captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Casparo Sarini,
Outcast from damned diabolist family.
Would you go with Inquisitor (vampire hunter archetype, because it's cool), cleric or bard.
Already have Medium, Mesmerist and (probably) Gunslinger, we don't care about "party balance"
It's for Tiny T-Rex, usually the others help him but this time I get to. Give him a character, pawn and tell him the gist and sit back and let him ham it up :-)

Tacticslion |

Casparo Sarini,
Outcast from damned diabolist family.
Would you go with Inquisitor (vampire hunter archetype, because it's cool), cleric or bard.
Already have Medium, Mesmerist and (probably) Gunslinger, we don't care about "party balance"
It's for Tiny T-Rex, usually the others help him but this time I get to. Give him a character, pawn and tell him the gist and sit back and let him ham it up :-)
For me? A bard. Problem: it will likely feel outclassed, not-as-useful, and redundant.
One RP Potential Take: slick-talking, shrewd manipulator skilled in a little bit of everything with gothic panache and style.For party-balance? An inquisitor. Problem: it will likely be "the back up guy" for most purposes; that said, it may well turn into "the Face" as well, though that's less likely with the Mesmerist.
One RP Potential Take: hard-bitten (hah! get it?!), grim-set dangerous man with a keen mind and unbreakable determination.
For pure power? A cleric. Problem: definitely "the back up guy" or rather "the helper guy (that's also superior to all of you)" - though, to cement myself in the back-up/helper role (and sub-optimal gaming), I'd probably choose to go wizard and then theurge, too; could also be "the Face", though again that's less likely with the Mesmerist.
One RP Potential Take: Power-hungry seeker, interested in finding that one thing that will "show them all" and having found a Patron - one far better than anything those fools who never understood back home could comprehend; a deep well of absolute power, and impossible charisma, capable of altering the course of the heavens by mere whim and whose whispers could seduce even the most callous of fiends; that sensuous beauty unrivaled by any, the one, the only: Cayden Calie- er, uh, I mean Shelyn! Yeah!
That's my take, anyway.

captain yesterday |
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I like Inquisitor, if just for the vampire hunter archetype.
But it sure would be nice having a full caster of some sort.
Tiny T-Rex's characters don't hide in the background, despite what the class might say. :-)
If I went cleric I'd probably go for mystery cultist prestige class just so he could do something weird every morning, like lay in a pool of water while holding a toad.
I could see Tiny T-Rex doing that.

Tacticslion |

I like Inquisitor, if just for the vampire hunter archetype.
But it sure would be nice having a full caster of some sort.
Tiny T-Rex's characters don't hide in the background, despite what the class might say. :-)
Do it. Go cleric.
Heck, if you really wanna shake things up, go druid or arcanist! ... unless you're playing Carrion Crown, in which case, go cleric.

Ivan Rûski |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Things were starting to look good with the new job on the horizon. Got pulled over on the way to work tonight for taillights being out. The problem is a blown fuse and don't have extra fuses, so I was just going to pick some up after work. Told the officer so, and he said that's fine. Problem is I didn't have proof of insurance because we went paperless a couple years ago and never remembered to print off the proof. He says ok I'm going to have to write you a ticket for that, but just bring your proof in to the courthouse and it'll be dropped. Called my wife and told her about it after getting to work, and she says she thinks it lapsed because we didn't have the money to renew (she handles the bills). Driving without insurance is a class 2 misdemeanor in South Dakota which means a $500 fine or 30 days jail time or both. The court date is the day after I'm supposed to start my new job. All I want to do now is just curl up in a hole and pull it in after me. Hopefully if it did lapse, the judge will be lenient and just give me the fine.

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Things were starting to look good with the new job on the horizon. Got pulled over on the way to work tonight for taillights being out. The problem is a blown fuse and don't have extra fuses, so I was just going to pick some up after work. Told the officer so, and he said that's fine. Problem is I didn't have proof of insurance because we went paperless a couple years ago and never remembered to print off the proof. He says ok I'm going to have to write you a ticket for that, but just bring your proof in to the courthouse and it'll be dropped. Called my wife and told her about it after getting to work, and she says she thinks it lapsed because we didn't have the money to renew (she handles the bills). Driving without insurance is a class 2 misdemeanor in South Dakota which means a $500 fine or 30 days jail time or both. The court date is the day after I'm supposed to start my new job. All I want to do now is just curl up in a hole and pull it in after me. Hopefully if it did lapse, the judge will be lenient and just give me the fine.
yikes. I'm sorry man that's a terribly pile up of mishaps.

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Casparo Sarini,
Outcast from damned diabolist family.
Would you go with Inquisitor (vampire hunter archetype, because it's cool), cleric or bard.
Already have Medium, Mesmerist and (probably) Gunslinger, we don't care about "party balance"
It's for Tiny T-Rex, usually the others help him but this time I get to. Give him a character, pawn and tell him the gist and sit back and let him ham it up :-)
Here are my thoughts on "Party-Balance"
Balance is a myth...not only is it a myth, it's actually a detriment to good roleplay. Play what makes you happy. Play the mechanics that excite you and what you want to play. Play it with joy and play it well.

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Casparo Sarini,
Outcast from damned diabolist family.
Would you go with Inquisitor (vampire hunter archetype, because it's cool), cleric or bard.
Already have Medium, Mesmerist and (probably) Gunslinger, we don't care about "party balance"
It's for Tiny T-Rex, usually the others help him but this time I get to. Give him a character, pawn and tell him the gist and sit back and let him ham it up :-)
Here are my thoughts on "Party-Balance"
Balance is a myth...not only is it a myth, it's actually a detriment to good roleplay. Play what makes you happy. Play the mechanics that excite you and what you want to play. Play it with joy and play it well.
That's how we roll :-)

Aranna |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Things were starting to look good with the new job on the horizon. Got pulled over on the way to work tonight for taillights being out. The problem is a blown fuse and don't have extra fuses, so I was just going to pick some up after work. Told the officer so, and he said that's fine. Problem is I didn't have proof of insurance because we went paperless a couple years ago and never remembered to print off the proof. He says ok I'm going to have to write you a ticket for that, but just bring your proof in to the courthouse and it'll be dropped. Called my wife and told her about it after getting to work, and she says she thinks it lapsed because we didn't have the money to renew (she handles the bills). Driving without insurance is a class 2 misdemeanor in South Dakota which means a $500 fine or 30 days jail time or both. The court date is the day after I'm supposed to start my new job. All I want to do now is just curl up in a hole and pull it in after me. Hopefully if it did lapse, the judge will be lenient and just give me the fine.
Oh my goodness, I will pray for you. But you need to get that renewed ASAP before you go to court. If you're lucky they will do what my state does and just fine you the full amount as long as your insurance has been renewed.

![]() |

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:Also I too have decided to take a long extended break from alcohol. It just isn't fun anymore.Good luck! I'm finally at Day 120, and I can *finally* say it's starting to get easier. But it takes a LOOOOONG time!
It sunk in on friday when I realized that that "Sober September " had come and gone without me being sober.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have recently learned of Nuzlocke Challenge with Pokemon.
Specifically, I have been watching ProJared's Nuzlockes.
I have become intimately familiar both with disappointment and the theme song To those who meet their end.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've never done a Nuzlocke. I should, one of these days. The question is which game, I guess.
If/when I ever do, I've already made a special exception rule for myself - any Revives or Max Revives I find in on-the-ground treasure (not bought from stores) are treated as "miracles" and can still be used to revive a dead teammate.

Ivan Rûski |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ivan Rûski wrote:Oh my goodness, I will pray for you. But you need to get that renewed ASAP before you go to court. If you're lucky they will do what my state does and just fine you the full amount as long as your insurance has been renewed.FML.
Things were starting to look good with the new job on the horizon. Got pulled over on the way to work tonight for taillights being out. The problem is a blown fuse and don't have extra fuses, so I was just going to pick some up after work. Told the officer so, and he said that's fine. Problem is I didn't have proof of insurance because we went paperless a couple years ago and never remembered to print off the proof. He says ok I'm going to have to write you a ticket for that, but just bring your proof in to the courthouse and it'll be dropped. Called my wife and told her about it after getting to work, and she says she thinks it lapsed because we didn't have the money to renew (she handles the bills). Driving without insurance is a class 2 misdemeanor in South Dakota which means a $500 fine or 30 days jail time or both. The court date is the day after I'm supposed to start my new job. All I want to do now is just curl up in a hole and pull it in after me. Hopefully if it did lapse, the judge will be lenient and just give me the fine.
Definitely doing so once I get my next paycheck. Would like to do so now, but other bills ate all my money. And thanks everyone for the sympathies and prayers.

Rosita the Riveter |

Things were starting to look good with the new job on the horizon. Got pulled over on the way to work tonight for taillights being out. The problem is a blown fuse and don't have extra fuses, so I was just going to pick some up after work. Told the officer so, and he said that's fine. Problem is I didn't have proof of insurance because we went paperless a couple years ago and never remembered to print off the proof. He says ok I'm going to have to write you a ticket for that, but just bring your proof in to the courthouse and it'll be dropped. Called my wife and told her about it after getting to work, and she says she thinks it lapsed because we didn't have the money to renew (she handles the bills). Driving without insurance is a class 2 misdemeanor in South Dakota which means a $500 fine or 30 days jail time or both. The court date is the day after I'm supposed to start my new job. All I want to do now is just curl up in a hole and pull it in after me. Hopefully if it did lapse, the judge will be lenient and just give me the fine.
You should move out to a dense city, so that you don't have to drive at all. I ride public transit everywhere I don't walk or bike to, and it costs substantialy less than parking would, let alone gas and insurance.
Also, cars are the Devil's tool.

Aniuś the Talewise |
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"The ellipsis is first noted in Old Norse starting in about 200 BC"
? ???? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ????? ? ?? ? ? ??????
They didn't even speak old norse in the 6TH CENTURY AD. They spoke proto-norse, which was a direct precursor.
In 200BC I think the language would have been proto-germanic and I'm not so sure they used runic back then either. Either that or we just don't have archaeological evidence that far back.

Orthos |

dense cities are awful places and I would prefer not to live in them if I could help it
unfortunately, there are resources more easily accessed within a city than from the country side.
Pretty much.
I've managed to find a pretty decent balance, living in fairly-small Fort O and driving to not-much-larger Chattanooga for work. Chatt's about the biggest city I'd ever want to live in, and even then, I've only lived in the smaller suburbs and littler cities and towns just across the Georgia border.
I still avoid downtown like the plague. The idea of living somewhere like that again, much less an actual big/dense city, is so much NOPE. I need some freaking space between me and other humans.

Rosita the Riveter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You do know what massive rates of car usage do to the environment, yes? It's actually kind of terrifying. And thanks to Suburbia, most Americans don't even have a choice whether to drive or not. The current paradigm in American urban planning is shifting towards multifamily and mixed use and away from single family residential for a reason.
Also, I've seen a lot of dense living design that doesn't even use high rises.
And know you know why I refuse to get a driver's license.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The current paradigm in American urban planning is shifting towards multifamily and mixed use and away from single family residential for a reason.
All the more reason for me to avoid it. I want to be alone, with actual distance between me and others. I need space. Thankfully my apartment complex is pretty small and well-spread-out, so it lacks the crowded, compressed feeling of in-city apartments.
As for driving, I lost any appeal I had for mass-transit systems after the third or fourth time I had to turn down a job opportunity because "the buses don't go to your office" or "I can't get to your location at that time because the buses aren't running yet".
I still kind of consider driving a necessary evil, but I don't think I could ever go back to shackling myself to a bus schedule after the past couple of years of having the individual independence of my own vehicle.

Rosita the Riveter |

Rosita the Riveter wrote:The current paradigm in American urban planning is shifting towards multifamily and mixed use and away from single family residential for a reason.All the more reason for me to avoid it. I want to be alone, with actual distance between me and others. I need space. Thankfully my apartment complex is pretty small and well-spread-out, so it lacks the crowded, compressed feeling of in-city apartments.
I'd like to take hour long showers every night, but we're in a drought. Wanting something doesn't negate the social and environmental consequences.
As for driving, I lost any appeal I had for mass-transit systems after the third or fourth time I had to turn down a job opportunity because "the buses don't go to your office" or "I can't get to your location at that time because the buses aren't running yet".
Yes, and urban planners are doing their best to fix it. Problem is, the money is sparse, because of the viewpoint that public transit is welfare for the poor instead of a public utility for everyone.
I still kind of consider driving a necessary evil, but I don't think I could ever go back to shackling myself to a bus schedule after the past couple of years of having the individual independence of my own vehicle.
Driving is a necessary evil for many Americans because of stuff like the old paradigm of requiring houses to be built on quarter acre lots and all apartment units and stores to have a ton of parking.