Justin Franklin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I find myself very sad about leaving. Not that the Con itself is over, but that I have to say goodbye to so many awesome people.
Yea, I know that feeling from last year. It's weird we hang out here or on FB everyday, but there is something different about actually getting together with your friends, who you have never meet.

aeglos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

we had a great day
first Aberzombies Adventure.
it was great, thanks again AZ.
My Dwarf fighter was draggwd into an acid pit by a mimic and survived! wohoo
then we went with Bitter Thorn and his family to the Boing Plant tour and to a great Seafood dinner at the ocean, thanks again as well to you BT and best wishes to your wonderfull family.
lastly a final round of Zmbie Dice with Tordek, his Son, Taig, Patrick and AZ
now everyone aside from Sabine and me went to bed, I guess PaizoCon is now over :-(
but the next highlight awaits us tomorrow, Whalewatching
woohoooo, Orcas!
good night FaWtL

Patrick Curtin |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

En route to SeaTac. Said my farewells to the zombeh, and on my way home
Thanks to all the FAWTLies for making this first major con a memorable one. Thanks to all the new friends I met for being great. Thanks to the Paizo staff for being so accessible and putting on such a great event! I hope I can do it again

Sharoth |

Patrick Curtin wrote:Ugh. That is even more scary that having a kid named Carl during the Zombieapocalypse.As a grown man named Karl I have to ask, why is that bad?
Karl? I thought your name was Sue? ~grins and runs~

Patrick Curtin |

Patrick Curtin wrote:Ugh. That is even more scary that having a kid named Carl during the Zombieapocalypse.As a grown man named Karl I have to ask, why is that bad?
Lol I don't even remember when I said that. Where TF did you dredge that up from? Carl is the name of the kid in Walking Dead that is always wandering off and causing havoc, up to an including accidentally luring a zombie back to the others.

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Kajehase wrote:Lol I don't even remember when I said that. Where TF did you dredge that up from? Carl is the name of the kid in Walking Dead that is always wandering off and causing havoc, up to an including accidentally luring a zombie back to the others.Patrick Curtin wrote:Ugh. That is even more scary that having a kid named Carl during the Zombieapocalypse.As a grown man named Karl I have to ask, why is that bad?
Carl is the kid of The Walking Dead that, you know... acts like a kid.
Kim Bauer on 24. Same thing. People b+$ed about how she got in trouble. She was 16/17 as well. Kids do stupid s~+%.
But, Carl is about to do some major growing, considering what happened at the end of season 2 and what is coming in season 3... possible 4. (If they follow the comics)

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Morning, all. What did I miss?
Well, Patrick regretted carrying on the rare Bavarian Cockatoo he had purchased in Seattle, when the bird escaped mid-flight and had to be subdued by 3 flight attendants and the ex-wrestler in seat 5C. Meanwhile, Scott's efforts to amuse himself while waiting for his flight ended in a visit from the fire department and the state national guard. And, across town, Jess' flight was finally......No, wait! That's my soap opera!

Kajehase |

Kajehase wrote:Lol I don't even remember when I said that. Where TF did you dredge that up from? Carl is the name of the kid in Walking Dead that is always wandering off and causing havoc, up to an including accidentally luring a zombie back to the others.Patrick Curtin wrote:Ugh. That is even more scary that having a kid named Carl during the Zombieapocalypse.As a grown man named Karl I have to ask, why is that bad?
And now I know.
And I found it when someone linked to Gary's great FAWTL-April Fool-chat experiment/corgi-test.

Kajehase |

Treppa wrote:Sometimes I think I might be psychic.This is a test of the pbp system. Perception: 1d20+3
Treppa fails to notice the results. Sadly, I put in the results before I knew the roll, and it was correct.
Stupid die roller! Pygooon! :shakefist:
Better than thinking you're psychotic. :D