Son of Forums are Way Too Long!!!

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Nite all. Have fun!

Bon voyajee.

The Exchange

I finally have an Idea

The Exchange

for a magic item

The Exchange

for sUperstah' 2010

Crimson Jester wrote:

I finally have an Idea

for a magic item

for sUperstah' 2010

Good. Now start writing in complete sentences, you hippy.

Been a very long day. G'nite folks.

RPG Superstar 2012

Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Been a very long day. G'nite folks.

Good night, D.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Lunch time, leftover ribs today.
Thou wouldst eat.....the Daughters of Eve?


I've had to cut back to one Daughter of Eve.

RPG Superstar 2012

David Fryer wrote:
The first of the Diomin racial conversions are up.

I guess my suggestions weren't helpful. :)

The Exchange

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

I finally have an Idea

for a magic item

for sUperstah' 2010

Good. Now start writing in complete sentences, you hippy.

But how can I artificially inflate my post size by writing in complete sentences.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Crimson Jester wrote:
for sUperstah' 2010

Do it!

When you post your item, make sure you put each word in a separate post. The judges will love that!

The Exchange

i was thinking of doing it in Dos format so they will have to copy it into a command prompt and then run it as a program to be able to view it. They will love it.

Hey, do we have any Zobeck experts in this thread? I want to know somethings about Zobeck.

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Hey, do we have any Zobeck experts in this thread? I want to know somethings about Zobeck.

Well what do you want to know?

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Crimson Jester wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Hey, do we have any Zobeck experts in this thread? I want to know somethings about Zobeck.
Well what do you want to know?

Yeah, shoot...Crimson Jester.

The Exchange

You wanna shoot me?

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Crimson Jester wrote:
You wanna shoot me?

Mairkurion does. I don't even know why.

Solnes, glad you are feeling better. Hope the meeting in the morning goes well. Sending lots of happy thoughts your way. :)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Good evening, Lynora!

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Can't be fooled by dinosaurs post.
What is that supposed to mean?

You never can tell which way the hamster wheel is turning in Moorluck's head. :)

Well, it was a pretty long, exhausting day, but I got caught up on all the stuff that had to get pushed a day because of a too-busy weekend. Darn extra Christmas errands. :/ OTOH, the kidlet is going to be so very, very happy on Christmas morning when he opens all his presents. :)
Only got a couple more things to pick up for him.
Bryce is getting a little less out of control emotional. And it really is amazing to see him actually able to sit still and concentrate for more than two minutes running. We'll see how things go for the rest of the week at school, but I think it's looking good for being able to continue with the current dose of adderall.

taig wrote:
Good evening, Lynora!

Hi, taig. How are you this evening?

Okay, I don't want to buy anymore settings, because I already have my own home world and Golarion, and someday I'm going to add an alternative history setting (or two...geez, I have a problem). Anyhoo, I'd like to have a couple of planar locations that I might make common to my various settings, for the fun of it. City of Brass is in the bag.

Add to this, I'm attracted to WB's setting materials, but I don't want to really invest in addition setting (in more ways that one). Would Zobeck easily translate into another planar setting? Isn't it a clockworky place? I don't really want my settings to go in a strong clockwork direction, but if Zobeck could be adapted pretty easily into a planer clockwork city, then I could pick it up, satisfy my lust for a little more OD material, add another common location to my worlds, and limit any clockwork stuff to one location--or come up for an origin for it when it leaks into other settings.


Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

lynora wrote:
taig wrote:
Good evening, Lynora!
Hi, taig. How are you this evening?

Pretty well. It's the last full week of work for me for 2009 (Gah! Where'd the year go?) I'm looking forward to the break to work on some RPG writing, as well as some long-neglected fiction writing.

I'm glad to hear that Bryce is getting settled down. I hope things get less hectic for you in time for the holidays. How are things going otherwise?

Hey Lynora! Sounds like really progress--I'm happy for you guys.

The Exchange

Zobeck - Small city
Population 12,000 or so
Humans are the majority, with clockwork people then Koblods and then Dwarves. If I remember the dwarves come mostly from the Mountains nearby, the Ironcrags.

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Okay, I don't want to buy anymore settings, because I already have my own home world and Golarion, and someday I'm going to add an alternative history setting (or two...geez, I have a problem). Anyhoo, I'd like to have a couple of planar locations that I might make common to my various settings, for the fun of it. City of Brass is in the bag.

Add to this, I'm attracted to WB's setting materials, but I don't want to really invest in addition setting (in more ways that one). Would Zobeck easily translate into another planar setting? Isn't it a clockworky place? I don't really want my settings to go in a strong clockwork direction, but if Zobeck could be adapted pretty easily into a planer clockwork city, then I could pick it up, satisfy my lust for a little more OD material, add another common location to my worlds, and limit any clockwork stuff to one location--or come up for an origin for it when it leaks into other settings.


I don't see it so much as a clockwork city rather as a city with clockwork aspects. I think it would be a great addition to cities of Golarian. it could be adapted easily. I think you would like it. I especially liked the Kobold Ghettos. Very eastern European.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Hey Lynora! Sounds like really progress--I'm happy for you guys.

Thanks, M! :)

RPG Superstar 2012

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Okay, I don't want to buy anymore settings, because I already have my own home world and Golarion, and someday I'm going to add an alternative history setting (or two...geez, I have a problem). Anyhoo, I'd like to have a couple of planar locations that I might make common to my various settings, for the fun of it. City of Brass is in the bag.

Add to this, I'm attracted to WB's setting materials, but I don't want to really invest in addition setting (in more ways that one). Would Zobeck easily translate into another planar setting? Isn't it a clockworky place? I don't really want my settings to go in a strong clockwork direction, but if Zobeck could be adapted pretty easily into a planer clockwork city, then I could pick it up, satisfy my lust for a little more OD material, add another common location to my worlds, and limit any clockwork stuff to one location--or come up for an origin for it when it leaks into other settings.


While Zobeck has clockwork elements to it, it's not overtly clockworky. It has a mix of clockwork, fey, and Gothic elements.

Oop. Good point by CJ, there. Strong Eastern European flavor.

taig wrote:
lynora wrote:
taig wrote:
Good evening, Lynora!
Hi, taig. How are you this evening?

Pretty well. It's the last full week of work for me for 2009 (Gah! Where'd the year go?) I'm looking forward to the break to work on some RPG writing, as well as some long-neglected fiction writing.

I'm glad to hear that Bryce is getting settled down. I hope things get less hectic for you in time for the holidays. How are things going otherwise?

Let's see.....awkward, check.....uncomfortable, check.....weird, check....yeah that about sums it up. I'm still job hunting. And overall just trying to focus on getting through one hour at a time. Days are just too much for me. It's not like everything is all bad. Just kinda overwhelmed these days. Holidays not helping. I used to love Christmas. Maybe I will again someday, but I doubt that will be anytime soon.

The Exchange

I have thought about placing it east of Brevoy, the River Kingdoms or Galt. Maybe as a rumor of a land out to the east. Of course I think Freeport should be off the map just west of the Eye of Abendego. And Port Shaw and the Razor coast further west.

taig wrote:

Hey, Aberzombie. Glad you're having a good visit.

Hello to you, Edgie and Woodraven. Woodraven, I hope your microecon test went well and your history final isn't too bad.

The econ final wasn't to bad, I actually knew most of the material without getting lost. History is decent subject for me. And how are you good sir?

RPG Superstar 2012

lynora wrote:
taig wrote:
lynora wrote:
taig wrote:
Good evening, Lynora!
Hi, taig. How are you this evening?

Pretty well. It's the last full week of work for me for 2009 (Gah! Where'd the year go?) I'm looking forward to the break to work on some RPG writing, as well as some long-neglected fiction writing.

I'm glad to hear that Bryce is getting settled down. I hope things get less hectic for you in time for the holidays. How are things going otherwise?

Let's see.....awkward, check.....uncomfortable, check.....weird, check....yeah that about sums it up. I'm still job hunting. And overall just trying to focus on getting through one hour at a time. Days are just too much for me. It's not like everything is all bad. Just kinda overwhelmed these days. Holidays not helping. I used to love Christmas. Maybe I will again someday, but I doubt that will be anytime soon.

I hope you do soon. :)

Best of luck with the job hunt.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Woodraven wrote:
taig wrote:

Hey, Aberzombie. Glad you're having a good visit.

Hello to you, Edgie and Woodraven. Woodraven, I hope your microecon test went well and your history final isn't too bad.

The econ final wasn't to bad, I actually knew most of the material without getting lost. History is decent subject for me. And how are you good sir?

I was doing pretty well, until I got a call from someone at work a couple of minutes ago. I guess I'll be working for the rest of the night. :S

Okay, so at least as much medieval Eastern European as it is clockwork. See, it's also my thinking about kobolds not being monsters that complicates it as much as clockwork does. If it was just a fantasy MEE town with dwarves, I'd throw it on the border of my slavic analogue region. But clockwork and kobolds is challenging me, and if the planar relocation had worked, all that would have been solved at a stroke.

EDIT: Fey too, eh? Oh, my poor wittuw bwain.

taig wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
taig wrote:

Hey, Aberzombie. Glad you're having a good visit.

Hello to you, Edgie and Woodraven. Woodraven, I hope your microecon test went well and your history final isn't too bad.

The econ final wasn't to bad, I actually knew most of the material without getting lost. History is decent subject for me. And how are you good sir?

I was doing pretty well, until I got a call from someone at work a couple of minutes ago. I guess I'll be working for the rest of the night. :S

Well, that sucks. Sorry about that. :/

I'm gonna go downstairs and watch a movie. Or the inside of my eyelids. It's hard to say given how tired I am right now.

RPG Superstar 2012

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Okay, so at least as much medieval Eastern European as it is clockwork. See, it's also my thinking about kobolds not being monsters that complicates it as much as clockwork does. If it was just a fantasy MEE town with dwarves, I'd throw it on the border of my slavic analogue region. But clockwork and kobolds is challenging me, and if the planar relocation had worked, all that would have been solved at a stroke.

EDIT: Fey too, eh? Oh, my poor wittuw bwain.

Slight delaying action worked...

Yeah, the shadow fey are a big influence in Zobeck too. You could almost justify putting Zobeck in a Ravenloft-like region, if you have demi-planes in your planar cosmology.

RPG Superstar 2012

Delaying action has expired. Back to work for me.

Lynora, enjoy your movie or your rest. :)

Crimson Jester wrote:
for sUperstah' 2010

Gratz!!! ~cracks the whip~ Now get to work, slave!!!

taig wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Okay, so at least as much medieval Eastern European as it is clockwork. See, it's also my thinking about kobolds not being monsters that complicates it as much as clockwork does. If it was just a fantasy MEE town with dwarves, I'd throw it on the border of my slavic analogue region. But clockwork and kobolds is challenging me, and if the planar relocation had worked, all that would have been solved at a stroke.

EDIT: Fey too, eh? Oh, my poor wittuw bwain.

Slight delaying action worked...

Yeah, the shadow fey are a big influence in Zobeck too. You could almost justify putting Zobeck in a Ravenloft-like region, if you have demi-planes in your planar cosmology.

Now, Ravenloft...there's a possibility, I'm glad you said that.

Good evening folks.

Good evening (well, it's 12 noon here).

I hope everyone's night is going well.
Ours has been nice and quiet. We ate dinner, hubby napped, I worked on a bit of school work, and then we watched The Emperor's Club. One of my most favorite movies evar!

Hubby was a bit bored, but did an admirable job of concealing it. :)

Kruelaid wrote:
Good evening (well, it's 12 noon here).

Or good day. :D

Again with the chronocentrism. This just in: the Earth is round.


[ED] I was replying to this one:

Solnes wrote:

I hope everyone's night is going well.

Ours has been nice and quiet. We ate dinner, hubby napped, I worked on a bit of school work, and then we watched The Emporer's Club. One of my most favorite movies evar!

Hubby was a bit bored, but did an admirable job of concealing it. :)

Just funnin ya.

<polishes his goggles>

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