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can't log in to netflix for some reason --> opts for Alternatives

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I indeed watch netflix naked on a regular basis

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David M Mallon wrote:
Ivan Rûski wrote:
With what I pay for my house payment, gas, and insurance, its still cheaper than what I'd pay for rent in a big city.


The guy I was staying with in Brooklyn over the weekend shares an apartment half the size of mine with one other person, but pays more in his half of the rent than I do for rent, utilities, and parking combined.

The two reasons I haven't moved away from Syracuse are a) the record label, and b) the rent prices.

Pretty much the same thing here. Paying all my bills each month in Fort O is about $400.00 cheaper than doing likewise in Phoenix.

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David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

The green fairy.

Her kiss is so...lingering...

Which is great, so long as you like kisses that taste like Twizzlers and rubbing alcohol.


Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:

Made in manehattan is the best mlp episode I have seen in some time. It makes sense that it aired the day Dave visited NYC.

I also look forward to somehow tricking Dave into being around when I get my cutie mark tattoos.

I read that last sentence as "aroused" instead of "around". I... Wouldn't even be sure what to say about that...

Silver Crusade

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Hmm. Based on my last two posts I am apparently in a smutty mood. I guess Italian opera will do that to you...

On my way home from seeing Verdi's Otello. It left me speechless, which is more than I can say about Desdemona, who was able to keep singing after being smothered with a pillow.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Made in manehattan is the best mlp episode I have seen in some time. It makes sense that it aired the day Dave visited NYC.

I also look forward to somehow tricking Dave into being around when I get my cutie mark tattoos.

I read that last sentence as "aroused" instead of "around". I... Wouldn't even be sure what to say about that...

Normally, I'd say yes, but ponies are a huge turn-off.

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New photos of Pluto.

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David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Made in manehattan is the best mlp episode I have seen in some time. It makes sense that it aired the day Dave visited NYC.

I also look forward to somehow tricking Dave into being around when I get my cutie mark tattoos.

I read that last sentence as "aroused" instead of "around". I... Wouldn't even be sure what to say about that...
Normally, I'd say yes, but ponies are a huge turn-off.

It is not bestiality. it is interspecies relationships. I promise to not judge Freehold DM not object to his "relationships".

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Made in manehattan is the best mlp episode I have seen in some time. It makes sense that it aired the day Dave visited NYC.

I also look forward to somehow tricking Dave into being around when I get my cutie mark tattoos.

I read that last sentence as "aroused" instead of "around". I... Wouldn't even be sure what to say about that... I *really* want David to be here for the cutie marking of Freehold.

Maybe I'll sell tickets.

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Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Bring your .22 and we can shoot some moles while we drink. Maybe rats, if we're lucky.
Maybe even some possums.
And the neighbor has an old pick-me-up on blocks we all use as target practice. Yee-haw!

[drawl]You sure that ain't an El Camino up on them thar blocks, and PBR or Natty Light in them thar cans? 'Causen that's what we's gots 'round these here parts.[/drawl]

Honestly, a small town I used to pass through when I was younger had in the nickname "El Camino Road" because in less than a mile, there were at least 6 houses with El Caminos (some of them could have been Rancheros, I suppose) up on blocks in the front yard. Most of them had kids playing on top and hounds lounging underneath.

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None of them had the hoods up with flowers planted in the engine compartment? I'm surprised.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
None of them had the hoods up with flowers planted in the engine compartment? I'm surprised.

It's possible. One of my grandfather's neighbors in TN had an old car where a tree had grown up through the engine compartment, how's that?

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In work related news, even though the change was made months ago I am still confused by it. We have these "guest promises" that are posted in the lobby, had them for years. A couple of months ago, they were changed, according to corporate, to be more personal. I think they have actually made them less personal. The promises used to say blah blah blah make you feel welcome blah blah blah give you service blah blah blah respond to your needs blah blah blah. But now they say blah blah blah make guests feel welcome blah blah blah give guests service blah blah blah respond to guests needs blah blah blah.

How does changing the word 'you' into 'guest' make things more personal?

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The Sixth Extinction was a good book.

With my skill at go now, I can only hope that my opponent starts making mistakes before I do, especially since I'm pretty sure I already made some mistake that I wasn't able to account for.

based on the analysis I just did, there's one obvious-looking move my opponent could take that could easily lead to the life of my group, but there's also another obvious move that leads to a more uncertain fate.

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My life is like playing go: I keep making one mistake after another, oversight after oversight, and eventually have my ass handed to me.

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it turns out a go proverb is "lose your first 100 games as quickly as possible"

lol so true.

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Ivan Rûski wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Ivan Rûski wrote:


Things were starting to look good with the new job on the horizon. Got pulled over on the way to work tonight for taillights being out. The problem is a blown fuse and don't have extra fuses, so I was just going to pick some up after work. Told the officer so, and he said that's fine. Problem is I didn't have proof of insurance because we went paperless a couple years ago and never remembered to print off the proof. He says ok I'm going to have to write you a ticket for that, but just bring your proof in to the courthouse and it'll be dropped. Called my wife and told her about it after getting to work, and she says she thinks it lapsed because we didn't have the money to renew (she handles the bills). Driving without insurance is a class 2 misdemeanor in South Dakota which means a $500 fine or 30 days jail time or both. The court date is the day after I'm supposed to start my new job. All I want to do now is just curl up in a hole and pull it in after me. Hopefully if it did lapse, the judge will be lenient and just give me the fine.

You should move out to a dense city, so that you don't have to drive at all. I ride public transit everywhere I don't walk or bike to, and it costs substantialy less than parking would, let alone gas and insurance.

Also, cars are the Devil's tool.

With what I pay for my house payment, gas, and insurance, its still cheaper than what I'd pay for rent in a big city.

Man, every time I bring up density people think I mean, like, New York or San Francisco or something. I mean, yea, I live in San Francisco, but that's beside the point. New York and San Francisco are outliers. Drop my city into Europe, and we'd still be dense as all Hell. Density also doesn't look like high rises. Most existing plans rely on three or four stories with corner stores. Anyway, I was just talking crap earlier. I know New York and San Francisco are hard to afford, and I think the solution lies more in addressing medium and small cities thsn shuffling more towards the big cities.

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Even moving into the town I work in (Huron, SD; population around 12,000), the price of rent goes up by $300 dollars minimum for a space the size of my house (~1000 square ft.). And $300 is the minimum; average is about $450 more.

And I didn't take offense or anything, just explaining my position.

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her house has somehow disappeared and there's an unconscious kid apparently stuck to a tree with an arrow and the first thing she decides to do is feel his doggy ears


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I have a more radical solution (more correctly, ideas towards finding one) but it goes beyond the scope of fawtl.

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Treppa wrote:
None of them had the hoods up with flowers planted in the engine compartment? I'm surprised.

that sounds kinda cool.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Treppa wrote:
None of them had the hoods up with flowers planted in the engine compartment? I'm surprised.
It's possible. One of my grandfather's neighbors in TN had an old car where a tree had grown up through the engine compartment, how's that?


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All this talk about density reminds me of David's visit.

He mentioned that high rises made him uncomfortable, or were at least of putting with respect to living in a city.

He mentioned this as we walked down 34th at. I believe we were at 7 th Avenue at the time. :)

that's high rise central for those who don't know, with empire state building looming in the distance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Treppa wrote:
None of them had the hoods up with flowers planted in the engine compartment? I'm surprised.
It's possible. One of my grandfather's neighbors in TN had an old car where a tree had grown up through the engine compartment, how's that?

It wasn't done intentionally. It had broken down, been pushed into the back yard, had the hood removed so they could work on it, and then it just sat there with no work being done on it. Eventually the tree managed to work it's way up around the engine, and they wound up with a conversation piece. It was eventually done away with when the gentleman passed on and his kids sold the property to a developer looking to build some condos.

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I ran across this while reading comics:

Aaron Williams wrote:
This venerable ode, crafted by Swedes who were practically Vikings, is a time-honored traditional hymn that speaks to the human spirit, telling the tale of a Queen in search of a King. Won’t you pause for a moment and enjoy this choral arrangement of what’s become for some an anthem of their lives and hopes for tomorrow?

Thought I would share it for the Viking lovers.

Viking Folk Song

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My room always looks like it's ransacked, because it constantly is and I want to kill things

Now I want to play a flash game where you get to destroy things to your heart's delight

Nuclear Eagle immediately comes to mind, but it's terrible to play with a trackpad.

I'd like to play TF2 which is also delightfully destructive, but I lack a mouse

Maybe there's a ps2 emulator that will run on my computer and I can play ratchet and clank?

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"Get the BIOS file from your Playstation 2 console." But mine is on the other side of the continent now

Hmm if there's a Linux OS version of this maybe it can be tweaked to run natively on Mac OS X by virtue of the fact they're both unix family systems

EDT: never mind there is a mac release the work has been done for me and probably better too

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Just watched "Soup or Sonic",my favorite coyote and road runner cartoon from when I was a kid.

Still funny.

Aniuś the Talewise wrote:

Now I want to play a flash game where you get to destroy things to your heart's delight

Nuclear Eagle immediately comes to mind, but it's terrible to play with a trackpad.

I'd like to play TF2 which is also delightfully destructive, but I lack a mouse

Maybe there's a ps2 emulator that will run on my computer and I can play ratchet and clank?

five minutes to kill yourself should do it.

Freehold DM wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:

Now I want to play a flash game where you get to destroy things to your heart's delight

Nuclear Eagle immediately comes to mind, but it's terrible to play with a trackpad.

I'd like to play TF2 which is also delightfully destructive, but I lack a mouse

Maybe there's a ps2 emulator that will run on my computer and I can play ratchet and clank?

five minutes to kill yourself should do it.

thanks for the rec o:

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i don't get why people like taking adderall recreationally

it works for my adhd but at the cost of making me feel light and shaky like I was both food and sleep deprived, without feeling hungry or the need to sleep

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:

i don't get why people like taking adderall recreationally

it works for my adhd but at the cost of making me feel light and shaky like I was both food and sleep deprived, without feeling hungry or the need to sleep

Remember that other people my react to it differently, especially those without the issues the medication is normally used to counter.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:



My room always looks like it's ransacked, because it constantly is and I want to kill things

You may need to call an exterminator, sounds like you have Gremlins. Not sure if Pugwampis or Hanivers.

Silver Crusade

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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:

Lawns are useless and awful things. All it does it waste space.

If you don't use it, you don't need it.

Nonsense my new house has its own little wooded park it the back yard. You can't get such a beautiful piece of property in the city. Not a waste of space at all, perfect for relaxation.

That counts as using c:

I was actually referring to front lawns anyway. I guess the idea of front lawns is to look like you have a lot of land and the resources to keep it all nice and trim? So a stupid status symbol.

I sacrificed my front lawn to the drought god this year and replaced it with river rock and some lantanas. Pretty much the same landscape I have in Vegas.

Silver Crusade

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Bring your .22 and we can shoot some moles while we drink. Maybe rats, if we're lucky.
Maybe even some possums.
And the neighbor has an old pick-me-up on blocks we all use as target practice. Yee-haw!

[drawl]You sure that ain't an El Camino up on them thar blocks, and PBR or Natty Light in them thar cans? 'Causen that's what we's gots 'round these here parts.[/drawl]

Honestly, a small town I used to pass through when I was younger had in the nickname "El Camino Road" because in less than a mile, there were at least 6 houses with El Caminos (some of them could have been Rancheros, I suppose) up on blocks in the front yard. Most of them had kids playing on top and hounds lounging underneath.

And for more redneck goodness see this fine thread about 'murica

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Sleep well Tin Foil Yamakah, I sent it somewhere nice, with plenty of water, comparatively, Arizona to be specific.

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The great thing it seems about the Midwest is I'm hip deep in red neck s++$, 20 minutes in any direction (except west) and say goodbye to civilization.

If you go west or northwest you still have a good 80 miles of wineries, organic farms and craft breweries to get thru.

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Drejk wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:

i don't get why people like taking adderall recreationally

it works for my adhd but at the cost of making me feel light and shaky like I was both food and sleep deprived, without feeling hungry or the need to sleep

Remember that other people my react to it differently, especially those without the issues the medication is normally used to counter.

That's a good point. For me it's an important tool but it also feels unpleasant.

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Bring your .22 and we can shoot some moles while we drink. Maybe rats, if we're lucky.
Maybe even some possums.
And the neighbor has an old pick-me-up on blocks we all use as target practice. Yee-haw!

[drawl]You sure that ain't an El Camino up on them thar blocks, and PBR or Natty Light in them thar cans? 'Causen that's what we's gots 'round these here parts.[/drawl]

Honestly, a small town I used to pass through when I was younger had in the nickname "El Camino Road" because in less than a mile, there were at least 6 houses with El Caminos (some of them could have been Rancheros, I suppose) up on blocks in the front yard. Most of them had kids playing on top and hounds lounging underneath.

And for more redneck goodness see this fine thread about 'murica

On the contrary, that thread is about nothing.

I believe Untitled is older than FAWTL. It started when a forum bug created a thread with no OP (literally 0 posts) and a placefiller title of "Untitled". The first posts were along the lines of "Huh?" and "Yup", and people decided it sounded like folks sitting out on the porch.

The current thread is the third Untitled because, just like FAWTL, the Untitled threads grew so long they broke the boards.

And now you know!

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After discussing it with Tiny T-Rex, Casparo will be a Vampire Hunter (Inquisitor) now I just need a deity, obviously Sarenrae and Pharasma are cliche, and I am a fan of Pharasma, we'll see, either way he'll be good.

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Original untitled. Wow. It is substantially older than FAWTL.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

On the contrary, that thread is about nothing.

I believe Untitled is older than FAWTL. It started when a forum bug created a thread with no OP (literally 0 posts) and a placefiller title of "Untitled". The first posts were along the lines of "Huh?" and "Yup", and people decided it sounded like folks sitting out on the porch.

The current thread is the third Untitled because, just like FAWTL, the Untitled threads grew so long they broke the boards.

And now you know!

That's good stuff

Grand Lodge

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Some old names in that thread.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I would've gone with "And that's the rest of the story"

3 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Treppa wrote:
None of them had the hoods up with flowers planted in the engine compartment? I'm surprised.
It's possible. One of my grandfather's neighbors in TN had an old car where a tree had grown up through the engine compartment, how's that?

That thar fung shway is amazin'!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That. Is. Awesome.

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