Healing at a distance

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I know that PF clerics have a heal at a distance ability. My DM allows some overlap with 3.5 and we're trying to find a similar effect in that system whether it be a feat, special ability or item. Anyone know what I'm talking about and in which book it is found?

The feat I remember was called Reach Spell, and it was a meta-magic feat. I believe it was in "Complete" D1v1ne. Imo is not usually worth taking, particuarly now that clerics can burst heal with CPE and take selective channeling.

The APG also has the sacred bond spell if you really must land cure spells on your tank :).

Reach spell for 3.5 (not very effective unless DM is taking away burst heal which is what he's considering) and sacred bond bears a look in APG. Got it! Thanks, guys. Much appreciated.

There's a Reach Spell metamagic in the APG.

Improves the range category by a step. Touch to close. Close to medium. Etc.

General Chaos wrote:

There's a Reach Spell metamagic in the APG.

Improves the range category by a step. Touch to close. Close to medium. Etc.

What General Chaos said.... each step up equal a level increase. Still turning any touch spell into a close spell, for a 1 level increase is uaally worth it for any of the damage spells.

Liberty's Edge

combine the feat with the trait that lets you reduce 1 spell by 1 level for meta magic feats and you could start off doing clw at close

jjaamm wrote:
combine the feat with the trait that lets you reduce 1 spell by 1 level for meta magic feats and you could start off doing clw at close

If you mean the "Magical Lineage" trait, you have to pick one spell for this trait to work on. Not one spell type, but One spell.

Nice, but limited

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Apart from the Reach Spell metamagic feat on various cure X wounds, etc. spells, there are two other options:

1) As mentioned, good clerics can Channel Positive Energy to heal everyone within 30 ft; the feat Selective Channelling allows you to exclude enemies.

2) The sorcerer/wizard spell spectral hand can allow the caster to use any touch spell of 4th level or less at medium range (100 ft + 10 ft/level); a mystic theurge can cast the spell natively or a wondrous item could be created (market price of 2,160 gp per use per day).

CouncilofFools wrote:
Reach spell for 3.5 (not very effective unless DM is taking away burst heal which is what he's considering) and sacred bond bears a look in APG. Got it! Thanks, guys. Much appreciated.

Wow, taking away the channel healing, that was one of the features that sold me onto Pathfinder. Does your DM find it overpowered? I haven't found it to be so, but maybe others have. Lots of times, my group and I miss some overpowered uses since we have been locked into certain mindsets because of the inertia of playing so many years.


The main advantage to the Reach Spell (metamagic) feat as listed in the APG page 168, is that for +1 spell level, you can turn a Touch spell, into a Close ( 25 + 5 feet per 2 level) spell, or for +2 spell level, you can turn a Touch, into a Medium ( 100 feet + 10 feet per level), or for +3 spell level, you can turn a Touch, into a Long (400 feet + 40 feet per level).

Spell for a cleric this helps on:

Bestow Curse = (3rd level Touch), (4th level Close), (5th level medium), (6th level Long).
Contagion = (3rd level touch), (4th level close), (5th level medium), (6th level long).
Slay Living = (5th level touch), (6th level close), (7th level medium), (8th level long).
Harm = (6th level touch), (7th level close), (8th level medium), (9th level long).

All Cure and Inflict spells can be done the same as well.
Reach feat really is a Clerics best Friend.

Sovereign Court

CouncilofFools wrote:
I know that PF clerics have a heal at a distance ability. My DM allows some overlap with 3.5 and we're trying to find a similar effect in that system whether it be a feat, special ability or item. Anyone know what I'm talking about and in which book it is found?

dunno if it has been mentioned but mass cure light wounds was at a distance in 3.5... get a staff with mass cure light on it and you're golden...

Greg Wasson wrote:
Wow, taking away the channel healing, that was one of the features that sold me onto Pathfinder. Does your DM find it overpowered? I haven't found it to be so, but maybe others have. Lots of times, my group and I miss some overpowered uses since we have been locked into certain mindsets because of the inertia of playing so many years.

He wanted to make things a little more deadly for the group. I suspect once we get started and things get hairy there will be a revolt. Viva la revolution! ;)

CouncilofFools wrote:
I know that PF clerics have a heal at a distance ability. My DM allows some overlap with 3.5 and we're trying to find a similar effect in that system whether it be a feat, special ability or item. Anyone know what I'm talking about and in which book it is found?

Try the old 3.5 PhB 2. There was something there beyond the general feat section that will give you what you are talking about (like 'ward' or something).


james maissen wrote:
CouncilofFools wrote:
I know that PF clerics have a heal at a distance ability. My DM allows some overlap with 3.5 and we're trying to find a similar effect in that system whether it be a feat, special ability or item. Anyone know what I'm talking about and in which book it is found?

Try the old 3.5 PhB 2. There was something there beyond the general feat section that will give you what you are talking about (like 'ward' or something).


In 3.5 I believe in PHII there was a ritual/rite feat that allowed one to make a sacred bond with a traget to cast heal at a distance.

Also spell compendium has a spell called Close Wounds (2nd) level swift action to cast that heals at a range 1d4+1 per 2 levels max 5.

Reach spell metamagic feat (APG and Complete Divine)

Enlarge person (& Righteous Might) would let you heal at a REACH if you have access to it... Strength Domain gets enlarge as a domain spell, Growth SubDomain(Plant) (APG pg. 91) gives you Enlarge as a domain power (swift action) and both of the above mentioned as domain spells.

I've seen the Mystic Theurge using the Spectral Hand trick, it's very nice!

Shadow Lodge

In 3.5 the combo you are looking for is divine metamagic+reach spell, toss in a extra turnning and a divine metamagic+maximaze spell later on and you are golden.
The bond from PH2 sounds pretty good too, but i never use that book.

Shadow Lodge

Ah, to heck with all the feats and whatnot. Just hold your action until the archer goes, and heal the arrows mid-flight! Sure, it'll sting a bit, but there's your ranged heal.


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