Looking to join a PF pbp that doesn't end after 35 posts

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I'm currently examining my options for how to handle maps and the massive number of dice rolling needed for combat. If I can figure that part out, and if I have an AP or adventure that basically already has the encounters and CR related stuff already done, everything else is stuff that I would have to learn regardless of the style of game I started DMing with, so I can find an AP or adventure that looks like it would be fun to run, I'd be willing to at least try. I've looked at Kingmaker and Serpent's Skull, but I'm not ready for the first, and not particularly interested in the second, now that I've had a chance to read it.

The Exchange

sunshadow21 wrote:
I'm currently examining my options for how to handle maps and the massive number of dice rolling needed for combat. If I can figure that part out, and if I have an AP or adventure that basically already has the encounters and CR related stuff already done, everything else is stuff that I would have to learn regardless of the style of game I started DMing with, so I can find an AP or adventure that looks like it would be fun to run, I'd be willing to at least try. I've looked at Kingmaker and Serpent's Skull, but I'm not ready for the first, and not particularly interested in the second, now that I've had a chance to read it.

Let us know when you do find something. I'm finding I want to get as much experience playing a PbP with different GM styles so that I am better prepared to run my own.

Also, you may want to look at running a module first. It would be a good way to get a game started and introduce the characters to each other. As far as that goes, you could even run a Society Scenario to just get things started. Just a thought. It would also give you some time to find a full AP and yet have your group started.

Shieldknight wrote:
Also, you may want to look at running a module first. It would be a good way to get a game started and introduce the characters to each other. As far as that goes, you could even run a Society Scenario to just get things started. Just a thought. It would also give you some time to find a full AP and yet have your group started.

Good advice - start small and go from there. An AP is a huge time commitment for both the DM and the players.

hogarth wrote:
hedgeknight wrote:
@Zeb - dude, it is just the luck of the draw (or dice gods) as to whether a pbp game lasts to fruition.

I have not found that to be the case at all.

By far the most important factor in a long-lasting game is the GM. Players can always be replaced, but a GM that posts frequently and who is determined to make the game work can keep a game going for a long time.

On the other hand, a GM who has lots of ideas but no experience GMing or playing in play-by-post games is often doomed to burn out quickly.

So...you're saying that new GMs don't have a snowball's chance in hell of having a successful game...right? Including those in this thread who are considering running a game for the first time...yes?

Sovereign Court

Its not that they have no chance, its that typically the games that fail are often first time PbP DM's. I rarely join games ran by people I haven't seen about on the PbP forums before; because they typically fold for some GM-related decision or another. The one time I made an exception for this was for Talking Donkey's dwarf-themed game; which sounded awesome enough to quell the alarm bells ringing that it was effectively his first posting here on the Paizo forums. Sadly, this also folded- the GM was not prepared to run PbP, and RL issues came up.

Its not impossible though of course. My kingmaker PbP is well into chapter 2 now, and it was my first PbP attempt. That said, I took the time to play and watch other PbP DM's before I leapt in.

Shieldknight wrote:
Also, you may want to look at running a module first. It would be a good way to get a game started and introduce the characters to each other. As far as that goes, you could even run a Society Scenario to just get things started. Just a thought. It would also give you some time to find a full AP and yet have your group started.

What are some good level 1 modules?

The Exchange

sunshadow21 wrote:

What are some good level 1 modules?

I knew you'd ask that. I guy should never suggest something unless he is prepared to answer the inevitable questions.

I don't know any level one modules besides "The Godsmouth Heresy". Most of my stuff is Pathfinder Society Scenarios. If you're interested in those, I can give a list. Of course, being new to PbP, I'm not sure how well some of them would translate to the PbP style.

sunshadow21 wrote:
Shieldknight wrote:
Also, you may want to look at running a module first. It would be a good way to get a game started and introduce the characters to each other. As far as that goes, you could even run a Society Scenario to just get things started. Just a thought. It would also give you some time to find a full AP and yet have your group started.
What are some good level 1 modules?

well, if you are looking for PFRPG, there are only a couple I think. Crypt of the Everflame, Master of the Fallen Fortress and the Godsmouth Heresy

hedgeknight wrote:

On the other hand, a GM who has lots of ideas but no experience GMing or playing in play-by-post games is often doomed to burn out quickly.
So...you're saying that new GMs don't have a snowball's chance in hell of having a successful game...right? Including those in this thread who are considering running a game for the first time...yes?

I said often doomed. Prove me wrong, kids! :-)

hogarth wrote:

I said often doomed. Prove me wrong, kids! :-)

Heh, just to let you know I was very new to pbp having played them less then 3 months when I started savage tide. Just to let ya know :)

Of coarse I have, lets see three failed pbp to my name at this point as well.

I was a first-time GM and got lucky...my Legacy of Fire PbP is well over 3400 posts. I think getting a dedicated group of players who post often helps a lot and keeps the DM motivated. That worked for me.

I do agree GM motivation keeps or kills a game. Mine failed in part because of it, one had a player turn over that pretty much made keeping the Ap going harder and harder so I lost interest and killed it. The other kinda the same thing I lost interest and it became a chore. The third I lost players and could not find replacement and the players left could not get along and one was a real issue. So i killed it.

The GM staying interested and involved in a game can make or break it. And players can have a great deal to do with keeping the GM wanting to keep going or wanting to just end it.

Players should keep that in mind. the GM is doing this for fun, bickering and derailing the game and well just making his job harder and harder often will cause it to be more work and less fun. And when it reaches no fun, most are just done.

Smerg wrote:

I could do Zombie Apocalypse.

Different travelers stop at (Manor, Abbey, Sea side resort) for the night. A couple hours after sunset, you are awoken by dogs barking. You look out your window to see a couple of people at the gate to the


People rush forward to separate the pair and soon others are screaming and complaining of various bites.

Welcome to the Apocalypse. How do you survive?


In a scenario like this there ...

Since there was no reaction after I posted this, should I assume that people are not interested in Zombie Apocalypse?

It could be fun, what system are you thinking?

Liberty's Edge

Smerg wrote:
Smerg wrote:

I could do Zombie Apocalypse.

Different travelers stop at (Manor, Abbey, Sea side resort) for the night. A couple hours after sunset, you are awoken by dogs barking. You look out your window to see a couple of people at the gate to the


People rush forward to separate the pair and soon others are screaming and complaining of various bites.

Welcome to the Apocalypse. How do you survive?


In a scenario like this there ...

Since there was no reaction after I posted this, should I assume that people are not interested in Zombie Apocalypse?

Haven't posted to the thread for several pages, and just noticed this, but I would defiantely be interested in playing the sort of game you describe.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
It could be fun, what system are you thinking?

Pathfinder with limitations on a couple of class choices to make it interesting (no divine classes for example). I would be open to people trying out the new Gunslinger, Ninja, and Samurai classes.

The scenario would be very much along the lines of the Anime 'High School of the Dead' or Steve Jackson game Zombies. Start with your boots and clothes and then try to work your way up the 'weapon tree' as you find things or improvise things.

Ammo is slightly on the limited side; so, you have to decide to spend all the ammo shooting in this combat encounter or save some for the next encounter.

Liberty's Edge

Smerg wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
It could be fun, what system are you thinking?

Pathfinder with limitations on a couple of class choices to make it interesting (no divine classes for example). I would be open to people trying out the new Gunslinger, Ninja, and Samurai classes.

The scenario would be very much along the lines of the Anime 'High School of the Dead' or Steve Jackson game Zombies. Start with your boots and clothes and then try to work your way up the 'weapon tree' as you find things or improvise things.

Ammo is slightly on the limited side; so, you have to decide to spend all the ammo shooting in this combat encounter or save some for the next encounter.

Sounds pretty cool.

Think I'll pass myself. Good luck with it however.

Mothman wrote:
Smerg wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
It could be fun, what system are you thinking?

Pathfinder with limitations on a couple of class choices to make it interesting ...

Ammo is slightly on the limited side; so, you have to decide to spend all the ammo shooting in this combat encounter or save some for the next encounter.

Sounds pretty cool.

Good to hear. I would like two to three people agreeing to sign on before I move the idea to a full recruiting thread of its own. If I'm going to invest time in something then I want to know that there is an audience of people wanting the game.

Jeez, lots of posts since I checked last! I generally don't like dredging stuff up from last page, but eh.

hogarth wrote:
hedgeknight wrote:
@Zeb - dude, it is just the luck of the draw (or dice gods) as to whether a pbp game lasts to fruition.

I have not found that to be the case at all.

By far the most important factor in a long-lasting game is the GM. Players can always be replaced, but a GM that posts frequently and who is determined to make the game work can keep a game going for a long time.

On the other hand, a GM who has lots of ideas but no experience GMing or playing in play-by-post games is often doomed to burn out quickly.

I do agree with this - a determined, experienced GM can really make or break it. Still, there is a degree of luck in finding said GM unless you're networked or doggedly persistent. Good players mean a lot, too, as was discussed (constantly shuffling in new guys will eventually wear down even the most stubborn DM - saw it happen to three of my favorite PbPs, one of which had been run for nearly three years)

There was some more stuff about newbie GMs not being able to do it - that's certainly not the case. It's more about persistence (I seem to be using that word a lot!) and such. This thread is probably a big help, because as the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed.



When I said zombie apocalypse I meant something more standard/modern, but hell, if it's got zombies, it's got my ear. What I said in my original post stands true - build it, and I will come.

ZebulonXenos wrote:



When I said zombie apocalypse I meant something more standard/modern, but hell, if it's got zombies, it's got my ear. What I said in my original post stands true - build it, and I will come.

More modern setting; I can do if people want.

I would shift away from Pathfinder slightly then to a hack between Pathfinder/d20 Modern/and Star Wars SAGA Edition. I've got to go to work but I'll think on the specifics of this and put up a recruitment thread later in the day.

Smerg wrote:
I've got to go to work but I'll think on the specifics of this and put up a recruitment thread later in the day.

The thread was post a little over an hour ago - good luck fellers!

So I was thinking today, the problem tends to be burn out - either player or GM.

Now as an idea, what if I DID build my Thieves World type campaign, and the concept was it is built around a guildmaster hiring/choosing members for a series of jobs?

That would mean that there would be a recruitment phase, a set objective is carried out, and then a wrap. Shortly thereafter a new recruitment phase where people could 'sign back up' or take a break, and new players could join etc... so there's continually opportunities to reapply for a 'job', or take a breather and NOT apply.

The Jobs/tasks would all be part of a larger overall storyline.

If its busy, there might be more than one 'job' going at a time...

The question is, and I commend you for offering to take on the work load, could yourself or whoever the DM/Guild Master is handle the work load?

The benefits of your idea is that you could experiment with different levels of character with more ease. Since one 'job' only cursorily holds over from another.

Bravo for creating such an interesting idea. =)

hedgeknight wrote:
Smerg wrote:
I've got to go to work but I'll think on the specifics of this and put up a recruitment thread later in the day.
The thread was post a little over an hour ago - good luck fellers!


I thought the 'serial' nature might overcome burnout and fatigue, and allow good 'break' points.

*Nods* And indeed, it is a very clever idea/concept. Again bravo to you, sirrah. =)

I've decided to run Crypt of the Everflame, seeing as I already have it and if all goes well it's apparently the first of a trilogy of modules.

I wanna read all the way through it before I throw up an actual recruitment post, but I figured I'd give folks here prior warning. I'll most likely have it done sometime over the weekend.

The Exchange

ZebulonXenos wrote:

I've decided to run Crypt of the Everflame, seeing as I already have it and if all goes well it's apparently the first of a trilogy of modules.

I wanna read all the way through it before I throw up an actual recruitment post, but I figured I'd give folks here prior warning. I'll most likely have it done sometime over the weekend.

Can you post here when you throw up the thread for recruitment? That would help for knowing you have put the thread up.

That was my intent. I knew I'd forgotten to mention something in that last post, heh.

How hard is LoF to convert? I'm thinking running at least the first part of that would be a good start to a campaign. Then after the first part is over, the AP can either be continued, or if the party wishes to do other things with the town as a base, that is also an option. Is this a viable plan, or I am completely off my rocker?

The Rogue Scout is ready for action if anyone is interested in this type of character, please check the profile. I would be happy to level or adjust the character as required. I am also not opposed to creating a different character for any opportunity available.

The Exchange

sunshadow21 wrote:
How hard is LoF to convert? I'm thinking running at least the first part of that would be a good start to a campaign. Then after the first part is over, the AP can either be continued, or if the party wishes to do other things with the town as a base, that is also an option. Is this a viable plan, or I am completely off my rocker?

I'm running it for my RL game and I convert it on the fly. It's only a case of swapping the monsters for those in the bestiary.

NPC's may take more time. We're going to wrap up the first module in about two more sessions and so far I haven't had any trouble converting it.

The more difficult thing is to convert it if you have more than 4 players, as then you'll need to play with the number of critters faced rather than just the substituted stats.

Also, for anything with a class level, I gave them one extra hit point per class level which works out about average given the pathfinder treatement of base classes.

If you go to LoF section of the message boards, I can almost guarantee that someone would have done a conversion already for you.


For those here still looking for a game, I am going to run Godmouth Heresy while I contemplate longer term plans.

Whew, had to cover for someone else the past couple of days so I was a little later reading the module than I thought, but I'm done now and we're good to go.

Obligatory link to recruitment thread

fyi, the deadline is more for my benefit. I'm gonna be splitting the time between prep and getting other obligations out of the way.


Oh, right, LoF is pretty easy to convert because Nethys already did it for you. If you're so inclined, at least.

Don't know if any of you are familiar with new World of Darkness stuff, but I am thinking of running a PbP. Check it out if interested.


I've never tried a PbP but I think I'd like to give it a shot. I only get to play TT every other week some I'm interested!

If you want to try pbp, check out the link to boomers bar and grill that can be found several places on this thread, make a character, and join in the conversation. It's a good informal way to get involved in it.

Celestial Half-Porc wrote:

Don't know if any of you are familiar with new World of Darkness stuff, but I am thinking of running a PbP. Check it out if interested.


I used to play a lot of Vampire & Werewolf, great days!

Haven't even looked at the new stuff - people starting off as mortals kinda wierds me out - how is the NWOD? I romantically like the idea, just NFI about the game mechanics these days :p

Shifty wrote:
Celestial Half-Porc wrote:

Don't know if any of you are familiar with new World of Darkness stuff, but I am thinking of running a PbP. Check it out if interested.


I used to play a lot of Vampire & Werewolf, great days!

Haven't even looked at the new stuff - people starting off as mortals kinda wierds me out - how is the NWOD? I romantically like the idea, just NFI about the game mechanics these days :p

Still a d10 system, but they simplified combat. I've played oWoD and I must say it confused the crap out of me :) I think it is an easy system to learn also.

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