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Also, I made crucial test - there is a Wi-Fi coverage in bathroom!

There is a catch - I would need to get a Wi-Fi hotspot back at home to make buying the tablet worthwhile.

Silver Crusade

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Morning, all. What did I miss?

At least I could sit naked in bathroom.

Note:word suggestion insisted on women/ girls after naked...

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

Naked dragon tablet blitz.

Dark Archive

@ FHDM - A day at a time, man, that's all we can ever do. Sounds like it could have gone a whole lot worse, so I'm glad to hear it, and continuing good luck. Also, what the zombie said.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Drejk wrote:

Nice toy. But 80 pounds is quite an amount of money...

By the way - I need to get myself accustomed to using word suggestions...

I assume the tablet is an android device. If so, there is an awesome word suggestion app for Android only that I highly recommend. It's called swiftkey. It's not free but it is very intuitive and learns from previous messages so over time it gets even better.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

Dave Trampier, early artist for TSR, Dungeons and Dragons and Wormy (Numero 1) has passed away on the 24th of March.

Looks like I will never get to see the conclusion of his story.


Freehold, I'm glad you had some communication with your wife, and I hope you can both move forward from your discussion. I'm pulling for you two! :)

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Meanwhile, our German exchange student's room is ready for her arrival.

By the way, cleaning up after several years of a teenage boy living in a room is sanity blasting, even with periodic massive cleanups.

And, now, back to prepping PFS for tomorrow.

I don't know if I should be proud that I've now run 22 PFS sessions without a character death, but I have come close a couple of times. Maybe tomorrow that will change. :)

BluePigeon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

Dave Trampier, early artist for TSR, Dungeons and Dragons and Wormy (Numero 1) has passed away on the 24th of March.

Looks like I will never get to see the conclusion of his story.

That is sad news, but, from what I understand, you were never going to see the conclusion to that story, at least not from Dave Trampier's pen.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:

By the way, cleaning up after several years of a teenage boy living in a room is sanity blasting, even with periodic massive cleanups.

Fire is the Great Cleanser.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

...and clorox! Just used some to clean the restroom this morning.

hi everyone

Rawr! wrote:
(and, now, back to getting over con crud while simultaneously preparing for three different PFS scenarios I'm running on Saturday, plus getting ready for our German exchange student's arrival on Monday)


where is he from ?

aeglos wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
(and, now, back to getting over con crud while simultaneously preparing for three different PFS scenarios I'm running on Saturday, plus getting ready for our German exchange student's arrival on Monday)


where is he from ?

and Taig,

PM send

aeglos wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
(and, now, back to getting over con crud while simultaneously preparing for three different PFS scenarios I'm running on Saturday, plus getting ready for our German exchange student's arrival on Monday)


where is he from ?

She's from Kassel.

Oh, I responded to your PM. Sorry I missed that earlier.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I can touch my chin to my chest without a jolt of pain down my back now. HUZZAH!!!
Yep. I still can't do that. And it was Monday that I hurt my back :(

I hope CH's and Solnes' backs are feeling better soon.

Because I'm stupid, I just tried the chin-to-chest thing... felt a pop in my neck veterbrae, and now I have a sharp twinge just above my shoulder blades and the beginnings of a clustery headache.

Thanks Old Age and Cosmo! {shakes fist futilely}

Aberzombie wrote:

On the down side, my shoulder area has been bothering me again. I'm beginning to wonder if I haven't damaged some muscle tissue or tendons. The pain is extradorinarily annoying. But nothing that can't be managed with ibuprofen.

And the occasional beer.

I hope your shoulder is feeling better soon too.

I, however, remain young and supple.

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Freehold DM wrote:
I, however, remain young and supple.

"It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage." [/Indy]

I just found out the local center for a Fortune 100 company I used to work at just laid off a huge chunk of employees today. A lot of very smart, hardworking, and nice people (along with a couple douchebags) are now out of work through no fault of their own in a very crappy local job market.

I really really hate this whole damn month now.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I, however, remain young and supple.
"It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage." [/Indy]


Oh wait. I'm hosed either way. :(

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I just found out the local center for a Fortune 100 company I used to work at just laid off a huge chunk of employees today. A lot of very smart, hardworking, and nice people (along with a couple douchebags) are now out of work through no fault of their own in a very crappy local job market.

I really really hate this whole damn month now.

Sorry to hear that, Amby.

But, on the bright side, at least a couple of douchebags got laid off.

Rawr! wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I just found out the local center for a Fortune 100 company I used to work at just laid off a huge chunk of employees today. A lot of very smart, hardworking, and nice people (along with a couple douchebags) are now out of work through no fault of their own in a very crappy local job market.

I really really hate this whole damn month now.

Sorry to hear that, Amby.

But, on the bright side, at least a couple of douchebags got laid off.

damn. Sorry to hear that amby. I hope they're able to find work in the future.

Scarab Sages

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Good evening FAWTLY brethren! Happy Friday, again!

The wife and I are once again homeowners! Huzzah!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

An the boy loved his new house. He didn't want to leave.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I, however, remain young and supple.

Oh, sure, rub it in why don't you.....

Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I, however, remain young and supple.
Oh, sure, rub it in why don't you.....

geeze, AZ... Didn't know you felt that way...

turns down the black manliness a bit

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Nice toy. But 80 pounds is quite an amount of money...

By the way - I need to get myself accustomed to using word suggestions...

I assume the tablet is an android device. If so, there is an awesome word suggestion app for Android only that I highly recommend. It's called swiftkey. It's not free but it is very intuitive and learns from previous messages so over time it gets even better.

At the moment I just use suggestions provided by the tablets keyboard.

Also, I just discovered that I can open zips downloaded from paizo without additional software. Still, I would like to have some sort of normal file manager where I can look through the content of the tablet's memory/drive and open selected files instead of having to open specific apps...

I will probably download file manager once I get one for myself...

Any android user knows good office suite for android? Is google's quickoffice decent program? I would like to use the tablet as portable notebook after all.

Silver Crusade

I am drunk and loving it...until manana

Aberzombie wrote:
An the boy loved his new house. He didn't want to leave.

Why should he leave his house?

Really, mobile Google drive is crap... I could not find any way to create a new folder for mobile creations... I am not going to edit existing files on tablet - it would ruin them without ability to edit them properly or even without to move cursor around with any amount of reasonable precision!

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Bob Ross and Peanut Butter Crunch. Not a bad Saturday morning.

I turned the computer on just to discover that I have an e-mail... From myself... Sent earlier in the morning. Titled note to self with some file attached. F-k. Already something infected my gmail after signing in in the tablet?

It might be some sort of automated message from tablet's voice recording and not a virus or something. I changed the password for account anyway and probably make a separate google account for tablet.

I should finish a submission or two for Wayfinder this weekend. *sigh* Tomorrow they are stealing a hour and I need to go for overtime at barbaric 6 AM...

Scarab Sages

Drejk wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
An the boy loved his new house. He didn't want to leave.
Why should he leave his house?

Because it needs furniture and s~!+.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Saturday! I've already had a busy day.

Was woken up by the boy a little after 0700. He was upset because his pull-up diaper leaked. So I had to pull of the sheets and stuff from his bed and throw it all in the wash. This included his pillow, a stuffed animal monkey, and his stuffed-animal puppy. He had been laying on top of them all.

Then it was time to make the biscuits. And the coffee.

And more coffee....

Scarab Sages

Probably going to start bringing small boxes and such over to the new house today. Maybe even bring the crib for baby girl. We've been keeping her in the pack-n-play anyway.

Scarab Sages

And I'm thinking we may head over to a store our real-estate agent told us about. They sell Ashley's Furniture products, but for less.

Silver Crusade

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I just found out the local center for a Fortune 100 company I used to work at just laid off a huge chunk of employees today. A lot of very smart, hardworking, and nice people (along with a couple douchebags) are now out of work through no fault of their own in a very crappy local job market.

I really really hate this whole damn month now.

4 people in my office got laid off this week, too. It was a "reorganization". (i.e. their department was no longer generating enough revenue to justify their staffing.)

Is it sad that I have seen that kind of thing so often that I have become somewhat numb? At the company I left last year, the office I worked at on Long Island is being shut down later this year and all 40-50 people there are being laid off. I tend to move around enough that (knock on wood) I have always managed to get out before any layoffs occur.

Dark Archive

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Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I, however, remain young and supple.
Oh, sure, rub it in why don't you.....

geeze, AZ... Didn't know you felt that way...

turns down the black manliness a bit

You may be taking it the wrong way, Freehold. You said you were young and supple and AZ asked you to "rub it in". It sounds to me like you just need to get a room.

Silver Crusade

So, my elderly landlady (not technically my landlady, since the property is owned by her nephews, but she lived on the premises) passed away in the nursing home last night. She was 96 and had a very long, active, and fascinating life. She was a great lady and I am sad to see her go.

Silver Crusade

On the flipside, this means her nephews will be eager to sell off this property at the first opportunity. Developers are already lining up to buy this house and tear it down.

Which means my search for a new place just became more immediate. It's a real reminder to me that as long as you are a renter, you are just somebody who is living in someone else's house. No matter how long you live there, it's never yours.

I want to buy a house, but I need to save more for it. Unfortunately, the rental market here means I will probably end up paying more rent than I do currently for the new place, which will make it that much harder to get ahead.

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Good morning everyfawtl.

Got the bulk of my stuff here back at home. Trying to work things out with wife as best a possible. Apologized for things I got wrong, and moving forward. Things still may not work out, but it won't be for lack of trying. And if they don't, well, I have an excellent support system and I'll handle that as best as possible. I love her very much and will do what I can to make her feel that love. Last post on this topic. Now returning to your normally scheduled freehold. Whedon/Facebook/Alton brown sucks, big books, giant robots and tabletop gaming rule, etc, etc...

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