Fixing the Halfling

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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

I have been letting my players using a halfing have +1 to thrown weapon and slings since they are kinda suck. And adding a +1 to sling damage means slings are used in my game.

Oh, and gnomes don't get a +2 Cha in my game, they get the +2 Int they deserve! Illusionists and Tinkers FTW!

I like these ideas.

Although, gnomes, having been developed in all sorts of directions over the history of the game (illusionists and tinkers in 1E, 2E and 3.0, bards in 3.5, now druids in PF), I'd be inclined to utterly ditch the physical modifiers, and give them a single +2 of their choice, in either Int, Wis *or* Cha. Gnomes are not as nimble as elves or halflings, but are wiry and surprisingly strong, for their size (although they still have the size Small carrying capacity disadvantages), but some are skilled wizards and alchemists, others are naturally perceptive and intuitive and make good priests, and still others are charming little rakes, who make excellent bards. That pretty much lets everyone play the gnome they 'remember fondly,' and make the gnome a bit more than a 'healthy but clumsy halfling.'

And +1 to the halfling sling / thrown weapon bonus idea (literally, pun intended). That was my favorite halflin trait in 3.X.

Although, even adding the +1 to slings back, when the loading requirements are such a pain (and can be overcome with *two* feats, Ammo Drop and Juggle Load), is kind of a drop in the bucket.

I'd be inclined to just allow anyone with Quick-Draw to load a sling as a free action, rather than add an even bigger feat tax.

Set wrote:

I'd be inclined to just allow anyone with Quick-Draw to load a sling as a free action, rather than add an even bigger feat tax.

I've got sling reload times at swift for everyone (rapid reload for free action).

VoodooMike, i wonder, if Squirmy isn't actually overrated in cost, since there's a feat that grant +5 ft. to movement, and according to your guid, it would cost 4 points

I gave halflings +wis instead of +cha and Underfoot (APG) as a bonus feat ignoring prerequisites.

A more Hobbit-like Halfling:
-2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and +2 Wisdom: Halflings are physically weak, but surprisingly hardy and wise.

Small: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) and Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD), and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Slow Speed: Halflings have a base speed of 20 feet.

Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 bonus on saving throws against fear.

Indomitable: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Will saves to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) schools. In addition, if they fail such a save, they receive another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming it has a duration greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the same DC as the first. If the Halfling has a similar ability from another source (such as a rogue’s slippery mind), he can only use one of these abilities per round, but can try one on the second round if the first reroll ability fails).

Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.

Sure-Footed: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb skill checks.

Underfoot: Halflings receive a +4 dodge bonus against creatures of the giant subtype. Further, they receive a +1 on attack and damage rolls against any creature larger than themselves.

War Slinger: Halflings are proficient with slings, and can reload them as a free action. Reloading a sling still requires two hands and provokes an attack of opportunity.

Languages: Halflings begin play speaking Common and Halfling. Halflings with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, and Goblin.

Ricardo - unlike a straight +5 foot bonus to movement, squirmy gives them, effectively, a method for taking an additional 5-foot step/adjustment per round... that's a 5-foot movement that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

VoodooMike wrote:
Ricardo - unlike a straight +5 foot bonus to movement, squirmy gives them, effectively, a method for taking an additional 5-foot step/adjustment per round... that's a 5-foot movement that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

I see... Hmmmm, actually, i can see halflings tumbling around their opponents, it's quite appropriate for them, i guess...

We found only one adjustment was necessary, and it's not to halflings and gnomes. We just rejected the small/medium/large weapon charts. The idea of a halfling carrying a small longsword was just stupid. He can carry a short sword, and consequently, does the same damage as anyone with a short sword.

Oh, and in Tolkien, halflings absolutely had superior magic and poison resistance. Both Elrond and Gandalf comment on this in several places.

VoodooMike wrote:
Lord Twig wrote:
What about the +1 to hit and +1 to AC for being Small size?
RedDogMT wrote:
You are only looking at the Halfling from the aspect of combat...why would it be surprising that they are at a disadvantage? Thier strength and size is a disadvantage for fighting classes, but they can be better Rogues, Sorcerers, and Bards than some of the other races.

Ok, I'm not going to argue the validity of the race building guide in this thread - there's a whole thread for that if you disagree with it. If you DO disagree with that aspect, then you can sit this thread out because it is BASED on that.

Small size and everything that goes with it is a 0 point adjustment. It works out for the Dwarf and Gnome races in balancing them with the medium races.

Yes, I'm talking about combat because there are no numbers to cover role-playing - that's all flavour text. For the non-combat aspect of being a rogue, sorcerer, or bard, you're still better off being a different race, mechanically speaking.

Are halflings better...

Rogues than Elves? (faster, more skill points, real weapons, lowlight vision)
Rogues than Humans? (faster, more skill points, extra feat)
Sorcerers than Gnomes? (Bonus early HP, inherent spells, bonus magic DC)
Bards than Gnomes? (same as sorcerer)

If we're talking about it from a flavour angle... Halfling Sorcerers sound like they'd be a common and important part of halfling culture?

The question becomes this - is the halfling "as good" mechanically as the other base player races. If not, then there's a case for improving it to be on par with them in a way that doesn't detract from them on a flavour level.

I'm not sure that it's acceptable that you asked a question about the power of a race, then proceeded to use your guide as the measurement for the race. But then request that we don't question the accuracy or validity of your guide at all. That seems like your approaching this sittuation with quite a bit of biased already placed on what you want the answer to be.

The only way you can efficiently argue a point, is to add additional information regarding the point, or to counter the information supporting said point. You have requested us not to counter your information. But then you disregard all of our arguments.

What do you want from this thread exactly?

*waves white flag to mrofmist*

Ok, i can state that VoodooMike's guide is REALLY useful, and quite accurate. Just giving you an example, my group and i playtested a kind of playable giant race, based on the half-ogre race of Savage Species (less strong, less natural armor, but less stupid as well). Man, that was so broken... lol

I just wonder how VoodooMike managed to do his guide. But that's not the subject in this thread. If i'm not wrong, the goal here is to discuss options to turn the halfling into a more balanced race, since it's somewhat underpowered when compared with other races.

Silver Crusade

Vodoo Mike, I would not mess with the 5' step uising your well thought out idea.

I whould add Fast Tumble from the Rogue class for 4 or 5 points. I think this would overcome the speed issue as I would see Fast tumble being used in most movemnet actions in urban or dungon envionments.

This fits the Halfling race as being quick and shifty rather than foot fast. That Is why they have a 20' base speed IMO.

IMO on of the worst things the DEVS did was give a Halfling racial weapon a penalty I speak of the Halfling Staff Sling why it does less damage for a hafling than it does for a standard sized race. Haflings are suposed to wicked good WIth Halfling Staffslings. On top of the damage Penalty they make a simple weapon a Martial Weapon. This imposes a feat tax as most classes that are opimal for halflings
don't have the Martail Weapon Poficency.

I'm not sure that it's acceptable that you asked a question about the power of a race, then proceeded to use your guide as the measurement for the race. But then request that we don't question the accuracy or validity of your guide at all. That seems like your approaching this sittuation with quite a bit of biased already placed on what you want the answer to be.

The point is that there exists a thread specifically related to the guide where you can question its validity and thus, this thread doesn't need to be a repeat. If you don't think that halflings need changing then there are a million other threads you can post on, ignoring this one completely.

What do you want from this thread exactly?

Exactly what I said I wanted - thoughts on how to fix the halfling given the point system. Obviously I want that from people who don't object to the point system, since those who do will see it as a pointless question.

I whould add Fast Tumble from the Rogue class for 4 or 5 points. I think this would overcome the speed issue as I would see Fast tumble being used in most movemnet actions in urban or dungon envionments.

Would making fast tumble racial not heavily pigeon-hole them as rogues, though? Outside of the Eberron setting there aren't a lot of halfling barbarians, and bards usually aren't tumbling into combat, especially when their weapons do less damage due to their size.

One of my thoughts behind the squirmy ability was that it would be useful to rogues, but had use for a halfling of any class. Similarly, its not an entirely new mechanic - having more than one 5-foot step was a straight bonus on the Elocater prestige class.. but having to give something up to accomplish it rather than just doing it naturally, seemed wiser, to me.

Racial weapons aside, having smaller races do less damage with weapons is a big handicap in early levels... it keeps the number of martial characters from those races to a minimum, which is probably unwise.

VoodooMike wrote:
I'm not sure that it's acceptable that you asked a question about the power of a race, then proceeded to use your guide as the measurement for the race. But then request that we don't question the accuracy or validity of your guide at all. That seems like your approaching this sittuation with quite a bit of biased already placed on what you want the answer to be.

The point is that there exists a thread specifically related to the guide where you can question its validity and thus, this thread doesn't need to be a repeat. If you don't think that halflings need changing then there are a million other threads you can post on, ignoring this one completely.

What do you want from this thread exactly?

Exactly what I said I wanted - thoughts on how to fix the halfling given the point system. Obviously I want that from people who don't object to the point system, since those who do will see it as a pointless question.

I whould add Fast Tumble from the Rogue class for 4 or 5 points. I think this would overcome the speed issue as I would see Fast tumble being used in most movemnet actions in urban or dungon envionments.

Would making fast tumble racial not heavily pigeon-hole them as rogues, though? Outside of the Eberron setting there aren't a lot of halfling barbarians, and bards usually aren't tumbling into combat, especially when their weapons do less damage due to their size.

One of my thoughts behind the squirmy ability was that it would be useful to rogues, but had use for a halfling of any class. Similarly, its not an entirely new mechanic - having more than one 5-foot step was a straight bonus on the Elocater prestige class.. but having to give something up to accomplish it rather than just doing it naturally, seemed wiser, to me.

Racial weapons aside, having smaller races do less damage with weapons is a big handicap in early levels... it keeps the number of martial characters from those races to a minimum, which is probably unwise.

I disagree, if I don't think the halfling needs to changed, then I can post on this thread.

I can tell you that I feel you are wrong. Because part of a "fixing" thread is to determine whether it needs to be fixed period. If you disagree, then maybe you're in the wrong place.

But I guess at this point I am getting off-topic. No I don't feel the halfling needs to be changed. It's just less capable of beings multiple classes then the other races.

mrofmist wrote:

I disagree, if I don't think the halfling needs to changed, then I can post on this thread.

I can tell you that I feel you are wrong. Because part of a "fixing" thread is to determine whether it needs to be fixed period. If you disagree, then maybe you're in the wrong place.

But I guess at this point I am getting off-topic. No I don't feel the halfling needs to be changed. It's just less capable of beings multiple classes then the other races.

You are physically capable of posting, but it is not on topic. The topic is the halflings as related to the point system in the PF race building guide. Based on the guide's system, the halflings are underpowered as a race. If you want to dispute that based on the guide's system, that's cool... but that's not what you're looking to do.

Since you're not interested in doing that, you're disputing the validity of the guide's system, which belongs in the guide's own thread.

The forums are full of threads on topics that I don't see any merit in, but while posting random negation in each of those would certainly boost one's post count, it contributes absolutely NOTHING of substance. If you're fine with that as your legacy then feel free to post "nuh uh" three or four more times. I won't actually be interested in your opinion because it is "on topic" only if you fail to actually read the initial posting and cling to that posting's abstract title, but by all means knock yourself out.

Well, back to the thread, i was wondering about granting a bonus to mental ability of your choice, instead of a fixed +2 to Charisma, since hobbits have a psyche quite similar to humans (and the halfling could inherit it). What about it?

Ricardo Pennacchia wrote:
Well, back to the thread, i was wondering about granting a bonus to mental ability of your choice, instead of a fixed +2 to Charisma, since hobbits have a psyche quite similar to humans (and the halfling could inherit it). What about it?

Everything (player race-wise) is similar to humans, but only humans and demihumans have the +2 to a stat of choice, and there's no example of limiting a chosen racial stat bonus to a type of stat. I suppose you can do anything, but staying consistent with Pathfinder player races, that kind'v goes outside of the paradigm.

Sovereign Court

If I'm reading SQUIRMY correctly, I'm having trouble seeing how it will work at all based on:

PRD wrote:

Take 5-Foot Step

You can move 5 feet in any round when you don't perform any other kind of movement. Taking this 5-foot step never provokes an attack of opportunity. You can't take more than one 5-foot step in a round, and you can't take a 5-foot step in the same round that you move any distance.

My reading of your racial trait seems to be wanting to trade away your move action for an additional 5-foot step, however, based on the rules for the 5-foot step, you are, in essence, doing that anyway. Sure, you're not actively making a trade, but you can't have both, by the way the rule is written, and at least from the perspective of me and literally everyone I've ever gamed with.

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