4look4rd |
A few other thing I would like to clarify:
As a wizard or witch, how many spells can I prepare per day? I've been preparing just the amount of spells that I can cast per day, but I was wondering if there is a different rule for this (for example, if I could prepare two other spells in case I need them)
The book says that the spell remain prepared until I either use or abandon them. But what if something happens to the materials (like water gets into my pouch and messes up the sand/powder required for some spells). Could I possibly save unused spells and prepare new ones during the next morning (thus stacking them up)?
Chris Mortika RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16 |
Howdy. Glad to have you here.
So your character took levels as:
Level 1 -- Fighter 1
Level 2 -- Fighter 1 / Witch 1
Level 3 -- ??
You weren't able to take your third character level as an Eldritch Knight yet, because you weren't able to meet all the pre-requisites (only able to cast 1st-Level spells).
You should be able to be a Fighter 1 / Witch 3, and on your way to take your sixth character level as an Eldritch Knight.
Also, forgive my asking, but how do you get a +2 to Intelligence at 4th level?
Helic |
I am fairly new to pathfinder so I have a question regarding how to qualify for a prestige class (Eldritch Knight).
The requirements state that all that I need is to be able to cast 3rd level spells and have proficiency with all martial weapons.
So my plan was to become a level1 witch, level1 fighter, and a level2 Eldritch Knight (since we are starting as level4).
I rolled a character and got 18 (awesomely lucky roll!) intelligence I added my +2 human racial modifier and another +2 for being level 4 (total 22intel).
According to the bonus spells table I can cast spells up to level6 (thus I qualify for the prestige class). But I think there is something that might limit my ability to cast high level spells (some spells like teleport or Summon VI seem pretty ridiculous for a level1 witch).
Am I able to make an Eldritch Knight, as a level4, by putting one level in witch and one level into fighter? If not then what restricts me from casting higher level spells (the witch is not an spontaneous caster)?
No, you have to be of a caster level with 3rd level spell slots before you can take a level of Eldritch Knight. So you need a 5th level Witch, 1st level Fighter to qualify (or Sor6, Wiz5...any arcane class that can cast a 3rd level spell).
The attribute requirement isn't what's used for prestige class requirements, it's the actually being able (not potentially able) to cast said spells.
TwilightKnight |
The requirement is that you must have the ability to cast spells of the specified level, in this case, level three. You do not gain that ability until Witch level five. Taking a level in fighter to comply with the weapon requirements, means you cannot take the first level in Eldritch Knight until level seven.
Also, you gain a +1 to an ability score of your choosing at 4th level, not a +2.
Sidivan |
You will not be able to get into the Eldritch Knight prestige class at level 2.
Looking at the which spell progression, she cannot cast level 3 spells until she is level 5. At the VERY MINIMUM, you'll have to be level 5 witch to get into the class. This is indicated by the "Spells Per Day" chart on page 67 of the Advanced Player's Guide.
Bonus spells due to high intelligence only come into play when you already have a sufficient level to cast the spell. Once you hit level 5, you can then cast 1 lvl 3 spell per day, but your bonus spells give you an extra spell per day. Therefore, at level 5, you can cast 2 level 3 spells per day.
If you are brand new to Pathfinder/D&D, I would start with a much simpler class than Witch/Eldritch Knight. They don't call it the "Advanced Players Guide" for nothing. ;)
4look4rd |
You will not be able to get into the Eldritch Knight prestige class at level 2.
Looking at the which spell progression, she cannot cast level 3 spells until she is level 5. At the VERY MINIMUM, you'll have to be level 5 witch to get into the class. This is indicated by the "Spells Per Day" chart on page 67 of the Advanced Player's Guide.
Bonus spells due to high intelligence only come into play when you already have a sufficient level to cast the spell. Once you hit level 5, you can then cast 1 lvl 3 spell per day, but your bonus spells give you an extra spell per day. Therefore, at level 5, you can cast 2 level 3 spells per day.
If you are brand new to Pathfinder/D&D, I would start with a much simpler class than Witch/Eldritch Knight. They don't call it the "Advanced Players Guide" for nothing. ;)
Thanks for clarifying things! My friends and I are taking turns to GM the Serpentine Skull campaign, I'm GMing the first part but we are about to finish it (just entered the sanctuary!). The bonus spells due to high intelligence has been one of the few topics that we didn't understand until now, so we ruled that a character couldn't cast spells higher than his own level.
I guess I'm just gonna be a Witch until level5 and then decide what to do from there. Thanks once again!
Davick |
A few other thing I would like to clarify:
As a wizard or witch, how many spells can I prepare per day? I've been preparing just the amount of spells that I can cast per day, but I was wondering if there is a different rule for this (for example, if I could prepare two other spells in case I need them)
The book says that the spell remain prepared until I either use or abandon them. But what if something happens to the materials (like water gets into my pouch and messes up the sand/powder required for some spells). Could I possibly save unused spells and prepare new ones during the next morning (thus stacking them up)?
You can prepare the number of spells shown on the chart "Spells per day"
A 3rd level wizard for example can prepare 2 1st level spells and 1 2nd level spell each day. If you use them, they disappear and you can't cast that spell again until you prepare it again tomorrow. You could use both of your 1st level slots to prepare the same spell twice. You can also leave 1 slot unprepared that day, and spend time later during the day to fill it. Also, you can use your 2nd level spell slot to prepare a 1st level spell but not a 1st level slot to prepare a 2nd level spell.
You can't stack your prepared spells up, hence the term Spells per Day. Once you rest for 8 hours your spells are wiped clean and you get all of your slots back. You could tho, cast all your spells, nap for 8 hours and prepare more in the same day, but any you don't cast go away when you rest. If something happens to your components, you're outta luck as far as casting a spell that requires it. The same is true that if someone steals your spellbook, you can't prepare spells without it.
Also, the reason you couldn't prepare the other 2 spells jsut in case and then pick which of those you wanted is because, that's the sorcerer's thing. He only has certain spells to pick from but can use them as needed. A wizard has to plan accordingly when he prepares and hope he did a good job. If he could jsut prepare every spell and only cast the ones he wanted, it would defeat the purpose.
Helic |
A few other thing I would like to clarify:
As a wizard or witch, how many spells can I prepare per day? I've been preparing just the amount of spells that I can cast per day, but I was wondering if there is a different rule for this (for example, if I could prepare two other spells in case I need them)
You can memorize as many spells as your class level allows, plus any bonus spells you qualify for. You only qualify for bonus spells granted by your INT if you could cast them by being of high enough class level.
For example, someone with 18 INT potentially has bonus spells for 1st through 4th level spells, but only gets +1 1st level spell at Witch Level 1. At Witch Level 3, he gets a bonus 2nd level spell, at Witch Level 5 he gets a bonus 3rd level spell, and at Witch Level 7 he gets a bonus 4th level spell.
The book says that the spell remain prepared until I either use or abandon them. But what if something happens to the materials (like water gets into my pouch and messes up the sand/powder required for some spells). Could I possibly save unused spells and prepare new ones during the next morning (thus stacking them up)?
You can 'dump' spells you no longer want from your memory at the time you prepare spells, to make room for other spells. And to be clear, this isn't the same as casting them. This becomes important because if you use a spell up to 8 hours before you prepare spells, you cannot prepare a spell in that slot. For most spellcasters this isn't a problem, as they sleep for 8 hours before preparing spells, but it can happen where you sleep for 5 hours, get attacked and use some spells, so you can't refill those spell slots until at least 8 hours has passed after you use them.
Rionus Nailo |
A few other thing I would like to clarify:
As a wizard or witch, how many spells can I prepare per day? I've been preparing just the amount of spells that I can cast per day, but I was wondering if there is a different rule for this (for example, if I could prepare two other spells in case I need them)
The book says that the spell remain prepared until I either use or abandon them. But what if something happens to the materials (like water gets into my pouch and messes up the sand/powder required for some spells). Could I possibly save unused spells and prepare new ones during the next morning (thus stacking them up)?
You can prepare some of your spell slots, and later in the same day fill those slots by studying your spell book again, however, used spell slots cannot be reused until resting 8 hours.
If you want to have a spare spell slot, consider taking the wizard bonded item, it will let you cast any one spell you can normally cast that is in your spell book. Unfortunately, the witch does not have any such option to my awareness.