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New website.. can't find some of the threads i frequented without back tracking my posts. Will take getting used too.

Tis the will of Cosmo to sow confusion amongst us less beings, friend Vidmaster7.

How would Cosmo respond to you revealing his will to outsiders?

I do not question the will of Cosmo. I merely spread the word.

Blame be unto Cosmo.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GoatToucher wrote:
How would Cosmo respond to you revealing his will to outsiders?

The same way people respond to what you like to reveal to outsiders, I imagine.

So I am guessing people are finding their way back and getting used to the new sight now? Seems like the perfect time to put in my post and get closer to winning this thread.

Sovereign Court

Help clean up this mess first, win the thread later, now grab a rubbish bag and start picking up all the litter over there.

*Points behind Gruumash and a little to his left.*

Here's a grabbing stick to help you with it.

*Gives Gruumash the grabbing stick and sends him to the littered area.*

Uh all hail unto cosmo.

No. Just no. It's not Cosmo's fault! You can't blame him! Someone should start the Reformed cult of Cosmo, which sees everyone as responsible people, well able to answer for what they have done!

Scarab Sages

But Reform Cosmonites don't do the "Hiding the Cosmatzo before seder" thing, and it would all just be lame without that!

Sovereign Court

*Walks by and gives Vidmaster7, Sissyl and IHIYC a mop and bucket each.*

If you guys are SO intent on talking about Cosmo then please help clean this up whilst doing it!

*Gestures to the floor and the fact that it's dirty (this part of the banquet is indoors).*

Honestly, why does NO-ONE understand that a Tyrannosaurus victory party results in things looking like the apocalypse has just happened!?

*Goes into Grandpa Wonderbra's kitchen to help wash the rest of the dishes and tablecloths.*

Sovereign Court

Oh and if, anyone is wondering how long we have to keep cleaning, it will be until Bloodfang apologies. Which is highly unlikely, so, best put on your marigolds.

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Count Reiner Heydrich wrote:
*Walks by and gives Vidmaster7, Sissyl and IHIYC a mop and bucket each.*

For the last time, I am not a mop, and that is not a suitable place to put a broom handle!

Sovereign Court

We were running short on cleaning supplies alright?! Anyway, you stuck the broom handle "there" yourself! Now shut up and soak up the soap suds to clean the floor!

Scarab Sages

*whistles merrily while riding Pulg around the room like a soapy chariot*

*releases Vidmaster7 from the broom handle the Count tied him to*

There, now. A VidPulg would have been an awesome mop, but dino guts? Nah.

* Mourns his 2 day winning spree coming to an end*

Also I don't get payed enough to mop.. or be a mop...

Count Reiner Heydrich wrote:
We were running short on cleaning supplies alright?! Anyway, you stuck the broom handle "there" yourself! Now shut up and soak up the soap suds to clean the floor!

It was sold to me as an antenna. I was trying to pick up Radio Tirana, but all this detergent is playing merry hell with the signal.

YOU know who went out of business. radio shack. true story.

Vidmaster7 wrote:

* Mourns his 2 day winning spree coming to an end*

Also I don't get payed enough to mop.. or be a mop...

I dunno. You get nothing for being a mop. Which is what mops typically get paid.

Which is why we're withdrawing our labour (and the broomstick, slowly) until our demands are met.


Can I just say that I find this to be a criminally unimaginative use of dinosaur viscera?

Sovereign Court

Yeah, I don't mind that Bloodfang is a sloppy eater, but it would be nice if he actually finished eating his food and not spitting out large, undigested parts of it!


*Tromps across freshly mopped floor with dirty feet*
*Spits out woody bits of banquet table*
*Devours nearest janitor*

Sovereign Court

Jokes on you, Bloodfang, that was either Pulg or Vidmaster7! So good luck with the hairballs!

*Sees Bloodfang spit out whoever he just ate and stomp off in a bad mood.*

And he still doesn't apologise, only creates more work for us. Oh well, that's how it is.

*Rides in the (just invented) Suds-A-Matic to clean the floor and sees Cosmo himself cleaning the windows.*

Mops Unite!

*Raises clenched fist as he disappears down Bloodfang's gullet, wearing a scuba diving apparatus*

"A whole new wooooorld
A new fantaaaastic point of view"

Guess Its confirmed it wasn't me then I wasn't sure for a second their.

To quote a great thinker: "He'll be back."

and I'm betting with tatdis noises.

All that fiber? Oh, he'll come out again, and Bloodfang's pipes will be clean.

Scarab Sages

*pratfalls off Pulg, lands with unlikely grace on top of Vidmaster7, resumes charioteering around the room*

*Suddenly, Bloodfang's head cracks open, and there stands Pulg, wearing a chiton, fully armed and armoured and glowing with a strange light*

That does it. I'm never drinking guava flavoured Mad Dog 20/20 again, I swear.

We have a divine Pulg now? Izzat a good thing?

All hail unto the hair!

Scarab Sages

Keep with the making with the mopioteering, you! YAH!

*whips Vidmaster7 with motley-tendrils while continuing to drive him at wild, soapy angles around the room*

She asks me why, I'm just a hairy guy
I'm hairy noon and night, hair that's a fright
I'm hairy high and low, don't ask me why, Don't know
It's not for lack of bread, like the Grateful Dead

Sovereign Court

Phew! All clean, for now anyway!

*Wipes sweat off of my forehead and sits down on a very comfy chair.*

Time to take a break.

*Looks over and sees an ornate, little table with a glass of ice water in it.*

Don't mind if I do!

*Picks up the glass and drinks the water.*

Most refreshing! Say what you will about GoatToucher, but he is a brilliant (if mentally depraved) individual.

Count Reiner Heydrich wrote:

*Looks over and sees an ornate, little table with a glass of ice water in it.*

Don't mind if I do!

*Picks up the glass and drinks the water.*

Most refreshing! Say what you will about GoatToucher, but he is a brilliant (if mentally depraved) individual.

:chuckles into the back of his hand:

Sovereign Court

*Wakes up, reels from the headache.*

Ugh... my head... I forgot that ice water makes me drunk. Not that I regret it, if Vidmaster7 wasn't going to drink it then, let's not waste it.

*Gets up from the comfy chair, twinges from pain and then runs backside.*

I need to apply some GoatToucher brand ointment. Might as well go for that waxing therapy at the same time.

*Heads to GoatToucher's workroom, takes a ticket and sits down in the waiting area.*

Sovereign Court

*Shoots male trainee secretary dead.*

Rubs not runs.

Darlin', give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming, steaming, flaxen, waxen
Give me down to there hair, shoulder length or longer
Here, baby, there, momma, everywhere, daddy, daddy
Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my hair

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*Raises spear to heavens*

*Accompanied by the sound of choirs of hirsute angels, a beam of light comes down from the sky, illuminating Vid and instantly making his pelt thicker, shinier, silkier and more manageable*


Ummmmm... may be time for me to leave now...

Sovereign Court

*Looks at ticket number (85), looks at the number on the call screen (4).*

I've got a while to go then.

*Picks up the latest edition of Vampire Weekly Magazine and reads it.*

Oh, look at that! Vampire Chicken egg prices are at an all time low.

Yeah i guess sissyl doesn't need to use much hair care products looks more like she prefer varnish.

Scarab Sages

And/or drawn butter.

And/or maiden's blood.

And/or turtle wax (made from only the finest real turtles).

And/or lava (not the soap, the real thing).

I tried drawn butter once, but it wasn't very satisfying - all I got was paper cuts on my tongue and graphite all over my teeth.

Did someone say food? I am hungry.

I thought you were Grutzpaakh the Gore-Foreheaded.

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