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Celestial Healer wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I am. I can make conversation as well as anybody, but I need my "recharge time" and I haven't really been getting it.

My whole family is a family of introverts. Its always great when we can get together, but there's this point, about 3-4 days into the visit, where we all kind of look at each other for a moment, and find someplace to hide and be alone and read a book or play a video game or go for a walk.

After about 2-3 hours, we get together again and have more fun.


It's nice that we all totally understand what's going on, and nobody gets upset and feels "ignored" because of it. :)

John's family is a mix. His dad is an introvert, but he has been spending our workdays on his own, so he wants to chat when I get home.

I feel for his sister (who had the baby). She is extremely introverted and has been doted on all week. I'm sure she wishes everyone would stop helping...

After awhile, having a lot of people constantly there can drive an introvert nuts. I hope she gets the peace and privacy she needs.

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Orthos wrote:

One journal down, one to go.

For someone with as many memory problems as I have, I'm really surprised I can remember the stuff that goes on on Monday's game when I write the journal on Friday. That's two weeks in a row I've done that and only forgotten minor details.

It's easier for me with games as well ^^ I couldn't tell you what I had for breakfast this morning, but I can tell you the color of dragon my half-orc barbarian was killing in a 3.0 game.

Freehold DM wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
* Which is weird, cause I'd be at the front of the line for William Gibson-/Shadowrun-style Zeiss cybereye-replacements with the full thermographic/low-light/flare protection/smartgun II upgrades.
Make certain they're properly secured. Last thing you need is some corporate sales jerk hacking your eyes to spam you with advertisements. Or you could just have them non-wireless, but that doesn't seem to be encouraged by the latest ruleset.
I successfully made my Will save to disbelieve SR 5e and its setting changes.

hugs, loves Amby

If no one's saying the word "chummer", it's not Shadowrun.

5e SR brought "chummer" back ^^ On page 14, in the section where they describe the setting.

They're still going wireless-happy, though :S

But, they brought the slang back, actually wrote a full rules set (glares at 4e), and they made picking human as Priority A actually worth something.

wireless is a necessity, as Shadowrun has accidentally predicted several non - magic based bits of technological and political advancements.

Eh, I dunno entirely. Their reasoning for using it, especially in light of modern theft tactics for items with RFID tags, leaves the reasoning behind relying on it more than a little shaky.

Then again, the nuke-resistant previous Matrix was taken down by magical nukes. So, I can't say for certain ^^

aeglos wrote:

today the mayor came by and gave us the welcome cheque every baby gets in our municipality

he did it himself because he want to write a articel (pictures and all) about it for the local newspapers to make this feature more known

he did chose us because he remembered me from my civil service year in 1997, he was my supervisor back then (he was just an administrative clerk at the municipality back then)

the mayor is born on new years day as well,he said he thought it was awesome as a kid because for hi, it was like the whole world celebrated his birthday :-)

Wow. That is awesome of him!

ebon_fyre wrote:
In other news, we have a cold front moving in. We're going to drop down to 69 at some point next week. :D

Wanna trade? I'll take your cold front if you take mine!

TOZ wrote:
Orthos wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
TOZ wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:
I'm disappointed at the lack of world-ending.
I know, right? Thanks to Freehold messing it up we all still have to go to work and stuff!
hey you guys can quit your job at any time!
I on the other hand like my job =)
Okay, so it was more like I got fired. Or laid off. I'm hazy on the difference.

The difference: They didn't want you to feel bad.

The difference should be: Fired - good riddance to you; Laid off - they want to keep you, but can't.

TOZ wrote:
Orthos wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
TOZ wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:
I'm disappointed at the lack of world-ending.
I know, right? Thanks to Freehold messing it up we all still have to go to work and stuff!
hey you guys can quit your job at any time!
I on the other hand like my job =)
Okay, so it was more like I got fired. Or laid off. I'm hazy on the difference.

D: You have no job? Ohnoes!

Grand Lodge

Yeah, just a full time student now. :P

MagusJanus wrote:
Treppa wrote:
So I bought a 'learn to Art' book and a set of pencils and paper and I made a thing. This is my third thing, beyond a pear and a lamp, and the first thing that made me happy.

Wow, that is incredibly good!

And sorry for not replying earlier. Distracted too much.

Thanks (and thanks to everyone else who has been so kind). I did 2 more today and added them to DA. It's excellent therapy!

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Yeah, just a full time student now. :P

No work and all play, eh?

Grand Lodge

Treppa wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Yeah, just a full time student now. :P
No work and all play, eh?

Depends on what you consider work. :(

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Treppa wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Yeah, just a full time student now. :P
No work and all play, eh?
Depends on what you consider work. :(

What is your course load?

Grand Lodge

16 credit hours. I probably shouldn't have taken that 300 level class.

Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Slaad-blog? Why I haven't seen that before?!
where is this blog?

In Ambrosia's profile there is a link.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Attention Fawtl.

I am drunk.

That is all.

Grand Lodge

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And? What's the news?

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:

Attention Fawtl.

I am drunk.

That is all.

*Raises Glass*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Attention Fawtl.

I am drunk.

That is all.

If you can still spell "attention" correctly you're not trying hard enough.

Anyways. It's Saturday morning, so time for a bacon, sausages, eggs, and a bit more.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Huh, just realized today is our anniversary. It's been, um, 9 years? I think? Or eight. Or ten. Geez.

Treppa wrote:
Huh, just realized today is our anniversary. It's been, um, 9 years? I think? Or eight. Or ten. Geez.

W00t! Congrats!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Morning everyone.

Treppa wrote:
Huh, just realized today is our anniversary. It's been, um, 9 years? I think? Or eight. Or ten. Geez.


hi everyFaWtL

Man. I am hung over. Not as bad as the epic 1941 parties we had, but still...fuzzier than I would like to be.

Hey aeglos. You missed me drunk last night!

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It's finally here, and it's free!

mmmmmmmm, Strammer Max

"stiff Max" (and yes, the name means exactly what it sounds like) is a slize of grey bread with butter a slize of boiled ham and two eggs sunny side up, served with pickles and a half tomato

Freehold DM wrote:
Hey aeglos. You missed me drunk last night!

reminds me that I still have to drink a scotch or three with friends to celebrate the little one

1 person marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:

mmmmmmmm, Strammer Max

"stiff Max" (and yes, the name means exactly what it sounds like) is a slize of grey bread with butter a slize of boiled ham and two eggs sunny side up, served with pickles and a half tomato

Stiff max gave me a completely different idea...

Treppa wrote:
It's finally here, and it's free!


I wonder if we can get one of the completed 1k1 threads into Wayfinder one day...

Kajehase wrote:
Anyways. It's Saturday morning, so time for a bacon, sausages, eggs, and a bit more.

Food. That's an excellent idea! It will certainly help me with this hangover I'm experiencing!!

Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Anyways. It's Saturday morning, so time for a bacon, sausages, eggs, and a bit more.
Food. That's an excellent idea! It will certainly help me with this hangover I'm experiencing!!

Absolutely. The greasier, the better. It will help soak up the booze.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
16 credit hours. I probably shouldn't have taken that 300 level class.

Does that involve you getting oiled up and putting on Spartan armour?

Also yay, I'm feeling better. :)
Joyous weekend to all.

aeglos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Hey aeglos. You missed me drunk last night!
reminds me that I still have to drink a scotch or three with friends to celebrate the little one

Reminds me my boss gave me a tenner for some scotch for a hot toddy - which was super nice of him.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Glad you are on the mend, DSX.

I got an idea for another devil... This one might be finished before the previous one.

Now I need a fancy archaic term for a doctor...

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Saturday! It's going to be a rather gloomy day here in Houston - 30% chance of rain during the day, increasing to 50% tonight. But it's already 65 degF outside and is going to get up to around 71! So there's that.

Scarab Sages

Downloaded my copy of Wayfinder 10. Huzzah! I love the work they did on my map. And the overall look of the issue is really awesome.

Scarab Sages

The boy just came into the computer room and finally noticed the hand crossbow (yes, I have one). Of course, he wanted me to get it down for him.


Scarab Sages

Aaaaannnnd....successful distraction. He found a bag with a leftover Christmas present - an etch-a-sketch with the Cars theme.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, Short and sweet this am. Gonna go drink my coffee, use the head, and maybe make some biscuits. Later FAWTLY Folk! Have an awesome day.

Aberzombie wrote:

The boy just came into the computer room and finally noticed the hand crossbow (yes, I have one). Of course, he wanted me to get it down for him.


takes aberzombie off the "cool dad" list

Drejk wrote:

I got an idea for another devil... This one might be finished before the previous one.

Now I need a fancy archaic term for a doctor...



3 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear Media: Please stop covering Justin Beiber kthxbye

Hmmm... Sawbone could be alternative for physitian.

Wasn't there some word for a doctor that referred to leeching?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

That is sooo brilliant!

I surprise myself at times.

Devil with a head of a leech!

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