Deep 6 FaWtL

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Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And... FHDM acknowledged that it can be nice being outside when the temperatures aren't sub-freezing! I wish I had my phone set to record those remarks. I'm sure he will deny everything.

Silver Crusade

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It was even warm enough to be nekkid...

Celestial Healer wrote:
Nice visit, too! We stopped at not one, but two FLGS's.

I thought the plural of FLGS was FLGI.

Scarab Sages

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Celestial Healer wrote:
And... FHDM acknowledged that it can be nice being outside when the temperatures aren't sub-freezing! I wish I had my phone set to record those remarks. I'm sure he will deny everything.

Huzzah! Conversion in process. Give it another 30 years and he may even like temperatures above 70!

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Sunday! Happy Easter!!! It's gonna be a beautiful day!

Scarab Sages

I have, for no other reason than 'just because', been re-reading On a Pale Horse, by Piers Anthony. It's book one of the Incarnations of Immortality series. 'Tis an excellent and highly entertaining series, set in an alternative Earth where Sir Isaac Newton helped advance first the Laws of Physics, then the Laws of Magic. So it's a world of both science and magic, where certain aspects of existence (such as Death & Time) are offices that can be held.

Scarab Sages

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There has been Easter Baskets and there has been bacon. A good start to a day.

Scarab Sages

So there are things to do and fun to have. Y'all have a good one FAWTLY Folk!

Well I had some cucumber beer yesterday, it was very cucumber-y. And the day went better than I thought it might, certainly I hope it was that way for everyone.

Now yay Easter Sunday.

Treppa wrote:
Of course, it's cool in the shade and UV-heavy in the sunlight, so a layer of sunscreen might be good. :P

I scoff at your sunscreen.


goes out to absorb more sunlight, grow darker, get superpowered, fire lasers at random passers by, find easter eggs

Freehold DM wrote:
I truly love trader joe's box-o-wine. I may get some for easter this sunday. Hell, I may get the red and the white.

Got both the red and the white, thanks to my day out with CH. Would have gotten the X-Com game that the other thread has made so popular, but they wanted a bit more than I was willing to spend. Oh well, that's what Gamefly is for...

Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold and I have once again partaken of delicious Korean fried chicken at Bon Chon. Mmmmmmm.

CH, I cannot thank you enough for the day out. I apologize for talking your ear off, but I think I'm in a much better place now, thanks to you. I'm picking up the tab next time we go out to Bonchon!

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Celestial Healer wrote:
And... FHDM acknowledged that it can be nice being outside when the temperatures aren't sub-freezing! I wish I had my phone set to record those remarks. I'm sure he will deny everything.

I had been drinking at Bonchon earlier! I didn't know what I was saying!!!!

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Nice visit, too! We stopped at not one, but two FLGS's.
I thought the plural of FLGS was FLGI.

That sounds like an STD.

Aberzombie wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
And... FHDM acknowledged that it can be nice being outside when the temperatures aren't sub-freezing! I wish I had my phone set to record those remarks. I'm sure he will deny everything.
Huzzah! Conversion in process. Give it another 30 years and he may even like temperatures above 70!

I do enjoy temperatures of all sorts, but I only truly love negative degree Farenheit temperatures. -12 is a particular favorite.


*Cooks rabbit*

Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Of course, it's cool in the shade and UV-heavy in the sunlight, so a layer of sunscreen might be good. :P

I scoff at your sunscreen.


goes out to absorb more sunlight, grow darker, get superpowered, fire lasers at random passers by, find easter eggs

You're a weird mix of Frozone and Sunspot?

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Of course, it's cool in the shade and UV-heavy in the sunlight, so a layer of sunscreen might be good. :P

I scoff at your sunscreen.


goes out to absorb more sunlight, grow darker, get superpowered, fire lasers at random passers by, find easter eggs

You're a weird mix of Frozone and Sunspot?

...yes. yes I am.

Risen, risen, risen, some more risen...
Targeting fireballs could be better, but exploring ruins and forested mountains is great... Main plot? Oh, it is somewhere around. Or maybe on the other side of the island...

Aberzombie wrote:
I have, for no other reason than 'just because', been re-reading On a Pale Horse, by Piers Anthony. It's book one of the Incarnations of Immortality series. 'Tis an excellent and highly entertaining series, set in an alternative Earth where Sir Isaac Newton helped advance first the Laws of Physics, then the Laws of Magic. So it's a world of both science and magic, where certain aspects of existence (such as Death & Time) are offices that can be held.

I love that series and most of Piers's other work.

Freehold DM wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I truly love trader joe's box-o-wine. I may get some for easter this sunday. Hell, I may get the red and the white.
Got both the red and the white, thanks to my day out with CH. Would have gotten the X-Com game that the other thread has made so popular, but they wanted a bit more than I was willing to spend. Oh well, that's what Gamefly is for...

BUY X-Com Enemy Within. ~thinks~ Do you have an X-Box 360 or a Playstation 3?

If you have an X-Box 360, then I can lend you my copy of X-Com Enemy Unkown. It is gathering dust right now. That way you are not in a total hurry to get it. OTOH, my copy of Enemy Within is MINE!!! ALL MINE!!! YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!!

Call me if you want to borrow it and I will mail it out later on this week.

Alrighty. Time to leave work and head home. Have a good night children. ~smirks~

Spallen arros ar vry nicy.

New x-com. I should make a note that I want to buy that some time in the future...

Well read part 1 of Mummys Mask. I quite enjoy it. I have wanted an Osirian campaign for quite awhile and this is filling my desires quite nicely. As for Iron Gods I'm still quite meh about it but I wouldn't cancel my subscription for it. In the end Paizo makes all the stuff I like and I will support them financially regardless.

Silver Crusade

I hope everyone had a great easter, me and the mrs did some wine tasting yesterday and an easter brunch today.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We had some garlic bread with scrambled eggs and soppresata with some pesto on top. it sounds kinda weird but it was good

Silver Crusade

Along with some rosemaried potatoes a nice salad with poppyseed dressing along with some homemade coffee cake.

Silver Crusade

Oh and some champagne I bought yesterday

Sharoth, you should have..uh..text.

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The Chinese put it best -ren bu hui tai duohao yu.

One can never have to many good friends.

Thank you, everyone.

Morning folks.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Monday!

I suppose. My shoulder/ribs are bothering me this morning. Plus, I made the mistake of telling the client a partial truth when he asked me what time I get in the office in the morning. So now he's set a meeting for that time, tomorrow.

If he messes with my coffee time, I may have to hurt him.

Scarab Sages

Also, it's very warm in the office this morning. Methinks they turned the AC off over the holiday weekend and it's having trouble catching up. Either that, or the AC is busted. Thankfully, I have burning hot coffee to comfort me.

Scarab Sages

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Well read part 1 of Mummys Mask. I quite enjoy it. I have wanted an Osirian campaign for quite awhile and this is filling my desires quite nicely. As for Iron Gods I'm still quite meh about it but I wouldn't cancel my subscription for it. In the end Paizo makes all the stuff I like and I will support them financially regardless.

It was pretty decent. I look forward to the rest of it.

Scarab Sages

All right folks. I'm gonna keep it short and sweet again today. Everyone try to have a grand day!

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Freehold DM. Adjust the sight on your rifle and you will hit him next time.

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Happy post-Easter/Ostara FAWTL!

A free day off! Time to hit the weeds with a blitzkrieg of implements of destruction! These rebellious interlopers will be chastened and flung into the deepest pits of Compost!



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happy Easter Monday everyFaWtL,

we had my dad and his wife and Sabines mum over for big easter dinner.

we roasted a duck (handraised and butchered by Sabines uncle)

Marlon got a swing set, it will see good use in the summer I guess

after sone rin the sun is out. time for a afternoon walk with the baby stroller

Good morning FAWTL.

I am in an unusual amount of pain after roughhousing with my nephews yesterday.

That's it, I'm getting back in shape.

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Decided to do something different today and have lunch in the kitchen on the other side of the building. At first the idea works quite well, and I eat lunch away from my office for the first time in AGES- with the minor added boon of noone knowing where to find me to interrupt my lunch(which is a killer). However, I'm not done with my lunch for more than five minutes(have not cracked open my copy of Monster Musume yet!!) when the secretary for that side of the building says she's kicking me out because the drug reps are there with free lunch for their staff. I leave without saying a word(she mutters an apology), but I'm going to have the last laugh because they just paid for my dinner!!!! I'm swiping some of that food as soon as the day is over and that will be my dinner tonight at the second job. So HA!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

It promises to be real good too...medium steak tips and other goodies people with actual budgets get to eat....Yum.

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Success!!!! It wasn't the super hyper awesome fancy stuff that the drug reps bring sometimes- in fact it was just sandwiches and salads from Boston Market- but who cares! I'm calling this one a victory!!!!

No posts at all? It must be a Monday....

Or maybe EVERYONE is celebrating easter monday? I work for a catholic organization, everyone thought I'd be off today but no...

Shadow Lodge

Blerg, should not have giant cup of soda before bed.

Morning was spent cleaning and organizing. (I've done more cleaning and organizing trying to procrastinate schoolwork.)

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