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Silver Crusade

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Congrats to the Horde!

Silver Crusade

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Ack! I'm advertising myself to the living dead like so much prime meat!

Shadow Lodge

Hubba hubba!

Woot, AZ and family!

Hello there on another day started with not enough sleep.

Jeff-Zilla wrote:


Oh yes, there is justice!

I hope a French guy saves the day in this one too.

I was supposed to give that session recap ages ago.

Kingmaker, RRR Spoilers:
So when we last left off, the players had managed to cure Kundal's lycanthropy and had cleared out most of the smaller events in the southern Greenbelt area. However, word came to them about trolls trying to bully Garuum into helping them.

As the heroes arrive at the scene, the trolls mistake the heroes for potential recruits since Hargulka had told them that the enemy group has a human amongst them. Since Sage was reincarnated and came back as a bugbear, they fail to recognize Ciaran, Oruda and Kiriv as threats. Managing to roll a good Bluff as well as Diplomacy, Sage tricks the trolls into thinking that they'll punish Garuum for his disobedience later, and convince them into leading him to Hargulka's base. On the way, they stop at the Lizardfolk village, where they stop to help Tim Tannersen out of his predicament.

In the process, they manage to reveal to Vesket that the spirit he worshipped was a fake while also implying that Hargulka (who had an alliance with the lizardfolk forged earlier) knew but refused to tell him. One critical hit from the enraged chieftain dealt with the will-o-wisp, and he proceeded to throw the trolls out of his village as well, telling them that the alliance they had is dead and gone.

The heroes then begin to make their way back to Stagshelm, where Grigori is causing trouble with his public speech. One awesome debate contest against Kiriv and Sage leads the villagers into seeing Grigori as the phony that he is, and he ends up imprisoned for his troubles. After a thorough interrogation, Sage forces him to work as a double agent to spy on Fort Drelev, at the risk of a fate worse than death. Whether he sticks to it or not is yet to be seen, but considering his options...

...anyway, the warpath of the PCs continues as they manage to convince the local forest drake to move in with the kobolds, AND getting the worgs allied with Hargulka to defect as well. Howl of the North Wind has been changed into a Winter Wolf as a side-note, and had a pretty badass moment beating down a worg named Bloodclaw who had tried to take over the pack. At one part, the players also encountered Oruda's younger brother Rokhura, who had left Tian Xia in search of his elder brother to find out what happened to him as well as to escape political enemies in Kaoling. His presence might bring about more hobgoblins in the kingdom now that he knows about the barony in the area.

The session ended with the players preparing to take care of the last remaining mysteries on the Southern Greenbelt before their fight against the trolls, mainly Bokken's younger brother and the elven ruins.

Sorry if the text is confusing, my memory blanked on some details and I wrote this in a bit of a hurry.

No worries Icy, looks good =)

Cold and icy but clear skies here today. Think I should start getting used to heading out 10-15 minutes early to turn my car on and let it defrost.

I'm getting to move in on the character specific side-quests as the campaign goes on. Sage's past friends and enemies are slowly approaching. Oruda's have already caught up to him, while Kiriv's and Ciaran's are sort of there but have not yet begun to move for their own reasons.

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Yep, much the same here. Elegy's personal plotline is slowly coming to a head, as is Lilith's, though her's is probably a chapter or so further out. Errol's keeps getting extended every time he gets himself in a new batch of trouble. Takeshi's and Jaekah's are still out on the horizon.

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FREEHOLD!! Whatever you are doing to your weather dominator, do something else! You're sending too much cold air my way. It's supposed to drop down to 0 tonight, and I sure as shootin' don't need that.

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It's up to 10F here and was above freezing yesterday. Help! We're thawing!

Highs in the 40s, Lows in the 20s all week this week. Except one night that's going to be in the teens, I think.

Scarab Sages

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Good morning FAWTLY Folk. Happy Wednesday! And a very happy one it is. Just sitting here rocking Princess Poopsalot.

Scarab Sages

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Earlier, I woke and sat up right in her field of vision. Her little eyes were open and moving to follow me. So awesome!

Scarab Sages

And, I successfully took a one handed picture of both of us. The first of many!

Scarab Sages

But now to go spend time with my girls.

Ah yes, newborn baby poops.

It's part toxic waste, part velcro.

And it smells so bad that when people walk into your house they say; <sniff> "You have a kid, dontcha?"

Enjoy! :)

(And give the girls hugs. And tell Zombeh Jr what an 'Awesome' big brother he is!) :)

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Raging Swan Open Call Results are in!!

"The Grey Grove" was mine =D

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

Raging Swan Open Call Results are in!!

"The Grey Grove" was mine =D

Awesome! Congratulations!!!

hi everyone

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WELCOME KATIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
FREEHOLD!! Whatever you are doing to your weather dominator, do something else! You're sending too much cold air my way. It's supposed to drop down to 0 tonight, and I sure as shootin' don't need that.
treppa wrote:
It's up to 10F here and was above freezing yesterday. Help! We're thawing!

I'm working on it!

grates hips while double checking owners manual for weather dominator

Yeesh, who writes these things...?

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Freehold DM wrote:

grates hips while double checking owners manual for weather dominator

Yeesh, who writes these things...?

*meanwhile, just on the other side of the Veil into the First World...*

Look! Look! He's doing it again!

*insert much giggling of faeries here*

I am viewing the site through dolphin jetpack on my phone. The phone browser I once used has now been forgotten. This app makes the internet make love to me through my eyes. There is no comparison. Its that good.

Upcoming RotRL game might become a two-person game, with Ebon dropping out of Monday sessions and the other Monday player not answering messages on Skype or the forum. The Spider Sisters tag-teaming their way through the ride to Karzoug could be very interesting indeed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

Raging Swan Open Call Results are in!!

"The Grey Grove" was mine =D

Well done.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Raging Swan Open Call Results are in!!

"The Grey Grove" was mine =D

Well done.


Thanks all =D

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My phone just morphed "go orthos!" Into "gorthos!"



So I just learned about Clark Peterson's latest bout of trouble and why he's not involved in this year's Superstar.

Very very sad to see. People can be real scumbags.

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yeah reading that made me pretty sad, angry and self-conscious

What happened? Or, rather, where can I find out?


tl;dr version: Clark's a judge IRL, a couple whose case he presided over got pissed about how he handled it, dug into his personal life, found his postings on Paizo, and now are suing him claiming his hobby disrupts his job.

The article's pretty heavily biased against Clark and is extremely insulting toward gamers in general. And full of way too much prying into someone's private life and personal finances. It's freaking creepy what these writers managed to dig up.

That's just dumb.

Lots of support for him in the comments though.

I hate my job. That is all.

Not the most positive blitz, but still...

I know what your posting at work!

I guess any of us could get in trouble for posting at work, truth be told.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Big Brother wrote:
I know what your posting at work!




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Silver Crusade

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I figure that as long as my work is done in a timely fashion and I avoid porn it should be OK.

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I know where you roost you friggin hack


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:


tl;dr version: Clark's a judge IRL, a couple whose case he presided over got pissed about how he handled it, dug into his personal life, found his postings on Paizo, and now are suing him claiming his hobby disrupts his job.

The article's pretty heavily biased against Clark and is extremely insulting toward gamers in general. And full of way too much prying into someone's private life and personal finances. It's freaking creepy what these writers managed to dig up.

Bleh. Obviously, someone can't have a hobby like gaming and maintain their impartiality. [/eyeroll]

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Big Brother wrote:
I know where you roost you friggin hack


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