Where do I find dastardly fighter?



heard tell of a feat that lets fighter/rogue levels stack with regards to sneak attack.

Anyone know which book it's in (3.5 source)?


Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Ardenup wrote:


heard tell of a feat that lets fighter/rogue levels stack with regards to sneak attack.

Anyone know which book it's in (3.5 source)?


I vaguely recall an option where the fighter trades away his feat every other level for SA, but it was all-or-nothing, not a 1 feat = 1 SA die. I'm away from my books at the moment so I can't search for it, sorry.

Pretty sure there's a feat for multiclass fighter/rogues.

Lets your fighter levels stack for SA

I no longer have the books but check complete scoundrel or complete warrior.

It's Complete Scoundrel or Complete Adventurer

SlimGauge wrote:
Ardenup wrote:


heard tell of a feat that lets fighter/rogue levels stack with regards to sneak attack.

Anyone know which book it's in (3.5 source)?


I vaguely recall an option where the fighter trades away his feat every other level for SA, but it was all-or-nothing, not a 1 feat = 1 SA die. I'm away from my books at the moment so I can't search for it, sorry.

I remember that alternate class from UA. It was so laughably and obviously bad, I'm surprised they even bothered to waste space on it. Feats, being the only thing Fighters have, are to be replaced with a Sneak Attack progression entirely. Lolwhat? Just part of what Rogues have is Sneak Attack. It just served to highlight how weaksauce the Fighter was. It would be like "OK, Mr Rogue, in exchange for a full BAB and a d10 HD, you have to lose all your class abilities, and good Reflex saves."

Complete Scoundrel has two feats - Daring outlaw (for Swashbuckler/Rogues) and Swift Ambusher (for Scout/Rogues)Complete Adventurer has the Ascetic Rogue feat (for Monk/Rogue)and there is nothing in Complete Warrior.

I guess you could try to convince your DM that a Fighter (Free Hand Archetype)/ Rogue (Swashbuckler Archetype)could qualify for Daring Outlaw.

No need, was trying to squeeze the max DPR out of a TWF ftr/rogue multiclass build.

Did alot of cruching- thought that rog10/ftr10 would be best.

Weapon Training 2
Armor Training 2
BAB 17

But looking at it saw best option was

Rogue (Scout) 12
Weapon Master 8

6d6 SA
Weapon Training 2
Reliability (1/day attack or crit confrim reroll- HUGE)
Who needs armor training when you got a dex of 20? Mithral Breastplate + Belt of Phys Perfection FTW.

With Duelist Gloves (+2 to wpn train) and Subtle Short swords (+4 to attack and damage SA), and the conrugan smash trick I squeezed a reliable 400+ full attack vs a SA enemy.

Don't need to have them stack, that damage is enough :)

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