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That's why dictionary underlined the initial version as incorrect! I wrote thereoff instead of thereof...
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Orthos wrote: Pretty much, yeah. I mean, I understand it takes time to get information together, especially if you're having to fetch it from other companies and confirm identity and what not. But seriously, in this day and age, seventeen days? Wait... Could you send them a letter demanding either quick delivery of the proof of your debt or, if they can't provide it, removal of unproven debt from your record with a warning that if you lose the opportunity to rent the desired apartment because of their sloppiness/mess in papers you might sue them?
Drejk wrote: Orthos wrote: Pretty much, yeah. I mean, I understand it takes time to get information together, especially if you're having to fetch it from other companies and confirm identity and what not. But seriously, in this day and age, seventeen days? Wait... Could you send them a letter demanding either quick delivery of the proof of your debt or, if they can't provide it, removal of unproven debt from your record with a warning that if you lose the opportunity to rent the desired apartment because of their sloppiness/mess in papers you might sue them? I have no idea but I do not think it will do anything.
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aeglos wrote: Taig,
is your daugther back home?
how was here stay over here ?
how did she like Germany ?
She will be back home on Saturday (and hopefully awake enough to play some Pathfinder at the con on Sunday).
She had a great time, and she really enjoyed Germany. I can imagine her wanting to go back on her own.
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The session was delayed approximately ten minutes with a hypothetical discussion on the outcome of the party ending up in Disneyworld (death and mayhem), and things ended in a Looney Tune.
I love Kingmaker night.
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Here's a new monster. I hope you enjoy it!
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I am giving those to the Boggard tribe the KM party just allied with.
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Orthos wrote: I am giving those to the Boggard tribe the KM party just allied with. Cool! :D
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The places our minds go to in this group...
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Riding frog. Must subject players to those.
10 people marked this as a favorite.
Scint: "Lilith and Elegy, you take 1d4 bleed damage"
Scint: "And 1d2 WIS damage."
Ebon: "THAT TOO."
Orthos: "And sickened."
Why girl gamers are a bit twisted.
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The people I GM for, folks.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
"DM, you are confused for 1d4 rounds."
"After all this time?"
*looks at the party*
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Oh, can't forget the discussion of the reproduction of other races.
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All this brought about by a conversation about how the different races reproduce and how NICE it would be to only have this once every 5 years or so... or to just skip it and go for having eggs.
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"Wait wait you mean the elves and related races only put up with this fertility crap once every few years? CAN I GET A DRUID IN HERE?"
"Now let me see, how many of my setting's races are oviparous...?"
The answer I think came out to seven - Ael-Varan, Naga, Tengu, Ti'Larinn, Entomorphs, Arachnes, and Thriae - presuming we don't add more.
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Who has 20 kids, 10 more on the way, and still a virgin.
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He sucks at child support, btw.
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I am so glad to be on the other side of the world.
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Maybe so, but we're discussing building amusement parks.
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Finiens... the logic stops here.
Scintillae wrote: Maybe so, but we're discussing building amusement parks. Gods dammit.
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Am I really the only one who uses logic? Really?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
What happens in FaeRie, stays in FaeRie.
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Is that why the kids are all at the castle, then?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
"Currently, my kids are in another castle."
The best part is, I am writing all this down for posterity.
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And thus we have the real reason history gets whitewashed over time.
"Gods damn it, these idiots did WHAT?!"
3 people marked this as a favorite.
"Remember, it was a heroic leap not a mad scramble for safety."
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Moral of the story. Don't kiss the Trickster.
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Scintillae wrote: And thus we have the real reason history gets whitewashed over time.
"Gods damn it, these idiots did WHAT?!"
You have Realistic, Respectable, and Relevant. Pick two.
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My favorite so far is
"And the Countess played 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' in G minor for five straight hours" becomes "A diplomatic standoff."
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So you went with Respectable and Relevant. Good choice.
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And this, folks, is why Orthos wonders why he introduced Scint and I.
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I thought it was because of the discussion on lining the cookie soul jar with shredded pages of Twilight.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
I love reading it when you talk about your game. All of you.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Early diplomacy incident.
Elegy (duchess oracle) calms down the lizardfolk tribe after the party kills their "god" (a will o' wisp) and chieftan.
"DAMMIT JAEKAH (the general), I WANTED TO KILL THE CHIEF" ~Errol (magister)
There's a beat of pure silence.
Then the lizardfolk charge Elegy.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote: I believe pics were promised. It looks like you had a lot of fun, but I'm glad I wasn't there. Too many people... makes me twitch.
I wish my group had more time to game...
Rawr! wrote: ebon_fyre wrote: REALLY? Mom just asked me to make sure my 29-year-old brother is awake before 1:30PM?? He's an ADULT, and should be responsible for HIMSELF. Haven't you heard: 30 is the new "adult".
Hey! I resemble that remark. ;P
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ebon_fyre wrote: Duke's improving! The vet's bloodwork determined he had pancreatitis (ignore spelling). Usually, the disease requires treatment or lesions start forming on the pancreas. Somehow, his immune system fought it off. He's off pain meds and won't need antibiotics unless he starts getting worse again.
We're all relieved at this news. Even my dad, who refers to Duke as "rotten dog."
Huzzah! \o/ Very glad for the good news. :)
3 people marked this as a favorite.
ebon_fyre wrote: I love that the kiddo's favorite toys are building blocks and duplos. She also loves playing catch, tag, and "lead" the puppy (aka get pulled along by the dog when playing). So cute. ^_^
Is she insistently independent in her constructing? My little dude has these stars that can slot together. God help you if you try and put them together for him.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
MagusJanus wrote: I love reading it when you talk about your game. All of you. +1 to this. You guys have such adventures. ^_^
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Icyshadow wrote: I wish my group had more time to game... Ain't that always the way? And when they have more time, you find yourself invariably more busy. Ah well. Here's hoping ye get more time to game together soon. :)