reefwood |
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I just want to make sure I have this right...
The DC to create a magic item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create spell-trigger and spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites.
Magic armor, magic weapons, rings, rods, and wondrous items can be created without knowing the prerequisite spells. You just need to have the appropriate feat, and you add +5 to the DC for each prerequisite spell that you do not know.
A scroll cannot be created without the knowing the spell because it is a spell-completion item, AND the Creating Scrolls section also states that the spell must be prepared (or known for a bard or sorcerer).
A staff or wand cannot be created without knowing the spell(s) because they are spell-trigger items, AND the Created Staves and Creating Wands sections also state that the spell(s) must be prepared (or known for a bard or sorcerer).
A potion is not a spell-trigger or spell-completion item, BUT it cannot be created without know the spell because the Creating Potions section states that the spell must be prepared (or known for a bard or sorcerer).
Is all this correct?

Oliver McShade |

Worst part is i can see 5 different way to look at it.
..................................A) Potions, wand, and Scroll = Require the person with the feat also be the only one to cast the spells needed. (Does not apply to Staves)
B) Potions, Wand, Staves, and Scroll = Require the person with the feat also be the only one to cast the spells needed.
C) Wands, Staves and Scroll = Require the person with the feat also be the only one to cast the spells needed. (Does not apply to potions)
D) All magic items can be created with help, and anyone helping can provide the spells.
E) All magic items require the person with the feat to also be the only one to cast the spells needed. (which mean the only help that you can provide is like blacksmith or carpenter).
Depending on which rules you consider General, and which you consider Specific.
So far by Raw, depending on which rules you want to read, which ones your consider general rules, which you consider specific rules, on another treated... i can see 5 different option.

Asphesteros |

Potions are neither spell trigger nor spell completion, so the requirement of having the spell is a non-mandetory prerequisite, same as other magic items. So, you can brew up a potion of a spell you don't have at the +5 penalty to the DC (which is good for building the local NPC potion seller you want to have a wide stock)
But also remeber that people can collaberate. Spellcaster can dicatate the spell to the scroll crafter or wand crafter, and decide among them who is the one who makes the skill check.

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Incorrect.Potions are neither spell trigger nor spell completion, so the requirement having the spell is non-mandetory prerequisite, same as other magic items. So, you can brew up a potion of a spell you don't have at the +5 penalty to the DC.
But also remeber that people can collaberate. Spellcaster can dicatate the spell to the scroll crafter or w& crafter, & decide among them who is the one who makes the skill check.
The creator must have prepared the spell to be placed in the potion (or must know the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or
bard) and must provide any material component or focus thespell requires.
Specific beats general. That is not a "prerequisite," for making the item, "prerequisite" it a term that specifically only applies for magic items with statblocks that list a number of "prerequisites."

Asphesteros |
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No no, the specific beats general is in the OP. I don't agree that the term prerequisite only refers to requirements categorised using the same word. If that were the case the rule would establish the distinction, and state what the rule was for other requirments stated in some other form not meant to fall under this rule:
The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create spell-trigger and spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites.
The language is awkward but explicit and specific: The only exceptions to the rule allowing substitution of a prerequisite for a +5 to DC are Feat, Spell trigger items, spell completion items.
NB - there used to be a line also specifically requiring being at least the same caster level, with such language still in the arms and armor sections. They took it out so people would not consider it mandetory. By your interpretation, the fact that it's still in there in those other sections, like the language in Potions, would mean it's still mandetory regardless of it being errattaed out. It must be that the term prerequisite is synominous with requirement.
The requirements listed under potions are just like the requirments listed for arms and armor, wonderous items and all other magic, not mandatory.

Oliver McShade |

The magic rules are a mess, and there for up to the DM.
What is specific and what is general, is dependent on who is reading the rules, and how they read them. (people can argue in circle for years on this point).
Anyway, this was already debated out on these treads

Stynkk |
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Incorrect.PRD wrote:Specific beats general. That is not a "prerequisite," for making the item, "prerequisite" it a term that specifically only applies for magic items with statblocks that list a number of "prerequisites."The creator must have prepared the spell to be placed in the potion (or must know the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or
bard) and must provide any material component or focus the spell requires.
I'd like to help you clear this up. A potion is not a spell trigger or spell completion item as stated by Asphesteros and is therefore subject to different rules.
The DC to create a magic item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create spell-trigger and spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites.
The above pretty much says that spells are a pre-requisite when creating magic items. Also, they state that you can in fact get around this by adding +5 to the DC for things that are not spell trigger or completion (see: Magic Arms & Armor, Potions)
The requirements listed under potions are just like the requirements listed for arms and armor, wonderous items [...]not mandatory.
+1. Otherwise why even state that the only mandatory requirement is the creation feat? They had the perfect opportunity to state the spell is required for all magic item creation, but they did not.
You can take the Master Craftsman feat to get around being a caster at all for crafting magic arms/armor so there has to be a way to make these things without having the spell known.

Khelvan |
Got a question.
When an Item has the Requirement for creation
CL 11 + Craft Magical Item and Limited Wish.
Then the check for Spellcarft would be 16 assuming the Creator fullfills
all requirements.
What is when the Creater is only 10 Level.
So he hasnt the required level anc cant cast Limited wish.
According to the rules that would increase the Check by 10.
+ 5 for CL
and + 5 for not having limited Wish.
So the spellcraft check would be 26.
Could the one create that item missing the 2 requirements?
Best reards.

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8 people marked this as a favorite. |

Got a question.
When an Item has the Requirement for creation
CL 11 + Craft Magical Item and Limited Wish.
Then the check for Spellcarft would be 16 assuming the Creator fullfills
all requirements.What is when the Creater is only 10 Level.
So he hasnt the required level anc cant cast Limited wish.
According to the rules that would increase the Check by 10.
+ 5 for CL
and + 5 for not having limited Wish.So the spellcraft check would be 26.
Could the one create that item missing the 2 requirements?
Best reards.
No good resurrecting a 2011 thread. All the informations in it have seriously outdated. Looking the FAQ work better.
Pearl of Power: What is the caster level required to create this item?Though the listed Caster Level for a pearl of power is 17th, that caster level is not part of the Requirements listing for that item. Therefore, the only caster level requirement for a pearl of power is the character has to be able to cast spells of the desired level.
However, it makes sense that the minimum caster level of the pearl is the minimum caster level necessary to cast spells of that level--it would be strange for a 2nd-level pearl to be CL 1st.
For example, a 3rd-level wizard with Craft Wondrous Item can create a 1st-level pearl, with a minimum caster level of 1. He can set the caster level to whatever he wants (assuming he can meet the crafting DC), though the pearl's caster level has no effect on its powers (other than its ability to resist dispel magic). If he wants to make a 2nd-level pearl, the caster level has to be at least 3, as wizards can't cast 2nd-level spells until they reach character level 3. He can even try to make a 3rd-level pearl, though the minimum caster level is 5, and he adds +5 to the DC because he doesn't meet the "able to cast 3rd-level spells" requirement.
—Sean K Reynolds, 08/18/10
Brew Potion: Can a character with this feat create a potion of any spell he knows simply by adding +5 to the DC, even without preparing it?
No. When creating potions, the crafter must prepare and expend the spell used by the potion as part of its creation. This is an exception to the normal rules that allow a caster to skip one of the prerequisites for crafting an item by adding +5 to the DC.
Update: Page 549, in the Magic Item Creation rules, in the second paragraph, change the last sentence to read as follows.
In addition, you cannot create potions, scrolls, staves, wands, or any other spell-trigger or spell-completion magic item without meeting its prerequisites.
—Jason Bulmahn, 07/14/11
Crafting and Bypassing Requirements: What crafting requirements can you bypass by adding +5 to the DC of your Spellcraft check?
As presented on page 549 of the Core Rulebook, there are no limitations other than (1) you have to have the item creation feat, and (2) you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites. So racial requirements, specific spell requirements, math requirements (such as "caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus"), and so on, are all subject to the +5 DC rule.
—Pathfinder Design Team, 02/22/13
Crafting and Spell Requirements: When crafting an item, can an arcane caster use a divine scroll to fulfill an item's divine spell requirement?
Yes. (Likewise, a divine caster could use an arcane scroll to fulfill an item's arcane spell requirement.)
However, the character has to be able to activate the scroll somehow as part of the crafting process. This probably requires the arcane caster to succeed at a Use Magic Device check to activate the divine spell. If the caster fails to cast the divine spell from the scroll, he makes no progress on the item that day unless he has another source for that divine spell (such as another copy of the scroll).—Pathfinder Design Team, 02/22/13
Crafting and Take 10: Can I take 10 on the Spellcraft check to craft a magic item?
—Pathfinder Design Team, 02/22/13