captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:I get called Ma'am a lot, I have a beard.I have a friend who looked like "stereotypical American Jesus": 6'1", thin, willowy figure, long straight sandy brown hair, and flowing beard.
One Halloween he just borrowed a friend's miniskirt, blouse, leggings, and shoes.
It was awesome seeing men whistle at him from behind and yell things like, "Nice <synonym for donkey>!!!", only to recoil in horror when he turned around to look at them and they saw the beard.
Fun times!
I put my hair in a forward pony tail and drew a line down the middle of my face with washable marker and went as a horse's ass, i was 17:-)
edit: like i said, i was 17:-)

Aniuś the Talewise |

captain yesterday wrote:I get called Ma'am a lot, I have a beard.I have a friend who looked like "stereotypical American Jesus": 6'1", thin, willowy figure, long straight sandy brown hair, and flowing beard.
One Halloween he just borrowed a friend's miniskirt, blouse, leggings, and shoes.
It was awesome seeing men whistle at him from behind and yell things like, "Nice <synonym for donkey>!!!", only to recoil in horror when he turned around to look at them and they saw the beard.
Fun times!
I can't wait until I can grow a beard so I can mess with transphobes just by wearing my usual wardrobe over the usual shape of my chest. >:D

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:I would've talked to your roommate about it, especially the Adderall dad issues, or at least wait until he actually started stealing it.I would have said something to both of them for sure, but I would not let either of them have access to Adderal, I don't want to deal with a wired pissed off roomate
I was saying I'd tell him why you can't give or share the Adderall (good for you Rosita, pills aren't to be messed with recreationally) then report him immediately if any of them ever turn up missing.

Tacticslion |
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Why do people say "totes" all of a sudden, what does it mean and is it pronounced like "tote bag"
It's... been a while since I've ever actually heard that, though I use it (because, you know, I'm a little slow), but "yes" to the second, and to the first it means, "totally" - e.g. "That was totes wicked-cool, yo!"
I apologize for my slang, but it will happen again! You have been warned.

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:I was saying I'd tell him why you can't give or share the Adderall (good for you Rosita, pills aren't to be messed with recreationally) then report him immediately if any of them ever turn up missing.captain yesterday wrote:I would've talked to your roommate about it, especially the Adderall dad issues, or at least wait until he actually started stealing it.I would have said something to both of them for sure, but I would not let either of them have access to Adderal, I don't want to deal with a wired pissed off roomate
I agree with you with the caveat that me personally would not give said roomates any chance of getting the pills.

Orthos |
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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:Scintillae wrote:I saw someone who had 2 bunches of spinach in one produce bag and rang it up as 1. If you have to steal produce, That's just sadDrejk wrote:Also shoplifting. Pretty sure that's one reason Target doesn't have self-check. Always have to tell the new hires to check all containers, bottom of the cart, etc. because there's always that one person trying to slip stuff by. Remove the barrier of a cashier...Orthos wrote:Self-checkout is one of those things I always wonder why it took us so long to create.I'd say the issue were coin-counting machines. When the first self-checkouts appeared in supermarkets here some 6-8 years ago, they ended being removed after short time because of lots of issues with the coin-counters and the people being distrustful of them. I am still don't trust them.There's a strong drive to "get away with something" intrinsic in many people. I don't know whether it's an American thing, or a worldwide thing, but you see multi-millionaire celebrities shoplifting, otherwise respectable-looking people glancing around the produce aisle before snarfing down fruit, men in business attire switching the pricing labels on items, etc.
It is truly sad, but I don't necessarily feel it's related to poverty; more of a psychological need to "stick it to the man" and "get away with soemthing".
I'm not kidding when I put "Lawful" in my description, though. If a store undercharges me by more than $10, I've actually gone back and corrected the error. (At under $10, my guilt is outweighed by the time it would take to go back, explain the error, and convince a manager that I'm not insane...)
Same here. Once at a restaurant i frequent regularly, they neglected to charge me for my drink; they had to tell me it was deliberate before I would stop trying to point out the "mistake".

Doodlebug Anklebiter |
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Nathan Fillion is under my feet.
Autographs are underneath the dealers room.
As usual, I am above whedon and his ilk. The bulk of the firefly cast is here.
Beneath me.
Where they belong.
La Principessa is planning on going to the Firefly event.
Probably safest place for her at ComiCon. Won't be tempted to run off to Canarsie.

captain yesterday |
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Haven't had too much time to look over book 3 yet but I really like Hell's Rebels, finally got Pea Bear to make her Inquisitor, she has plans to multi-class as Alchemist (she always puts her highest score, no matter the class, into intelligence) all that's left is the General (who is making a Mesmerist)

Freehold DM |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Nathan Fillion is under my feet.
Autographs are underneath the dealers room.
As usual, I am above whedon and his ilk. The bulk of the firefly cast is here.
Beneath me.
Where they belong.
La Principessa is planning on going to the Firefly event.
Probably safest place for her at ComiCon. Won't be tempted to run off to Canarsie.
I am at booth 2854. I will give her a discount if she wants a shirt.

captain yesterday |
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The title of this article made me chuckle
It was only a matter of time until someone radicalized the cattle.

Limeylongears |
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I like my new ninja form.
Sure it's not as graceful as Freehold, regal like Celestial Healer or has Nobodyshome's bulging arms. It's still pretty sweet, and you never know when I'll strike.
True, but you appear to be about to saw your own arm off with the false edge of your sword. Please don't. Your other aliases need you.

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Emerges back into the light.
My great 24 inch valve project has come to a successful albeit late conclusion. I can now rejoin my regularly scheduled life.
But I'm not reading the 4,952 messages I missed. Hope you all have had fun in my absence
Holy crap, How the hells it going?

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Emerges back into the light.
My great 24 inch valve project has come to a successful albeit late conclusion. I can now rejoin my regularly scheduled life.
But I'm not reading the 4,952 messages I missed. Hope you all have had fun in my absence