Deep 6 FaWtL

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Scarab Sages

Drejk wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
And we now have Internet/phone/TV in the new house. Although I can't set up my computer until I get my desk fixed. It sort of broke during the move.
People are still using non-mobile phones?!

I did not bother with a home phone for most of my time in Philly, but with the move Houston it came with the U-Verse package, so I figured what the hell.

Scarab Sages

Nekkid phone use!

Scarab Sages

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
And we now have Internet/phone/TV in the new house. Although I can't set up my computer until I get my desk fixed. It sort of broke during the move.
The desk sacrificed itself for the greater good.

Indeed it did. I shall endeavor to resurrect it soon.

And, once again, thanks to you and your boy for the help. It's greatly appreciated.

Scarab Sages

aeglos wrote:

Sabines grandma had surgery today, ametal plate was put into her hip, the procedure went well and she already called after she woke up

she is in a specialized hospital in Fulda

Huzzah and positive waves!!!

Scarab Sages

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Packing, Packing, Packing. It's sad to see my hobby room so disassembled.

Packing and moving sucks ass. It was really craptastic moving across a large part of the country, so I can only imagine the added horror of moving overseas. You have my deepest sympathies.

Scarab Sages

Driving in to work this morning and I heard on the radio about an accident on the interstate. If I had kept up with my older way of not using a back road I'd have been stuck in that s&%&. Huzzah!!!

Scarab Sages

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Non-interstate use is also way less stressful for me.

Scarab Sages

Enough of my nonsense! Here endeth my usual morning miniblitz. Peace out, FAWTLY Folk! I love most of you.

If I wasn't waiting for fare at the Bellagio, I would be eating at Einstein Begals right now.

You should have grabbed one on the way.
Then you could be waiting for fare at Bellagio, AND eating Einstein Bagels at the same time!

(Do they at least tip well? I bet not. Crazy rich people.) >.<

Finished my paper (not well, but finished) ten minutes before the deadline after having the computer restart and lose everything but the first paragraph three separate times, and went to turn it in...only to find out that the prof had extended the deadline earlier in the day. Yeah, it was one of those days... so now I am gonna take some time to edit out some of the more smartass remarks.

Hopefully today will be a better day than yesterday. So far it's already off to a better start. :)

Silver Crusade

BluePigeon wrote:
If I wasn't waiting for fare at the Bellagio, I would be eating at Einstein Begals right now.

mmmmm. Bellagio breakfast buffet

lynora wrote:

Finished my paper (not well, but finished) ten minutes before the deadline after having the computer restart and lose everything but the first paragraph three separate times, and went to turn it in...only to find out that the prof had extended the deadline earlier in the day. Yeah, it was one of those days... so now I am gonna take some time to edit out some of the more smartass remarks.

Hopefully today will be a better day than yesterday. So far it's already off to a better start. :)

Here's hoping.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Just about to head out for my drive up north to Minnesota with stops in Des Moines, IA and Winona, MN planned. I'll pick up my youngest son tomorrow from school and then stay in St. Cloud, MN with my parents for Easter.

Then, on the return home, I am stopping in Green Bay, WI. Lots of driving ahead for me.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Just about to head out for my drive up north to Minnesota with stops in Des Moines, IA and Winona, MN planned. I'll pick up my youngest son tomorrow from school and then stay in St. Cloud, MN with my parents for Easter.

Then, on the return home, I am stopping in Green Bay, WI. Lots of driving ahead for me.


actually, i think it's Anderson now....

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, Christina Stiles let the cat out of the bag on her Kickstarter "Guide for Gamer Girls" update. I'm working with her to help organize her projects and learn the indy ropes as well. She recently left her job to go full-time, so a lot of new things will come through the Medusa Pipeline very soon. (Note: Not everything is for the Pathfinder system)

If you'd like to keep abreast of developments, sign up for her newsletter and don't miss a thing.

Hey, at least it's not some random Kickstarter. :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I have one more work to edit and then I'm done with the anthology I'm working on. I'm kinda excited.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Just about to head out for my drive up north to Minnesota with stops in Des Moines, IA and Winona, MN planned. I'll pick up my youngest son tomorrow from school and then stay in St. Cloud, MN with my parents for Easter.

Then, on the return home, I am stopping in Green Bay, WI. Lots of driving ahead for me.


actually, i think it's Anderson now....








Silver Crusade

Afternoon, all. What did I miss?

Silver Crusade

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I have found a brand of ice cream that offers "Scotch Chocolate." It contains actual Scotch. This is a wondrous development.

Celestial Healer wrote:
I have found a brand of ice cream that offers "Scotch Chocolate." It contains actual Scotch. This is a wondrous development.

where can i procure this?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I, too, love boobs.

Just reminding Freehold he is very much loved and respected.

Side note, has anyone seen Set post, he's been quiet for a longer time than normal.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I, too, love boobs.

Just reminding Freehold he is very much loved and respected.

Side note, has anyone seen Set post, he's been quiet for a longer time than normal.

thank you very much for all the love and support you have shown me in this time, my friend.

I'm sure set is around, he's probably working or something.

Well. I for one do not love FH DM. I think he should be tortured by watching all of the episodes of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly. Feel the pain and suffer, FH DM!!!!

My computer has been restarting for the past ten minutes. *sigh*

I have already been subjected to such torture from whedon fans who believed I would love their god if I only watched more episodes of a show I hated. Ive been subjected to all sorts of singing vampires, singing supervillains, knit hats and improbable resurrections.

spike spike spike spike spike spike

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I, too, love boobs.

Just reminding Freehold he is very much loved and respected.

Side note, has anyone seen Set post, he's been quiet for a longer time than normal.

Latest post looks to have been 3/29, only about two weeks ago. Seems he's fine.

So. At second job, where the computer havoc continues. Servers have gone on strike, so it's a short day for me. No idea if this is a good thing or bad thing just yet, but I'm leaning towards good as i work from 9-2 at the main job tomorrow instead of from 1030-630...

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Sitting in a bubble tea cafe that appeared out of nowhere sipping chai iced tea with pearls. Got out of work about an hour and a half early, so I figured why not? Still loving the hell out of this keyboard.

This tea ain't bad. The chai isn't overpowering, for which I am quite grateful. Don't worry CH, if you want bubble tea this Saturday, I'll still be down.

Spanish mackerel for dinner tonight. Yum.

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Also, trying my damndest to convert more Fawtls to BonChon. Told Solnes about it yesterday and she is down if she's ever up in NY.

You will all convert.


After second job blitz? Why not.

Shadow Lodge

Lamontius wrote:
spike spike spike spike spike spike


wait wrong show

I think Aberzombie might give me the hardest time in converting to BonChon. Either that or he'll be the first one to convert.

I recently read an oooooooold issue of New Mutants where Magneto was getting Sunspot's goat by saying he would be among the first, if not THE first, to join him in his new regime. I can see myself teasing Aberzombie similarly.

I would feel a bit ridiculous wearing late 80's Erik Lensherr music video shirt-gown though.

But only a little bit.

But only a little bit.y

But only a little bit.y


Cloned imperfection!

TOZ wrote:
Lamontius wrote:
spike spike spike spike spike spike


wait wrong show

You better not be talking about the show I think you're talking about....

Man. I need to get back in shape.

Who knows? Maybe with everything that's happened I'll get back into martial arts. Maybe.

I am also quite interested in the kits coming out of Gundam Build Fighters....I really need to sit down and watch that.

I also really need to make a new Gundam mobile suit pilot-esque jacket. I think I'll go with a Londo Bell theme this time....I need to get the patch for Londo Bell, along with the patch for the ship I would be assigned to...although I suppose I could use the old Albion shoulder patch I have....Hm.

*sigh* If only I hadn't ironed on that limited edition Mobile Suit Gundam patch onto my old, threadbare jacket...

I had no idea it was a limited edition patch. I just thought it looked cool.

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And oh yeah, I'd need a new demin jacket. Black, of course. I really don't like blue denim jackets.

I already have a black demin jacket at home, but it's not a Levi's jacket. I'm not a brand loyalist, but it just wouldn't look right if it was on that jacket. It's too big. Besides, I was going to iron on my Pinkie Pie patches onto that one.

Wait a minute...



No, that would just be stupid.

But...I do have two GM Quel mobile suits, Master Grade Kits, at home...

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