Any thoughts on Tyraxalan? (KEJR's Players Please Stay Out)

Council of Thieves

On one hand, I'm not a huge fan of the overall themes in Dragons Revisited, including the "dragons are openly involved in human politics all over the place," but on the other hand, I get the feeling that I could use this guy, somehow.

I'm kind of torn on what direction to go, however. On one hand, I can see him secretly helping to cover up for the Children of Westcrown because they have been more successful than his band, so covering their rear ends does the greatest good.

On the other hand, part of me thinks it might be fun to run this as a "mistaken identity" issue, where Tyraxalan thinks the PCs might be some kind of nefarious new power group that needs to be dealt with.

Actually, I might be able to cross the two with Tyraxalan picking off some of the bad guys that the PCs have left as recurring villains, but replacing them with his own opposition to them.

Any thoughts on this poor copper misfit rebel?

I would keep him out of the AP as written.

He would be perfect to use for more plot hooks if your party wants to continue play after the final encounter with Eccardian. The Twice-Damned Prince suggests several courses of action for continued play at the end of it and Tyraxalan's 'mistaken identity' plot would fit perfectly.

As it stands and considering that the AP as written doesn't go beyond level 13... including a heavy hitter like Tyraxalan might be a bad idea. There's a lot going on by the end and he might distract from the main plot. Also he might steal the PCs' thunder depending on his involvement, possibly making them feel less important.

Plus I'm absolutely sick of the cliche of dragons being the puppeteers of society.

Kinda spoiler:
I was so happy to find out that Council of Theives managed to get an entire intrige plot by without relying on a dragon to be behind everything. It was refreshing.

That being said: it's your game and you do what you want. Just be sure to keep those two concerns in mind.

He's a pretty tough creature to include in the AP as it's written. (I also think the Dragons pretending to be humans on a regular basis isn't something I would do.) But after the final battle if they want to continue in Westcrown, perhaps he was locked away, cursed, poisoned, or was laying low.

Someone from the resistance group Tyraxalan used to lead contacts them to see if they can fix whatever kept him away. And he certainly could be a powerful ally against what the Hellknights might bring when they return to Westcrown.

But personally I would keep them on the same side. Dragons are pretty smart and one would think Tyraxalan would help the heroes more than hinder them. But if it works for you and your group then run with it :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Honestly... I'd go with your gut. Don't use the dragon in your game. Unless a dragon posing as a human and manipulating society is the entire point of an adventure or campaign, I'm of the opinion that there shouldn't be a dragon doing that in the adventure.

Also... if you're concerned about canon issues, rest assured. The role of dragons interacting with human society is being VERY downplayed. That type of draconic element has always struck me as being more Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms in flavor. Golarion is neither.

James Jacobs wrote:

Honestly... I'd go with your gut. Don't use the dragon in your game. Unless a dragon posing as a human and manipulating society is the entire point of an adventure or campaign, I'm of the opinion that there shouldn't be a dragon doing that in the adventure.

Also... if you're concerned about canon issues, rest assured. The role of dragons interacting with human society is being VERY downplayed. That type of draconic element has always struck me as being more Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms in flavor. Golarion is neither.

I mean this with no disrespect to anyone at all, but I'm starting to lean towards one of the bad guys having his head mounted somewhere to increase their "street cred." Now I need to narrow down which one.

Dark Archive

I would go for Imlek (He seems to me to be the most logical choice since he can essentially just jump the dragon with a limitless army of shadows)

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