Need a Good, Powerful Swamp Spell or Effect

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I'm working up an antagonist for an adventure who (without giving too much away :) wants to create a huge swamp or marsh like environment to come into being, preferably by causing an existing, smaller swamp to expand or overtake the surrounding area.

I've been doing some searching on the Pathfinder RPG Reference Document for either a spell (seems like a good higher level druid spell) or a magic item but I'm not finding much.

I can certainly just create something, which is what I will do if nothing already exists in the game BUT ... it sure would be nice if I didn't have to ... :)

So, anyone know of anything that might work?

Whe in doubt......


Liberty's Edge

How quickly does the villian want to make the swamp?

By damming up the water exits, it could be done in time. Beavers often can change the terrain over a few months because they not only create dams but create channels to get to tree roots, bark, etc. A druid might be able to convince animals to do this - or summon, etc.

Move Earth and Dig spells may also be of use to slowly mold the land. A decanter of endless water left spewing out water is another option. Or there could be the classic ancient temple to a minor diety of water that the villian has started praying to. Perhaps a water elemental?

T1Mirage wrote:

How quickly does the villian want to make the swamp?

By damming up the water exits, it could be done in time. Beavers often can change the terrain over a few months because they not only create dams but create channels to get to tree roots, bark, etc. A druid might be able to convince animals to do this - or summon, etc.

Move Earth and Dig spells may also be of use to slowly mold the land. A decanter of endless water left spewing out water is another option. Or there could be the classic ancient temple to a minor diety of water that the villian has started praying to. Perhaps a water elemental?

Excellent ideas. I just read that to mean he wanted the swamp to just kind of "Show up".

Well, 3.5e had a spell called Genesis that created your own demiplane (permanently) and you could control all sorts of environmental decisions. It was difficult to obtain (9th level of the Creation domain) but you can find it in the 3.5 SRD.

It was 9th level, had an expensive XP cost, and was a permanent effect. I'd say it wouldn't be hard to use a spell like that to serve as a model for a spell with a long casting time.

Here's a quick example:

Call the Swamplands
Transmutation Druid 9, Witch 9
Casting time: 1 day
Components: V, S, M (4 blue-green elemental gems, worth 9,000gp)
Range: Touch
Area: 1 mile radius centered on caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: After completion, this spell transforms the area of effect into wet swamplands, as per the core rulebook. If cast within an existing swamp, the area of the swamp is expanded by 1 mile in all directions.

Hope that helps at all.

Since you're starting with an area that already has some swamp, Control Weather (7th) to make it rain every day would make more really fast. Combine that with judicious applications of Move Earth (large area of effect), and maybe a few dams made of Wall of Stone and/or Stone Shape, and you could engineer a big swamp pretty easily.

A single 13th level druid would be sufficient.

Silver Crusade

If the druid can cast 9th level spells he can use the Shambler spells to create shamblers to guard the earthworks. He could also make them do work for shorter periods. Otherwise Blueluck has the best suggestions.

"Harken! By the power of "DM does whatever he or she wants", a swamp comes into being!"

Unless the Druid is a Swamp Druid...

Would not the creation of a swamp, be changing nature, and there by ceases to revere nature. Or are druid now allowed to shape nature any way thay want as long as it is not urban environment.

Spell to create a swamp

Druid = wall of stone for dams, stone shape to fix them, Control weather to summon lots of rain. (like someone already mentioned)

Cleric = Same as druid + Miracle

Wizard = Same as druid + Wish, move earth,

spell to temporary/permanent crate the illusion of a swamp:

Bard/Wizard = Hallucinatory Terrain, Mirage Arcana, Permanent Image.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

When I think of swamps, I think quicksand. And ROUS...

Quicksand Rules

Quicksand (homebrew):

School transmutation [earth]; Level druid 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (mud and water)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area up to two 10-ft. cubes/level (S)
Duration permanent; see text
Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance no

This spell turns mud, sand, or normal earth into an equal volume of quicksand. Stone is not affected by the spell. The depth of the quicksand created cannot exceed 20 feet.

If targeted on an area with creatures present, they get a Reflex saving throw to avoid immediately sinking to the bottom of the quicksand and instead tread in place.

If quicksand is cast upon the ceiling of a cavern or tunnel, the quicksand falls to the floor and spreads out in a pool. The falling quicksand and the ensuing cave-in deal 8d6 points of bludgeoning damage to anyone caught directly beneath the targeted area, or half damage to those who succeed on Reflex saves.

Castles and large stone buildings are generally immune to the effect of the spell, since quicksand can't affect worked stone and doesn't reach deep enough to undermine such buildings' foundations. However, small buildings or structures often rest upon foundations shallow enough to be damaged or even partially toppled by this spell.

The quicksand remains until a successful dispel magic or transmute mud to rock spell restores its substance—but not necessarily its form.

Transmute mud to rock counters and dispels quicksand.

Quicksand, Greater (homebrew):

School transmutation [earth]; Level druid 7
Casting Time 1 full round action
Components V, S, M (mud and water)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area up to two 20-ft. cubes/level (S)
Duration permanent; see text
Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance no

The spell functions the same as quicksand except the survival check to notice the quicksand is DC 13, the swim check DCs are increased by +5, and a DC 20 Str check is needed to pull a character out of the quicksand.

Used transmute rock to mud as the basis for quicksand.

Decanter of endless water? f-endless-water

That will upset your ecosystem quite nicely!

If you want a little more story behind the swamp, you could have a bunch of angry water mephits, fey, or some sort of nature spirits. As others have mentioned, beavers can do a number, so dire beavers could change the world.

There was also the method used in Rise of the Runelords...

Runelords spoiler:
A hag covey causing storms and flooding rains.

Marc Radle wrote:

I'm working up an antagonist for an adventure who (without giving too much away :) wants to create a huge swamp or marsh like environment to come into being, preferably by causing an existing, smaller swamp to expand or overtake the surrounding area.

I've been doing some searching on the Pathfinder RPG Reference Document for either a spell (seems like a good higher level druid spell) or a magic item but I'm not finding much.

I can certainly just create something, which is what I will do if nothing already exists in the game BUT ... it sure would be nice if I didn't have to ... :)

So, anyone know of anything that might work?

Oriental Adventures had a Shaman spell that would do it if you cast it enough times.



Level: Shaman 2
Components: V,S,F
Casting Time: 1 round
Effect: A spring of water
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

A spring of water bubbles forth from the natural rock or earth you touch. The spring cannot arise from creatures, plants or artificial construction such as buildings. The spring puts forth six gallons of water per hour. The water is fresh, clear (at the source), and cool. No more than one spring may be created every 100 yards.
Focus: a bamboo cane

I thought once about having a shaman walk around casting this spell in a grid (each spring spaced 300ft apart) throughout a desert until he flooded it and turned it into something other than desert.

If you did that to a forest or a jungle it would become a swamp.

And you did it with a single second level spell. :P

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