However, I have been spending the morning building train tracks with the boy. So there's that.
One more day of playing Army for the month, and then class work will consume me.
I knew I forgot something when I got out of bed this morning....
And now we're watching the Thomas Halloween DVD. Or, as Charlie calls it - Scary Thomas.
I doubt the kiddo cares as long as he can play with his trains.
All right, done for now. Later folks. Have an awesome day!
Drejk wrote: Eh, I need an idea for purrlings favored class bonus for sorcerers. Perhaps at each level they gain 1/2 or 1/3 a use of the Still Magic feat that they can apply as a swift action to a spell by purring subaudibly? Maybe DC 15 or so to be heard with a Perception check?
I think it would fit more a racial archetype as it adds a new mechanic instead of adding bonus to existing one.
Adding an alternate racial trait... Purrlings will be able to select between being medium or small.
For now I will go with increased concentration check DC for victims of the purrling's continuous spells.
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Drejk wrote: Adding an alternate racial trait... Purrlings will be able to select between being medium or small. Hmmm...
Flavor text blah blah blah
Prerequisites: Cha 13, purrling, Small.
Benefit: By pouting your lower lip and widening your pupils, you can take 10 on Bluff checks to convince others you are telling the truth, so long as your story makes you appear innocent. You also gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to shift the attitudes of Medium or larger nonplayer characters.
Have I mentioned that I would like to write a Small cat-like race?
F-k. Blogger messes with formatting...
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And they are here!
I should considering adding favored class option for aristocrats and experts so we could make King Julien and Maurice. With Small Frame alternate trait we can already make Mort.
Ah, that way the madness lies!
Because next in queue would be penguinfolk race...
Oh, wait, Small avian race was in plans before... But penguins? Must resist...
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Clearly, they must be puffinfolk.
TOZ wrote: Clearly, they must be puffinfolk. That would be subrace with alternate racial trait.
Also? Is Puffin short? He'll make him honorary Kowalski if he's not...
Drejk wrote: >Purrlings<
And they are here!
I need to add some features to metamorph...
Kickstarter is at 41.6% in two days.
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Oh, do not mistake puffins for alternate penguin forms. That's very dangerous!
Horned penguinfolk?
Or maybe tentacled?
Firebreathing penguinfolk?
That might be a bit too much for a PC race...
Maybe I should return to writing therionfolk - small animalistic humanoid fey? Or should birdfolk, felinefolk, etc. be their separate humanoid/monstrous humanoids races?
Time to bed. Tomorrow afternoon work training continues. At least.
And I would like to write some more...
If I only had my own room and faster laptop :(
Off to bed to dream about earning enough money with writing back from Poland.
Afternoon shift this week. It has advantage of not having to get up at some gods-forsaken time but it also means that I will do little after returning to home and in the morning I won't do much either...
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Mind you, I should probably add another layer of shirts to wear at work tomorrow - the nipples are not supposed to hurt when you get into a hot bath!
Unless it's a really, really hot bath, obviously.
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Kajehase wrote: Yay! Real winter! we are around 0/-1*C (32F) for the first time this winter
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most propably Sabine can move in with Marlon this evening and share a room with him for his most propably last 3 days of Hospital, yaaaayyyyyyy
So, someone is/will be pretty upset. While doing my rounds I found an unopened 12-pack of Nat Light beer. Since there was no one around, I took it out and chucked it in the dumpster with the trash from the lobby. Teach them to leave their beer unattended.
Going to work in 3 hours.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: So, someone is/will be pretty upset. While doing my rounds I found an unopened 12-pack of Nat Light beer. Since there was no one around, I took it out and chucked it in the dumpster with the trash from the lobby. Teach them to leave their beer unattended. Unless they realised that light beer is basically just coloured water that foams and left it there on purpose.
Ha-hah! My waiting game succeeded and I now have a box of Mozartkugeln bought at half price.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: So, someone is/will be pretty upset. While doing my rounds I found an unopened 12-pack of Nat Light beer. Since there was no one around, I took it out and chucked it in the dumpster with the trash from the lobby. Teach them to leave their beer unattended. I doubt anybody would be upset to see Natty Light in the dumpster.
Treppa wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: So, someone is/will be pretty upset. While doing my rounds I found an unopened 12-pack of Nat Light beer. Since there was no one around, I took it out and chucked it in the dumpster with the trash from the lobby. Teach them to leave their beer unattended. I doubt anybody would be upset to see Natty Light in the dumpster. Fortunately I've never had that.
Anyway a lovely monday morning to all. Hopefully I can make this week a tad more productive.
Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Monday! I hope everyone has a grand day.
Should be better than mine, at least. I was up late with baby Katie, and with this cold hitting me I'm very tired this morning. I was more than half tempted to call in sick and rest a bit more. Then I remembered: I no longer work for the federal government. It's all real world now.
I do miss all that sick leave though.....
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Last night was the first of many nights I sang Katie to sleep.
I did not watch the premier of that new show Intelligence because the first night it came on they showed it on Tuesday and I didn't want it to interfere with my other Tuesday shows. Last night I saw a commercial that it's moving to a regular Monday timeslot. Thought I'd be able to catch the premier On Demand. Nope. Apparently, CBS shows are not available through AT&T Uverse. Weird. Their loss, though.