DungeonmasterCal |
There's probably already a thread on this, but I'm far too lazy to look it up (points for honesty?). Anyway...
Has anyone played the (in my opinion) really interesting and quite playable classes created by the folks at Super Genius Games alongside those from the Pathfinder Core Rules and The Advanced Player's Handbook? How do they compare? I've purchased every class they've offered so far, and have made them available to my players, but only one of my group is running one, a Mystic Godling (Eldritch version). He's the optimizer in my group, so he's one of the more powerful in the party at this point (he could be playing a quadruplegic orc with tuberculosis and still be one of the most powerful in the group, I swear). Anyway..
I'd love to hear the experiences of others who've purchased SGG's products and had them used in their games.
Cheers and Happy New Year!
Kythvanath |
Currently playing in Nightfliers Return To Korvosa Game Thread with this character on this site. Haven't got much yet since we have only had one fight so far, but I like him so hopefully he will do good.
Frerezar |
Ive been using them in my games for quite some time now, and almost all of them have seen some use in one way or another. It is also worth saying that when compared to the APG variants for core classes they might seem a bit one sided, however the guys at SGG have their own archetype subsystem which more than makes up for it (and also apply for regular core classes).
It is also worht mentioning that they have a free PDF for extra favored class bonuses for their classes.
Hope that helps.
DungeonmasterCal |
Ive been using them in my games for quite some time now, and almost all of them have seen some use in one way or another. It is also worth saying that when compared to the APG variants for core classes they might seem a bit one sided, however the guys at SGG have their own archetype subsystem which more than makes up for it (and also apply for regular core classes).
It is also worht mentioning that they have a free PDF for extra favored class bonuses for their classes.
Hope that helps.
Got that one, too!
DungeonmasterCal |
Currently playing in Nightfliers Return To Korvosa Game Thread with this character on this site. Haven't got much yet since we have only had one fight so far, but I like him so hopefully he will do good.
Just read the character write-up. Great job with the descriptions and background!
Dungeon Grrrl |
I run two games than use all the SGG classes (and their feats and spells), all the things form the Advanced Player's Guide, and a few other 3pp items (rite's races and classes, for example). The SGG stuff sees the most use, and stands strong (but not overpowering) right next to all the other stuff.
And I second the comment about SGG's archetypes. Useful stuff!
Kythvanath |
Kythvanath wrote:Just read the character write-up. Great job with the descriptions and background!Currently playing in Nightfliers Return To Korvosa Game Thread with this character on this site. Haven't got much yet since we have only had one fight so far, but I like him so hopefully he will do good.
Thank you. If you liked that one you should check out my other aliases their write ups are as good (at least in my opinion, but I may be a tinsy bit biased).
Marc Radle |
I can only speak for the Vanguard ...
We playtested the class at various levels in parties made up of Paizo core and base classes and had no issues at all.
After playtesting was complete, I ended up playing a Vanguard in our weekly Council of Thieves game from about level 8 on to the conclusion of the AP and the class meshed very well with the other classes (a monk, paladin, sorcerer and rogue / shadow dancer)
I would certainly imagine the other SGG classes would be similar ...
Hope that helps :)
AlanM |
I'm currently running a Kingmaker game with a Dragonrider, and I have not noticed any issues regarding balance. He is far from the "most powerful", that title goes to the Paladin, but he is the most mobile. But, hey what do you expect, he's riding a freaking gold dragon. I am planning on making things a little more interesting since he has been elected king of the fledgling nation. He he he...