Tacticslion |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

LordSynos wrote:** spoiler omitted **Yay Synos game time has come again!
Unfortunately all the ones on the list I wanted, I think I already have =) Your generosity is still greatly appreciated! Hopefully there'll be someone here who wants some of these and doesn't have them yet =D
Seriously people, some of these are great games (even if they're not for me, for example I tend to avoid horror and shooters), and Synos offers them completely free, no strings attached, all you need is a Steam account. I highly advise you take him up on the offer =)
That's because LordSynos is, basically, the best. I'm just sayin'. Kah-meh-hah-meh-haaaaaaaaaaaaa~!
That one is pretty fun, but it doesn't "last" as long as some games - it's pretty light. It happens to be one of the few games I owned outside of LordSynos' generosity!
spoiler!:In other news, I'm prepping for my first homebrew module-which, weirdly enough, I'm not freaking out about-for a party with no arcane casters.I'm here to ask for advice! (This is for 5e, and I know I should post this in the Advice forum, buuuut... I'm lazy, and FaWTL will get me a quicker response :P)
The premise is that a cleric of Death has unleashed a magical... not plague exactly, but more like a viral curse, that saps the strength from people and puts it into their shadows, eventually making their shadows become independent and malevolent when they die. Simple investigation, right? But the problem is, the Dawn Tournament-which is basically a way for rookie adventurers to get famous-is taking place while this is happening, and the characters have to both compete in there while trying to find out the source of the problem.
I have a few details, but not enough: to find a way to combat the plague, the characters must escort a prominent sage to an ancient library that is infested with demons, undead, and unnatural abominations. During the CTF round of the tournament, the villain will unleash a horde of zombies and skeletons onto the battleground that will pose a threat to all the teams and indeed the city, but will have to convince the other teams to put aside their lust for victory in favor of combating the army.
Any other ideas?
You might want to figure a reason beyond just lust for victory to make it difficult for those in the competition to leave - like a down-payment required that is forfeited if, for any reason, they leave. This could even be ritual-magically enforced (probably due to chicanery and trickery in the past with folk gaming, or attempting to game, the system). Maybe even have some sort of stigma-mark appear, as in, it declares them a, "looooooooser" on those who forfeit for victory. To make it something other than "you cannot cross X lines" it could be, instead, that you can't engage in combat with non-approved foes or something.
So basically, when you enter, you pay some money (that is, ultimately, either partially what goes into the prize money pot, or, perhaps, powers the ritual or does something else) that's non-refundable plus you are marked with a stigma/loser-mark that guarantees you can't get back into any similar competition for <insert arbitrary story-appropriate period of time> here.
There could be other penalties (mild or less so) for quitting early as well... but I wouldn't really bother, because, at that point, it'd be less "don't quit" (you've given plenty of reason for that), but rather "now fight with us, 'cause daggum that's a lot of baddies" sort of a thing.
What is a "CTF" round, I'm curious?
Regardless, the demons should probably be dretches and the undead should probably be the bodies of those sacrificed to become the dretches. Effectively, death-lady gets a three-for-one deal: murder a dude on sacrifical alter/shard of the abyss, the soul kind of boils and splurts/shatters into dretches (the lowliest non-quasit demons), the bodies become zombies (and then, after the zombies are destroyed, go on as skeletons)*. This whole process feeds the shadow-curse/plague, kind of feeding power into the thing.
There may well be a "critical mass" that has to be reached before the plague "takes off" on its own, and there may be a maximum (if arbitrarily high) number of demons/undead/other that the priestess can control that aren't shadow creatures. She could even be hiding her malevolence and be seen as a local "saint"-like character for driving off "monsters" in the wilderness... by secretly using her "excess" demons/aberrations/oozes/skeletons/etc to kill them, and letting the ones that are ruined just be ruined (because "who cares"?). This also, incidentally, gives her some nice "fodder" for perfecting her experimental techniques that allow her to activate the plague in the first place.
One thing to bear in mind: in 5E, action-economy greatly surpasses level disparity. So with enough fodderling-er, "young adventuerers", yeah, you're going to have pretty good odds, despite the terrifying-looking plague.
Anyhoo, I'm going to see if I can spook up Ashiel.
* Or, as an even worse/better/ugh-this-is-awful alternate, the corpse is infected by some sort of aberration-thing that turns the skin into a creepy parasite, the brain into an intellect devourer (though it's probably a low chance for this to occur), and the muscles and organs into a slurry/ooze. That leaves the bones to become skeletons...

lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Any other ideas?
Also how well known is this magic virus? If very well known why is the tournament still happening? People generally don't care about fame as much during a zombie plague (shadow virus, same difference here). What's to keep your party from saying screw the tournament?
Also don't forget to throw in some non undead antagonists. Does the virus affect everyone? What if it started affecting a tribe of giants and now the survivors are blaming your city? Changing things up keeps your players on their toes. :)

Orthos |
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Rosita the Riveter wrote:Gorrammit. I just got addicted to Kingdom Hearts this morning, and I have to leave for work in an hour and won't be home until, like, 11, and this weekend I have to study for a midterm and a term project.removes game from ps2, tosses it in microwave, sets it for 30 seconds, lets sparks fly
There you go. Safe from Disney rpg horrors and bad grades and unemployment woes.
My work here is done. No need to thank me.
Man you have a bad habit of destroying other people's stuff if it happens to clash with your own interests, just sayin' >_>

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Incidentally, I made a question, and if anyone has answers, I'd appreciate it!

lynora |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So the parking garage(s) near the karate school are under contruction which sucks and takes up extra time. So this afternoon as I was heading to a parking garage and hoping I would find a spot, I found a miracle parking spot on the street literally across the street from the school. We actually ended up with extra time before kidlet's lesson because I had budgeted so much extra time for parking garage shenanigans. :)

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Man you have a bad habit of destroying other people's stuff if it happens to clash with your own interests, just sayin' >_>Rosita the Riveter wrote:Gorrammit. I just got addicted to Kingdom Hearts this morning, and I have to leave for work in an hour and won't be home until, like, 11, and this weekend I have to study for a midterm and a term project.removes game from ps2, tosses it in microwave, sets it for 30 seconds, lets sparks fly
There you go. Safe from Disney rpg horrors and bad grades and unemployment woes.
My work here is done. No need to thank me.
completely untrue.
enjoys air popped popcorn while watching buffy DVDs go all blue and sparkly in microwave
I love this episode.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Man you have a bad habit of destroying other people's stuff if it happens to clash with your own interests, just sayin' >_>Rosita the Riveter wrote:Gorrammit. I just got addicted to Kingdom Hearts this morning, and I have to leave for work in an hour and won't be home until, like, 11, and this weekend I have to study for a midterm and a term project.removes game from ps2, tosses it in microwave, sets it for 30 seconds, lets sparks fly
There you go. Safe from Disney rpg horrors and bad grades and unemployment woes.
My work here is done. No need to thank me.
completely untrue.
enjoys air popped popcorn while watching buffy DVDs go all blue and sparkly in microwave
I love this episode.
That poor abused microwave.

Aranna |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:Quote:enjoys air popped popcorn while watching buffy DVDs go all blue and sparkly in microwavethe sparks they look like fireflyI went through 4 boxed sets trying to make it glow like it's namesake.
No go.
Awesome you bought four boxed sets, Joss Whedon should thank you personally

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Awesome you bought four boxed sets, Joss Whedon should thank you personallyTin Foil Yamakah wrote:Quote:enjoys air popped popcorn while watching buffy DVDs go all blue and sparkly in microwavethe sparks they look like fireflyI went through 4 boxed sets trying to make it glow like it's namesake.
No go.
I would love to have him over for dinner.

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Would this be a Lucrezia Borgia-type dinner, I wonder?
I once smashed up a Genesis LP with a hammer. It was a good Genesis LP, though (Selling England By The Pound - good-ish, anyway), so that was pretty silly.
I have also informed Lady Longears that I am going to destroy 'Grey' by EL James with fire and with sword once I have finished reading it. I have my doubts as to whether the pleasure of slicing it up and setting it alight will make slogging through the thing at all worthwhile.

Sableye |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Aranna wrote:I would love to have him over for dinner.Freehold DM wrote:Awesome you bought four boxed sets, Joss Whedon should thank you personallyTin Foil Yamakah wrote:Quote:enjoys air popped popcorn while watching buffy DVDs go all blue and sparkly in microwavethe sparks they look like fireflyI went through 4 boxed sets trying to make it glow like it's namesake.
No go.
You don't want it, it's too gamey. Here, let me take that off your hands.

NobodysHome |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Finally heard from NobodysWife: The interviews went well, they called her salary request "reasonable", asked her when she could start, and said she'd hear back "early next week".
All signs point to "Woo hoo!".
As for Joss Whedon, let's be serious. If you're going to serve free range long pig, you're going to want to go for a long, slow-roasting process for flavor and tenderness. I'd go for a hoisin marinade along with some brining. With that, I'd probably serve a zinfandel...
...and mashed potatoes. Definitely mashed potatoes...
...hmm... and butter, olive oil, and sea salt tossed-and-sauteed Brussels sprouts...
...bread... bread... mutter, mutter... sourdough? No... too offset-y. Hmm... the corner store sells a great whole wheat sour batard... I think that would offset the sweetness nicely...
...and a salad. Nobody says, "No," to NobodysHome's salads...

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Finally heard from NobodysWife: The interviews went well, they called her salary request "reasonable", asked her when she could start, and said she'd hear back "early next week".
All signs point to "Woo hoo!".
As for Joss Whedon, let's be serious. If you're going to serve free range long pig, you're going to want to go for a long, slow-roasting process for flavor and tenderness. I'd go for a hoisin marinade along with some brining. With that, I'd probably serve a zinfandel...
...and mashed potatoes. Definitely mashed potatoes...
...hmm... and butter, olive oil, and sea-salt tossed-and-sauteed Brussels sprouts...
I'll make sure the roaster looks like a Buffy DVD boxed set.

Owlton Brown |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Finally heard from NobodysWife: The interviews went well, they called her salary request "reasonable", asked her when she could start, and said she'd hear back "early next week".
All signs point to "Woo hoo!".
As for Joss Whedon, let's be serious. If you're going to serve free range long pig, you're going to want to go for a long, slow-roasting process for flavor and tenderness. I'd go for a hoisin marinade along with some brining. With that, I'd probably serve a zinfandel...
...and mashed potatoes. Definitely mashed potatoes...
...hmm... and butter, olive oil, and sea salt tossed-and-sauteed Brussels sprouts...
...bread... bread... mutter, mutter... sourdough? No... too offset-y. Hmm... the corner store sells a great whole wheat sour batard... I think that would offset the sweetness nicely...
...and a salad. Nobody says, "No," to NobodysHome's salads...
This recipe is brought to you from the kitchens at Good Eats

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:This recipe is brought to you from the kitchens at Good EatsFinally heard from NobodysWife: The interviews went well, they called her salary request "reasonable", asked her when she could start, and said she'd hear back "early next week".
All signs point to "Woo hoo!".
As for Joss Whedon, let's be serious. If you're going to serve free range long pig, you're going to want to go for a long, slow-roasting process for flavor and tenderness. I'd go for a hoisin marinade along with some brining. With that, I'd probably serve a zinfandel...
...and mashed potatoes. Definitely mashed potatoes...
...hmm... and butter, olive oil, and sea salt tossed-and-sauteed Brussels sprouts...
...bread... bread... mutter, mutter... sourdough? No... too offset-y. Hmm... the corner store sells a great whole wheat sour batard... I think that would offset the sweetness nicely...
...and a salad. Nobody says, "No," to NobodysHome's salads...
no problem with that. I will relish the irony.
Also, I need relish.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Owlton Brown wrote:NobodysHome wrote:This recipe is brought to you from the kitchens at Good EatsFinally heard from NobodysWife: The interviews went well, they called her salary request "reasonable", asked her when she could start, and said she'd hear back "early next week".
All signs point to "Woo hoo!".
As for Joss Whedon, let's be serious. If you're going to serve free range long pig, you're going to want to go for a long, slow-roasting process for flavor and tenderness. I'd go for a hoisin marinade along with some brining. With that, I'd probably serve a zinfandel...
...and mashed potatoes. Definitely mashed potatoes...
...hmm... and butter, olive oil, and sea salt tossed-and-sauteed Brussels sprouts...
...bread... bread... mutter, mutter... sourdough? No... too offset-y. Hmm... the corner store sells a great whole wheat sour batard... I think that would offset the sweetness nicely...
...and a salad. Nobody says, "No," to NobodysHome's salads...no problem with that. I will relish the irony.
Also, I need relish.
No relish for you!
Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Owlton Brown wrote:NobodysHome wrote:This recipe is brought to you from the kitchens at Good EatsFinally heard from NobodysWife: The interviews went well, they called her salary request "reasonable", asked her when she could start, and said she'd hear back "early next week".
All signs point to "Woo hoo!".
As for Joss Whedon, let's be serious. If you're going to serve free range long pig, you're going to want to go for a long, slow-roasting process for flavor and tenderness. I'd go for a hoisin marinade along with some brining. With that, I'd probably serve a zinfandel...
...and mashed potatoes. Definitely mashed potatoes...
...hmm... and butter, olive oil, and sea salt tossed-and-sauteed Brussels sprouts...
...bread... bread... mutter, mutter... sourdough? No... too offset-y. Hmm... the corner store sells a great whole wheat sour batard... I think that would offset the sweetness nicely...
...and a salad. Nobody says, "No," to NobodysHome's salads...no problem with that. I will relish the irony.
Also, I need relish.
No relish for you!

Aniuś the Talewise |
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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:is it strange that I don't doodle? I tried doodling but it didn't work outI used to all the time, but I don't anymore because I'm dead inside.
there was like one or two years in my life where i doodled excessively, but that hasn't been a thing for years
I still draw though, but in situations where people would doodle, I draw sketches.

Drejk |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:I am pretty sure that runes can have a potent combat power. The catch is that instead of birch bark you need to use stone. You draw a rune on a stone and then smash your opponent with the rune.^ one of my top 10 favorite posts ever.
I don't think I ever made into anyone's top 10 anythings...

David M Mallon |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Due to the Olive Garden discussion over the previous pages, I dug out an old recipe and have a large pot of pasta e fagioli bubbling on the stove top. Yum.
I had the same idea, so I went and got a sandwich from the gas station, paired with Chex Mix and the subtle bouquet and flavor of warm Bud Lite.