iPad advice (yes Pathfinder related.)


Liberty's Edge

I'm going to pick up an Ipad. I noticed on the Itunes store they have a few different PDF readers. What is the best Ipad PDF reader for my Pazio PDFs?

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I'm going to pick up an Ipad. I noticed on the Itunes store they have a few different PDF readers. What is the best Ipad PDF reader for my Pazio PDFs?

I use iBooks, which is Apple's own eReader, to read PDFs.

I'm a giant Goodreader fan.

Grand Lodge

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I'm going to pick up an Ipad. I noticed on the Itunes store they have a few different PDF readers. What is the best Ipad PDF reader for my Pazio PDFs?

For managing PDF files, the following apps would be (are)perfect:

iBooks (made by Apple, built-in) - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ibooks/id364709193?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D2
GoodReader for iPad - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/goodreader-for-ipad/id363448914?mt=8

Liberty's Edge

Dumb question, will having more then one PDF reader conflict with each other?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

I use Good Reader too - it lets you edit your pdfs and copy/paste text out of them.

I don't think they would conflict (I have two loaded on my iPad), but you need to separately download the pdfs into each program given that the iPad doesn't support the concept of file folders.

In the past I would have suggested a different e-reader by Aji. However they haven't updated their iPod/iPhone app so I can't really recommend their iPad product.

I'm in the process of moving my Aji PDF structure into GoodReader. With the recent update to the faster rending engine I'm more happy with it, still could use improvement on continuous scrolling.

No, having multiple PDF readers will not conflict. It is not like having a PDF reader on Windows or Mac, where the OS wants to use one over the other. Technically there is only one rendering engine in iOS and all of the readers are just different ways of accessing it. If the PDF reader has been built to current iOS4.2 then you will get options to "Open in" those apps.

Again another reason GoodReader is king here, because it doesn't just access PDFs but a whole host of other iOS viewing functions. I have even used it as file storage/transfer, accessing WMV files (downloading them inside GoodReader then passing them to VLC, glad I got it before the legal BSing got it pulled). I am totally surprised that Apple has not pulled GoodReader down because of what you can do with it. You can even go so far as to use the unzip function in it to download Paizo downloads directly on the iOS device.

Liberty's Edge

Was waiting for Apple to say when new Ipad was coming. Picking it up next week, I'll go with goodreader and see how I like it. Most people say thats the one to go with.

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
Was waiting for Apple to say when new Ipad was coming. Picking it up next week, I'll go with goodreader and see how I like it. Most people say thats the one to go with.


I don't have an iPad yet (like you, I've been waiting to see the specs on the iPad2), but from what I've read and seen, Goodreader seems the way to go.

-- Andy

HDMI OS wide video mirror, HELLS yes! At least Apple is paying attention to how people can/want to use a Tablet.

That's going to make it easier for digitally augmented tables with TVs or projectors.

GoodReader is going to be a joy with the faster processor (hopefully more RAM, but still no word there, the Gizmodo punks think they got a scoop that its only 256, while various supply analysts are saying 512). To bad the hands on folks didn't try to over load the RAM by bring up multiple image heavy sites. :(

Was just playing around with GoodReader a bit more and it respects HMTL file structure. Well, at least it does so with HTLM pages with Images in the if you have them loaded into GoodReaders directory. I'll need to see how far I can push that... (that is why GoodReader is an amazing value.)

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I'm going to pick up an Ipad. I noticed on the Itunes store they have a few different PDF readers. What is the best Ipad PDF reader for my Pazio PDFs?

I've been using GoodReader since I got my iPad. It's stable and seems to work pretty smoothly. It's also handy in that it has a built in file manager.


Silver Crusade

On the subject of Ipads, check out the Spellbook app. it's a really useful tool for gaming as both GM and player.

Liberty's Edge

Ok, I use only iAnnotatePDF on my iPad. You can read a fully blown article on the Campaign Mastery Website here
you have to scroll a bit down on that page...

There are another three cool app to use:


check them out, you'll love them!

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I'm going to pick up an Ipad. I noticed on the Itunes store they have a few different PDF readers. What is the best Ipad PDF reader for my Pazio PDFs?

I have an app on my iphone called PFR that isn't a PDF reader per se, but it has several of the pathfinder books in an easy to access format. I like it. I can read pathfinder stuff at work and comment on the message boards. ;-)

Shadow Lodge

If anyone is a user of OneNote (and if you havent taken a look at this program for computer based campaign info, please do) and an iPad, and you want to use them on iPad, check out MobileNoter. I will put up the disclaimer that I do not have an iPad, and havent tested the software, but from the page I've linked it appears to do EVERYTHING I'll want my tablet to regarding using my extensive OneNote notebooks ive made over the last year or so. If you are of the Android camp like I am, I emailed the devs and they confirmed to me that there is a Honeycomb version in the works that will have capabilities like the iPad version does. Just wanted to throw out this option. If anyone has actually used this for ipad and has stories I'd love to hear them, for now I can just look at its features and drool :)

The Exchange

I use GoodReader primarily, and use Adobe PDF Reader and Ibooks to keep multiple documents open at the same time. I also use the PFR app for having the "core" rules etc. available at my fingertips (has Corebook, MM, APG and GM stuff)

Just dl'ed Goodreader and put all my Core rules PDF's on my iPhone4. Works well, thank's all.

Liberty's Edge

I haven't used Goodreader in some time, which is really good, and use iBooks PDF reader mostly.

It has a view of the PDF where you can have 9 different pages up and scroll through them like iTunes when you have the artwork on thumbnail view. I really like that view.

Plus I just drag and drop the files into iTunes and it automatically adds it to the iBook app once I have downloaded to computer that I sync with. That way I can name them before I add it to my library.

Then when they are added to the iTunes library I "control click (Apple computer)" to "get info" to organize them into different categories.

I have each adventure path combined, 18XX rule book, Pathfinder Player guides, etc. All Into there own categories for each.

Either one is great though.

I really like the new cover/case of the new iPad!

As a side note I currently have a 64 GB original and have all Pathfinder, Role Master, and 50 or so different rule books for various games and they come to about 0.86 GB on it. That is all Pathfinder books except a few of the original module PDFs before I had subscriptions. Oh and a sizable amount of the Pathfinder society PDFs.

Which is leading me to probably a 32 GB size the next upgrade. That is mainly due to long flights from Alaska and needing 7 to 10 hours worth of movies both ways so I don't have to take a laptop.

Typical movie off iTunes is 1 to 2 GB and a tv show is 0.5 to 1 GB.

Just FYI. It's info I wished I had before I purchased my 64.

Of course I say this I'll still probably get the 64 just because of my sickness to have to have the best!!!!


I'm currently a Verizon subscriber, and they owe me a new phone for giving them so much money the past two years. hehe

So ...

I think I'll head over to the semi-local Verizon store on the 11th of March, push-and-shove a bit, and test-drive / touch the Xoom, the Galaxy, and the iPad2 and sense which one feels good in my hands.

I'll also give a few of the Android phones a some significant hand-time and get a feel for what's-what.

I've heard and read nothing but good about Honeycomb / Android 3.0, but until I swipe a screen I can't really speak for more.

I suspect I'll end up coming home and ordering an iPad2 from the Apple Store. If the iPad2 rocks my world, I'll head over to Wal*Mart and see if they have any before heading home.

But I refuse to discount some of the 'Droid products until I've handled them, especially the Xoom. And if the Xoom feels right, I'll wait a few months and get it, price higher or no.

-- Andy

(Yes, I just posted this over here, but I think I was thinking of this thread as I posted in the other thread. Accept my apologies if I've confused you.)

@Andy, what mobile OSes have you used before? It would be interesting to read an outside side by side comparison. I must confess I have a bias toward iOS, I've used other peoples Andriod based smart phones before (clearly of various build quality) and it's "okay" (not great but okay). Then again I'm abnormal in that I metaphorically eat GUI for breakfast so very few GUIs completely throw me for long.


Ya, it's always good to note your usage habits and file sizes. I got a 64 GB iPod Touch because I knew I'd be packing in lots of audio books and didn't want to have to sync to often. Checking the file sizes I'm 1/2 audio (people are pushing podcast sizes these days), 1/3 video, and almost filled the rest with Apps and "other".

For the iPad 2, with cameras, iMovie and GarageBand, I expect to do considerably more audio/video then I do on my iPod :P. If I skip my music/audio-book collection I'm sure ill fill that space with project files.

It has been noted that the iPad 2 is a portable podcasters studio... add a camera kit and better mic. It's almost a vloger tool as well... on a different subject I just thought of a new party game to play with iPad GarageBand, a "pass the iPad" jam session with up to 6 people laying down their own track :XD


The only "mobile OSes" I've used long-term are various versions of the iOS. I've fiddled with friend's and family's 'droid phones, but never been much impressed: they seemed to vary widely between vendor implementations, and my time was so short with them I know I didn't really "use them" (if you get my drift).

And I agree, the first iPad was semi-sort' positioned as a "media-consumption platform" ... the iPad 2 looks like it's flexing a bit and declaring "Hey! I can create content too!" GarageBand on iOS does look like a mega-fun app.

We'll see. I'm actually thinking now I'll go ahead and get a Xoom and use it for 20 days or so, to really get a feel for Honeycomb (and how it handles my PDFs and what-not).

If I'm still thinking iPad2, I can just walk it back to the Verizon store, and I'll be no worse for the wear (and I'll be satisfied in how Android 3.0 compares to iOS).

-- Andy

I guess I could keep this thread going. As I continue on my quest researching Apps to use with K-8 students I ran across Note Taker HD. The real interest feature is how it can use a PDF as a background for the note. The writing options on it seem to be more the. enough to handle filling in a non-calculating character sheet.

It can also receive and take PDF files from GoodReader, insert images from the Photos or Paste Board (iOS copy/paste), and export the annotated file as a PDF back to GoodReader. Which creates a way to get files off and on totally wirelessly.

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

Skeld wrote:
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I'm going to pick up an Ipad. I noticed on the Itunes store they have a few different PDF readers. What is the best Ipad PDF reader for my Pazio PDFs?

I've been using GoodReader since I got my iPad. It's stable and seems to work pretty smoothly. It's also handy in that it has a built in file manager.


I'd second that. I also like how if you flip the iPad on its side you can display a two-page spread. That's pretty cool because from there you can zoom in and out to the relevant page sections.

I have an iPad2 and I agree that Goodreader is definitely the way to go for PDF's.

I've said this on other threads but my last session I ran almost my entire game from my iPad using the PDF's in Goodreader, my notes/ images in Pages and the PFR app.

I used real dice, sticky notes, my Pathfinder Screen and my combat Pad. Everything else was off of my iPad.

Which was AWESOME.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Okay, perhaps a silly question, but what's the best unzip program to use, since all my pdfs from Paizo are zipped and I'd prefer to download them directly and then open them on the ipad, without using a computer.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
TheeGravedigger wrote:
Okay, perhaps a silly question, but what's the best unzip program to use, since all my pdfs from Paizo are zipped and I'd prefer to download them directly and then open them on the ipad, without using a computer.

Ah, looks like Goodreader has an unzip function built into it. Well, that's handy.

And a web browser also. Very handy. I suppose that justifies the $5 price.

GoodReader is the Swiss Army knife of iOS Apps. It's a PDF/Text/Doc reader. It does various kinds of audio and video. It has a built in WebDAV server so files can be shared between iOS and other devices. It Zips/UnZips. It can annotate. It registers as an Open In... to just about everything.

It should be 10 dollars at this point.

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