Some help on spells without somatic components...


Liberty's Edge

I seem to recall that some time ago, about half a year to a year ago, someone posted a by no means complete but fairly extensive list of arcane spells with no somatic components.

I have used the message board search for about a half hour to no avail. Either the post was buried in a thread with little to do with the subject or my search-fu is quite weak. Can anyone do a better job tracking it down for me? Better yet, anyone know the thread in question off of the top of their heads? Links would be appreciated.

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Go here and set the somatic line to 0. This will give you a list of the 78 no-somatic spells... Cheers!

Liberty's Edge

Wicked K Games wrote:
Go here and set the somatic line to 0. This will give you a list of the 78 no-somatic spells... Cheers!

Thank you sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar.

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