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Tacticslion wrote:


Bloodrager dang it, Paizo.

One idea with the melee rage healer, is maybe focus on necromancy as a theme: effectively, stuff like vampiric touch (melee attack), death knell (on a fallen foe), and so on; then he uses temporary (or normal) hp to heal his allies as if by a pool or something within his aura. It's clunky and fluctuate-y, but interseting. Neat.

Uh, that's completely different class that I have in my current design folder - vampirist - with a life leeching touch, a pool of stolen hp, and an aura that can be upgraded with various talents vampiric powers to steal more life, hinder foes with various conditions and penalties while providing allies with moderate bonuses...

Naked vampirist? Well, one of the available paths for him is Passion... (the other two are Death and Hunger).

Now I have to develop those two in sufficiently distinct ways to avoid too much overlap...

Tomorrow friend has a lecture about LARPs around noon...

The weather will be probably meh and making me want to stay at home.

There might be cute girls coming for the lecture...

But they'll probably be too young and too much into LARPs and not enough into classic rpgs for my taste and patience.

Just a note: I've been busy for quite some time with two sudden things.

First, I've been hired to help author an EPA summary report for presentation to Congress. I can't state anything more about this due to NDAs. But I am very unhappy with some of the people I am having to work with. Unfortunately, they're a necessary evil of the environmental lobby... or anything to do with environmentalism, really.

Secondly, I also have a friend of the family staying. She's been in particular need of support and care due to her advanced age.

She's a cool person, though. Helped put planes together during the 1940s and has a very long activist history fighting for women's rights. I think her most interesting piece of advice is telling me that no activist should live long enough to regret what they were fighting for.

Overall, cool person.

I also have a couple other reasons for not posting as much, but I'll let people know those later, once I've dealt with a few things related to them.

Also, working on another project that may have big impacts and may require some travel. I can't talk about that one, other than to say that if it ends up coming through I may end up permanently unable to speak on here about environmental issues due to contracts.

Did they manage to put out that fire?
Yes darling, but that man's toupé is ruined.

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I have just spent the past hour and change playing X-Wing Alliance.

I now own X-Wing Alliance and Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries.

Things are really looking up.



I can't load: videos (they never finish loading, and it takes half an hour before two minutes load), Paizo forums (I can only see about a quarter of the website at any one time, can't access my downloads, and can't read most posts beyond the first couple of a given category), half of any given web page doesn't show up, and any games I attempt to play never get past the "loading" stage.

I'm frustrated. I'm sick with my whole family, our internet is intermittent at best - on the weekend of course -, and I've spent an entire day working with customer service on phones (mostly waiting on hold), and when that wasn't happening waiting in a doctor's office or traffic. Being sick makes my patience short. Slow internet, traffic, and customer service phone lines wear my patience enormously.


That said: life is still good. I'm tired and angry, but it's ultimately something that will pass. I just really wish that it could be fixed.

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That does all sound pretty crappy. Hope it sorts itself out soon!

It is crappy, but as I said, life is still good. Complaining makes it help a bit, somehow, though. I dunno - it's lame, I know, but it's still... cathartic, I guess? Sorry for all the complaints. Thanks for the well-wishes!

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I wish I knew more about routers and such.

Meh. Hypothetically this "shouldn't need a router" (beyond the modem I was handed) by the guys at the desk.

I do have one... it just can't connect with the NEW AND IMPROVED modem I've been given.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT: I console myself by thinking about the Guardians of the Galaxy sound track and knowing that I live in a world where that movie exists. One day, I'll even get to listen to it again!

EDIT: to be clear, I don't understand all the router/modem/etc stuff either. I only have a functioning knowledge of how to cludge a complicated system together because I've spent an excessive amount of time on the phone with various folk over the years. I've also come to the conclusion that most (though definitely not all) phone-based assistance services know slightly less than I do, with a few shining examples out there who are actually quite knowledgeable about all sorts of things, but that's just a hunch based on experience. I do have to say, it's frustrating explaining to the Call Us for Help folks why their idea doesn't apply or was already done with the last three people and then do it anyway to prove it. (That hasn't really happened much in the last four calls, but still. It used to be fairly common.)

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Sympathies Tacticslion. Buggy internet connection is worse than no internet connection.

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"There's a Schmucker born every minute, and with a name like Schmucker, I'd have to be good."

The Exchange

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Tacticslion wrote:

Meh. Hypothetically this "shouldn't need a router" (beyond the modem I was handed) by the guys at the desk.

I do have one... it just can't connect with the NEW AND IMPROVED modem I've been given.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT: I console myself by thinking about the Guardians of the Galaxy sound track and knowing that I live in a world where that movie exists. One day, I'll even get to listen to it again!

EDIT: to be clear, I don't understand all the router/modem/etc stuff either. I only have a functioning knowledge of how to cludge a complicated system together because I've spent an excessive amount of time on the phone with various folk over the years. I've also come to the conclusion that most (though definitely not all) phone-based assistance services know slightly less than I do, with a few shining examples out there who are actually quite knowledgeable about all sorts of things, but that's just a hunch based on experience. I do have to say, it's frustrating explaining to the Call Us for Help folks why their idea doesn't apply or was already done with the last three people and then do it anyway to prove it. (That hasn't really happened much in the last four calls, but still. It used to be fairly common.)

I know, or knew, more than I want to. Been in and out. What is your questions... or info you need. If I don't know it I can find it for you.

Due to threat of weather (forecast is for 6-8 inches of snow today with 30+mph winds), I will be staying at work today instead of going home. Thanks so much, Freehold. I really appreciate this. Can't think of anything I'd rather do than stay here. Sure wouldn't prefer to be home. Nope. Not one bit. Again, thanks.

Did you catch the sarcasm? Hope so.

gran rey de los mono wrote:

Due to threat of weather (forecast is for 6-8 inches of snow today with 30+mph winds), I will be staying at work today instead of going home. Thanks so much, Freehold. I really appreciate this. Can't think of anything I'd rather do than stay here. Sure wouldn't prefer to be home. Nope. Not one bit. Again, thanks.

Did you catch the sarcasm? Hope so.

The real question is, why are you at work on a Saturday?

But moreover, no need to thank me. Now is the time to put the moves on that HAWT girl in accounting.

I'll PM you my recipe for Sexual Chocolate.

Did you get the reference? I hope so.

Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Due to threat of weather (forecast is for 6-8 inches of snow today with 30+mph winds), I will be staying at work today instead of going home. Thanks so much, Freehold. I really appreciate this. Can't think of anything I'd rather do than stay here. Sure wouldn't prefer to be home. Nope. Not one bit. Again, thanks.

Did you catch the sarcasm? Hope so.

The real question is, why are you at work on a Saturday?

But moreover, no need to thank me. Now is the time to put the moves on that HAWT girl in accounting.

I'll PM you my recipe for Sexual Chocolate.

Did you get the reference? I hope so.

I always work on Saturdays. And there is no accounting department here. Or HAWT girls. All there is is bitterness, despair, and annoyance.
















Crimson Jester wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Meh. Hypothetically this "shouldn't need a router" (beyond the modem I was handed) by the guys at the desk.

I do have one... it just can't connect with the NEW AND IMPROVED modem I've been given.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT: I console myself by thinking about the Guardians of the Galaxy sound track and knowing that I live in a world where that movie exists. One day, I'll even get to listen to it again!

EDIT: to be clear, I don't understand all the router/modem/etc stuff either. I only have a functioning knowledge of how to cludge a complicated system together because I've spent an excessive amount of time on the phone with various folk over the years. I've also come to the conclusion that most (though definitely not all) phone-based assistance services know slightly less than I do, with a few shining examples out there who are actually quite knowledgeable about all sorts of things, but that's just a hunch based on experience. I do have to say, it's frustrating explaining to the Call Us for Help folks why their idea doesn't apply or was already done with the last three people and then do it anyway to prove it. (That hasn't really happened much in the last four calls, but still. It used to be fairly common.)

I know, or knew, more than I want to. Been in and out. What is your questions... or info you need. If I don't know it I can find it for you.

Sorry. I couldn't see this until today (finally reloaded this page).

So, uh... I have no idea if there's anything I can do on my end to make this run faster without a tech (who isn't coming until Monday).

I have: a Century Link PK5001z modem (wireless; has a key to access), a D-Link DIR-615 wireless router (currently unconnected; wireless, does not require a key to access), and a really weird house set-up (in which the nearest phone cord is 15 feet away from anywhere we have space to set up a computer - outside of "right next to the sink" -, hence we need wireless, as I don't like to trip over a really, really long wire, like the first year or two we lived here.

Previously I had 660-series Century Link modem (it was not wireless, hence the router). It worked poorly, but I knew it: I could effectively clear and reset it with a simple set of 20-second hold* (I'd do this for both the router and the modem; this is required every time a thunderstorm passes by, whether or not we had power fluctuations, and every month regardless). Every year or so the modem would break, I'd go for a few phone-calls with Century Link until they told me I'd need to replace the modem, and I'd get a new 660-series. (Depending on the year, I've experienced consistent internet-shutdowns on weekends, regardless of modem-stuff.) For all that, the internet ran quickly when it ran.

Recently: went through the experience of having to get a new modem, but they no longer support the 660, and they'd replace it with a wireless-enabled one - Yes! - buuuuuuuuut after I installed it my internet has just been running incredibly slow. As evidence, I literally haven't see this post until now and a 11-minute Idea Channel on the lowest value took an hour and a half to load before it played. Sometimes it runs faster, but it does not run at proper speeds.

I attempted to set up my router just in case the slow-down is somehow related to the modem trying to be the wireless base and a modem at the same time (I don't know), but I was unable to do that successfully (it seems the modem demands that my router give it the key before it allows the router to access the internet... which would be fine, but I've no idea how to get my router to give the modem the key).

A guy is coming tomorrow to try to hopefully fix it (by the time the C-Link folk realized it totally wasn't user-error** it was too late to get people here before the weekend), but if there was a fix I could learn how to do, that would be ideal.

If you can't help at all: no problem. I understand that. I'm just frustrated. I'll deal, though.

* I learned this by trial-and-error. The customer support people have me hold it for "exactly": 10-seconds (does nothing), 30-seconds (works, but sometimes requires me to re-establish the fact that I have an internet account with my modem which takes an hour and is boring), or 1 minute (like 30 seconds, but always required me to re-establish my account... ugh...). The time always seemed determined only by the person I was talking to, as the "standard" answer changed depending on who was talking with me.

** Which was a looooooooooooooooooooong time, by the way. A long time.

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Leaking outflow of water from kitchen sink caulked with silicon based seal. We'll see if it will hold up as the (very old) pipe has very uneven surface and I had no means of polishing it into flat (well, proper circular) surface inside so I had to stuff the chinks with extra silicon. The proper solution would be ripping the hole in kitchen wall and replacing the drainage pipe...

Nope. No way. I don't having money and patience for that.

Especially that I have no idea how long that pipe actually is or how it goes down... It might be quite long meaning serious renovation needed.

I should finish shadowjack.

Yay. I found even back explanation for the -jack part...

One of the archaic meanings of the word jack was unit of measurement equal to two fluid ounces. So it would make shadowjack a two-ounces of shadow (-stuff)! :P

Arg! Sorry about the sink, Drejk! :/

And again I am torn between giving the shadowjack full access to (currently) described shadow weavings or make them selectable as shadow twists/feats?

Tacticslion wrote:
Arg! Sorry about the sink, Drejk! :/

It was broken for a year and a half or so and I never got to repair it - first I hadn't the money to buy the needed silicon (yeah, yeah, it costs pennies, but I was already living for pennies), then I was away working in UK, and when I returned I wasn't especially bothered with it either.

The father's visit is the main reason I try to fix it because I don't want him to decide that he'll do it, disassemble the sink and then leave it because he'll run out of time before his return flight.

Shoul I leave the night trader shadow twist or leave it for later development? At the moment shadowjack has no way of capturing souls on her own...


I haven't finished the base class and already I am thinking about possible further additions. But if I don't push some things beyond basic package I will end adding new things forever and never finish it.

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An e-mail from a potential publisher? To me? Yes, of course!

Duh. So many favored class bonuses for shadowjack still needed...

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I bought Pacific Rim and Guardians of the Galaxy while I was out buying groceries today.

Orthos wrote:
I bought Pacific Rim and Guardians of the Galaxy while I was out buying groceries today.

I approve.

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A list of authors of articles accepted into Wayfinder #13 is here.

Dark Archive

Congrats Drejk!

Ambrosia got herself into it too.


Silver Crusade

Evening, all. What did I miss?

Celestial Healer wrote:
Evening, all. What did I miss?

Just, so many things.

Theme song

It's the World Wide Web, guys.

That's awesome, guys! Congrats Ambrosia and Drjek!

Argh. I can't even check if the sealing of sink outflow pipe I done yesterday works because the sink started leaking around plumbing fixture - probably getting lose when I was tightening the cap on trap below. And apparently the cap of trap below doesn't fit properly now either. Urgh.

I might end buying a new sink with a new plumbing fixture... If I find one that I could fit into the outflow pipe which isn't guaranteed.

I managed to fit the plumbing fixture correctly and tighten the trap cap. Yesterday silicon-work didn't properly sealed outflow pipe. Water is showering from it all around. *sigh* Back to starting point...

Syracuse seems to have borrowed Boston's weather from last week. First day of classes at trade school was cancelled due to ~12 inches of snow having fallen last night. Still a blizzard outside. Snow can go f+!@ itself.

Sorry man, I tried to direct said snow into my area with limited success-we only have slush.

I had a bad case of sugar crash after eating too much chocolate earlier today.

I've stopped putting sugar in my coffee and tea, but I still occasionally indulge in sweets.

Something tells me I should be more careful nowadays though, so as to avoid the risk of developing diabetes and such.

David M Mallon wrote:
Snow can go f+@& itself.

+ a buttload.

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Congrats to Drejk an the Slaad for making it into the next Wayfinder.

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Hmm... Drejk and the Slaad sounds like a rock group or kids' show from the 70:s. Bet they'd be pretty darn good too.

I, however, am quite chuffed about the recent snowfall here, as it means My workplace (the great outdoors) got a lot brighter and I'm consequently a lot less likely to find myself at the bad end of an inattentive driver.

Silver Crusade

David M Mallon wrote:
Syracuse seems to have borrowed Boston's weather from last week. First day of classes at trade school was cancelled due to ~12 inches of snow having fallen last night. Still a blizzard outside. Snow can go f&$% itself.

I believe you have a Margaritaville opening today. Head on in for a mai tai and forget about the winter for a little while.

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