Scribing scrolls and spell craft DC

Rules Questions

Can someone explain how to calculate the DC for scribing a scroll? Somehow my DM came up with a dc of 21 for mage armor... Somehow that does not sound right.

I found this line under magic item creation: The DC to create
a magic item is 5 + the caster level for the item. So would that make the dc for a first lvl scroll (first lvl wizard) a 6?

Waylorn wrote:
So would that make the dc for a first lvl scroll (first lvl wizard) a 6?

Yes, if you want the spell cast at first level.

From Scrolls under activation:
Assume the scroll spell's caster level is always the minimum level required to cast the spell for the character who scribed the scroll, unless the scriber specifically desired otherwise.

If you want the caster level to be higher, it's gonna cost you more and the DC will be higher.

In this case, at first level, a scroll of Mage Armor will last 1 hour and the DC would be 6.

If you want the effect to last longer, make the scroll's caster level at 4 (assuming you're 4th level) and the duration will be 4 hours and the DC to scribe it will be 9. Price will also be affected for that.

Waylorn wrote:

Can someone explain how to calculate the DC for scribing a scroll? Somehow my DM came up with a dc of 21 for mage armor... Somehow that does not sound right.

I found this line under magic item creation: The DC to create
a magic item is 5 + the caster level for the item. So would that make the dc for a first lvl scroll (first lvl wizard) a 6?

How did he came up with 21?

Raging Hobbit wrote:
Waylorn wrote:
So would that make the dc for a first lvl scroll (first lvl wizard) a 6?

Yes, if you want the spell cast at first level.

** spoiler omitted **

If you want the caster level to be higher, it's gonna cost you more and the DC will be higher.

In this case, at first level, a scroll of Mage Armor will last 1 hour and the DC would be 6.

If you want the effect to last longer, make the scroll's caster level at 4 (assuming you're 4th level) and the duration will be 4 hours and the DC to scribe it will be 9. Price will also be affected for that.

+1 agree with the hobbit

Oliver McShade wrote:
+1 agree with the hobbit

Uh-oh, now I am not sure about my answer.

Good show, old chap.

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