Archery focused Ravener Hunter Inquisitor


I'm looking at building a Ravener Hunter Inquisitor with the Battle Inquisition who takes the Weapon Mastery revelation right off the hop, so that he can qualify for Erastil's Blessing at level one.

This will let me make a relatively Wisdom focused inquisitor, which lends itself to a casting focus. Given that, I'm not sure if I want to make him be a Monster Tactician, a Sanctified Slayer, or neither.

Monster Tactician gets all the fun of standard action summoning, and certainly benefits from the Wisdom focus, but I'm not sure it does anything particularly useful for the actual casting.

Sanctified Slayer gets studied target, which boosts spell DCs and helps make a casting-focused Inquisitor viable, but an archquisitor is very rarely going to get to actually land those sneak attacks.

Levels 1-6 a sanctified slayer isn't special for this. From 7th+ the shield of darkness spell can help you land sneak attacks and you start getting slayer talents.

A monster tactician is best at lower and mid-levels; in double-digit levels summoning starts falling behind IMO, and they don't get judgments or studied target to keep the bow up to par. There are some neat tricks with teamwork feats though since they actually grant the feats to their summons rather than using solo tactics. This makes a big difference to betrayal teamwork feats, see callous caster or friendly fire.

The base inquisitor is better at higher levels too IMO as judgments are fairly minor before ~6th level and they get few of them too.

Edit: there's a thread with some other opinions on studied target vs. judgments here.

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