Aniuś the Talewise |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The thing I have before me right now is 1848 words, which is one days worth of nanowrimo. Most of this was written months ago and I just started adding to this within the past week.
I didn't come up with all the ideas expressed in that 1848 words in one day, nor do I think it is possible to do so. It's easy to slam out 1.6k a day if you have lots of willpower, but ideas take more time to develop than the words in which they are expressed.

David M Mallon |
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David M Mallon wrote:Tacticslion wrote:And those little plastic cups of fruit.Well, you're obviously a pod person if that's true.Well, the fruit, anyway. ;P
(Also, you're indecent. EDIT: ninja'd!)
I'd bet money on the fact that "fruit cups" are sugar-flavored cough syrup with fruit-shaped chunks of foam rubber floating in it.

David M Mallon |
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David M Mallon wrote:why when I can just go across the street?Freehold DM wrote:So you're taking the train up to Syracuse, then? Or are you heading over to Rochester?Treppa wrote:I need to get you some real pizza for dinner.I'm drinking V-8 juice for dinner.
** spoiler omitted **
That's not pizza. Those are triangles.

David M Mallon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

David M Mallon wrote:That guy stole our triangle!ah, the scalene triangle

lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The thing I have before me right now is 1848 words, which is one days worth of nanowrimo. Most of this was written months ago and I just started adding to this within the past week.
I didn't come up with all the ideas expressed in that 1848 words in one day, nor do I think it is possible to do so. It's easy to slam out 1.6k a day if you have lots of willpower, but ideas take more time to develop than the words in which they are expressed.
It's not as bad as you think. You just abandon all hopes of quality coherent writing and accept that what you will be left with at the end is a pile of ideas wrapped in word vomit ready to be cleaned off and turned into an actual story. :)

Beldar Conehead, Jr. |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Cover up that pod.I'll never cover up my pod person.
{nods approvingly, gets spewed on}

Aniuś the Talewise |

Aniuś the Talewise wrote:It's not as bad as you think. You just abandon all hopes of quality coherent writing and accept that what you will be left with at the end is a pile of ideas wrapped in word vomit ready to be cleaned off and turned into an actual story. :)The thing I have before me right now is 1848 words, which is one days worth of nanowrimo. Most of this was written months ago and I just started adding to this within the past week.
I didn't come up with all the ideas expressed in that 1848 words in one day, nor do I think it is possible to do so. It's easy to slam out 1.6k a day if you have lots of willpower, but ideas take more time to develop than the words in which they are expressed.
yeah, it feels inefficient to me. it will take years for a story to develop and become good anyway, so I might as well do the same amount of development with less work.
nano isn't for everybody

lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

lynora wrote:Aniuś the Talewise wrote:It's not as bad as you think. You just abandon all hopes of quality coherent writing and accept that what you will be left with at the end is a pile of ideas wrapped in word vomit ready to be cleaned off and turned into an actual story. :)The thing I have before me right now is 1848 words, which is one days worth of nanowrimo. Most of this was written months ago and I just started adding to this within the past week.
I didn't come up with all the ideas expressed in that 1848 words in one day, nor do I think it is possible to do so. It's easy to slam out 1.6k a day if you have lots of willpower, but ideas take more time to develop than the words in which they are expressed.
yeah, it feels inefficient to me. it will take years for a story to develop and become good anyway, so I might as well do the same amount of development with less work.
nano isn't for everybody
No, but at least for me, a first draft sucks the same amount whether I write it in a month or painstakingly craft it over several years. I'm too lazy to spend years getting the same result I can get in a month. :P
(Like many people I get caught in analysis paralysis when I try to edit and write at th same time. The whole point of Nano is teaching people like me how to separate the two processes.)
gran rey de los mono |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I tried doing nanowrimo like 7 or 8 years ago. Somewhere around the 20th, I finished my story, but only had about 35,000 words. I then spent the rest of the month trying to figure out how to shove in another 15,000 without destroying what I had already done. I think I managed to add another 2,500 or so before saying "Screw it, this is obviously a short story, and not a short novel". I've thought about trying again each year, but haven't.

Aniuś the Talewise |

Aniuś the Talewise wrote:lynora wrote:Aniuś the Talewise wrote:It's not as bad as you think. You just abandon all hopes of quality coherent writing and accept that what you will be left with at the end is a pile of ideas wrapped in word vomit ready to be cleaned off and turned into an actual story. :)The thing I have before me right now is 1848 words, which is one days worth of nanowrimo. Most of this was written months ago and I just started adding to this within the past week.
I didn't come up with all the ideas expressed in that 1848 words in one day, nor do I think it is possible to do so. It's easy to slam out 1.6k a day if you have lots of willpower, but ideas take more time to develop than the words in which they are expressed.
yeah, it feels inefficient to me. it will take years for a story to develop and become good anyway, so I might as well do the same amount of development with less work.
nano isn't for everybody
No, but at least for me, a first draft sucks the same amount whether I write it in a month or painstakingly craft it over several years. I'm too lazy to spend years getting the same result I can get in a month. :P
(Like many people I get caught in analysis paralysis when I try to edit and write at th same time. The whole point of Nano is teaching people like me how to separate the two processes.)
that's a good point.
It's a useful tool for some folks.
for me, 1667 is just too much in one day, and too fast.

Icyshadow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

F*** this week.
- My paycheck is going to be three days late.
- Sickness hasn't fully left my side since Sunday.
- I've started to feel depressed and angry at myself at my lack of accomplishments.
All I have is a meager blog and a DeviantART page of questionable quality (and content), while my other friends are already publishing books or making video games.

Aniuś the Talewise |

Why would a family with what is apparently about 100k income be living in hartford? The father is a truck driver and the mother does some sort of cultural anthropology work abroad I guess, which resulted in a 100k income between them when I googled average salaries for that kind of work.
I don't know anything about this kind of stuff, really. All I understand is swords and axes.
EDIT: maybe the average salaries I looked up are before taxes? they never say anywhere whether they are before or after taxes.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

- Sickness hasn't fully left my side since Sunday.
- I've started to feel depressed and angry at myself at my lack of accomplishments.
These two may well be intimately related.
I know that sometimes when I have a bad fever, I get into an emotional spiral of depression and self-recrimination, without the ability to do anything about it, and end up apologizing and crying to my wife about how much I suck as a father and husband.
She usually puts me to bed, gives me fever medication, and tells me that I'm really great.
For you, I can only do the last: I'm pretty sure you're great, Icy. :D

![]() |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:David M Mallon wrote:why when I can just go across the street?Freehold DM wrote:So you're taking the train up to Syracuse, then? Or are you heading over to Rochester?Treppa wrote:I need to get you some real pizza for dinner.I'm drinking V-8 juice for dinner.
** spoiler omitted **
That's not pizza. Those are triangles.
If somebody said it on the Internet, it must be true!

Treppa |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

For NaNo, it's totally not cheating to have your novel outlined, plotted, characters drawn up, etc. You don't have to start from blank-brain stage. The idea of NaNo is that you actually DO the writing - follow your outline and brain dump, don't dither around and pick at every single word and don't overthink where your novel is going. Granted, it will take off and do strange things, but that's OK.
They are trying to give burgeoning writers that feeling of accomplishment AND teach them the value of editing. Too many people try to edit as they write and end up bogged down.
In one of my Word docs, 1 page is about 650 words in 12-point font. So they want around 2-1/2 pages per day. That should be doable.
So I tell myself. Yet I've never done it.

Aranna |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Icyshadow wrote:- Sickness hasn't fully left my side since Sunday.
- I've started to feel depressed and angry at myself at my lack of accomplishments.
These two may well be intimately related.
I know that sometimes when I have a bad fever, I get into an emotional spiral of depression and self-recrimination, without the ability to do anything about it, and end up apologizing and crying to my wife about how much I suck as a father and husband.
She usually puts me to bed, gives me fever medication, and tells me that I'm really great.
For you, I can only do the last: I'm pretty sure you're great, Icy. :D
Strange, being sick since Sunday myself I can definitely say this isn't true for me. Sickness seems to drain me of all my emotion good or bad. I find it hard to be either depressed or angry when sick; I just let it all happen and worry about getting better.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Why would a family with what is apparently about 100k income be living in hartford? The father is a truck driver and the mother does some sort of cultural anthropology work abroad I guess, which resulted in a 100k income between them when I googled average salaries for that kind of work.
I don't know anything about this kind of stuff, really. All I understand is swords and axes.
EDIT: maybe the average salaries I looked up are before taxes? they never say anywhere whether they are before or after taxes.
Yeah, you have to be really careful with that kind of thing. On paper, my annual salary is $110,000. But of course my company deducts for health care, retirement, taxes, disability, life insurance, dental, optometry, etc. So my actual paycheck is about $72,000 a year.
Still sounds like a ton, but supporting a family of four in the S.F. Bay Area on that isn't easy. I think the poverty line is $54,000 for a family of 4. The Bay Area... stupid expensive, and staying that way...
On-paper income doesn't equal take-home income. Not even close.

Ragadolf |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

For NaNo, it's totally not cheating to have your novel outlined, plotted, characters drawn up, etc. You don't have to start from blank-brain stage. The idea of NaNo is that you actually DO the writing - follow your outline and brain dump, don't dither around and pick at every single word and don't overthink where your novel is going. Granted, it will take off and do strange things, but that's OK.
They are trying to give burgeoning writers that feeling of accomplishment AND teach them the value of editing. Too many people try to edit as they write and end up bogged down.
In one of my Word docs, 1 page is about 650 words in 12-point font. So they want around 2-1/2 pages per day. That should be doable.
So I tell myself. Yet I've never done it.
I like to write, but despite some of my novel-length PbP posts, I am no good at longer writing. I either end up in a deficit of plot ideas, or all of my characters all sound like the same person. Or I just get general writers block. Bad.Now, I could take some my gaming experiences and try putting THEM down as a story. It was very entertaining to us. :) It might work for a novel(s). ;P

Tacticslion |

Strange, being sick since Sunday myself I can definitely say this isn't true for me. Sickness seems to drain me of all my emotion good or bad. I find it hard to be either depressed or angry when sick; I just let it all happen and worry about getting better.
Depends on the sickness. As I said, it's only when I get a fever, and generally only when I'm working really, really hard to not have a fever (or trying to fake it) that my body and emotions just kind of... crumple.
But sickness - and indeed, many biological effects - affects everyone differently, emotionally.
(As a for-instance: one woman - who is probably one of the sweetest ladies I know, otherwise - gets extremely grumpy when overly hungry, and often doesn't realize the source of her grumpiness. She's perfectly healthy, and is generally insightful, but getting too hungry simply flips an emotional switch somehow and blinds her to her own state. She is aware that this happens and works to avoid it.)

Tacticslion |

Such dignity and grace!
I, on the other hand, can handle being hungry with dignity and grace.
It must be true!
Oooh! Food! Gimme! *smashes into a plate of food with all the dignity and grace of cookie monster*
Truly, Sid* is possessed of dignity and grace!
* Well this is an obscure reference, I don't know if anyone will ever get.