Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
I just wanted to say before I get banned, that I hope you all have a good weekend.

oh God, you are not going to get banned. if I can post while projectile vomiting drunk about the sites ceo offering me a job while wearing a clamshell bra, you are not going to be banned for making a suggestion or asking a question quite courteously. It is worth noting I disagree with you, mind.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

best. top. ever.

RPG Superstar 2012

Bitter Thorn wrote:

Our mail carrier Gene just retired less than a year ago.

I learned today that he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The universe seems to posses a cruel sense of humor.

I feel very tired now.

Good night all.

Wow. Sorry to hear that, BT.

RPG Superstar 2012

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sharoth, you won't get banned for that. Try harder, dammit!

houstonderek wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Jess Door wrote:

Houston has an AWESOME restaurant scene. While you will never be short of Tex-Mex options, we have an unbelievable range of restaurants.

Also, I love all pizza. I don't judge. :P

As long as I can find pulled pork BBQ with a vinegar based sauce I'm good. If not, I'll buy a cooker and make my own. ;)

We have a place or two that does vinegar based pork, Carolina style.

But, seriously, Houston is a very good city for exploring the world gastronomically.

I'll have to check out some Houston eateries. maybe next year...

Also, any idea why dc nation went on hiatus for so long, only to return for the new year?

taig wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

Our mail carrier Gene just retired less than a year ago.

I learned today that he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The universe seems to posses a cruel sense of humor.

I feel very tired now.

Good night all.

Wow. Sorry to hear that, BT.

damn. that's awful. lots of bad news in the world of late.

Freehold DM wrote:
taig wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

Our mail carrier Gene just retired less than a year ago.

I learned today that he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The universe seems to posses a cruel sense of humor.

I feel very tired now.

Good night all.

Wow. Sorry to hear that, BT.
damn. that's awful. lots of bad news in the world of late.

damn, positive waves BT

tonight we will go see the hobbit

Silver Crusade

Aberzombie wrote:

And.....DONE!!! Except for delivering some data disks I am officially done with my inspection and can go home tomorrow.

Just a few last minute gifts to pick up, including some Sake. Mmmmmm.....

Don't bring it in your carry on!

before the cinema we will make a quick visit to the Weihnachtsmarkt in Aschafenburg for a Bratwurst and a Glühwein,
maxbe tomorrow we go to our local Weihnachtsmarkt in Gelnhausen

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah as already stated you're not in danger of getting banned. Heck, my and Moorluck's comments are more likely to get a ban, and even that chance is extremely minimal.

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For what it's worth, I tried to start a list of "people OTD and/or FAWTL have lost due to politicking". The only reason I didn't is because I can't say for certain whether some of the old guard like Callous Jack or Flash (who still post elsewhere on Paizo) or Moff Rimmer (who I haven't seen recently at all) or several other people left due to the politics or due to IRL stuff getting in the way.

If it was just assumed everyone who used to post here regularly abandoned ship due to the change in the tone of OTD, though, it's a pretty darned big list.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

For what it's worth, I tried to start a list of "people OTD and/or FAWTL have lost due to politicking". The only reason I didn't is because I can't say for certain whether some of the old guard like Callous Jack or Flash (who still post elsewhere on Paizo) or Moff Rimmer (who I haven't seen recently at all) or several other people left due to the politics or due to IRL stuff getting in the way.

If it was just assumed everyone who used to post here regularly abandoned ship due to the change in the tone of OTD, though, it's a pretty darned big list.

Not sure myself, I know I have taken one sabbatical for that reason, and another extended absence due to RL bullcrap.

Hey guys sorry for the absence..... Work has gotten the better of me lately as well as life. I still have ROTRL Minis to send to some of you guys that I promised to deliver. And I will as soon as funds and life allows (likely as soon as christmas is done). Hope everyone is good despite recent tragedies I just can't wrap my head around right now. I just have to many sanity warping things in my personal life to add more to the pile.

Welp. After helping found, play on, run, DM, and Admin a NWN server on-and-off for over seven or eight years, I've submitted my resignation from the staff. Later today I'll be posting a public resignation announcement, and requesting three or four days' notice to make sure I don't have any loose ends (items, rewards, XP, etc.) owed to any players before my access to the DM/Admin forums and DM client is revoked.

I feel a lot more sad about this than I thought I would, given how little activity I've had on the server in the past six months and how much of it was taken up with complaining about the players, the staff decisions I disagreed with, or other headaches of the job.

which nwn are you speaking of? the semi recent game or the really really oldmud that is still popular?

So... there was apparently a complete breakdown at the printer down in Gothenburg tonight. Meaning I had to wait 3 hours for the newspapers to arrive to where I pick them up (sorry customer at #XXX, if I get the papers 30 minutes before I'm supposed to be finished, it's physically impossible to be done on schedule - even if I were a doped-up Lance Armstrong), meaning I got home late enough to thoroughly mess up my sleeping pattern, meaning I didn't wake up until 6 in the afternoon.

...But! I have bacon.


Freehold DM wrote:
which nwn are you speaking of? the semi recent game or the really really oldmud that is still popular?

The BioWare game that came out in 2002-ish. Never played on the MUD, though I've heard a little about it.

I tried desperately to get in to nwn, but I just couldn't. I really liked the fact you could make your own game, but I don't have the know how or that type of patience, really. it did warm my heart to see fan made games in stores, though. while it isn't my type of game, I do hope to see another in the future. I'm sorry you had to leave the scene, though.

Oh I'm not leaving NWN completely, just that one server. The very first server I played on is working on getting their stuff back online after going down in early 2004, updating to some more up-to-date resources and looking for new source material.

I just mostly was getting away from a server where, while there were a lot of people I liked and enjoyed playing with, the mass majority of the player base irked me immensely, being on staff was a constant headache, and most of the players I had really liked gaming with were already gone.

Orthos wrote:

Oh I'm not leaving NWN completely, just that one server. The very first server I played on is working on getting their stuff back online after going down in early 2004, updating to some more up-to-date resources and looking for new source material.

I just mostly was getting away from a server where, while there were a lot of people I liked and enjoyed playing with, the mass majority of the player base irked me immensely, being on staff was a constant headache, and most of the players I had really liked gaming with were already gone.

whatwas the problem with the fanbase if you don't mind me asking? too many offensive guilds or something else?

Less offensive, more childish and entitled.

I determined recently that that's what I'd loved so much about the first server I played on - most of the players were older, typically in their early thirties to forties or fifties, whereas most of the players on the server I'm on now are my age or younger, down to 18 (server minimum).

It happens man. I'm sorry to hear that to an extent, but the game is still popular and there are many servers. I hope you're able to get things running on a server that is more amicable sometime soon.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Triangle time in OTD.
Sucks. Cya round Shiny. Stay sane-ish.

I'm not hiding the whole section. Just anticipating a lot of hiding individual threads, given the recent news.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

For what it's worth, I tried to start a list of "people OTD and/or FAWTL have lost due to politicking". The only reason I didn't is because I can't say for certain whether some of the old guard like Callous Jack or Flash (who still post elsewhere on Paizo) or Moff Rimmer (who I haven't seen recently at all) or several other people left due to the politics or due to IRL stuff getting in the way.

If it was just assumed everyone who used to post here regularly abandoned ship due to the change in the tone of OTD, though, it's a pretty darned big list.

I only stick around for FAWTL, my two PbPs, and the music threads. That's it. Otherwise, I'd be gone. Also, PIE.

Liberty's Edge

On a completely different note, I need some game-related advice.

I started a Pathfinder Age of Worms group about a year ago, which quickly swelled from two to five players. The group is currently nearing the end of the AP, with only three adventures to go. I had to hand off some of the DMing duties to a friend of mine back in September, and I've finally given him full control of the campaign as full DM. The game is fun, but tiring, and I'm considering leaving the group entirely, rather than becoming a massive fifth wheel in the currently well-rounded party.

My questions are: Should I leave the group? If not, what kind of character could I dump into a well-rounded party? Are there any NPCs in Age of Worms that could be adapted as PCs?

The question I'd ask is "Do you WANT to leave?" Because you're not enjoying yourself, not because you're feeling out of place, I mean. You say it's fun, so I'm guessing that's a no.

What's the current party makeup?

I was a player in our group's AoW, so I can't offer much advice on the NPC side.

Silver Crusade

Dinner: Fillets of flounder with hollandaise sauce, acorn squash with brown sugar, glazed turnips, and rice pilaf. Mmmmmmm.

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
Dinner: Fillets of flounder with hollandaise sauce, acorn squash with brown sugar, glazed turnips, and rice pilaf. Mmmmmmm.

Even though I'm not much of a fish guy, that sounds good.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey Shiny, if you're having fun, you should stick with it. There is always some useful character that can be added to a party of four. Let us know what they already have, and I'm sure we'll have suggestions.

If they have fighter, wizard, cleric, rogue, there is always room for a more niche-oriented character, like ranged support (ranger?), additional frontline support if they need it (barbarian?), buffing and diplomacy (bard?), or something more versatile (druid? magus?).

RPG Superstar 2012

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Bards are fun characters to play when all the other bases are covered.

If all the bases are covered, you might consider an outfielder.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd go with a Bard too. Maybe throw in a couple levels of Fighter and wade into battle with buffs on, swinging a claymore, and barreling out war songs in a baritone Irish brogue.

RPG Superstar 2012

gran rey de los mono wrote:
If all the bases are covered, you might consider an outfielder.

Exactly. Bard.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
If all the bases are covered, you might consider an outfielder.

Ah seed whut you dun der!

KaeYotik wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
If all the bases are covered, you might consider an outfielder.
Ah seed whut you dun der!

You are being stopped with the seeding of the seeing! It is to be seeding your face with the seeds of the weeds. The weeds of your agony!

Fawful wrote:
KaeYotik wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
If all the bases are covered, you might consider an outfielder.
Ah seed whut you dun der!
You are being stopped with the seeding of the seeing! It is to be seeding your face with the seeds of the weeds. The weeds of your agony!

Ah like thu way yew talk. An' yew shoor dew got a purty mouf.

KaeYotik wrote:
Fawful wrote:
KaeYotik wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
If all the bases are covered, you might consider an outfielder.
Ah seed whut you dun der!
You are being stopped with the seeding of the seeing! It is to be seeding your face with the seeds of the weeds. The weeds of your agony!
Ah like thu way yew talk. An' yew shoor dew got a purty mouf.


Fawful has the fleeing. *escapes!*

Fawful wrote:
KaeYotik wrote:
Fawful wrote:
KaeYotik wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
If all the bases are covered, you might consider an outfielder.
Ah seed whut you dun der!
You are being stopped with the seeding of the seeing! It is to be seeding your face with the seeds of the weeds. The weeds of your agony!
Ah like thu way yew talk. An' yew shoor dew got a purty mouf.


Fawful has the fleeing. *escapes!*

HAY! Wade up now, Ah needs to hear yew make a piggy squeel.

I'm almost scared to ask, but do you want him to make a sound like a pig's squeal, or do you want him to find a pig and make it squeal?

I hope it's option number 1.

taig wrote:
Bards are fun characters to play.


I'm not opposed to an all-bard party. Campaign title: Battles of the Band.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
I'm almost scared to ask, but do you want him to make a sound like a pig's squeal, or do you want him to find a pig and make it squeal?

Eeder or, Ah lahk tuh mix it up ferm tahm ta tahm.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2012

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Actually, when my daughter and I went to GenCon and played in the Pathfinder Society special, we ended up playing at a table with four guys who all played bards. With my daughter's sorcerer and my half-orc druid, the lowest charisma we had at the table was my half-orc's 14. We did very poorly in combat situations, but it was a fun session.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hey all! What's new?

wife's hogging bandwidth, that's whats new!


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2012

Justin Franklin wrote:
Hey all! What's new?

My iPad Mini is fairly new.

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:

wife's hogging bandwidth, that's whats new!



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