Brass Knuckles Questions

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

Does the listed price for brass knuckles cover 1 or 2?

Does a monk need 2 to flurry with brass knuckles? For example, suppose I had alchemical silver "brass" knuckles on one hand, and wanted to use flurry of blows (unarmed strike) against a werewolf. Would only one attack bypass the werewolf's DR?

If a character is wearing brass knuckles, does he take the -4 penalty to initiate a grapple?

The APG simply states that the monk can use their unarmed damage while wielding them. Seeing that it specifically mentions monks doing their damage with brass knuckles without specifying one or two, I would say just having brass knuckles allow them to function at full effect no matter how many they "have".

I would take at least a -4 to initiate a grapple with brass knuckles.

Silver Crusade

Kilmore wrote:

The APG simply states that the monk can use their unarmed damage while wielding them. Seeing that it specifically mentions monks doing their damage with brass knuckles without specifying one or two, I would say just having brass knuckles allow them to function at full effect no matter how many they "have".

I would take at least a -4 to initiate a grapple with brass knuckles.

True - the monk can flurry with any other single weapon. He wouldn't need two sai to flurry with sai.

According to the rules, a character takes the -4 penalty if he does not have two hands free. A character wearing brass knuckles can hold, but not wield, a weapon in the hand with brass knuckles. I don't think that counts as quite the same thing as holding a sword or dagger in one hand.
I think if I were the GM, I would impose a -1 penalty on a character with brass knuckles on one hand and a -3 penalty on a character wearing brass knuckles on both hands.

Monks can choose to use weapons, including brass knuckles when making these attacks, but they can also make unarmed strikes. When using brass knuckles, they would typically use one pair of brass knuckles for their attacks, not two. Each attack in the flurry would use one brass knuckle, and the monk would follow the normal rules for making multiple attacks, including any penalties for doing so.

This is a twelve year old thread, and I don't see the valuemin reviving it, but since it's been done:

Brass knuckles
These weapons fit snugly around the knuckles and allow you to deal lethal damage with an unarmed strike. You may hold, but not wield, a weapon or other object in a hand wearing brass knuckles. You may cast a spell with a somatic component while wearing brass knuckles if you make a successful concentration check (DC 10 + the level of the spell you’re casting). Monks are proficient with brass knuckles. Brass knuckles can’t be disarmed.

Since brass knuckles are weapons, you need to decide whether to use them, or attack with unarmed strikes. If you do the former, you're making a regular weapon based attack and nothing related to unarmed strikes applies. If you do the latter, only the very first line of the description is relevant, "allow you to deal lethal damage with an unarmed strike". This doesn't list special material effects, weapon enchantments, bonuses to brass knuckles specifically (e.g. Weapon Focus [brass knuckles]), or anything like that.

A Monk can't flurry with brass knuckles, and attacking with unarmed strikes won't let them bypass DR based on the brass knuckles' material.
Brass knuckles do not leave the hand "free", and thus the regular -4 penalty to grapple checks does apply.

This thread is actually a perfect example of why reviving old threads is frowned upon on these boards: The rules and aviable options have changed so much that the original question has become pretty much moot. An FAQ from 2013 changed it so that the Monk's Ki Pool grants penetration to DR/silver and cold iron at 7th level, and the handwraps offer an alternative weapon where the special materials (and weapon enchantments) of the weapon are transfered to unarmed strikes.

it is curious as to why someone would dredge this old post up to comment on it. At times desire overcomes sensibility.

I want to comment that if you are thinking of staying within Monk class go and read the unchained Monk. There are several good reasons to go with the new class.
okay - back to CRB Monk...

two good points were made above and the FAQ is for the CRB Monk. Yay.

Monks have choices to make with attacks as Improved Unarmed Strike offers options (and those attacks don't need to be with hands or multiple hands, it is a bit more generic than a punch). The base unarmed damage is designed to exceed weapon damage. Flurry is usually best especially past 3rd level. So that's two reasons to stick with it.

If you need to get around DR then usually a weapon(monk weapon), amulet (mighty fists $$$, golembane, swarmbane) is the answer beside level and ki pool. Outside of PFS the aforementioned handwraps or Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes are used. Oil of Bless Weapon $50 is a standard trick when facing Evil foes.
If you really want an in-hand weapon cestus gives you better description text than brass knuckles and is legal for PFS.

a host of Monk options on AoN.

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