Deep 6 FaWtL

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Is that a branch in your pants or are you happy to see us?

Urizen wrote:
Is that a branch in your pants or are you happy to see us?

What pants?

Scintillae wrote:
Other threads have inspired me to stat out ways to play Looney Tunes characters. I pity my GM.

I remember playing a 'toons' game back in college. It was fun. you could get a 'bag of tricks' (to simulate Bugs always having just what he needed) a large cartoon hammer, etc.

My favorite was the skeleton key. Opened any door. :)

Yeah, I want to look for a new job,
I enjoy my current job, but EVERY year the university gets more cuts, eventually they are going to start cutting people. As it is they don't pay me NEAR enough for the hours I'm putting in or the job I'm doing.

The problem? They keep me too dang busy to look for another job! ;P

I hate catch-22! :(

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Urizen wrote:
Is that a branch in your pants or are you happy to see us?

Regardless of which, I'd say it's safe to say he's got wood.

Jess Door wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:
Good morning everyone. Life moves slowly and I'm still looking for a second part-time job. Any suggestions?
Well, we're approaching the time of year when seasonal retail work picks up for the holidays. I've considered doing seasonal work during that time of year to pick up some extra cash, but with my work schedule and on call, it wasn't really feasible.

I love seasonal work. I really do, but I hate using the corporate computers to process my applications, especially when I lose all memory of my account name and password. Try, try, try again!

The job opening with Comcast fell through like a rock hitting the water. Oh well, if they won't give me the courtesy of going in for an interview, then it's their loss.

Oh, now I have a twitter account.


Jeffrey N. Williams@LasVegasExPatri

There will be no blitzes from me today. Must harness the incredible psionic power of my brain to generate positive waves.

Carry on with the scheduled gaming events.

BluePigeon wrote:
The job opening with Comcast fell through like a rock hitting the water. Oh well, if they won't give me the courtesy of going in for an interview, then it's their loss.

In I'm sorry bp bp. It really is their loss.

Scarab Sages


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I had one of my team request a couple mins to talk. He simply wanted to tell me that he appreciates the way I treat the people that work for me, and despite the added stress of my new role I haven't diminished in that regard.

I said thanks, then fired him.

OK, j/k on the firing part.

I wish I had learned the importance of this lesson earlier in my life.

Think how awkward would it be if you heard that from him while knowing from higher-ups that he is to be fired soon...

Drejk wrote:
Think how awkward would it be if you heard that from him while knowing from higher-ups that he is to be fired soon...

Guess what one of the stressful things I'm working on right now is... :(

But, at least it's not him.

Deciding who stays and who has to go? :(

Or just being the one who tells the bad news to the team?

Yes, and yes

Then how to get the remaining people to pick up more workload

I think that having to decide who has to go would be more stressful than being the messenger of bad news for me. A bit.

I hate this frakked up economy

It started to rain.

But this time it's warmer than yesterday.

And smells lovely.

Will there be a storm later? At this time of year?

Scarab Sages

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I would only want that job if I could drop the dismissed employee through a trapdoor, down a tunnel, and into a pit filled with something horrible.

Oh no, this isn't about staff or salary reductions. This is about 'efficiency'.

We're not 'telling' you to do this. The Dir of HR is simply involved to 'help' you 'review' your processes and staffing and make a 'recommendation' to the CFO.

Guess I was born yesterday. Where's my boobie?!

Silver Crusade

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If it's just about becoming more efficient, they should let the staff reduce through attrition. Layoffs are always about an immediate need for salary reductions.

Scarab Sages

I keep seeing discussion about this Craigslist advertisement for a topless DM bachelor party. And I keep seeing people saying they'd never want strippers at their party, or similar sex stuff.

I can't help but think WTF?

Maybe I'm just a mysoginistic old dinosaur.

I am quite short-sighted so enjoying strippers would require me being very very close. So close that it wouldn't qualify as mere striptease anymore...

Ah, well. Paying for sex is legal here. *shrug*

I don't think guys who like/want bachelor parties are misogynistic in the least, unless they are kidnapping unwilling women for the event. The party in question looks pretty sweet and tame. I don't get the backlash.

And Drejk, I don't understand why that's not the case here. Legalize, regulate, and tax it. What's the big deal?

I guess I'll chime in since I'm one of the people... It's me. I don't want sex stuff period, and would be pretty weirded out if a friend - who would presumably know I'm not into that kind of thing - decided to present me with a stripper for any purposes.

I think the topless GM was requested by the groom. It didn't sound like his buddies were trying to embarrass him.

I hadn't bothered to look into the article. My response was specifically to the guy who was all "So what if it's not what you expected, you should just go with it".

Orthos wrote:
I guess I'll chime in since I'm one of the people... It's me. I don't want sex stuff period, and would be pretty weirded out if a friend - who would presumably know I'm not into that kind of thing - decided to present me with a stripper for any purposes.

Don't worry, friend. I'll order two topless(female!!!) DMs for myself to restore the balance.

Treppa wrote:
And Drejk, I don't understand why that's not the case here. Legalize, regulate, and tax it. What's the big deal?

You dare question the moral guardians of your country who better than you know what is right and proper?! You wana spoil and corrupt the youth?! Maybe even spread the lie that sexuality is good?!

Here the thing is a bit weird. While the prostitution itself is legal (profiting from prostitution of others is a crime, however), it is not recognized by law as economic activity, thus blocking the prostitutes from regular social insurance and health insurance. It also makes paying taxes from such profits a terrible mess: because sexual contacts cannot be subject of contract (or so I was told at least), they should (probably) be declared as private donations for tax purposes. However tax declaration for donations require very specific personal information about the donor: Personal ID number, Tax ID number, adress. Without those data one cannot fill the form and have the tax properly calculated. Yeah, how many customers would be willing to disclose such vital information to the working girl/lad?

Interesting is that it was the conservative party that had some proposals about regulating sex trade. However, it was driven by desire to create red light districts and limit prostitution, striptease and similar entertainments to them.

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I guess I'll chime in since I'm one of the people... It's me. I don't want sex stuff period, and would be pretty weirded out if a friend - who would presumably know I'm not into that kind of thing - decided to present me with a stripper for any purposes.
Don't worry, friend. I'll order two topless(female!!!) DMs for myself to restore the balance.

Isn't it a bit too late for your bachelor party?

I don't think he said anything about a bachelor party.

Damn, it was 23:00 a moment ago... Where those 2 hours went?!

At least I done 2/3rds of another Wayfinder submission... If I could only get another idea for a monster or two... Or six.

Have to fit monster fluff in 226 words.

The Exchange

Well the primary trainer who was not even in the room with us most of the day had a major fit and exploded on everyone today. Seems we are a few hours behind and she is having a fit trying to teach some of us. One of the guys in the class had a fit earlier in the day over the wording of one of the quiz questions. Yes they sucked, btu dude act your age. Yes ma'am you're in charge but don't call someone out in the middle of the class. Especially since your allegations were false and your being more than a little mental.

Well at least it is more money than the last job. :/

Scarab Sages

Yeerg Argh.

Crimson Jester wrote:

Well the primary trainer who was not even in the room with us most of the day had a major fit and exploded on everyone today. Seems we are a few hours behind and she is having a fit trying to teach some of us. One of the guys in the class had a fit earlier in the day over the wording of one of the quiz questions. Yes they sucked, btu dude act your age. Yes ma'am you're in charge but don't call someone out in the middle of the class. Especially since your allegations were false and your being more than a little mental.

Well at least it is more money than the last job. :/

What the frak is going on there?

Hello everyone. Much too late for me! Anyway hello...

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My dreams are all dead and buried,
Sometimes I wish the sun would just explode.
When God comes to call me to His kingdom,
I'll take all you sons of b****es when I go.

It was fifty years ago today...

Sounds like your alls week is shaping up as good as mine.

Aw well, at least I'm in good company! :)

WHat can I say, misery loves company. :)

Annnd, good night FAWTL-ies

Liberty's Edge

Everything shall burn. EVERYTHING.


Morning already? Eh. Not enough dreams... Or maybe too much, too tiring.

*yawns some more*

EDIT: I wonder why is so cold here...

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