't have to take classes with him again. And wherever you go, you are unlikely to know anybody; given enough time, you will eventually know people. Plus, you seem to like San Francisco. Is there a way you can start gaming, or doing something else fun with like-minded people?

College can be hard, bureaucratic, and expensive. But going to all that trouble and expense with nothing to show for it (i.e. no progress toward a degree) is much worse.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Ugh. This day has me in a funk that started last night.

Last night I may have inadvertently offended a coworker due to a poor phrasing/misunderstanding of the question on my part with respect to transgender issues. I didn't mean to offend her, and I didn't realize I had mispoken until about 20 minutes past the conversation particle, and I never got the chance to apologize. I chalked it up to tiredness on my part(this was the third shift of the day for me with respect to work, almost midnight) and I was not my normal effervescent self due to training the new guy with us (who didn't need much training) and walking around Chelsea on a full belly since I gave in and got lucky burger before the shift started. Here's hoping I get the chance to apologize or at least take my foot out of my mouth...

Fast forward to today, where I wake up late, rush to work only to realize that I didn't take chicken out to cook for the day and my pushy obnoxious coworker is trying to take over on the kitchen. My head is killing me from atmospheric pressure due to the rain that's constantly threatening but never *happening*, and a lack of sleep overall. Every sound is a thousand timea louder than it needs to be. I am so out of it I go into a combination of calling her the wrong name and getting defensive as she runs roughshod. It would have been better to just step back- I was tired and not myself overall. I apologized afterwards but she is so. F@#@ing. Obnoxious. That my apology came out wooden and was only dimly accepted. Still, she made a cake afterwards to share with me and other coworker. I guess it's something, but I'm still out of it.

Maybe I should have called in today after all like wife suggested.

Maybe absinthe will help. I could arrange that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Huh. I have a blogpost written ahead of the schedule (Sunday night)... Should I post it now, or leave it for the (kept for two months now, with a variance of about one day) schedule of posting at weekends?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Iron Maiden

... ahem.

Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
This was kind of a letdown, really. I kinda just stomped all over her team.

NO. No. no. No! No? No. No-no. Nope. No.

You are playing a Nuzlocke. You do not get to complain that something was "too easy" - simply not allowed. Sorry. Nuzlocke.

I've seen ProJared get slaughtered too many times because he wanted it to be "interesting" and "a challenge" - I can't even get invested because of the losses.

No complaints. It leads to arrogance, which leads to sudden brutal endings.

(Also, I suppose you can tell what I've caught up to, so far. Fun stuff! :D)

Oh, incidentally, it's really stinkin' hot over hear. Where's the cooling time from the supposed late Fall/Winter?! Aaaargh!

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Bakes a pie for Freehold, tries to put in an envelope... Bakes second Pie, eats it for Freehold while the dog savages the first envelope.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Incidentally, what's everyone's favorite pie.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Huh. I have a blogpost written ahead of the schedule (Sunday night)... Should I post it now, or leave it for the (kept for two months now, with a variance of about one day) schedule of posting at weekends?

After I turned off the laptop and went to wash myself before sleep, my neurons fired a few extra times with idea to rework the crucial ability of the race presented in that not-posted-yet blogpost and saving another ability for future race.

Now I need to rework the racial feats.


Time to bed.

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Lightning and thunderstorms in November!!!

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Incidentally, what's everyone's favorite pie.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Nuzlocke wrote:


Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:

This... this works on so many levels. I mean... Nikola using Thunderpunch*, on a "deity"... just... marvelous.

(slightly less appropriate, I suppose, than Spark, but still)

However, it must be asked: did you just punch out Cthulu?!

WARNING: the second link is tv tropes; follow at your own doom. The first is a hilarious webcomic, which I recommend starting from the beginning, if you've not read it - it's not that long; follow at your own (lesser) doom.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Incidentally, what's everyone's favorite pie.

That's what I was going to say!

Of course this is partly because I can't have most pie. Cheesecake is easy to make sans wheat (I use almond flour instead of graham cracker crumbs), but wheat free pie crust is tricksy and often disappointing. Pre-allergy my favorite pie was grape pie.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Incidentally, what's everyone's favorite pie.

Probably either Cherry (the "sharp" and sweet ones), Blueberry (it's so rare!) or Razzleberry.

Boisenberry is a "maybe" - I'd never had boisenberry until Yogurt and it was awesome, and then they stopped selling it. So it might be great, or just okay. I'm not sure.

I don't know if Cobbler is Pie or not, but while I love Peach (and so on) Cobblers, I just can't get past the three berries, for pies.

Also, Derby Pie (while sort of cheating, TFY did so above with Cheesecake, which is also awesome, and mine actually has "pie" in the name so...) can be excellent.

Dang it, man, now I want pie.

But that's okay: I'm going to eat okra. I'm not too put-out. :D

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I've never seen Grape Pie, it sounds intriguing.

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Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams wrote:
Lightning and thunderstorms in November!!!

enjoy it.

For now.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Pie is pie, whether or not they call it cake. :-)

Just curious as a pie maker, no one has the same answer. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I've never seen Grape Pie, it sounds intriguing.

what in the world is that?

17 people marked this as a favorite.

Holy crap! Housing already sent me an email that I should be assigned a new room sometime next week. I think the lawyer might have just scared the living hell out of them. They just got real accommodating.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

But that's okay: I'm going to eat okra. I'm not too put-out. :D

throws up in disused corner of fawtl

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Coconut Creme, Buttermilk Chess (a southern lemon curd type of pie) and Pumpkin are my favorites.

Pea Bear loves Cherry Pie.

Tiny T-Rex loves Pumpkin and Key Lime.

The General loves Buttermilk Chess.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Holy crap! Housing already sent me an email that I should be assigned a new room sometime next week. I think the lawyer might have just scared the living hell out of them. They just got real accommodating.

scrubs mouth, cheers

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Coconut Creme, Buttermilk Chess (a southern lemon curd type of pie) and Pumpkin are my favorites.

Pea Bear loves Cherry Pie.

Tiny T-Rex loves Pumpkin and Key Lime.

The General loves Buttermilk Chess.

I swear there is an extra child every time you mention them.

captain yesterday wrote:
Incidentally, what's everyone's favorite pie.

the unbakeable, organic variety.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

But that's okay: I'm going to eat okra. I'm not too put-out. :D
throws up in disused corner of fawtl

gags slightly

Oh no it's like the pie eating contest in that movie about the Stephen King short story!

Just like the old gypsy woman said!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
The Nuzlocke wrote:


Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:

This... this works on so many levels. I mean... Nikola using Thunderpunch*, on a "deity"... just... marvelous.

(slightly less appropriate, I suppose, than Spark, but still)

Yes. Yes it is.

However, it must be asked: did you just punch out Cthulu?!

Yes. Yes I did.

The first is a hilarious webcomic, which I recommend starting from the beginning, if you've not read it - it's not that long; follow at your own (lesser) doom.

Yes. Yes it is.

Another person in the Cheesecake camp here. Preferably with cherry or blueberry topping if it has to have topping at all, but is also perfectly good without.

Otherwise, cherry or pumpkin pie.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Coconut Creme, Buttermilk Chess (a southern lemon curd type of pie) and Pumpkin are my favorites.

Pea Bear loves Cherry Pie.

Tiny T-Rex loves Pumpkin and Key Lime.

The General loves Buttermilk Chess.

I swear there is an extra child every time you mention them.

hands over just born offspring to uncle Freehold

You've never been to the Midwest have you? :-D

But no The General is my wife, seemed like she needed a higher rank then me, on account of her being the primary bread winner and all, not to mention her being my greater good and all.

Orthos wrote:

Another person in the Cheesecake camp here. Preferably with cherry or blueberry topping if it has to have topping at all, but is also perfectly good without.

Otherwise, cherry or pumpkin pie.

Strawberry topping. Heathen.

Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Another person in the Cheesecake camp here. Preferably with cherry or blueberry topping if it has to have topping at all, but is also perfectly good without.

Otherwise, cherry or pumpkin pie.

Strawberry topping. Heathen.

Not a huge strawberry fan.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Fine, I won't share.

captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Coconut Creme, Buttermilk Chess (a southern lemon curd type of pie) and Pumpkin are my favorites.

Pea Bear loves Cherry Pie.

Tiny T-Rex loves Pumpkin and Key Lime.

The General loves Buttermilk Chess.

I swear there is an extra child every time you mention them.

hands over just born offspring to uncle Freehold

You've never been to the Midwest have you? :-D


More seriously, hopefully that will change in 2016.

But no The General is my wife, seemed like she needed a higher rank then me, on account of her being the primary bread winner and all, not to mention her being my greater good and all.

ah! Okay.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hahah~! You poor, poor okra-hating rubes.

(But no, it's not a pie. It's fried, if you're curious. To add to the weirdness, I always liked veggies a ton when I was a kid. Kept ordinger Vegetable Plates, or their closest equivalents, much to the dismay of my parents who kept getting hard stares from random strangers and questions like, "Why don't you let the boy eat other things?!" by random strangers - to which they shrugged and just explained they let me choose whatever I wanted off the menu. Go figure.)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Hahah~! You poor, poor okra-hating rubes.

(But no, it's not a pie. It's fried, if you're curious. To add to the weirdness, I always liked veggies a ton when I was a kid. Kept ordinger Vegetable Plates, or their closest equivalents, much to the dismay of my parents who kept getting hard stares from random strangers and questions like, "Why don't you let the boy eat other things?!" by random strangers - to which they shrugged and just explained they let me choose whatever I wanted off the menu. Go figure.)


Well, of course you don't like veggies as much. Lions are carnivorous.

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I like okra, at least if it's fried or in gumbo.

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