Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Or, you know, take the subway...Celestial Healer wrote:now i need to get My bike fixed.Freehold DM wrote:Yep. I'll be right on 57th St. (Unless I'm elsewhere on client visits.) There will be no excuse not to see more of FHDM.Celestial Healer wrote:I accepted the new job offer. Starting in late April.awright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!
Indeed. My bike folds and fits on the subway quite nicely.

taig RPG Superstar 2012 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Celestial Healer wrote:Yeah, that's most of the ones I have. I think the only one I may have that isn't on your list is the Guide to Fiends. I recall I might own that one, but I'd have to check.Celestial Healer wrote:I have Vampires, Ghosts, Werebeasts, The Created, Vistani, The Ancient Dead, and Liches. I don't think there are too many others.Aberzombie wrote:I still have a few gaps... I'll check.Celestial Healer wrote:I've collected a bunch of the 2e Van Richten's Guides. They have some great setting elements about how various beasties fit into the setting.I wish I had known you were looking for those. I've got a bunch of them.
Just don't get the Guide to Friends. No one needs to see the stats for Ross Geller.

![]() |

Celestial Healer wrote:Apparently I have 4 days of time off scheduled for the week after next. I never requested those. Weird.Enjoy your time off?
Well, I need those days. I want to put in a long weekend in Florida before I leave this job. (And before it gets too hot to want to be in Florida.)

taig RPG Superstar 2012 |

Celestial Healer wrote:Alas, Celestial, Infernal, or Daemonic healing aside, I think my poor tiefling warlock is going down hard. And my poor monkey familiar is a puddle of goo =(Patrick Curtin wrote:Ha! Am I the only one who sees irony in my PC casting infernal healing? Not so celestial of him...Celestial Healer wrote:I accepted the new job offer. Starting in late April.Gratz, O Celestial dispenser of healbombs!
The halfling paladin has your back. Sorry about your familiar, though.

Justin Franklin |

Celestial Healer wrote:Oh, I know all about extreme cold. Going to high school in Massachusetts, I remember standing outside for the bus in -10 F weather. When I lived in Minnesota, I experienced my coldest temperature ever, -31 F. It took nearly 40 years, but I finally escaped the cold to wonderful Texas.Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I noticed you did not refute the "too cold" comment.Orthos wrote:too political? Youve been watching the wrong news broadcasts. Few people care.Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:This. Also too crowded, too urban, and too political.Freehold DM wrote:Hmmmm. A little too cold for me. Houston is just perfect.Moorluck wrote:clearly, you and everyfawtl need to move to ny.Celestial Healer wrote:I envy y'all being able to hang on occasion.Freehold DM wrote:Yep. I'll be right on 57th St. (Unless I'm elsewhere on client visits.) There will be no excuse not to see more of FHDM.Celestial Healer wrote:I accepted the new job offer. Starting in late April.awright!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!Those of us from the Interior North of the US laugh at NYC being too cold or snowy.
I can tell you about REAL cold and REAL snow.
Actually, I think Scint is the one who hit the nail on the head. The expense is kind of ridiculous.
-31 below isn't that bad. Unless there is a wind.....

Alagathra the Sea-Lich |

Celestial Healer wrote:Unless the "Endless Void" is your phylactery, then you'd have quiet a roomy second home.Alagathra the Sea-Lich wrote:A phylactery is only useful if your physical form is destroyed. I don't think it provides coverage when your consciousness is adrift in an endless void.Orthos wrote:Sonny. You forgot my phylactery.*watches Alagathra get sucked into the endless nothingness outside reality*
Excellent demonstration, thank you.
Void, shmoid.

Orthos |

Our NY brethren doesn't understand what we in the South have known forever.
The temperature should never fall to "freezing my ballz off", and that white stuff that falls from the sky is pure demon shyte hurled from a floating cloud of evil.
This man speaks truth.
Screw NY, I say we take over a small island nation and set up our own land of Fawtl. Enslaving the local populace is optional at this stage in my plan.
I could get behind this, so long as we still have internet access.

Orthos |

Those of us from the Interior North of the US laugh at NYC being too cold or snowy.
I can tell you about REAL cold and REAL snow.
I had both a roommate and an older couple at one of my old churches while in Arizona who were from Idaho, so I've heard some of the horror stories. Those places are on my permanent NOPE list.
Actually, I think Scint is the one who hit the nail on the head. The expense is kind of ridiculous.
That too. But that's also true of 90% of centralized heavy-urban areas - NY and similar locations just amp it up to 11.

Icyshadow |

Why does that one DM still have a problem with me playing a Paladin who happens to have cow ears, cow horns, a tail and hooves in ANY campaign yet has no problems letting me play a Tiefling Anti-Paladin of Calistria in Council of Thieves? Sure, I got what I wanted with the Ironskin Monk DMPC in Kingmaker but that's not the same as actually being a player at the table and playing your character with the group.

DSXMachina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Why does that one DM still have a problem with me playing a Paladin who happens to have cow ears, cow horns, a tail and hooves in ANY campaign yet has no problems letting me play a Tiefling Anti-Paladin of Calistria in Council of Thieves? Sure, I got what I wanted with the Ironskin Monk DMPC in Kingmaker but that's not the same as actually being a player at the table and playing your character with the group.
Yeah, that's a load of Bull.

Icyshadow |

Yeah, I blame his humanocentric tendencies and obsession with low fantasy, two things that I think make most D&D campaigns less fun for me. He's given me every excuse from "party not approving" (which I proved wrong) to "they don't fit" (even when I've provided enough fluff to put them anywhere from Eberron to Golarion and even freaking Toril) as well as other ones that didn't hold water, until he just went "because I don't like nor want them". Never elaborated on WHY he doesn't like them, nor why he hasn't banned every other vaguely "monster girl" race like catfolk, kitsune, harpies, nymphs etc. if this was his reasoning. And before anyone says anything, nobody plays male catfolk!!*
* = I know some might, but I don't care XD

Freehold DM |

Yeah, I blame his humanocentric tendencies and obsession with low fantasy, two things that I think make most D&D campaigns less fun for me. He's given me every excuse from "party not approving" (which I proved wrong) to "they don't fit" (even when I've provided enough fluff to put them anywhere from Eberron to Golarion and even freaking Toril) as well as other ones that didn't hold water, until he just went "because I don't like nor want them". Never elaborated on WHY he doesn't like them, nor why he hasn't banned every other vaguely "monster girl" race like catfolk, kitsune, harpies, nymphs etc. if this was his reasoning. And before anyone says anything, nobody plays male catfolk!!*
* = I know some might, but I don't care XD
I love monster girls.

Icyshadow |

Icyshadow wrote:I love monster girls.Yeah, I blame his humanocentric tendencies and obsession with low fantasy, two things that I think make most D&D campaigns less fun for me. He's given me every excuse from "party not approving" (which I proved wrong) to "they don't fit" (even when I've provided enough fluff to put them anywhere from Eberron to Golarion and even freaking Toril) as well as other ones that didn't hold water, until he just went "because I don't like nor want them". Never elaborated on WHY he doesn't like them, nor why he hasn't banned every other vaguely "monster girl" race like catfolk, kitsune, harpies, nymphs etc. if this was his reasoning. And before anyone says anything, nobody plays male catfolk!!*
* = I know some might, but I don't care XD
Same here, and nobody has objected to me bringing them to the table except that one DM >_>

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Same here, and nobody has objected to me bringing them to the table except that one DM >_>Icyshadow wrote:I love monster girls.Yeah, I blame his humanocentric tendencies and obsession with low fantasy, two things that I think make most D&D campaigns less fun for me. He's given me every excuse from "party not approving" (which I proved wrong) to "they don't fit" (even when I've provided enough fluff to put them anywhere from Eberron to Golarion and even freaking Toril) as well as other ones that didn't hold water, until he just went "because I don't like nor want them". Never elaborated on WHY he doesn't like them, nor why he hasn't banned every other vaguely "monster girl" race like catfolk, kitsune, harpies, nymphs etc. if this was his reasoning. And before anyone says anything, nobody plays male catfolk!!*
* = I know some might, but I don't care XD
boo! Spoilsport dm.

Orthos |

Icyshadow wrote:boo! Spoilsport dm.Freehold DM wrote:Same here, and nobody has objected to me bringing them to the table except that one DM >_>Icyshadow wrote:I love monster girls.Yeah, I blame his humanocentric tendencies and obsession with low fantasy, two things that I think make most D&D campaigns less fun for me. He's given me every excuse from "party not approving" (which I proved wrong) to "they don't fit" (even when I've provided enough fluff to put them anywhere from Eberron to Golarion and even freaking Toril) as well as other ones that didn't hold water, until he just went "because I don't like nor want them". Never elaborated on WHY he doesn't like them, nor why he hasn't banned every other vaguely "monster girl" race like catfolk, kitsune, harpies, nymphs etc. if this was his reasoning. And before anyone says anything, nobody plays male catfolk!!*
* = I know some might, but I don't care XD
Also +1 for less humanocentric campaign settings. I'm desperately trying to take the focus off humanity in my own world. As it is they still run three of the ten regions on the world, and have temporary/partial/current leadership of three others; no other race gets to claim that. Though Dwarves get the whole of the oceans, so that's something.
They also dominate a large majority of historical events of any level of importance. I'm in the process of revising that.

taig RPG Superstar 2012 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah, I blame his humanocentric tendencies and obsession with low fantasy, two things that I think make most D&D campaigns less fun for me. He's given me every excuse from "party not approving" (which I proved wrong) to "they don't fit" (even when I've provided enough fluff to put them anywhere from Eberron to Golarion and even freaking Toril) as well as other ones that didn't hold water, until he just went "because I don't like nor want them". Never elaborated on WHY he doesn't like them, nor why he hasn't banned every other vaguely "monster girl" race like catfolk, kitsune, harpies, nymphs etc. if this was his reasoning. And before anyone says anything, nobody plays male catfolk!!*
* = I know some might, but I don't care XD
I, uh, played a male catfolk. There are witnesses to it, too.

Icyshadow |

Freehold DM wrote:Icyshadow wrote:boo! Spoilsport dm.Freehold DM wrote:Same here, and nobody has objected to me bringing them to the table except that one DM >_>Icyshadow wrote:I love monster girls.Yeah, I blame his humanocentric tendencies and obsession with low fantasy, two things that I think make most D&D campaigns less fun for me. He's given me every excuse from "party not approving" (which I proved wrong) to "they don't fit" (even when I've provided enough fluff to put them anywhere from Eberron to Golarion and even freaking Toril) as well as other ones that didn't hold water, until he just went "because I don't like nor want them". Never elaborated on WHY he doesn't like them, nor why he hasn't banned every other vaguely "monster girl" race like catfolk, kitsune, harpies, nymphs etc. if this was his reasoning. And before anyone says anything, nobody plays male catfolk!!*
* = I know some might, but I don't care XD
Also +1 for less humanocentric campaign settings. I'm desperately trying to take the focus off humanity in my own world. As it is they still run three of the ten regions on the world, and have temporary/partial/current leadership of three others; no other race gets to claim that. Though Dwarves get the whole of the oceans, so that's something.
In my own campaign world, humans only have a presence in two out of five continents. The other three have humans as minorities or do not feature any significant human settlements whatsoever. I just need a good race to represent Japan, since most of mainland Asia has already been claimed by Dwarves, Hobgoblins and Elves as well as some other humanoids. Still love what I did with most of the "America" continent. Minotaurs and Holstaurs to the northern plains along with Orcs (and probably some giants as well since I forgot about those), jungles inhabited by not-so-friendly elves who do battle with pirahnafolk and not-so-evil yuan-ti / serpentfolk to the south.

Orthos |

My Asian analogue is ruled and run by the Oriental Adventures-style Naga, with Ratfolk, Tengu, and Humans residing under their rule. The Yuan-Ti are my major bad guys, they're the result of an exiled Naga clan intermingling with the Human allies and slaves they took with them when they were cast out.

Scintillae |

Icyshadow wrote:I, uh, played a male catfolk. There are witnesses to it, too.Yeah, I blame his humanocentric tendencies and obsession with low fantasy, two things that I think make most D&D campaigns less fun for me. He's given me every excuse from "party not approving" (which I proved wrong) to "they don't fit" (even when I've provided enough fluff to put them anywhere from Eberron to Golarion and even freaking Toril) as well as other ones that didn't hold water, until he just went "because I don't like nor want them". Never elaborated on WHY he doesn't like them, nor why he hasn't banned every other vaguely "monster girl" race like catfolk, kitsune, harpies, nymphs etc. if this was his reasoning. And before anyone says anything, nobody plays male catfolk!!*
* = I know some might, but I don't care XD
Same. It was a one-shot, and I figured "meh, why not?"

Icyshadow |

Oh yeah, I somehow ended up forgetting about the Tengu. I planned on making both a 3.5e and a Pathfinder version of the campaign world, and the former had the Kenku instead of the Tengu. Did Oriental Adventures have Naga in it? Now that I think of it, I need to dig up my old list of 3.5e races and throw those around before getting to the PF version...