A Tale of the River Kingdoms

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Female Human (Ulfen) Paladin/2

Zeta, have a safe trip! We'll be here.

Male Halfling 5 Polearm Fighter:AC 21 HP 43/43 {Int }+4: {Perc }+5: [Fort] +6 [Ref]+4 [Will]+3 [CMD]20 [CMB]7/9 Trip

Hey guys, I am going to be in Hawaii for the next three weeks giveor take a day and have just been informed I will not be able to take my computer to the Army school I have to attend. Soit looks like I will be out of the loop till the 24th or so :(. I will try to post if the they give us any time forsuch things, but I understand free time and such are rare during this time. If Seamus needs to be sent off on a trip or if you guys want to bot him, that is great. I shout at you guys soon.

Female Human (Ulfen) Paladin/2

Obligatory daily post.

Sorry to hear that, Seamus. Check in when you can. I hate when life gets in the way of a good game. I hope everyone stays with this game even when we're running a little slow. I'm definitely enjoying it and really want it to continue. : )

Female Human (Ulfen) Paladin/2

We'll see if we can encase you in carbonate. Have a safe trip!

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Back in action. Got to spend a whole day with my wife after the wedding. She is back in Ohio again for the next 5 weeks and I am back here in hawaii with the animals. Its warm and rainy. Makes me miss the Colorado sun...even if it was a bit cold.

Will post shortly to get us moving again.

Male Human Ranger 2

I am really enjoying this game as well. SMudge seriously puts his beak in his talon though.

@ZetaG yay favored enemies d:

Male Halfling 5 Polearm Fighter:AC 21 HP 43/43 {Int }+4: {Perc }+5: [Fort] +6 [Ref]+4 [Will]+3 [CMD]20 [CMB]7/9 Trip

Hey ya'll, looks like I will have access after all. Woohoo! Zeta, you're right about the rain and the warmth, haha. Got a burn on my head today.

Female Human (Ulfen) Paladin/2

Zeta, would we be able to estimate the location of the bandit fort on the map provided?

M Gnome Conjurer
Walter Orlin wrote:

I am really enjoying this game as well. SMudge seriously puts his beak in his talon though.

@ZetaG yay favored enemies d:

Wait a minute! are you threatening Smudge with your Animals favored enemy? ha, ha. he's a magical beast, but he's keeping a beady eye on you, Walt!

Male Human Ranger 2
Quillin wrote:
Walter Orlin wrote:

I am really enjoying this game as well. SMudge seriously puts his beak in his talon though.

@ZetaG yay favored enemies d:
Wait a minute! are you threatening Smudge with your Animals favored enemy? ha, ha. he's a magical beast, but he's keeping a beady eye on you, Walt!

I know smudge is a magical beast.

No that was talking about Zeta being with the animals sarcastically.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Absolutely Yergenflorn. You know how slowly you were travelling by cart and you can guess how long it will take you to get back to it. You traveled slowly for around 4 hours in the woods, then quickly for another 4 hours on the trail/road. So you are 12 milesish from the fort. About 4 miles from Shaver and about 20ish miles from Gralton city.

If you walked you could get there faster, of course, but you would be unable to take all your loot, and be subject to load restrictions.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Is everyone done in the fort? Anyone need anything else?

I just want to clarify though, there really isn't anything to buy there. It isn't a market. If you want to try for stuff in Shear, you may find some supplies.

M Gnome Conjurer

buy no, steal bread? yessss! i'm ready to go.

Male Human Ranger 2

I am ready to go.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Quillin, if you want to go to the Dancing Lamb, you can go there. I will post a good description of the Dancing Lamb too.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Ok since you guys have asked twice about casting spells in public here is how I am going to rule:

Normally, if you cast a spell everyone around is going to know that you are casting a spell.

From PRD: Verbal (V): A verbal component is a spoken incantation. To provide a verbal component, you must be able to speak in a strong voice.

Somatic (S): A somatic component is a measured and precise movement of the hand.

The material component is usually held in the hand and won't play a part in the stealthiness of the spell.

Focus (F): A focus component is a prop of some sort.

Divine Focus (DF): A divine focus component is an item of spiritual significance. The divine focus for a cleric or a paladin is a holy symbol appropriate to the character's faith.

Both the focus and divine focus need to be presented and are normally not able to be hidden.

The best way to consider magic is like gunfire in public. A lot of noise and display. The average joe knows what magic is, but firing it off in public willy-nilly is a quick way to get in a heap of trouble either through misunderstanding or by causing an accident.

So my interpretation on hiding spells:

If there is a verbal component, you are screwed or use Silent Spell.

If it is only somatic, still spell or slight of hand with a DC of 20+1 per spell level seems appropriate.

I have no idea how you go about hiding a focus. Unless you are a cleric of sneakiness I don't see your deity allowing you to get away with it. How about the same slight of hand check (20+1 per spl lvl) but you also have a 50% spell failure for pissing off your deity.

Thoughts? Comments? Complaints?

M Gnome Conjurer

fair enough. what about maintaining concentration? I figured Quillin would try and cast the spell V,S away from everybody and just maintain it as he walked back through the tavern. I'm cool either way. It was worth a try if not he'll just butt-in. Gnomes gotta be gnomes, ya know.

Male Human (Shoanti) Cleric/1

Oh, I'm fine with the ruling. Just didn't know it would be looked down upon so much. Gives us a good reason for actually taking the metamagic feats.

Gonna make it a lot harder to make sure there isn't any poison in the food though. ;)

Male Human Ranger 2

I wonder with the ruling can someone that is deaf still read lips and tell someone is casting a spell withn only verbal components?

I know this is a wierd question that will not come up probably but I am curious.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5
Walter Orlin wrote:

I wonder with the ruling can someone that is deaf still read lips and tell someone is casting a spell withn only verbal components?

I know this is a wierd question that will not come up probably but I am curious.

Well Walter, I would have to say that if the lip reader is looking at the spell-caster such that they can "see" the words as the spell is being cast, they should be able to tell that it is a spell. Furthermore, it stands to reason that with a spellcraft check they would be able to identify the spell per spellcraft.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Anybody heard anything from Seamus?

Do you want to modify what you are going to do Quillin?

M Gnome Conjurer
ZetaGilgamesh wrote:
Anybody heard anything from Seamus?

well, he wasn't sure if he'd have access through to 4/24. although he did post once, maybe he's out again?

ZetaGilgamesh wrote:
Do you want to modify what you are going to do Quillin?

No go on maintaining concentration? I'm not sure that would read as a spell, but it would be obvious I was a bit off. Sure, I'll just pop up and ask what they are doing. hey it's a public area.

Male Human Ranger 2
Quillin wrote:
ZetaGilgamesh wrote:
Anybody heard anything from Seamus?

well, he wasn't sure if he'd have access through to 4/24. although he did post once, maybe he's out again?

ZetaGilgamesh wrote:
Do you want to modify what you are going to do Quillin?
No go on maintaining concentration? I'm not sure that would read as a spell, but it would be obvious I was a bit off. Sure, I'll just pop up and ask what they are doing. hey it's a public area.

At least that is only in three days.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Folks. Just to let you know, you can deal with the three travellers if you wish, but it isn't required.

Honestly, while these three may or may not play a part in the future...especially now that you have been so interested in them, my actual goal was to just inject a little mystery into your characters lives. The world is an enormous and glorious place.

Rest assured, if you go follow this, there will be an adventure...but other events will continue to take place...

ZetaG- would you mind posting the region map link on your profile page. It would make it a bit easier to see where Northhall, etc. is without paging up and searching for the link again.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5


Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

"General Items of Interest and Various Things you Need, Ulana Tezzian, Proprietess. Rates fair and equitable."

"Open for Bizzness."

Female Human (Ulfen) Paladin/2

@Zeta: In my last real life game as a player, I was fastidious about dis-assembling the bodies of villains in order to make sure that they wouldn't return from the dead, or become zombies and attack us. "Oh yeah, let's see a skeleton try to walk without a pelvis!" So there's no telling how paranoid we'd get as players.

I'm fine with expediting the non-plot related elements.

Does the general store have weapons, and if so could Yergie purchase a Halberd?

M Gnome Conjurer

50% resale value for the bandit gear = 313.55 gp

+ 1011 gp, 200 gp chain, bottle of wine- ?

Wand of Cause Fear (47 charges)
Feather token, whip

Scrolls: Invisibility purge (Cleric 3)
#1) Potion of Feather Fall
#2) Potion of restoration, lesser
#3) ? and i'll take 10 to identify the last potion (spellcraft 20).

anybody interested in the magic gear? I took the 2 arcane scrolls.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Cure light wounds for the last potion.

Ulana will give you 10gp for the bottle of wine, but you have a suspicion that it would be worth a great deal more to a collector.

150gp for the chain.

And the 50% resale values are fine.

Yergenflorn: they do not sell any polearms here. There are not any halberds here, they are specifically military equipment and she doesn't have any real reason to sell them. There are long spears however. She does sell a few of those as they have some hunting utility (boars and bears). Long spears do have reach, which is what I assume that you are looking for at this time.

Ulana has a very small selection of potions, 75gp each: 3 cure light wounds, 1 bless, and 1 comprehend languages.

Who took the feather token?

Male Human Ranger 2

I think a tavern might a use for fine wine if enough people go by it in a rich enough area.

M Gnome Conjurer

Since Quillin is into feathers, he's holding onto the token, but it's not that he really needs it. Mathieu might want the fear wand since he seems less into killing people. Quillin has necromancy as a prohibited school and I'm not sure that precludes him from necro wands. I say sell the wine in Gralton and the potions are up for grabs.

ZetaGilgamesh wrote:
Yergenflorn: they do not sell any polearms here. Long spears do have reach, which is what I assume that you are looking for at this time.

Although they would be miltary, halberds aren't reach weapons, just a 5' spear with hook and axe blade attached. good for bracing and tripping.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Roger. Still, no halberds though.

Please give me an ok when you are all ready to mosey along.

M Gnome Conjurer

yep. 294 gp and change apiece. i've posted on the game thread. do you think we've lost Seamus then? I miss the little bugger.

Male Human Ranger 2

I want more seamus as well.

Yay more gold still need some mroe to get what I really want as a masterwork +2 strength composite longbow.

Scarring Jack's horse while he is mounted on it will make him hit the road.

Female Human (Ulfen) Paladin/2
voodoo chili wrote:
ZetaGilgamesh wrote:
Yergenflorn: they do not sell any polearms here. Long spears do have reach, which is what I assume that you are looking for at this time.
Although they would be miltary, halberds aren't reach weapons, just a 5' spear with hook and axe blade attached. good for bracing and tripping.

Aye, I was debating if I really wanted a reach weapon.

@Zeta: For now, I'll pass on the spear.

Venture forth!

Male Human (Shoanti) Cleric/1

I'm good to go. I can use the wand if you want, or we can sell it for more gold.

Male Human Ranger 2

Walter does have a gliave but would need a melee weapon then.

M Gnome Conjurer
Mathieu Rordene wrote:
I'm good to go. I can use the wand if you want, or we can sell it for more gold.

I say hold on to the wand for now. it might help even the odds and end the whole 'Do we kill the captives' debate if you can just send them fleeing for their lives. We can always sell it later if we end up not using it.

Male Human (Shoanti) Cleric/1

So that's a wand of Cause Fear, CL 1? 47 charges?

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

I do believe that we have lost Seamus for good. I am uncertain what has happened to him.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Yes. The wand is CL1 Cause fear, with 47 charges.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Scratch that about Seamus. I am assuming that the army course that he went to was longer than he first thought. So we may see him come back in a few days. If not, we can just troll him along for a bit. If by June he isn't back, I can see about getting another player.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Ok, last posts in Shaver for anyone who wants to make them, and tomorrow evening we will mosey onward to the end of the wagon-ride.

Male Human (Shoanti) Cleric/1

Maybe Seamus was a member of the Navy Seals team that stormed Abottobad? Just a thought.

Hopefully he comes back soon, I miss the little bugger. Who am I going to have those deep philosophical debates with now?

ZetaGilgamesh wrote:
Scratch that about Seamus. I am assuming that the army course that he went to was longer than he first thought. So we may see him come back in a few days. If not, we can just troll him along for a bit. If by June he isn't back, I can see about getting another player.

Yeah, that's what I expect happened. hopefully he'll be back on soon.

Male Human Ranger 2

Or his base could have blocked paizo so he does not ahve any way to contact us.

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Just want to make sure that you are all on the same page:

In the game, what is your character's short term (tonight), medium (next couple of days) and long term goals?

If you can answer that, you may be able to make better headway.

You seem to be meandering a bit right now.

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