Kingmaker Playtest Drop-in's [KM & RotRL Spoilers Ahoy!]

Playtest Results: Round 1


In my ongoning Kingmaker campaign, I have been using the Graul Clan of Ogrekin as recurring villains, mostly to get some more of the excellent Hook Mountain Massacre adventure in, but also to give me an opportunity to use the new playtest classes with "Throwaway" NPC's who still have some story-pull with my group.

This Sunday, we'll be continuing into Blood for Blood. I was planning on using a Bard-reformatted Crowfood to help guide the Troll Army in the attack against Tatzlford.

Instead, they're gonna get to meet "Da Sheriff," an Advanced Ogrekin Gunslinger 9, along with the as-written Trolls.

Da Sheriff
Male Advanced ogrekin Human Gunslinger 9
CE Medium Humanoid (Giant) CR 10
Init +11; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
Languages Common, Giant, Redneck
AC 29 touch 16 , flat-footed 24 (+7 natural armor, +6 Armor, +5 Dex, +1 Deflection)
hp 86 (9d10+36)
Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8; Defensive Abilities +2 vs. Fear
Speed 30
Melee Pistol Whip +18 (1d6+8/20x2) Bludgeoning
or Hatchet +15 (1d6+7/20x3) Slashing
Ranged Ol’ Bessy (+1 Heirloom Pistol) +16 (1d8+6/19-20x4) Range 20, Misfire 1, Cap 1
or Regular ol’ Shootah’s +15 (1d8+5/19-20x4) Range 20, Misfire 1, Cap 1
Reach 5 ft
Str 24, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 6
Base Atk +9/+4; CMB ; CMD
Special Attacks: Guns = Touch attacks within 20’, +1 Attack/Damage within 30’, Deadly Aim -3 / +6, Grit Maximum: 6
Deeds: Leap for Cover, Deadeye (1), Quick Clear (1), Pistol Whip (1), Gunslinger Initiative, Covering Shot (1), Targeting (0),
Traits: Heirloom Weapon
Feats: Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Imp Crit Pistol, Deadly Aim, Quick Draw, Extra Grit
Skills Acrobatics +17, Climb +19, Craft: Firearms +13
SQ Deeds, Grit, Brave & Tough +2, Gun Training
Gear +2 Mithral Chainshirt (6/6/-0/15lbs), 2 free pistols, 1 free mwk pistol (+1 enchant), 70 Shots Ammo (11 gp / shot) Ring Deflection +1, Cloak Resistance +1, Oil of Flame Arrow, Potion Invisibility, Potion CMW, Hatchet (as handaxe)
Gun Training: +1 Attack / +5 Damage w/ Pistols
Deformities: Thick Skinned +2 NA, Extra Ugly (-4 on all charisma skill checks)
Leap for Cover: Immediate Action; drop prone for +4 AC bonus vs. ranged attack, applied retroactively
Deadeye: Target Touch AC beyond 1st range increment; 1 Grit Point/Range Increment
Quick Clear: Standard Action; Remove Broken condition from firearm that has misfired
Pistol Whip: 1 Grit Point; Melee Attack with firearm wielded at +2 attack bonus; Damage = 1d8 one-handed firearm, 1d10 two-handed firearm. Add firearm’s enchantment bonus to this attack.
Gunslinger Initiative: So long as gunslinger has 1 Grit Point, +2 Initiative, as long as hands are clear and firearm carried openly can Quick Draw 1 firearm when rolling Inititiave.
Covering Shot: Immediate Action; 1 Grit Point to Entangle missed target of firearm attack for 1 round.
Targeting: Swift Action; 1 Grit Point, creatures immune to Sneak Attack are immune to targetted shots.
Head = If hit, Confused for 1 round.
Torso = Double crit range for affected attack
Arm = If hit, no damage but auto disarm one item
Legs/Wings = If hit, normal damage and knocked prone. Flying creatures begin falling.

Any mistakes / suggestions / comments?

I will make sure to post the results here, as well as in my Campaign Journal, A Bandit King Arises!

Party Details, short form:

Ganon, Half-Elf Infernal Sorcerer
Artemis, Human Druid (Growth Domain)
Brunner, Human Oracle of Life
Hestia, Human Barbarian (Elemental Rage focused)
Rilani, Human Cavalier (Order of the Cockatrice)
Altrum, Half-Orc Oracle 1/Cleric of Pharasma
->Hal, Cohort Human Fighter

All are Level 9, and very well geared / optimized (mostly due to the GP/Time available KM allows for self-crafting PC's.

Edit: Signature Deed Requires Gunslinger Level 11, so that's out...Extra Grit, it is

it's minor but he cannot have a trait without the extra traits feat. they are explicitly Pc only.


Ah. Good catch.

Under normal circumstances, I'd agree, but I up the advantages for my KM baddies slightly, mostly to account for 6 players & crazy gear.

Should have thrown a note in there...something like "Grauls have one trait or one other minor boon."

To be honest in this case it seems to work by giving him a +1 better to hit with the one gun without having to justify it with magic.

over all he looks neat Although i admit a bit of sadness in hoping to see what an ogrekinw ith a large sized rifle would do to players :P


hmm..somehow i missed the "oversized limb" deformity.

or rather, just saw its +2 to Str and not the "size category larger" ability.

I believe I shall have to amend that..-2 AC for Large guns...yes please. Now, some way to get Vital Strike in there.

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