Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Started another rewatch of The Wire for lack of money to pay for HBO Nordic.

Still holds up.

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I guess nudity was inevitable once I mentioned HBO.

Silver Crusade

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Treppa wrote:
Poutine and ice cream? Together!?! OoO

It wasn't the healthiest afternoon out...

Silver Crusade

I am so tired. I was fine until about 30 minutes ago when the time change finally decided to catch up with me :(

Celestial Healer wrote:
I am so tired. I was fine until about 30 minutes ago when the time change finally decided to catch up with me :(

that may be responsible for the bad night of sleep I had last night.

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Silly Daylight Savings Time.

In other news, my mind boggles at a customer wanting us to buy new equipment from Petsmart rather than, in spite of having to pay $75 more.

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Ah, Arizona springs... where the weather is finally warm enough that the winter visitors go home.

Downside: we've been using the air conditioner for weeks.

The heater was used for... a week? Maybe? And only at night... this past "winter."

I'm procrastinating finishing my essay.

I may hate essay writing, but apparently I kick ass.

Even managed 100% on one.

Ice cream time, methinks.

Oooh, who mentioned pudding pops? I must introduce the kiddo to these!

ebon_fyre wrote:

Ice cream time, methinks.

Oooh, who mentioned pudding pops? I must introduce the kiddo to these!

I did. Am still willing to kill for pudding pops. I even made a sign saying so.

No feedback from <redacted> about <redacted> for <redacted>. It might mean it does not need changes or it might mean that <redacted> haven't read my <redacted> because of his <redacted>.

ebon_fyre wrote:
Silly Daylight Savings Time.

You mean sleeptime stealing scheme?

Off to sleep. G'Night.

That might be good Narn name. Maybe not enough k, r, or q...

*walks in with a cup of tea*

Everyone is asleep?


Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Tuesday!!! It's looking to be a nice weather day here in Houston - sunny and with a high near 80! Woot!!!

Scarab Sages

aeglos wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

Then was stuck in traffic for an
hour and a half in Baton Rouge.
Something shut down I-10.
Once I made my way around
, I made good time and
ended up not stopping until I
got off at my exit in Houston.
All in all, I made good time.

Did you get Busted Flat in Baton Rouge?

where you headin' for the train?
did you feel nearly faded as your jeans?
and did you took your harpoon out of your dirty red bandanna ??

Well quoted, my friend! You can't go wrong with a little Kris Kristofferson.


I should write a bit. And by bit I mean around 600-1000 words.

Scarab Sages

Or Janis Joplin, for those who prefer the singer.

Scarab Sages

Watched the latest Riddick movie last night. It was pretty cool. Very reminiscent of the original Pitch Black.

Plus, Katee Sackhoff's boobies.

Scarab Sages

And, of course, like and idiot I stayed up too late after discovering The Incredibles on TV.

Scarab Sages

But I still slept well. So there's that.

Scarab Sages

There's a lunch and learn at work today. Normally I don't bother because the food they typically have doesn't interest me. But this time they have barbecue.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

And, I shall leave you with that as I depart for the outer fringe of workdom. Be good. But if you can't be good, be careful.

Aberzombie wrote:
There's a lunch and learn at work today. Normally I don't bother because the food they typically have doesn't interest me. But this time they have barbecue.
Aberzombie wrote:

... Barbecue boobs? What?


I think it's dessert after some brain-munching.

Or maybe he's just being saucy?

Friend found great webcomic written and drawn by three not-exactly experienced women playing RPG about, well, three not-exactly experienced women playing Warhammer with a GM... I would share it but it is in Polish.

Still about 1,200 words to write... Not much progress today.

hi everyone

Aberzombie wrote:
Or Janis Joplin, for those who prefer the singer.

I do prefer Kris singing it, peoplhe say he has a weak voive but I can't agree, I love his voice.

He is my second most favorite Coumtry singer (after Cash but before Waylon, Willy, Zac Brown and all three Hanks)

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Drejk wrote:
I should write a bit. And by bit I mean around 600-1000 words.
Drejk wrote:
Still about 1,200 words to write... Not much progress today.

Did you unwrite? Horrors! I didn't know that was possible!

Hi and bye. Going to work. I wonder if there will be chance for overtime today.

Bitter Thorn wrote:

Sorry, I can't catch up on 5,491 posts, but I hope everyone is doing well!

Holger, I hope the baby is a healthy handful. Congratulations! Diane has been in better touch than I.

Sorry I have been away so long. I have been buried in work, family and activism.

It has been challenging, but it empowers me to help those I care about so I think it's worth it in the long run.

I just closed a project in Corpus Christi TX, and I'm headed to another project in Springerville AZ for a month or so before helping Dad and my sister back in TX. Then I hope to help my daughter and her family get into a new home before I get MY FOURTH GRAND BABY! :)

Diane's youngest daughter is still getting honors marks toward her medical BS, and Diane will get to see her and the beautiful grand daughter soon.

My Dad's health is rough, and my sister is still a saint.

I have a brief window, and I'll be gone again for a while.

Take care all!

I'll check back in if I can. :)

Good to see you around again, BT.

Congratulations on the new grandchild!

ebon_fyre wrote:

We're getting a puppy on Tuesday!

Correction: Dad's getting a puppy. I get to house-train it. Because I'm doing "nothing else" during my days, right? (Nothing else = attending university full-time online, wrangling a toddler, maintaining the house, etc etc etc...)

But... puppy! Weee!

Good luck to you (and everyone else acquiring doggies)!

Use syllabi for potty training. :P

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BluePigeon wrote:
Ate at Golden Corral this afternoon. I think it was a mistake. It's taking 5 to 6 hours to fully digest my dinner. I feel like that gelatinous cube that devoured 6 or 7 or 8 adventurers.

"I think it was a mistake" is Golden Corral's marketing slogan, if I remember correctly.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I posted things.

Anti-humanist! :P

Orthos wrote:

... aaaaaand one of the original dogs has decided this is incentive to start marking everything.

Good grief.

Oh my. I hope that improves.

Why?!? Why do they start videos at MAX VOLUME!!!!

My freakin' ears.

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

... aaaaaand one of the original dogs has decided this is incentive to start marking everything.

Good grief.

A lot of people I know swear they had this problem with cats, but I guess I have been lucky.

We usually get female cats, but, for the most part, we never had this problem with male cats.

Every great once in a while, our current male cat will spray when he gets overly agitated.

But you never see videos about cats joyously welcoming their owners home.

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Well our renters just called us and apparently, there is a busted pipe underneath the garage floor, Yeah I get to deal with the insurance company first thing monday morning

Bleh. Sorry to hear that.

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If I keep going, Rawr! will never be able to stop posting.

Treppa wrote:
But you never see videos about cats joyously welcoming their owners home.

There's this one

That cat seemed pretty excited.

Treppa wrote:
If I keep going, Rawr! will never be able to stop posting.

Ack! And I'm only one page back now!

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