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kind of works out, since the nexus forums [bigger]actually calls you out on promising that you've read stuff that you haven't read
Reminds me of the South Park episode where the iTunes terms of service were revealed to include a clause where Apple could make you part if a human centipede...

Orthos |

Freehold DM wrote:He said New York, NOT New York City. Two completely different things. It is like Georgia. There is Atlanta and there is the REST of Georgia. ~grins~David M Mallon wrote:Don't come to New York. Everyone I know is leaving New York. They probably have a reason for that.I'm not leaving, and you know me.
Or Austin and the rest of Texas.

Tacticslion |

EDIT: I figured I should clarify my feelings on recent FAQs. This falls inline, not because the other FAQ made sense (it didn't), but because it allowed characters to feel (and be) competent in their chosen fields.
On the other hand, this is a great FAQ, and I like it.

Id Vicious |

lynora wrote:I looked out the window and it was like being inside a snow globe. The snow is just light enough and slow enough that it looks like that. It's beautiful. :)[CAMERA SLOWLY PULLS BACK FROM YOUNG PRINCE MOORLUCK HOLDING A SNOWGLOBE CONTAINING MINIATURE OF ST. FAWTL HOSPITAL]
That reference is hella dated.

Freehold DM |

lynora wrote:I looked out the window and it was like being inside a snow globe. The snow is just light enough and slow enough that it looks like that. It's beautiful. :)[CAMERA SLOWLY PULLS BACK FROM YOUNG PRINCE MOORLUCK HOLDING A SNOWGLOBE CONTAINING MINIATURE OF ST. FAWTL HOSPITAL]
...I'm scared.

Freehold DM |

Drejk wrote:There seem to be quite a few FaWTLs who have migrated towards being Facebook-only.Sharoth wrote:Has anyone heard from Urizen, Kruelaid, Heathy, KaeYoss, Fake Healer, or any of the other missing Fawty people?Urizen and Heathy are alive, or at least posting on Facebook.

Tacticslion |

So: Beshaba. The Maid of Misfortune. The Doom Lady. The Scourge of Ill-luck.
... she is a terribly under-imaged as a deity of FR. I'm, like, finding the same four images of her (and one of those is dubious). It may well be that my Google-fu is failing me, but I kind of need to have some images of her (decent ones) so that when...
** spoiler omitted **
... but the only official image I can find is that one. You know. The image. (It's from Faiths and Pantheons.)
Somehow, it's... just not inspiring.
Can you guys find good, strong images?
Also: Kiarensalee, Shar, Bane, Moander, and Tymora, if possible. I can find tons of Eilistraee, and Lolth ('cause, "hot drow", I suppose).
Also, is there anyone who can give me a summary of what happened in the written work Tymora's Luck (most notably: the parts including Beshaba and Tymora, and the attempt to reunite them to make Tyche, etc.)?
Thanks, FAWTLites!
EDIT: Any other gods of bad luck or misfortune that you guys know of? I know Zyphus, but I don't really relate him that well to Beshaba.
Re-posting from earlier to see if anyone has any more link able/save able pictures!
Drejk came up with some AWESOME descriptions: but does anyone have pictures I could link (it also aids in inspiration).
Also: Freehold! I found a 2E representation of Beshaba! She looked like a weird white gnome facing off against her tomboy sister (who looked like a Halfling with covered human-proportion feet). It's on the cover of the book Tymora's Luck as part of the Finder Trilogy.
EDIT: For accuracy!

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:So: Beshaba. The Maid of Misfortune. The Doom Lady. The Scourge of Ill-luck.
... she is a terribly under-imaged as a deity of FR. I'm, like, finding the same four images of her (and one of those is dubious). It may well be that my Google-fu is failing me, but I kind of need to have some images of her (decent ones) so that when...
** spoiler omitted **
... but the only official image I can find is that one. You know. The image. (It's from Faiths and Pantheons.)
Somehow, it's... just not inspiring.
Can you guys find good, strong images?
Also: Kiarensalee, Shar, Bane, Moander, and Tymora, if possible. I can find tons of Eilistraee, and Lolth ('cause, "hot drow", I suppose).
Also, is there anyone who can give me a summary of what happened in the written work Tymora's Luck (most notably: the parts including Beshaba and Tymora, and the attempt to reunite them to make Tyche, etc.)?
Thanks, FAWTLites!
EDIT: Any other gods of bad luck or misfortune that you guys know of? I know Zyphus, but I don't really relate him that well to Beshaba.
I would make Beshaba and Tymora twins. Twin-twins, hard if at all recognizable. With even their avatars, manifestations and copies looking alike, even if they don't want to.
For Moander I wouldn't use humanoid appearance at all. For me it is an elder deity that never comprehended humanoids. The closest it would take would be humanoid-shaped topiary or particularly huamnoidish shambling mound.
Shar would be a pale goth lady wearing black and deep blue. Occasionally appearing with jet black skin as well. I have some expended ideas about her, including reasoning for her desire to unmake the existence.
I haven't thought about Kiarensalee, despite my Faerun's drows having much more varied religion than base-line FR (in my games Lolth only completely dominates Menzoberranzan and subservient settlements, with various level of influence in other...
Here we go! Bottom of the same page, I think? Anyhoo, they were nifty. I'd be willing to accept those and/or more "official" canon art.

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Afternoon FaWtLers, hope everyone is well today. Hey, remember when I joked about saying the weather was clear for so long was going to bring the rain? Well guess who got soaked walking to work today? :P Ah well, sunny again by lunchtime. And at least I'm not buried in snow! (Though a light smattering would be nice before the time of year has passed. I'm looking at you Freehold!)

Freehold DM |
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Afternoon FaWtLers, hope everyone is well today. Hey, remember when I joked about saying the weather was clear for so long was going to bring the rain? Well guess who got soaked walking to work today? :P Ah well, sunny again by lunchtime. And at least I'm not buried in snow! (Though a light smattering would be nice before the time of year has passed. I'm looking at you Freehold!)
sorry man, I was wooing lynora with snow, lemme send some your way.

Mr. Peabody |
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When CraigyFerg ended his run on the Late Late Show last year, I understood all the references in the final skit except the snowglobe. I originally assumed it was an ill-fitting Citizen Kane reference until I did some searching and found out about the whole Tommy Westphall Universe.

David M Mallon |
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I started playing Dragon Age: Origins about a month ago, and for nearly all of the ~25 hours I've put into it so far, something undefinable has been bugging me. Then I stumbled across this video, and it all came into focus. Seriously-- same character build, same tactics, same complaints.

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:My daughter Penny made supper tonight, Burritos.
she totally nailed it:-)
A big day, huh?
yes very much so:-) at almost 11 this the first time she did the whole Enchilada* herself from start to finish with no assistance:-)
*sorry couldn't help myself:-p

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It's all rather enjoyable. I think the scale change was in reaction to the fact that the game was supposed to last about a year, but now it's been two, and we're all a bit more powerful than the GM thought we'd be. I find myself lost sometimes over how we're supposed to deal with some of the crazier stuff going on (the Red Sea is draining, you say? To nowhere, you say? O.o) but it's good craic all the same.

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The weather is forecast to be good, so I'm thinking playing at the beach again. He loves that. Buy some balloons, some bubble blowers, he gets a kick out of those too. We'll see.
Quick question to other parents of FaWtL, what did/do ye do to encourage your little one's talking? I want to do more to get him chatting. It frustrates him that he can't communicate and that's something I want to help him with.

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:Exhausted. Sleep soon.Hopefully the little one agrees with this:-p
I was at the point where it didn't actually matter anymore if he did or not. Fortunately, his mommy was able to come home before he woke.
Still in desperate need of sleep... but less.

Orthos |
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So I spent about three hours last night RPing my NWN character going through surgery after an erinyes shattered her shoulder with a greensteel arrow. Some of the most intense interaction I've ever had, and it pretty much involved me sitting in a chair mumbling incoherently from time to time while three other characters were constantly rolling to pick pieces out of the ground beef that used to be my arm before the shrapnel spread too far.
And then today we need to sit down and analyze the contract she gave me before shooting me, see if we can pick out any useful information that might help us in the upcoming quest tonight, before she wipes a town off the map with her undead army.
Things like this are why I keep coming back to this game.