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Off-Topic Discussions

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Spider (magical beast) that can telekinetically "tumbleweed" at prey/PCs as a charge/pounce and its venom inflicts a dancing form of hideous laughter?

Celestial Healer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

So. I am bored at work and decided "Hey, you know what sounds like fun? I'll go through the list of posts I've made that have been favorited by other people and revisit the past. That ought to kill a few minutes." I scrolled through, laughing occasionally, sometimes wondering why a certain post got favorited, until I reached the end. And there it was, the first post of mine that someone else favorited. One I had almost completely forgotten about. One I was, and still am, kinda proud of. The one favorited by Cosmo, although I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing. So, for anyone who cares (and also for those who don't) here is a link to my first favorited post.

I would say that one is a winner :)

I will point to not my first favorited post, but my fifth. (Although my last page of favorited posts are pretty much all from before favoriting began, which means people would have had to go back to find them.)

The best part is that two posts later it elicited an in-character response from Lisa Stevens.

Seems the first post of mine to get favorited (not counting ones made before favoriting was possible) was a combined Beatles-reference and "I want it NOW" post.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Huzzah! Got back from some furniture window shopping to find out from Facebook that my friend from the old job in Philly is now a parent. His wife gave birth to their first, a little girl, just yesterday evening. She's a month premature, but otherwise healthy. Huzzah!

And, whilst perusing FB I saw a post by another friend (and fraternity brother) announcing the birth of his daughter as well. Double huzzah!

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Spider (magical beast) that can telekinetically "tumbleweed" at prey/PCs as a charge/pounce and its venom inflicts a dancing form of hideous laughter?

It's called (Otto's) irresistible dance :P

Healer-devil finished... Gah!I forgot to add one line in its description.

Eh, I can ignore it... Devils usually have enough fast healing/regeneration to have little need for personal healers.

Aberzombie wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hate coffee.
Pray that Solnes does not see this missive from you. She is likely to do terrible things.....

I also dislike coffee.

Orthos wrote:
Gonna finish Words of Radiance today, I hope. So much awesome.

And so I did. It was everything I expected and more.

Back to Vorkosigan and Schlock Mercenary until the new Dresden Files comes out. Or I run out of them.

Devil finished and submitted. Time to work on halflingosity.

Drejk wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Spider (magical beast) that can telekinetically "tumbleweed" at prey/PCs as a charge/pounce and its venom inflicts a dancing form of hideous laughter?
It's called (Otto's) irresistible dance :P

Irresistible dance is a 6th-/8th- level spell. Re-flavoring hideous laughter, a 1st-level, to a "tarantella" dance can keep the same mechanics/effects, and be easier to scale without being overpowered:

Aranea's Tarantella Dance spell wrote:
This spell afflicts the subject with uncontrollable spasming and twitching. It collapses into a seizure, falling prone. The subject can take no actions while seizing, but is not considered helpless. After the spell ends, it can act normally. On the creature's next turn, it may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. This is a full round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If this save is successful, the effect ends. If not, the creature continues seizing for the entire duration.

Edit: Drejk, if you don't use this, I'll write it up for Wayfinder #12 (Osirion issue, I think).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sake. Does a body good.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Spider (magical beast) that can telekinetically "tumbleweed" at prey/PCs as a charge/pounce and its venom inflicts a dancing form of hideous laughter?
It's called (Otto's) irresistible dance :P

Irresistible dance is a 6th-/8th- level spell. Re-flavoring hideous laughter, a 1st-level, to a "tarantella" dance can keep the same mechanics/effects, and be easier to scale without being overpowered:

Aranea's Tarantella Dance spell wrote:
This spell afflicts the subject with uncontrollable spasming and twitching. It collapses into a seizure, falling prone. The subject can take no actions while seizing, but is not considered helpless. After the spell ends, it can act normally. On the creature's next turn, it may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. This is a full round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If this save is successful, the effect ends. If not, the creature continues seizing for the entire duration.
Edit: Drejk, if you don't use this, I'll write it up for Wayfinder #12 (Osirion issue, I think).

Feel free to do so.

Must resist creating another monster with bleed attack! :P

Silver Crusade

Celestial Healer wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Time for some chicken picatta!

One of my favorite dishes!

I have an unhealthy love of capers.

This recipe was a bit different than your standard piccatta, Got this one off of food network "The pioneer woman". This had lemon, capers, garlic chicken broth, white wine and cream with some lemony buttery noodles to complement it

Silver Crusade

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Time for some chicken picatta!

One of my favorite dishes!

I have an unhealthy love of capers.

This recipe was a bit different than your standard piccatta, Got this one off of food network "The pioneer woman". This had lemon, capers, garlic chicken broth, white wine and cream with some lemony buttery noodles to complement it

That actually sounds like the standard piccata. Except for the cream. I haven't made it, but I would just deglaze the saute pan with white wine, then mix some broth and corn starch in a bowl before whisking it in to the pan, and wait until the end to add a dash of lemon, some capers, and a tablespoon or two of cold butter to enrich it.

Damn. Now I want some.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Time for some chicken picatta!

One of my favorite dishes!

I have an unhealthy love of capers.

This recipe was a bit different than your standard piccatta, Got this one off of food network "The pioneer woman". This had lemon, capers, garlic chicken broth, white wine and cream with some lemony buttery noodles to complement it

That actually sounds like the standard piccata. Except for the cream. I haven't made it, but I would just deglaze the saute pan with white wine, then mix some broth and corn starch in a bowl before whisking it in to the pan, and wait until the end to add a dash of lemon, some capers, and a tablespoon or two of cold butter to enrich it.

Damn. Now I want some.

Damn, I think I gained a couple pounds just reading that.

I have a migraine and everything reeks of smoke. Stupid olfactory malfunctions.

Well, that puts the dampeners on the "Huzzah!" post I was gonna make.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My mind is full of kobolds right now for some reason.

Morning folks...

And another week of evening shift. I will try to get two hours of overtime a day at least a few times.

I feel sleep even thinking about that...

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hate coffee.
Pray that Solnes does not see this missive from you. She is likely to do terrible things.....
I also dislike coffee.'s I don't even know you anymore!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Icyshadow wrote:
My mind is full of kobolds right now for some reason.

You should let them out. The yapping will drive you mad.

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Sake. Does a body good.

Yes. Yes it does. I like to drink mine out the set I bought in Japan.

Scarab Sages

And before I forget.....


Scarab Sages

Awesome episode of Walking Dead last night. And I got to enjoy a nice beer while watching it.

Aberzombie wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hate coffee.
Pray that Solnes does not see this missive from you. She is likely to do terrible things.....
I also dislike coffee.'s I don't even know you anymore!

I'm pretty sure this is information I have shared before.

Regardless, even if I liked it I wouldn't be allowed to have it now, thanks to my no-caffeine restriction from the doctor. If I was going to have it, it was going to have caffeine in it. No decaf for me. Same way I'm handling tea.

I have feathers. Just saying you know.

Scarab Sages

Orthos wrote:
..... thanks to my no-caffeine restriction from the doctor.

Why does he hate you so.....?

Scarab Sages

Bye for now.

Dark Archive

Morning FaWtL folk. Hope ya'll are well and had a lovely weekend. :)

Have the kidlet again for a few days. I seriously have no idea what's going on, but it's great. He's almost walking all proper like. He's getting chattier, and I think he's even used words in the correct context once or twice. Mostly hiya while waving at people. ^_^

I'm also going to jump on the disliking coffee bandwagon. :P Tea all the way! :D

All this talk of first favourited posts made me go back and look at some of the more "famous" posters' posting history. It made for a very entertaining endeavour. XD

Lastly, just want to wish everyone who is unwell or suffering hard times all the best. May your health return swiftly, and things look up soon. Have a good one, ya jokers. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Icyshadow wrote:
My mind is full of kobolds right now for some reason.

I read that as 'My mouth is full of kobolds...' and I thought you were having an odd kind of breakfast.

Meh. I missed the languages line from the submitted monster.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm fairly certain my parents are going to regret giving me Frozen as a birthday gift after I spend today pretty much keeping it on repeat.

Through sheer luck, I do get a day off out of it. Woo post-spring break professional days.

Enough of sitting in front of computer for now. Still over two hours before going to work, though.

Aberzombie wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hate coffee.
Pray that Solnes does not see this missive from you. She is likely to do terrible things.....
I also dislike coffee.'s I don't even know you anymore!

I also dislike coffee. Makes it fun when they have me cover breaks at Starbucks.

"I've never been here before, what do you recommend?"
"If you put raspberry syrup in a white hot chocolate, it looks like Pepto-Bismol."

Well, We seem to be off to a chipper Monday.

I survived another Production, (This time the Opera Die Fledermaus set in 70's LA. Yes, it was great.) So I guess I'll jump on the 'Happy Monday' bandwagon.

Well,... More like crawl after and climb onto with assistance. I'm tired.

Thank God for Coffee. (Yes, those Both get capitalized.) :)

Another round of well-wishes & congratulations to all who need/deserve them!

Morning. *grumble*

I need coffee....unfortunately I am also on caffeine restriction. :(
Can't even have decaf...still too much caffeine. Actually it has rather a lot of caffeine. The name is very misleading. It's been a whole four months since I last had caffeine and I still every time I got to the grocery store just stand in the coffee aisle and smell the wonderful smell of coffee. I don't want it any less than I did before. Along with tea. There are days I would pretty much kill for a cup of green tea. Or a chocolate bar (providing it was gluten free...wheat allergy is a whole separate thing). But no. I no can haz. :(
But, hey, at least my balance is better and I don't have to keep one hand on the wall to walk down the hall without falling over...I keep trying to convince myself that this is worth giving up the caffeine for....

Or you could go back to caffeine and don't bother with getting up from computer!

Maybe better not to do that...

Drejk wrote:

Or you could go back to caffeine and don't bother with getting up from computer!

** spoiler omitted **

I won't say I haven't considered it...but yeah....not the best idea. :)

Off to work.

After two day weekend it's hard.

Drejk wrote:

Off to work.

After two day weekend it's hard.

As the actress said to the priest.

Silver Crusade

Ragadolf wrote:

Well, We seem to be off to a chipper Monday.

I survived another Production, (This time the Opera Die Fledermaus set in 70's LA. Yes, it was great.) So I guess I'll jump on the 'Happy Monday' bandwagon.

Well,... More like crawl after and climb onto with assistance. I'm tired.

Thank God for Coffee. (Yes, those Both get capitalized.) :)

Another round of well-wishes & congratulations to all who need/deserve them!

Did you mention that production before? I was a Dr. Falke several years ago :) It is a fun work.

Silver Crusade

Have you ever hurt your back doing nothing at all? This morning I bent over to check the time on my cell phone, which was on a table. That motion was accompanied by a telltale shooting pain in my lower back. WTF? I wasn't even lifting anything?

hi everyone

Celestial Healer wrote:
Have you ever hurt your back doing nothing at all? This morning I bent over to check the time on my cell phone, which was on a table. That motion was accompanied by a telltale shooting pain in my lower back. WTF? I wasn't even lifting anything?

I had that while picking something up from the floor a few month ago, the pain went away when I pulled the trousers up after toilet use :-)

get well soon CH

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

So. I am bored at work and decided "Hey, you know what sounds like fun? I'll go through the list of posts I've made that have been favorited by other people and revisit the past. That ought to kill a few minutes." I scrolled through, laughing occasionally, sometimes wondering why a certain post got favorited, until I reached the end. And there it was, the first post of mine that someone else favorited. One I had almost completely forgotten about. One I was, and still am, kinda proud of. The one favorited by Cosmo, although I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing. So, for anyone who cares (and also for those who don't) here is a link to my first favorited post.

I would say that one is a winner :)

I will point to not my first favorited post, but my fifth. (Although my last page of favorited posts are pretty much all from before favoriting began, which means people would have had to go back to find them.)

The best part is that two posts later it elicited an in-character response from Lisa Stevens.

Seems the first post of mine to get favorited (not counting ones made before favoriting was possible) was a combined Beatles-reference and "I want it NOW" post.

first favorited post by me: OP of "let's flesh out savith she" (or however this terribly designed town was spelled)

first favorited in FaWtL: "bought ticket for Amon Amarth *bangs head*"

Treppa wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
My mind is full of kobolds right now for some reason.
I read that as 'My mouth is full of kobolds...' and I thought you were having an odd kind of breakfast.

{sings (badly):} "Frosted Tucker's Kobolds,

They're still horrible miners!"

I know that doesn't rhyme... blame Cosmo.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Have you ever hurt your back doing nothing at all? This morning I bent over to check the time on my cell phone, which was on a table. That motion was accompanied by a telltale shooting pain in my lower back. WTF? I wasn't even lifting anything?

Dr. Phil said back pain is a symptom of turnip deficiency.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Have you ever hurt your back doing nothing at all? This morning I bent over to check the time on my cell phone, which was on a table. That motion was accompanied by a telltale shooting pain in my lower back. WTF? I wasn't even lifting anything?

It's called

getting old.
Or possibly the consequences of a desk job with little to no exercise.
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