Deep 6 FaWtL

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Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Or should that just be nekkid screaming?

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Where have all FAWTLies gone
And where the hell's Patrick?
Where’s the street-wise LPM
To fight the rising buttlicks?

Isn’t there a Wulfthulhu upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need

I need a FAWTLY!
I’m holding out for Solnes‘til the end of the night
CH’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a FAWTLY
I’m holding out for FHDM ‘til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life (larger than life...)

Scarab Sages

Not that all the people mentioned are actually missing. I just put in names as the popped into my head.

Scarab Sages

I miss gaming.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think all the FAWTLY folk who have not yet moved to Houston should do so. Then we can slowly migrate into the same neighborhood. Once the FAWTLY population reaches critical mass we take the place over and re-create it as Hobbiton.

Think about it - summer block parties where all we do is game from dawn until the following dawn.

Scarab Sages

But if we do the Hobbiton thing, I'm gonna change my last name to Proudfeet. Or maybe Bracegirdle.

Scarab Sages

All right folks. I'm gonna go be productive in another way.

Scarab Sages

Just remember - I love most of you.

Orthos wrote:

Morning FAWTL.

Game tonight! Crazy feyland insanity three-shot by Ebon Fyre. Getting to play a blood knight bug lady Warblade. Really should play meleers more often rather than playing casters all the time >_>

Gotta get through work first though. See ya all later tonight.

Sounds fun. Agree on the meleer thing. It's sooooo much more visceral.

Aberzombie wrote:


Something has either gone very very wrong or very very right...

Orthos wrote:

Morning FAWTL.

Game tonight! Crazy feyland insanity three-shot by Ebon Fyre. Getting to play a blood knight bug lady Warblade. Really should play meleers more often rather than playing casters all the time >_>

Gotta get through work first though. See ya all later tonight.

Yeah this is why you need to help me build a full-contact touch attack only mage type class that punches you for spells.

Guess I'll make do with my rogue/binder tonight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Just remember - I love most of you.

Aberzombie, is this about the weight I've gained? Because I can change!!!1

Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Morning FAWTL.

Game tonight! Crazy feyland insanity three-shot by Ebon Fyre. Getting to play a blood knight bug lady Warblade. Really should play meleers more often rather than playing casters all the time >_>

Gotta get through work first though. See ya all later tonight.

Yeah this is why you need to help me build a full-contact touch attack only mage type class that punches you for spells.

Guess I'll make do with my rogue/binder tonight.

Can't you do that with Wizard/Monk or Cleric/Monk?

Aberzombie wrote:

Speaking of the boy, he still isn't completely comfortable with daycare yet. Throws a fit when we drop him off. Recovers quickly enough, but it's tough.

During the day they say he's been getting better and calling for us less and less. I'll take that progress.

We had kids do that when they got dropped off at pre-school - good for him to get used to it earlier than that.

Aberzombie wrote:
I miss gaming.

Soon you'll convince Charlie to GM. Sooner than you expect...

Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Morning FAWTL.

Game tonight! Crazy feyland insanity three-shot by Ebon Fyre. Getting to play a blood knight bug lady Warblade. Really should play meleers more often rather than playing casters all the time >_>

Gotta get through work first though. See ya all later tonight.

Yeah this is why you need to help me build a full-contact touch attack only mage type class that punches you for spells.

Guess I'll make do with my rogue/binder tonight.

Can't you do that with Wizard/Monk or Cleric/Monk?

I'd rather have a full class for it than lose out on upper level toys by multiclassing. Magus is closer to what I want in that respect.

Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Morning FAWTL.

Game tonight! Crazy feyland insanity three-shot by Ebon Fyre. Getting to play a blood knight bug lady Warblade. Really should play meleers more often rather than playing casters all the time >_>

Gotta get through work first though. See ya all later tonight.

Yeah this is why you need to help me build a full-contact touch attack only mage type class that punches you for spells.

Guess I'll make do with my rogue/binder tonight.

Can't you do that with Wizard/Monk or Cleric/Monk?

No, scratch that, cleric/monk. For the flurry of healing blows!!!!

Also, monks just aren't really my thing. If I want to melee, I usually want to hit things with something heavy.

I think about designing a melee healer class for a few months now but that's a project not even started...

At the moment the closest thing to melee helear would be a paladin... Maybe an archetype that would replace smite with some sort of support ability?

Silver Crusade

Aberzombie wrote:

Where have all FAWTLies gone

And where the hell's Patrick?
Where’s the street-wise LPM
To fight the rising buttlicks?

Isn’t there a Wulfthulhu upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need

I need a FAWTLY!
I’m holding out for Solnes‘til the end of the night
CH’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a FAWTLY
I’m holding out for FHDM ‘til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life (larger than life...)

One never needs an excuse for some Bonnie Tyler.

Scintillae wrote:
Also, monks just aren't really my thing. If I want to melee, I usually want to hit things with something heavy.

So greatswords are out? :(

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Drejk wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Also, monks just aren't really my thing. If I want to melee, I usually want to hit things with something heavy.
So greatswords are out? :(

They're heavier than an unarmed attack. Works for me.

Aberzombie wrote:

I think all the FAWTLY folk who have not yet moved to Houston should do so. Then we can slowly migrate into the same neighborhood. Once the FAWTLY population reaches critical mass we take the place over and re-create it as Hobbiton.

Think about it - summer block parties where all we do is game from dawn until the following dawn.

I'd love to, but it looks like my choices are limited to the Eastern Seaboard. Until Hess expands westwards that is, and I'm sure Circle K and 7/11 would be pissed.

Instead of Hobbiton I'd suggest Brandywine. It's a hobbit place name, and hey! Brandy!

Yup need more FAWTL get togethers.

Mmmm,.. Brandy,...

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Just remember - I love most of you.
Aberzombie, is this about the weight I've gained? Because I can change!!!1

Um....Why, no! Of course not! Why would you say that?

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

I think all the FAWTLY folk who have not yet moved to Houston should do so. Then we can slowly migrate into the same neighborhood. Once the FAWTLY population reaches critical mass we take the place over and re-create it as Hobbiton.

Think about it - summer block parties where all we do is game from dawn until the following dawn.

I'd love to, but it looks like my choices are limited to the Eastern Seaboard. Until Hess expands westwards that is, and I'm sure Circle K and 7/11 would be pissed.

Instead of Hobbiton I'd suggest Brandywine. It's a hobbit place name, and hey! Brandy!

But....but....we'll start our own business - a combination eatery, brewhouse, and gaming center. Serving 3 delicious and nutritous meals each day & the beer that goes best with each, all while offering rooms in which to game! The whole place will be made to look like a fantasy inn or tavern.

And just thinking about it gives me an awesome idea for a gaming accessory. Not sure if it exists or not, but it seems cool in the dark and labyrinthian corners of my mind.

Well, I'm hoping well get sent somewhere in the northern Appalachians, but if you build that tavern/palace I'll come out to H-town to visit.

An eatery/brewery/gaming/tavern/Inn?!?

That sounds FAWtl-some!

I'd come and visit that place! Frequently!

Scarab Sages



I wouldn't mind having an excuse to visit Texas. Like my job too much to move though, for now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi everyone,

just one more day, than we go down to Austria for a week of skiing with my best friends and their kids
I am excited, woooooooooooooooo

Alrighty, lunch break up. Later FAWTLfolk.

Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Just remember - I love most of you.
Aberzombie, is this about the weight I've gained? Because I can change!!!1

Um....Why, no! Of course not! Why would you say that?

runs away sobbing

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Well, I'm hoping well get sent somewhere in the northern Appalachians, but if you build that tavern/palace I'll come out to H-town to visit.

I'm down for the new york city branch/outlet.

Ragadolf wrote:

An eatery/brewery/gaming/tavern/Inn?!?

That sounds FAWtl-some!

I'd come and visit that place! Frequently!

I misread this as slavery/brewery/gaming /tavern /Inn. I thought we were going to cheliax for a moment.

Aberzombie wrote:

I think all the FAWTLY folk who have not yet moved to Houston should do so. Then we can slowly migrate into the same neighborhood. Once the FAWTLY population reaches critical mass we take the place over and re-create it as Hobbiton.

Think about it - summer block parties where all we do is game from dawn until the following dawn.

We approve this message.

Sovereign Court

Houston Chamber of Gamers wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

I think all the FAWTLY folk who have not yet moved to Houston should do so. Then we can slowly migrate into the same neighborhood. Once the FAWTLY population reaches critical mass we take the place over and re-create it as Hobbiton.

Think about it - summer block parties where all we do is game from dawn until the following dawn.

We approve this message.

We can't do an AUTHENTIC Hobbiton, though, because building underground in a coastal city at sea level is a bad idea, mmmm-kay?

I guess we'll just have to be elves or something.

I volunteer to host the first bbq.

Anyone want to help me fix my fence?

Silver Crusade


Jess Door wrote:
Houston Chamber of Gamers wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

I think all the FAWTLY folk who have not yet moved to Houston should do so. Then we can slowly migrate into the same neighborhood. Once the FAWTLY population reaches critical mass we take the place over and re-create it as Hobbiton.

Think about it - summer block parties where all we do is game from dawn until the following dawn.

We approve this message.

We can't do an AUTHENTIC Hobbiton, though, because building underground in a coastal city at sea level is a bad idea, mmmm-kay?

I guess we'll just have to be elves or something.

I volunteer to host the first bbq.

Anyone want to help me fix my fence?

I would be more than happy to help you with your fence. However, I must respectfully request that you relocate to new york, where there is snow for me to shovel.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

New York City?!?!?!?!!!

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I do NOT miss snow.

I miss autumn, though...

I miss having 4 seasons.

Down south here in Lousy-anna we only have 2 seasons.

Hotter than H@ll, and not-quite-as-hot.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We actually had a frost this morning.

Is that cold enough for you, FHDM?

Celestial Healer wrote:

The Grey Havens.

Gah! I just made a verb tense error - in Swedish! *blushing headdesk*

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