Guns and Deadly Aim

Gunslinger Discussion: Round 1

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I just want to make sure that I have this right before one of my players starts using a gunslinger this weekend...

I know that Deadly Aim can't be used with touch attacks. So, the question is, when you fire a gun at short range, does it count as a touch attack? Under the Range and Penetration section of guns it says that at close range that the attack "Resolves against touch AC". Under the Deadeye ability for gunslingers, it says that when you use the ability the gunslinger can target touch AC. Neither of these descriptions actually call shooting in this manner a 'touch attack'.

It seems like a lot of people on the boards are assuming that you can't use Deadly Aim while targeting touch AC, but honestly this makes no sense to me. It should be easier for a gunslinger to aim for vital areas if he's piercing the target's armor, not harder! The close range shouldn't be an issue either because archers don't have a problem with it. Is there any rule that actually says that "resolving an attack against touch AC" is technically a "touch attack"?

I was under the impression that touch attacks were usually either spells or special abilities and that the intent of that line in deadly aim was to keep spellcasters from doing good damage with their level 0 rays of frost.

Matrixryu wrote:

I just want to make sure that I have this right before one of my players starts using a gunslinger this weekend...

I know that Deadly Aim can't be used with touch attacks. So, the question is, when you fire a gun at short range, does it count as a touch attack? Under the Range and Penetration section of guns it says that at close range that the attack "Resolves against touch AC". Under the Deadeye ability for gunslingers, it says that when you use the ability the gunslinger can target touch AC. Neither of these descriptions actually call shooting in this manner a 'touch attack'.

It seems like a lot of people on the boards are assuming that you can't use Deadly Aim while targeting touch AC, but honestly this makes no sense to me. It should be easier for a gunslinger to aim for vital areas if he's piercing the target's armor, not harder! The close range shouldn't be an issue either because archers don't have a problem with it. Is there any rule that actually says that "resolving an attack against touch AC" is technically a touch attack? I was under the impression that touch attacks were usually either spells or special abilities.

This is a lovely example of the current rules being pants-on-head retarded. I brought this up yesterday in another thread also.

Shooting within your initial range increment does NOT qualify for Deadly Aim. Shooting out of it DOES by RAW.

However the devs have supposedly said that deadly aim isn't supposed to work with firearmns period. Which frankly is just utterly dooming this class, period.

My suggestion... have your DM houserule this stupidity.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Heretek wrote:

This is a lovely example of the current rules being pants-on-head retarded. I brought this up yesterday in another thread also.

Shooting within your initial range increment does NOT qualify for Deadly Aim. Shooting out of it DOES by RAW.

However the devs have supposedly said that deadly aim isn't supposed to work with firearmns period. Which frankly is just utterly dooming this class, period.

My suggestion... have your DM houserule this stupidity.

Wait, how could they say deadly aim isn't supposed to work with firearms? They'd have to edit the feat to specifically say that, because right now it works with all ranged attacks. Though honestly, Deadly Aim isn't that great for firearms in the first place because of their slow rate of fire. I wouldn't mind if they replaced it with something better.

Well, I'm the DM so houseruling it isn't a problem. I was just hoping to playtest the rules 'as is' so that I could give paizo a proper reading of how the balance works currently.

Matrixryu wrote:

Wait, how could they say deadly aim isn't supposed to work with firearms? They'd have to edit the feat to specifically say that, because right now it works with all ranged attacks.

Well, I'm the DM so houseruling it isn't a problem. I was just hoping to playtest the rules 'as is' so that I could give paizo a proper reading of how the balance works currently.

Because instead of doing the normal thing and saying "a firearm is a ranged touch attack" they went the whole "resolves against touch ac" confusion.

Like i said, just ignore it, and if you do use the proper ruling... the playtest should be pretty much self-explanatory.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Heretek wrote:

Because instead of doing the normal thing and saying "a firearm is a ranged touch attack" they went the whole "resolves against touch ac" confusion.

Like i said, just ignore it, and if you do use the proper ruling... the playtest should be pretty much self-explanatory.

I think I'll just hope that it was a mix up, lol. Hopefully the issue will be resolved before it matters for my player, because he had himself start off with Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot. Might be a while before I actually have to deal with deadly aim unless he changes a feat.

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